Update: The Illegal Alien Vote


Since you posted so much lies------ Why don't you shut up?
Dont you ever get tired people kicking your ass all over the alley?

You know Brown Shirt, everyone else is posting laws and scholarly citations.

So WHO is lying?

Let me repeat it again. The link you posted was already debunked over and over. So go back from the start. ------- Then get back to me when you know what you are talking about
Along the way get your facts right where you can prove 3 millions of illegals voted during the last election but not just an opinion.
When you use your link do not use a link coming from a racist group. Understood? Go.
I'm waiting.


Gee.....every time I mention that millions of the votes for Bill's wife were cast by illegal aliens following Obama's telling them to vote, the Left's acolytes become enraged.

Naw, we just shake our heads and regard you as stupid.

You would have to believe that 30%+ of illegal aliens were somehow registered to vote and voted. (Hillary beat trump by 3 million votes and there are only 11 million undocumented aliens).

That's a pretty good trick, given that only 55% of citizens actually voted.

Illegal aliens pretty much do whatever they want in California. If they want to vote here no one is going to stop them. Spend some time in Los Angeles or the Central valley and see how many people dont speak english. and yes if you have lived your whole life here as I have you can pretty much tell that when your standing in a flea market and people are registering to vote, and most of them are speaking in Spanish, not English .... odds are, a good amount of them are illegal.
Dont lie to yourself , there are movements among the illegal hispanic communities here to advance their foothold here. There was a push to sign up as many voters as possible. You really believe the Liberal state of california is going to do anything to slow that down?? hahahahaha My brother who lives in Modesto Ca recieved several phone calls in Spanish before the election, as did my sister and mom.... those were phone calls according to my brother they were intended to organize for the upcoming presidential election. Question, if they are all American Citizens why are the phone calls made in Spanish? and not English? people who come here legally learn English.
Otherwise, why are they being allowed to come here?
No, you destroyed your own credibility. But since you've already done that in the past, what difference does it make now?

Not even close, but apparently you need validation of your self imposed "greatness". No wonder you're such a sycophant for the so called President.

Seems you can't figure out who you're trying to respond to.....

...bet you're a government school grad and reliable Democrat voter.

I know precisely who I'm responding to...a Trump sycophant that feels the need to try to provide cover for the Big Orange liar...by telling even more lies.

Trump lost the popular vote and I'm not sorry that causes both you and Cheetolini no little consternation.

"Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election."
Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election.

How ya' like me now????

I never didn't "like" you. I have no personal feelings about you at all.

I do know your "report" is flawed.

The perils of cherry picking low frequency events in large sample surveys - ScienceDirect

(Mine's peer reviewed)

I'm right again.....I always am.

By the 'how like like me now' is an idiom...it's not that I care how you feel about me....

"It is used to show you have gone one better than a friend / or when you have done something that requires recognition from you peers"
Urban Dictionary: How You Like Me Now

I just like rubbing your face in the fact that millions of illegal aliens voted for your side....as demanded by the snake, Obama....and ya' still lost.


How ya' like me nowwwwwwww?????
Not even close, but apparently you need validation of your self imposed "greatness". No wonder you're such a sycophant for the so called President.

Seems you can't figure out who you're trying to respond to.....

...bet you're a government school grad and reliable Democrat voter.

I know precisely who I'm responding to...a Trump sycophant that feels the need to try to provide cover for the Big Orange liar...by telling even more lies.

Trump lost the popular vote and I'm not sorry that causes both you and Cheetolini no little consternation.

"Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election."
Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election.

How ya' like me now????

I never didn't "like" you. I have no personal feelings about you at all.

I do know your "report" is flawed.

The perils of cherry picking low frequency events in large sample surveys - ScienceDirect

(Mine's peer reviewed)

I'm right again.....I always am.

By the 'how like like me now' is an idiom...it's not that I care how you feel about me....

