Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

TRUMP: Extraterrestrial Jews are wiretapping my bathroom!

RUBES: Extraterrestrial Jews are wiretapping Trump's bathroom!

REPORTER: Mr. President, are extraterrestrial Jews actually wiretapping your bathroom?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of rubes believe they are.

Wait....aren't you the dunce who claimed to be a military electronics and bomb expert until I blew that fable up?

That was you....right?
wonders the political hack who just got busted making up figures.
PC is fixated on a kid who brought a clock to a class. She saw some bogus blogger claim it looked like a bomb and she took the liar's bullshit as gospel. This, despite the fact the teacher let the clock stay in her classroom for two hours. This, despite the school not being evacuated. This, despite a cop putting the clock and the kid in the back of his police car. All clear evidence that EVERYONE could tell it was not a bomb. Nor could PC point to anything in a photo of the clock that could be mistaken for explosives.

She has this weird brain quirk which keeps trying to find a victory in a serious beat down she took from me. :lol:

Wait....aren't you the dunce who claimed to be a military electronics and bomb expert until I blew that fable up?

That was you....right?
TRUMP: Extraterrestrial Jews are wiretapping my bathroom!

RUBES: Extraterrestrial Jews are wiretapping Trump's bathroom!

REPORTER: Mr. President, are extraterrestrial Jews actually wiretapping your bathroom?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of rubes believe they are.

Wait....aren't you the dunce who claimed to be a military electronics and bomb expert until I blew that fable up?

That was you....right?
This is how I know you are beaten, every time. You bring up something in which I embarrassed you and claim you were victorious. :lol:

Watch me ram that lie back down your throat:

1. You made bogus claims....like this:

"I'm retired military and an electronics expert. I know what bombs look like, and I know what clocks look like."
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this:

2. "I am also an electronics expert. I worked at the top of the field for decades.... All these FACTS destroy your stupid FANTASY it looks like a bomb. Even an English teacher could tell it wasn't."
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You still a military and electronics expert....or have you moved up to brain surgeon and NASA expert???

C'mon.....everyone needs a good laugh.

3. As an "expert" you pontificated about 'clock-boy' and his attempt to freak out the school with his bomb-lookalike.
Couldn't fool you....'cause you're a military electronics expert (snicker snicker....)

4. I "blew up" your expertise with a few pictures....


And you just said: " You bring up something in which I embarrassed you and claim you were victorious."

I sure made you look like the lying windbag that you are, in you 'victory,' huh?
A suitcase does not a bomb make, retard. :lol:

And there is no word in human language which can sufficiently capture the hilarity of you thinking that something which does not look exactly like an analog school clock is suspect. :lol:

Everyone knew it was not a bomb. That's why the teacher kept it in her classroom for two hours. That's why the principal didn't evacuate the school. That's why the cop put it in the back seat of his car.

Your continued self-sabotage in this matter is pathological!
TRUMP: Extraterrestrial Jews are wiretapping my bathroom!

RUBES: Extraterrestrial Jews are wiretapping Trump's bathroom!

REPORTER: Mr. President, are extraterrestrial Jews actually wiretapping your bathroom?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of rubes believe they are.

Wait....aren't you the dunce who claimed to be a military electronics and bomb expert until I blew that fable up?

That was you....right?
This is how I know you are beaten, every time. You bring up something in which I embarrassed you and claim you were victorious. :lol:

Watch me ram that lie back down your throat:

1. You made bogus claims....like this:

"I'm retired military and an electronics expert. I know what bombs look like, and I know what clocks look like."
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And this:

2. "I am also an electronics expert. I worked at the top of the field for decades.... All these FACTS destroy your stupid FANTASY it looks like a bomb. Even an English teacher could tell it wasn't."
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You still a military and electronics expert....or have you moved up to brain surgeon and NASA expert???

C'mon.....everyone needs a good laugh.

3. As an "expert" you pontificated about 'clock-boy' and his attempt to freak out the school with his bomb-lookalike.
Couldn't fool you....'cause you're a military electronics expert (snicker snicker....)

