Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

Look at the beasts' avatar...then the video in his signature.....

Do you really think you're arguing with someone who playing with a full deck?


What's wrong with my avatar? It's the antagonist character from the movie, "Pan's Labyrinth." The movie I was watching when I joined here.

And a very well done movie at that. I highly recommend it....

Pan's Labyrinth (2006) - IMDb
Thanks for the bump to my ratings, BasicHumanUnit

Thanks for the laughs....imbecile
What a pity all you can do is bump my ratings. You certainly have yet to put a dent in anything I've posted.

This bitch didn't say I'm a legal citizen but I'm worried about voting because.....

Nay, she said I call any contributors citizens and when I vote should I be fearful....

The set up is utter bull shit. And some illegal watching that is not aware of her citizenship status and even naturally presumes she's not a citizen (because no rational citizen is fearful of voting), then sees Obama say "when you vote you are a citizen" and they take courage. Come on, jack ass. This isn't even hard to get.
She didn't have to say she was a citizen. She said she's a voter and voters, by law in all 60 states, have to be U.S. citizens.

So when she asked, "so if I vote," it was clear she was a U.S. citizen even if Obama didn't already know before hand.

And it's beyond obvious to any thinking person that Obama responded to her question believing she is a U.S. citizen as he said...

    • "first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself"

    • "If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented then you have an even greater reason to vote."

    • "...part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."

And it's even more than obvious when I point out you dishonestly posted a video which edited most of those statements out.

If you actually had a valid point, you wouldn't be posting edited videos of their interview.

Okay, by law "undocumented" persons are not citizens. She just had claimed they were. Nor is it rational for any citizen to be afraid of voting. It was not "clear" by her own definition of citizenship that she had presented in the very previous sentence. You don't get to make up your own rules or laws in an interview and then say well we should know this by law. She was already advocating breaking the law at that very point. This all as you put it is "beyond obvious."

Now, let me ask you straight up; do you think Obama is playing a game here? I'm guessing based on prior posts and your hyper partisanship in general that you'll say no. But this is clearly what he is doing. Any fair-minded person would say so.
Last edited:
The reality is that the question and answer was designed/coded in such a way as to encourage illegal voting. I'll agree that some editing made it appear to be more blatant than even they had scripted it.
Aside from your continued dishonesty and stupidity.... how does that video encourage illegals to vote?

Again... that video was released just days before the election and in California, like most states, it was too late to register to vote in the 2016 election.

1. Actress frames the question based upon illegal aliens voting and even asks if she should be fearful.
2. Obama says when you vote you are a citizen rather than saying you are a citizen and are thusly allowed to vote.

Come on; we all know that this was scripted this way for a reason. Later in the interview, Obama even says illegals cannot vote. But he's trying to get the sound bite out there; and that's what happened. He's no dummy; of course he knows how to sell something illegal and cover his ass at the same time.
Stop running away from my question......

How does that video encourage illegals to vote given it was released just days before the election; and in California, like most states, it was too late to register to vote in the 2016 election?

Many illegals are registered, obviously. Obama is rallying them to follow through. And other states that allow last minute registration, well obviously it helps that, too.
Thinking isn't your strong suit .... if illegals were already registered, then they weren't encouraged by the video. They would already be interested in voting.

Yea, there's no such thing as fence sitters in this world. Lying is your strong suit.
Aside from your continued dishonesty and stupidity.... how does that video encourage illegals to vote?

Again... that video was released just days before the election and in California, like most states, it was too late to register to vote in the 2016 election.

1. Actress frames the question based upon illegal aliens voting and even asks if she should be fearful.
2. Obama says when you vote you are a citizen rather than saying you are a citizen and are thusly allowed to vote.

Come on; we all know that this was scripted this way for a reason. Later in the interview, Obama even says illegals cannot vote. But he's trying to get the sound bite out there; and that's what happened. He's no dummy; of course he knows how to sell something illegal and cover his ass at the same time.
Stop running away from my question......

How does that video encourage illegals to vote given it was released just days before the election; and in California, like most states, it was too late to register to vote in the 2016 election?

Many illegals are registered, obviously. Obama is rallying them to follow through. And other states that allow last minute registration, well obviously it helps that, too.
Thinking isn't your strong suit .... if illegals were already registered, then they weren't encouraged by the video. They would already be interested in voting.

Yea, there's no such thing as fence sitters in this world. Lying is your strong suit.
Prove it by quoting a lie I've told...
I apologize faun. That post was not for you.
Gee.....every time I mention that millions of the votes for Bill's wife were cast by illegal aliens following Obama's telling them to vote, the Left's acolytes become enraged.