"It is used to show you have gone one better than a friend / or when you have done something that requires recognition from you peers"
Urban Dictionary: How You Like Me Now

I just like rubbing your face in the fact that millions of illegal aliens voted for your side....as demanded by the snake, Obama....and ya' still lost.


How ya' like me nowwwwwwww?????

The link you provided doesn't support your contention.

It's really pathetic how fragile Trump's ego is and even more pathetic the way his cultists fellate it.
Seems you can't figure out who you're trying to respond to.....

...bet you're a government school grad and reliable Democrat voter.

I know precisely who I'm responding to...a Trump sycophant that feels the need to try to provide cover for the Big Orange liar...by telling even more lies.

Trump lost the popular vote and I'm not sorry that causes both you and Cheetolini no little consternation.

"Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election."
Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election.

How ya' like me now????

I never didn't "like" you. I have no personal feelings about you at all.

I do know your "report" is flawed.

The perils of cherry picking low frequency events in large sample surveys - ScienceDirect

(Mine's peer reviewed)

I'm right again.....I always am.

By the 'how like like me now' is an idiom...it's not that I care how you feel about me....

"It is used to show you have gone one better than a friend / or when you have done something that requires recognition from you peers"
Urban Dictionary: How You Like Me Now

I just like rubbing your face in the fact that millions of illegal aliens voted for your side....as demanded by the snake, Obama....and ya' still lost.


How ya' like me nowwwwwwww?????

The link you provided doesn't support your contention.

It's really pathetic how fragile Trump's ego is and even more pathetic the way his cultists fellate it.

You should clean off your specs, old timer....

It certainly does support my contention, and Trumps.

"Thus, if that many illegals voted in 2008 -- up to 5.7 million -- then it's perfectly reasonable to think that as many -- or more -- voted in the 2016 election."

How ya' like me nowwwwwwww!!!!!
Well, well, well.....looks like I win again!!!!

"Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes
A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

The research organization Just Facts, a widely cited, independent think tank led by self-described conservatives and libertarians, revealed its number-crunching in a report on national immigration."
Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
Poor, deranged, PoliticalHack. She's such a glutton for punishment.

This is the same debunked nonsense she was pushing many months ago...

Illegal's Voting: Stats and Facts

It gets debunked here -->
More rightardedness. <smh>

When they say their findings are "based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study," what they don't say is that survey was an unscientific non-probability online poll...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.
Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

So what does a lying hag like PoliticalHack do?

She abandons all of her previously destroyed nonsense and doubles her number of illegal aliens voting in the election.

Just don't ask her how many have actually been found.... she won't answer. But I will --


Not two million. Not two hundred thousand ....

Well, well, well.....looks like I win again!!!!

"Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes
A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

The research organization Just Facts, a widely cited, independent think tank led by self-described conservatives and libertarians, revealed its number-crunching in a report on national immigration."
Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
Poor, deranged, PoliticalHack. She's such a glutton for punishment.

This is the same debunked nonsense she was pushing many months ago...

Illegal's Voting: Stats and Facts

It gets debunked here -->
More rightardedness. <smh>

When they say their findings are "based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study," what they don't say is that survey was an unscientific non-probability online poll...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.
Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

So what does a lying hag like PoliticalHack do?

She abandons all of her previously destroyed nonsense and doubles her number of illegal aliens voting in the election.

Just don't ask her how many have actually been found.... she won't answer. But I will --


Not two million. Not two hundred thousand ....

and if memory serves...one of the two was illegally registered as a republican...in Texas I believe...
Well, well, well.....looks like I win again!!!!

"Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes
A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

The research organization Just Facts, a widely cited, independent think tank led by self-described conservatives and libertarians, revealed its number-crunching in a report on national immigration."
Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
Poor, deranged, PoliticalHack. She's such a glutton for punishment.

This is the same debunked nonsense she was pushing many months ago...

Illegal's Voting: Stats and Facts

It gets debunked here -->
More rightardedness. <smh>

When they say their findings are "based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study," what they don't say is that survey was an unscientific non-probability online poll...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.
Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

So what does a lying hag like PoliticalHack do?