4. I "blew up" your expertise with a few pictures....


And you just said: " You bring up something in which I embarrassed you and claim you were victorious."

I sure made you look like the lying windbag that you are, in you 'victory,' huh?
A suitcase does not a bomb make, retard. :lol:

Everyone knew it was not a bomb. That's why the teacher kept it in her classroom for two hours. That's why the principal didn't evacuate the school. That's why the cop put it in the back seat of his car.

Your continued self-sabotage in this matter is pathological!


Everyone who sees those two pictures will recognize you for what you are.
Those darned Mexicans are geniuses. Five million votes and didn't get caught. They must have IQs over 200!

You think a wall will stop people that brilliant?
Well, the Illegals had a little help by Dems. If it were up to them, they doesn't care who wins the election in this country. But it is someone that is making them go out and take the risk of being caught. But the Dems had paved the way making it easy for them to go to the election's booths. But we are not allowed to vote in their country.

Are Voter ID Laws a Form of Racism? – Mother Jones
Democrats don't control all 50 states.
Well, I will not say that...

Texas Gov. to Austin Sheriff: Reverse ‘Reckless’ Sanctuary Policy or Forfeit State Funds
That doesn't prove your claim.

He mentions especially about Texas in this video, a very RED state. But a sheriff in the state of Texas.

An oldie but goodies..

Show me a clip or full transcript if you want an answer.

Nah, I'm not watching a 7 minute video for you. You're not that important. But I laugh that they start off with a cut of her on the phone with her family member. First she acts so excited as if she's talking to God himself; and in truth, Obama pretty much is a god to dumb liberals; but then she says "I'm not asking him; I'm not asking him!" That of course is all part of a big sell. Because she knows exactly what she's going to ask because she's memorized a script. She's not a journalist; she's an actor. Even the advocates at CNN or MSNBC either wouldn't do it or weren't allowed to do it.

But I will say that watching this, confirms further that it's propaganda. She asks a question, they cut it, and then they prepare for the next propaganda question. It's not a real interview. It's a get out the illegal vote campaign.


I give you what you ask for and you still whine like a conservative. Typical. Meanwhile, you're basing your idiocy off of a video which cuts Obama off in mid-sentence and just before he points out the importance of citizens voting as illegals can't.


Bro, I've watched the main clip in question (undedited). You gave me a sidebar based on a seven minute clip. I'm not going to cater to your laziness. Point to a time mark in the clip and ask your question or I just don't particularly care. And just as importantly, you don't seem to care if you won't do that.

Nah, I've done more than enough. Any readers here can watch my video and watch your video to see you dishonesty posted a video which cuts off Obama in mid-sentence. Cutting off his next sentence where he says... "If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented then you have an even greater reason to vote."

That's not in the continuous original 34 second clip that showed Obama encouraging illegals to vote. That doesn't erase that reality. I have no doubt that any rational person will not get down with your bull shit. So, I'm none too worried.
Those darned Mexicans are geniuses. Five million votes and didn't get caught. They must have IQs over 200!

You think a wall will stop people that brilliant?
Well, the Illegals had a little help by Dems. If it were up to them, they doesn't care who wins the election in this country. But it is someone that is making them go out and take the risk of being caught. But the Dems had paved the way making it easy for them to go to the election's booths.
So...let me see if I have this straight.

You have this fantasy where five million Mexicans were registered to vote and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them. And then they all voted and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them.

Even though you haven't a single shred of evidence this incredibly massive conspiracy actually occurred completely undetected, you state this crackmare as a fact.

"Well, Trump tweeted it happened, and that is all the evidence I need."

Report: Illegal Immigrants Cast More Than 3 Million Votes In Presidential Election – MILO NEWS

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

And were there any shred of evidence that the President colluded with the Russians?

Here's more evidence that brain-dead cons do nothing other than fall for fake news, not bother to factcheck the nonsense they're fed, but then regurgitate it anyway without a care in the world that they're propagating bullshit.

Watch this....

The idiot I'm responding to posts a link stating...

More than three million illegal immigrants cast votes in the U.S. presidential election, according to a report from VoteFraud.org.