The fact is, a defining characteristic of the indoctrinated is to reject any reason, logic or experience if it interferes with their dogma of the day.
Case in point: only when illegal alien votes are 'counted' did Bill's wife get more votes than Donald Trump.
Yup: the Left's policies were rejected.....by Americans.

When I noted that, one of the usual suspects wrote this:
"How many illegal votes.....I say that you made that crap up...."
The Left's Assault on America Writ Large.

Well, even the least among us deserve an education....so, here it is:

1. First and foremost is this: Liberals have been well trained never to question the uttering's of their elites, no matter how obvious the fallacious and transparent the fabrications.
If it is day and Liberal establishment says it is night, they have been disciplined to nod and agree the fabrication.

Case in point: while millions of illegal aliens filter into the country year after year, the very same figure...."11 million illegal aliens live in the country"....neither changes nor is questioned.

"... no number has been given greater certitude and less investigation than that. Not even the number of planets in our solar system has enjoyed such constancy and acceptance.

Imagine the reaction if the media reported daily that this 20 million cohort, supplemented by chain migration and family reunification mandates, would swell to 40 million or 50 million in a decade." How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in the US?

....the indoctrinated reject any reason, logic or experience if it interferes with their dogma.

2. Of course, for Democrats/Liberals, illegal immigrants, or at least the votes they cast, is their life's blood! Damage to our culture, or economy, our safety, our worker's prosperity is second to the increase in power to the Democrats.

"A Rasmussen Reports poll earlier this year found that 53% of the Democratic Party supports letting illegals vote, even though it's against the law. It's pretty clear why."

There are far more than 11 million Illegal immigrants residing in our nation.....and they cast millions of votes for the Left's candidate.

Proof....coming right up.

1. Actress frames the question based upon illegal aliens voting and even asks if she should be fearful.
2. Obama says when you vote you are a citizen rather than saying you are a citizen and are thusly allowed to vote.

Come on; we all know that this was scripted this way for a reason. Later in the interview, Obama even says illegals cannot vote. But he's trying to get the sound bite out there; and that's what happened. He's no dummy; of course he knows how to sell something illegal and cover his ass at the same time.
Stop running away from my question......

How does that video encourage illegals to vote given it was released just days before the election; and in California, like most states, it was too late to register to vote in the 2016 election?

Many illegals are registered, obviously. Obama is rallying them to follow through. And other states that allow last minute registration, well obviously it helps that, too.
Thinking isn't your strong suit .... if illegals were already registered, then they weren't encouraged by the video. They would already be interested in voting.

Yea, there's no such thing as fence sitters in this world. Lying is your strong suit.
Prove it by quoting a lie I've told...

Pretending there are no fence sitters is disingenuous. Pretending this is not a play is disingenuous. Frankly, I'd respect you more if you owned your cheating. But you sit here and spend all this time trying to bull shit me.....

This bitch didn't say I'm a legal citizen but I'm worried about voting because.....

Nay, she said I call any contributors citizens and when I vote should I be fearful....

The set up is utter bull shit. And some illegal watching that is not aware of her citizenship status and even naturally presumes she's not a citizen (because no rational citizen is fearful of voting), then sees Obama say "when you vote you are a citizen" and they take courage. Come on, jack ass. This isn't even hard to get.
She didn't have to say she was a citizen. She said she's a voter and voters, by law in all 60 states, have to be U.S. citizens.

So when she asked, "so if I vote," it was clear she was a U.S. citizen even if Obama didn't already know before hand.

And it's beyond obvious to any thinking person that Obama responded to her question believing she is a U.S. citizen as he said...

    • "first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself"

    • "If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented then you have an even greater reason to vote."

    • "...part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."

And it's even more than obvious when I point out you dishonestly posted a video which edited most of those statements out.

If you actually had a valid point, you wouldn't be posting edited videos of their interview.

Okay, by law "undocumented" persons are not citizens. She just had claimed they were. Nor is it rational for any citizen to be afraid of voting. It was not "clear" by her own definition of citizenship that she had presented in the very previous sentence. You don't get to make up your own rules or laws in an interview and then say well we should know this by law. She was already advocating breaking the law at that very point. This all as you put it is "beyond obvious."

Now, let me ask you straight up; do you think Obama is playing a game here? I'm guessing based on prior posts and your hyper partisanship in general that you'll say no. But this is clearly what he is doing. Any fair-minded person would say so.
Now you're making shit up. Rodriguez, a U.S. citizen herself, expressed a fear, along with a rationale for that fear, of voting. So for you to state there is no such rationale in the face of her expressing one is outright bullshit.

And again, it may not have been clear to you, but you're a conservative. No doubt a lot sails clear over your head. But it's obvious that Obama was just a wee bit sharper than you as he picked up on it. That's obvious by his response he knows he's talking to a U.S. citizen. And again, his comments you gloss over...