She abandons all of her previously destroyed nonsense and doubles her number of illegal aliens voting in the election.

Just don't ask her how many have actually been found.... she won't answer. But I will --


Not two million. Not two hundred thousand ....


Looks like I win again.....millions of illegal alliens followed Obama's instructions and voted......illegally.

You took quite a shot to the head with this article, huh?

Actually, it improved your looks.
Well, well, well.....looks like I win again!!!!

"Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes
A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

The research organization Just Facts, a widely cited, independent think tank led by self-described conservatives and libertarians, revealed its number-crunching in a report on national immigration."
Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
Poor, deranged, PoliticalHack. She's such a glutton for punishment.

This is the same debunked nonsense she was pushing many months ago...

Illegal's Voting: Stats and Facts

It gets debunked here -->
More rightardedness. <smh>

When they say their findings are "based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study," what they don't say is that survey was an unscientific non-probability online poll...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.
Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

So what does a lying hag like PoliticalHack do?

She abandons all of her previously destroyed nonsense and doubles her number of illegal aliens voting in the election.

Just don't ask her how many have actually been found.... she won't answer. But I will --


Not two million. Not two hundred thousand ....

and if memory serves...one of the two was illegally registered as a republican...in Texas I believe...

Time for you Liberals to admit the truth:

"Study Backs Up Trump’s Concern: 5.7 Million Noncitizens May Have Cast Illegal Votes In 2008"
Study Backs Up Trump's Concern: 5.7 Million Noncitizens May Have Cast Illegal Votes In 2008

Confession is good for the soul.
Everyone, even the Liars...er, Liberals, know that the single reason the Democrats want floods of illegal aliens, is so that they can vote for more Democrats.

Now that more attention is being paid to the reality....
"A report from the conservative/libertarian think tank Just Facts shows that up to 5.7 million people who cast their ballots in the 2008 presidential election were non-citizens. The group used data from a Harvard study as well as U.S. Census Bureau data to arrive at that conclusion."
Report: As Many as 5.7 Million Non-Citizens Voted in 2008 Election

But, Liars......Liberals,....there is nothing to hide!

"Most Democrats Think Illegal Immigrants Should Vote"
Most Democrats Think Illegal Immigrants Should Vote - Rasmussen Reports™

And the snake, Obama, came right out and told them to!!!
"When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
Hussein Obama.

Soooo....you've been caught lying again.
What's the big deal?
I know precisely who I'm responding to...a Trump sycophant that feels the need to try to provide cover for the Big Orange liar...by telling even more lies.

Trump lost the popular vote and I'm not sorry that causes both you and Cheetolini no little consternation.

"Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election."
Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election.

How ya' like me now????

I never didn't "like" you. I have no personal feelings about you at all.

I do know your "report" is flawed.

The perils of cherry picking low frequency events in large sample surveys - ScienceDirect

(Mine's peer reviewed)

I'm right again.....I always am.

By the 'how like like me now' is an idiom...it's not that I care how you feel about me....

"It is used to show you have gone one better than a friend / or when you have done something that requires recognition from you peers"
Urban Dictionary: How You Like Me Now

I just like rubbing your face in the fact that millions of illegal aliens voted for your side....as demanded by the snake, Obama....and ya' still lost.


How ya' like me nowwwwwwww?????

The link you provided doesn't support your contention.

It's really pathetic how fragile Trump's ego is and even more pathetic the way his cultists fellate it.

You should clean off your specs, old timer....

It certainly does support my contention, and Trumps.

"Thus, if that many illegals voted in 2008 -- up to 5.7 million -- then it's perfectly reasonable to think that as many -- or more -- voted in the 2016 election."

How ya' like me nowwwwwwww!!!!!

The low end of how many illegals voted is 2.1 Million. You can easily justify and probably prove your 5.7 Million figure.