The organization’s founder Gregg Phillips said they reached that number after analyzing a whopping 180 million voter registrations from across the country.​

And what does votefraud.org, also known as electionnightgatekeepers.com, say about that ... ?

They say they have no such report and that not only is Gregg Phillips not their founder, they never heard of him until InfoWars put out fake news connecting Phillips with them.

Now that this con is caught propagating rightwing bullshit, will he own up to it? Of course not, he'll make excuses for why his bullshit should it be bullshit.
Those darned Mexicans are geniuses. Five million votes and didn't get caught. They must have IQs over 200!

You think a wall will stop people that brilliant?
Well, the Illegals had a little help by Dems. If it were up to them, they doesn't care who wins the election in this country. But it is someone that is making them go out and take the risk of being caught. But the Dems had paved the way making it easy for them to go to the election's booths.
So...let me see if I have this straight.

You have this fantasy where five million Mexicans were registered to vote and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them. And then they all voted and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them.

Even though you haven't a single shred of evidence this incredibly massive conspiracy actually occurred completely undetected, you state this crackmare as a fact.

"Well, Trump tweeted it happened, and that is all the evidence I need."

Report: Illegal Immigrants Cast More Than 3 Million Votes In Presidential Election – MILO NEWS

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

And were there any shred of evidence that the President colluded with the Russians?

Here's more evidence that brain-dead cons do nothing other than fall for fake news, not bother to factcheck the nonsense they're fed, but then regurgitate it anyway without a care in the world that they're propagating bullshit.

Watch this....

The idiot I'm responding to posts a link stating...

More than three million illegal immigrants cast votes in the U.S. presidential election, according to a report from VoteFraud.org.

The organization’s founder Gregg Phillips said they reached that number after analyzing a whopping 180 million voter registrations from across the country.​

And what does votefraud.org, also known as electionnightgatekeepers.com, say about that ... ?

They say they have no such report and that not only is Gregg Phillips not their founder, they never heard of him until InfoWars put out fake news connecting Phillips with them.

Now that this con is caught propagating rightwing bullshit, will he own up to it? Of course not, he'll make excuses for why his bullshit should it be bullshit.

:lmao: Your link of www.com is not a real link. I guess you're just doing a fake news thing.
Those darned Mexicans are geniuses. Five million votes and didn't get caught. They must have IQs over 200!

You think a wall will stop people that brilliant?
Well, the Illegals had a little help by Dems. If it were up to them, they doesn't care who wins the election in this country. But it is someone that is making them go out and take the risk of being caught. But the Dems had paved the way making it easy for them to go to the election's booths.
So...let me see if I have this straight.

You have this fantasy where five million Mexicans were registered to vote and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them. And then they all voted and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them.

Even though you haven't a single shred of evidence this incredibly massive conspiracy actually occurred completely undetected, you state this crackmare as a fact.

"Well, Trump tweeted it happened, and that is all the evidence I need."

Report: Illegal Immigrants Cast More Than 3 Million Votes In Presidential Election – MILO NEWS

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

And were there any shred of evidence that the President colluded with the Russians?

Here's more evidence that brain-dead cons do nothing other than fall for fake news, not bother to factcheck the nonsense they're fed, but then regurgitate it anyway without a care in the world that they're propagating bullshit.

Watch this....

The idiot I'm responding to posts a link stating...

More than three million illegal immigrants cast votes in the U.S. presidential election, according to a report from VoteFraud.org.

The organization’s founder Gregg Phillips said they reached that number after analyzing a whopping 180 million voter registrations from across the country.​

And what does votefraud.org, also known as electionnightgatekeepers.com, say about that ... ?

They say they have no such report and that not only is Gregg Phillips not their founder, they never heard of him until InfoWars put out fake news connecting Phillips with them.

Now that this con is caught propagating rightwing bullshit, will he own up to it? Of course not, he'll make excuses for why his bullshit should it be bullshit.

I had posted this video before, that talks about online trolls retracting other stories with fake stories. claiming that their stories are the truth. Like the way CNN makes their claims as real news. But right now, CNN are pretending to clean up their act, but actually that they are trying to regain the public trust so that they can lies some more to the public and to get paid by sponsors. If they lose their reputation, then no sponsor will never want them to advertise their products anymore. And right now, I do not believe no other MSM except for Fox news and Alex Jones and his affiliates. I do not even trust certain celebs like George Cooney or Bono and so on..By them putting on this persona as caring about others but I can see that they are all for the money. That is why God told the people not to spread false information. That nobody will ever turn to them as a reliable source for the truth.He cannot have those type of people spreading the truth about Him.

Those darned Mexicans are geniuses. Five million votes and didn't get caught. They must have IQs over 200!

You think a wall will stop people that brilliant?
Well, the Illegals had a little help by Dems. If it were up to them, they doesn't care who wins the election in this country. But it is someone that is making them go out and take the risk of being caught. But the Dems had paved the way making it easy for them to go to the election's booths.
So...let me see if I have this straight.

You have this fantasy where five million Mexicans were registered to vote and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them. And then they all voted and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them.

Even though you haven't a single shred of evidence this incredibly massive conspiracy actually occurred completely undetected, you state this crackmare as a fact.

"Well, Trump tweeted it happened, and that is all the evidence I need."

Report: Illegal Immigrants Cast More Than 3 Million Votes In Presidential Election – MILO NEWS

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

And were there any shred of evidence that the President colluded with the Russians?

Here's more evidence that brain-dead cons do nothing other than fall for fake news, not bother to factcheck the nonsense they're fed, but then regurgitate it anyway without a care in the world that they're propagating bullshit.

Watch this....

The idiot I'm responding to posts a link stating...

More than three million illegal immigrants cast votes in the U.S. presidential election, according to a report from VoteFraud.org.

The organization’s founder Gregg Phillips said they reached that number after analyzing a whopping 180 million voter registrations from across the country.​

And what does votefraud.org, also known as electionnightgatekeepers.com, say about that ... ?

They say they have no such report and that not only is Gregg Phillips not their founder, they never heard of him until InfoWars put out fake news connecting Phillips with them.

Now that this con is caught propagating rightwing bullshit, will he own up to it? Of course not, he'll make excuses for why his bullshit should it be bullshit.

:lmao: Your link of www.com is not a real link. I guess you're just doing a fake news thing.

What WWW.link that you are referring to?
And here's another prime example on how they drowns out real stories by putting out fake stories like the Russians concluding stories that nobody will not search for the truth.

I know that if this were a lie, that Obama can sue this sheriff for publicly defaming his character. And then the Dems can use this story also to show how manipulating that the Right are. But this story is swept under the rug, never be mentioned anymore.
Those darned Mexicans are geniuses. Five million votes and didn't get caught. They must have IQs over 200!

You think a wall will stop people that brilliant?
Well, the Illegals had a little help by Dems. If it were up to them, they doesn't care who wins the election in this country. But it is someone that is making them go out and take the risk of being caught. But the Dems had paved the way making it easy for them to go to the election's booths.
So...let me see if I have this straight.

You have this fantasy where five million Mexicans were registered to vote and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them. And then they all voted and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them.

Even though you haven't a single shred of evidence this incredibly massive conspiracy actually occurred completely undetected, you state this crackmare as a fact.

"Well, Trump tweeted it happened, and that is all the evidence I need."

Report: Illegal Immigrants Cast More Than 3 Million Votes In Presidential Election – MILO NEWS

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

And were there any shred of evidence that the President colluded with the Russians?

What a great example of what liars rightwingers are....

Here is Aletheia4u linking an article based on the unscientific poll, dissected by Jesse Richman ... his article, based on the poll, estimates 1.3 million noncitizens voted in 2016..

At the same time, PoliticalHack is also linking an article based on the exact same unscientific poll, dissected by the exact same Jesse Richman ... her article, based on the same exact poll, estimates Hillary 5.7 million noncitizens voted.

You can always tell when a con is lying ... they're either talking or writing.
Those darned Mexicans are geniuses. Five million votes and didn't get caught. They must have IQs over 200!