The figure though is probably closer to 10 Million illegals voters when you look at states with Motor Voter registration which imo is ILLEGAL, and is the primary way Illegals are Illegally Registered to vote, which at that point, once registered it is difficult to distinguish them at all from a LEGAL voter unless you check each registration individually and track down the individual who may have used FAKE DOCUMENTS to register to vote.

Talk about trying to impact "THE ELECTION"?

Russia was not successful in altering one vote or casting one illegal vote, and we cannot even prove that Russia actually did anything at all, but The Democrat Party cast Millions of Illegal Votes, and wants to pretend "nothing to see here" despite massive voter fraud being uncovered in Dem states, and all the obstruction with Fraud Investigations by people like Terry McCauliff is a clear sign they not only rigged their own primary, they were trying to fix The Presidential Election.

That more than anything explains their anger post election. They thought they had it rigged and were going to get away with it. But people got off their ass to vote to counter it, and The SNUG IN YOUR FACE LEFT was blindsided. There just had to be "RUSSIAN COLLUSION" because who else could fix an election like us, they thought? If the RUSSIANS did anything, and they were unable to, and we can't prove they did, but if they did anything, they UNFIXED the FIX. Which I find HILARIOUS, that THE LEFT would rationalize their losses that way. LMFAO.:banana:

Since giving an ILLEGAL a Drivers License is actually a Felony, states with Motor Voter Registration who also give IIlegals DLs should be prosecuted and public officials should be jailed for this.

There are actually between 30-50 million illegals in the US. 50% of them are on Public Assistance and it is a drain on our Social Safety Net. This is why The President's proposal to deny welfare to immigrants for 5 years and require them to have jobs, be legal, and pay taxes for 5 years is a good idea to preserve things like Social Security, Welfare, Foodstamps, and Medicaid for American Citizens.
Last edited:
"Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election."
Trump Vindicated? Study Shows Up To 5.7 Million Illegals Voted In Presidential Election.

How ya' like me now????

I never didn't "like" you. I have no personal feelings about you at all.

I do know your "report" is flawed.

The perils of cherry picking low frequency events in large sample surveys - ScienceDirect

(Mine's peer reviewed)

I'm right again.....I always am.

By the 'how like like me now' is an idiom...it's not that I care how you feel about me....

"It is used to show you have gone one better than a friend / or when you have done something that requires recognition from you peers"
Urban Dictionary: How You Like Me Now

I just like rubbing your face in the fact that millions of illegal aliens voted for your side....as demanded by the snake, Obama....and ya' still lost.


How ya' like me nowwwwwwww?????

The link you provided doesn't support your contention.

It's really pathetic how fragile Trump's ego is and even more pathetic the way his cultists fellate it.

You should clean off your specs, old timer....

It certainly does support my contention, and Trumps.

"Thus, if that many illegals voted in 2008 -- up to 5.7 million -- then it's perfectly reasonable to think that as many -- or more -- voted in the 2016 election."

How ya' like me nowwwwwwww!!!!!

The low end of how many illegals voted is 2.1 Million. You can easily justify and probably prove your 5.7 Million figure.

The figure though is probably closer to 10 Million illegals voters when you look at states with Motor Voter registration which imo is ILLEGAL, and is the primary way Illegals are Illegally Registered to vote, which at that point, once registered it is difficult to distinguish them at all from a LEGAL voter unless you check each registration individually and track down the individual who may have used FAKE DOCUMENTS to register to vote.

Talk about trying to impact "THE ELECTION" Russia was not successful in altering one vote or casting one illegal vote, but The Democrat Party casts Millions of Illegal Votes.

Since giving an ILLEGAL a Drivers License is actually a Felony, states with Motor Voter Registration who also give IIlegals DLs should be prosecuted and public officials should be jailed for this.

There are actually between 30-50 million illegals in the US. 50% of them are on Public Assistance and it is a drain on our Social Safety Net. This is why The President's proposal to deny welfare to immigrants for 5 years and require them to have jobs, be legal, and pay taxes for 5 years is a good idea to preserve things like Social Security, Welfare, Foodstamps, and Medicaid for American Citizens.