You think a wall will stop people that brilliant?
Well, the Illegals had a little help by Dems. If it were up to them, they doesn't care who wins the election in this country. But it is someone that is making them go out and take the risk of being caught. But the Dems had paved the way making it easy for them to go to the election's booths.
So...let me see if I have this straight.

You have this fantasy where five million Mexicans were registered to vote and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them. And then they all voted and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them.

Even though you haven't a single shred of evidence this incredibly massive conspiracy actually occurred completely undetected, you state this crackmare as a fact.

"Well, Trump tweeted it happened, and that is all the evidence I need."

Report: Illegal Immigrants Cast More Than 3 Million Votes In Presidential Election – MILO NEWS

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

And were there any shred of evidence that the President colluded with the Russians?

What a great example of what liars rightwingers are....

Here is Aletheia4u linking an article based on the unscientific poll, dissected by Jesse Richman ... his article, based on the poll, estimates 1.3 million noncitizens voted in 2016..

At the same time, PoliticalHack is also linking an article based on the exact same unscientific poll, dissected by the exact same Jesse Richman ... her article, based on the same exact poll, estimates Hillary 5.7 million noncitizens voted.

You can always tell when a con is lying ... they're either talking or writing.

Well the polls were saying that Hillary was going to win, but was the polls right? the only polls that I believes in are the true north pole and south.

Nah, I'm not watching a 7 minute video for you. You're not that important. But I laugh that they start off with a cut of her on the phone with her family member. First she acts so excited as if she's talking to God himself; and in truth, Obama pretty much is a god to dumb liberals; but then she says "I'm not asking him; I'm not asking him!" That of course is all part of a big sell. Because she knows exactly what she's going to ask because she's memorized a script. She's not a journalist; she's an actor. Even the advocates at CNN or MSNBC either wouldn't do it or weren't allowed to do it.

But I will say that watching this, confirms further that it's propaganda. She asks a question, they cut it, and then they prepare for the next propaganda question. It's not a real interview. It's a get out the illegal vote campaign.


I give you what you ask for and you still whine like a conservative. Typical. Meanwhile, you're basing your idiocy off of a video which cuts Obama off in mid-sentence and just before he points out the importance of citizens voting as illegals can't.


Bro, I've watched the main clip in question (undedited). You gave me a sidebar based on a seven minute clip. I'm not going to cater to your laziness. Point to a time mark in the clip and ask your question or I just don't particularly care. And just as importantly, you don't seem to care if you won't do that.

Nah, I've done more than enough. Any readers here can watch my video and watch your video to see you dishonesty posted a video which cuts off Obama in mid-sentence. Cutting off his next sentence where he says... "If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented then you have an even greater reason to vote."

That's not in the continuous original 34 second clip that showed Obama encouraging illegals to vote. That doesn't erase that reality. I have no doubt that any rational person will not get down with your bull shit. So, I'm none too worried.

What I posted contained the entire interview.

What you posted was an edited version of it which cut off Obama in mid-sentence and just before he says, "If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented then you have an even greater reason to vote."""

If you weren't lying, you wouldn't be relying on an edited video.
Those darned Mexicans are geniuses. Five million votes and didn't get caught. They must have IQs over 200!

You think a wall will stop people that brilliant?
Well, the Illegals had a little help by Dems. If it were up to them, they doesn't care who wins the election in this country. But it is someone that is making them go out and take the risk of being caught. But the Dems had paved the way making it easy for them to go to the election's booths.
So...let me see if I have this straight.

You have this fantasy where five million Mexicans were registered to vote and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them. And then they all voted and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them.

Even though you haven't a single shred of evidence this incredibly massive conspiracy actually occurred completely undetected, you state this crackmare as a fact.

"Well, Trump tweeted it happened, and that is all the evidence I need."

Report: Illegal Immigrants Cast More Than 3 Million Votes In Presidential Election – MILO NEWS

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

And were there any shred of evidence that the President colluded with the Russians?

Here's more evidence that brain-dead cons do nothing other than fall for fake news, not bother to factcheck the nonsense they're fed, but then regurgitate it anyway without a care in the world that they're propagating bullshit.

Watch this....

The idiot I'm responding to posts a link stating...

More than three million illegal immigrants cast votes in the U.S. presidential election, according to a report from VoteFraud.org.

The organization’s founder Gregg Phillips said they reached that number after analyzing a whopping 180 million voter registrations from across the country.​

And what does votefraud.org, also known as electionnightgatekeepers.com, say about that ... ?

They say they have no such report and that not only is Gregg Phillips not their founder, they never heard of him until InfoWars put out fake news connecting Phillips with them.

Now that this con is caught propagating rightwing bullshit, will he own up to it? Of course not, he'll make excuses for why his bullshit should it be bullshit.

:lmao: Your link of www.com is not a real link. I guess you're just doing a fake news thing.

My apologies...

We at Votefraud.org and ElectionNightGatekeepers.com had never heard of Greg Phillips when infowars.com carried that article circa November 14, 2016 reporting that Phillips had stated in a Twitter Tweet that, — claiming to having analyzed a database of 180 million voters, — 3 million illegal immigrants voted from Hillary Clinton
And here's another prime example on how they drowns out real stories by putting out fake stories like the Russians concluding stories that nobody will not search for the truth.

I know that if this were a lie, that Obama can sue this sheriff for publicly defaming his character. And then the Dems can use this story also to show how manipulating that the Right are. But this story is swept under the rug, never be mentioned anymore.

That nonsense by Joe the Sheriff was debunked within minutes. You fall for it because you're a conservative and conservatives are not very bright.

Joe the Sheriff contends that Obama's birth certificate was cobbled together, at least in part, from Johanna Ah'nee's birth certificate. He claims chunks of text were copied off of Ah'nee's birth certificate and pasted onto Obama's.

If that were true, the copied text on the two birth certificates would be -- identical.

But they're not. Here's but one example.... "Oahu," which is one of Joe the Sheriff's "points of forgery," is not identical...

The 'O' on Obama's birth certificate is slightly thinner and slightly higher than the 'O' on the Ah'nee BC. The image on the bottom is where I added red lines which accentuate the 'O' is raised on Obama's BC.

The 'a' and 'h' on Obama's BC are touching but are not touching on the Ah'nee BC .

Had they been copied and pasted, they would appear identical.

Those darned Mexicans are geniuses. Five million votes and didn't get caught. They must have IQs over 200!

You think a wall will stop people that brilliant?
Well, the Illegals had a little help by Dems. If it were up to them, they doesn't care who wins the election in this country. But it is someone that is making them go out and take the risk of being caught. But the Dems had paved the way making it easy for them to go to the election's booths.
So...let me see if I have this straight.

You have this fantasy where five million Mexicans were registered to vote and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them. And then they all voted and didn't get caught because Democrats were helping them.

Even though you haven't a single shred of evidence this incredibly massive conspiracy actually occurred completely undetected, you state this crackmare as a fact.

"Well, Trump tweeted it happened, and that is all the evidence I need."

Report: Illegal Immigrants Cast More Than 3 Million Votes In Presidential Election – MILO NEWS

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

And were there any shred of evidence that the President colluded with the Russians?

What a great example of what liars rightwingers are....

Here is Aletheia4u linking an article based on the unscientific poll, dissected by Jesse Richman ... his article, based on the poll, estimates 1.3 million noncitizens voted in 2016..

At the same time, PoliticalHack is also linking an article based on the exact same unscientific poll, dissected by the exact same Jesse Richman ... her article, based on the same exact poll, estimates Hillary 5.7 million noncitizens voted.

You can always tell when a con is lying ... they're either talking or writing.

Well the polls were saying that Hillary was going to win, but was the polls right? the only polls that I believes in are the true north pole and south.

Lemme get this right..... You posted a claim that 800,000 non-citizens could have voted for Hillary based on a poll...

Now you claim polls are unreliable ...

After you yourself just tried to make a point based on a poll.


At any rate, the election polls were remarkably accurate, predicting Hillary would get 3.3% points more votes than Trump; and she actually beat him by 2.1 percentage points...


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