Once the Left is forced to admit that the bogus "11 million illegal aliens" live in this nation....
...with the real number over 50 million....then the number voting is easy to understand.

And, Democrats make it easy:
"The biggest misconception about the problem of non-citizen voting is that illegal aliens are "undocumented." That's nonsense. Some experts believe that up to 75% of illegals who work in America have fraudulent Social Security cards. Fake licenses, birth certificates, and green cards are incredibly common. The fake ID industry is worth more than $2 billion."
Report: As Many as 5.7 Million Non-Citizens Voted in 2008 Election
So not 1 in all these supposed illegals voted for Trump.

Yeah, right.
So not 1 in all these supposed illegals voted for Trump?

Yeah, right.
That is the first Honest Question you have asked since I have known you.
Yeah right is right.

Not one illegal voted for Trump. In fact many of them didn't vote for TRUMP 3-4 times in the same day.

One County in Terry McCauliff's state where he obstructed a fraud investigation for months found 5,000 Illegals registered to vote, and they did vote.

7,000 Times!

That means illegals in that county DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP an average of 1.4 times!
So not 1 in all these supposed illegals voted for Trump?

Yeah, right.
That is the first Honest Question you have asked since I have known you.
Yeah right is right.

Not one illegal voted for Trump. In fact many of them didn't vote for TRUMP 3-4 times in the same day.

One County in Terry McCauliff's state where he obstructed a fraud investigation for months found 5,000 Illegals registered to vote, and they did vote.

7,000 Times!

That means illegals in that county DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP an average of 1.4 times!

I have been honest the whole time. You are the liar. That's what you are doing now.
Have you noticed that, as more and more evidence comes in, the Democrat screaming has fallen to a whimper?

You just have to persevere, be willing to out research the liars who are trying to bend and contort the truth or just outright concoct dishonest schemes to try to gain a dishonest edge and manipulate opinion.

More or less, you have to outwork people that promote Fake News, and False Narratives, by providing Facts, & Questioning the "EVIDENCE" or lack of "EVIDENCE" they are attempting to base their narrative on.

Never take what someone says at face value. Force people with agendas who push FALSE NARRATIVES to FACTUALLY DEFEND and prove their FALSE NARRATIVE.
Last edited:
Well, well, well.....looks like I win again!!!!

"Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes
A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

The research organization Just Facts, a widely cited, independent think tank led by self-described conservatives and libertarians, revealed its number-crunching in a report on national immigration."
Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
Poor, deranged, PoliticalHack. She's such a glutton for punishment.

This is the same debunked nonsense she was pushing many months ago...

Illegal's Voting: Stats and Facts

It gets debunked here -->
More rightardedness. <smh>

When they say their findings are "based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study," what they don't say is that survey was an unscientific non-probability online poll...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.
Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

So what does a lying hag like PoliticalHack do?

She abandons all of her previously destroyed nonsense and doubles her number of illegal aliens voting in the election.

Just don't ask her how many have actually been found.... she won't answer. But I will --


Not two million. Not two hundred thousand ....


Looks like I win again.....millions of illegal alliens followed Obama's instructions and voted......illegally.

You took quite a shot to the head with this article, huh?

Actually, it improved your looks.
There has to be something wrong with you mentally to claim 5.7 million illegal aliens voted in the election. You know that, right?
So not 1 in all these supposed illegals voted for Trump?

Yeah, right.
That is the first Honest Question you have asked since I have known you.
Yeah right is right.

Not one illegal voted for Trump. In fact many of them didn't vote for TRUMP 3-4 times in the same day.

One County in Terry McCauliff's state where he obstructed a fraud investigation for months found 5,000 Illegals registered to vote, and they did vote.

7,000 Times!

That means illegals in that county DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP an average of 1.4 times!

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