* "first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself"​

* "If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented then you have an even greater reason to vote."

* "...part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."

Those responses would make zero sense if said to a non-U.S. citizen.

I can't answer your question about Obama "playing a game" since I have no idea what game it is you think he's playing. If by "game," you mean encouraging illegals to vote, of course not. There no lucid evidence to support such nonsense. Especially coming from the poster who dishonestly posted an edited video of that interview which cut off Obama in mid-sentence, omitted most of his statements I quoted above, and cut out Obama twice promoting a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.

How is informing viewers of that interview that they must be U.S. citizens to vote, encouraging illegal aliens to vote??
Here's more evidence that brain-dead cons do nothing other than fall for fake news, not bother to factcheck the nonsense they're fed, but then regurgitate it anyway without a care in the world that they're propagating bullshit.

Watch this....

The idiot I'm responding to posts a link stating...

More than three million illegal immigrants cast votes in the U.S. presidential election, according to a report from VoteFraud.org.

The organization’s founder Gregg Phillips said they reached that number after analyzing a whopping 180 million voter registrations from across the country.​

And what does votefraud.org, also known as electionnightgatekeepers.com, say about that ... ?

They say they have no such report and that not only is Gregg Phillips not their founder, they never heard of him until InfoWars put out fake news connecting Phillips with them.

Now that this con is caught propagating rightwing bullshit, will he own up to it? Of course not, he'll make excuses for why his bullshit should it be bullshit.

:lmao: Your link of www.com is not a real link. I guess you're just doing a fake news thing.
My apologies...

We at Votefraud.org and ElectionNightGatekeepers.com had never heard of Greg Phillips when infowars.com carried that article circa November 14, 2016 reporting that Phillips had stated in a Twitter Tweet that, — claiming to having analyzed a database of 180 million voters, — 3 million illegal immigrants voted from Hillary Clinton

Is there any fake news you don't fall for??

Rosa Ortega is not an illegal immigrant. She is a legal resident of Texas.

Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation

Despite repeated statements by Republican political leaders that American elections are rife with illegal voting, credible reports of fraud have been hard to find and convictions rarer still.

That may help explain the unusually heavy penalty imposed on Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, a permanent resident and a mother of four who lives outside Dallas. On Thursday, a Fort Worth judge sentenced her to eight years in prison — and almost certainly deportation later — after she voted illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014.

Oh, and keep reading the article....

Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.
It shows how easy that it is for anyone to vote many of times in a certain election. The reason why she has gotten caught. It was behind the President accusation of election fraud, And it says that she is not a citizen. American citizens cannot be deported back to Mexico and which she will be deported.
But I do wished that they can deport American citizens to Mexico. To show all of Hillary's supporters how good that they had it over here. People are more appreciative when they doesn't have it anymore.

Obama was working very hard to get Hillary elected.

Here's more evidence that brain-dead cons do nothing other than fall for fake news, not bother to factcheck the nonsense they're fed, but then regurgitate it anyway without a care in the world that they're propagating bullshit.

Watch this....

The idiot I'm responding to posts a link stating...

More than three million illegal immigrants cast votes in the U.S. presidential election, according to a report from VoteFraud.org.

The organization’s founder Gregg Phillips said they reached that number after analyzing a whopping 180 million voter registrations from across the country.​

And what does votefraud.org, also known as electionnightgatekeepers.com, say about that ... ?

They say they have no such report and that not only is Gregg Phillips not their founder, they never heard of him until InfoWars put out fake news connecting Phillips with them.

Now that this con is caught propagating rightwing bullshit, will he own up to it? Of course not, he'll make excuses for why his bullshit should it be bullshit.

:lmao: Your link of www.com is not a real link. I guess you're just doing a fake news thing.
My apologies...

We at Votefraud.org and ElectionNightGatekeepers.com had never heard of Greg Phillips when infowars.com carried that article circa November 14, 2016 reporting that Phillips had stated in a Twitter Tweet that, — claiming to having analyzed a database of 180 million voters, — 3 million illegal immigrants voted from Hillary Clinton

Is there any fake news you don't fall for??

Rosa Ortega is not an illegal immigrant. She is a legal resident of Texas.

Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation

Despite repeated statements by Republican political leaders that American elections are rife with illegal voting, credible reports of fraud have been hard to find and convictions rarer still.

That may help explain the unusually heavy penalty imposed on Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, a permanent resident and a mother of four who lives outside Dallas. On Thursday, a Fort Worth judge sentenced her to eight years in prison — and almost certainly deportation later — after she voted illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014.

Oh, and keep reading the article....

Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.
It shows how easy that it is for anyone to vote many of times in a certain election. The reason why she has gotten caught. It was behind the President accusation of election fraud, And it says that she is not a citizen. American citizens cannot be deported back to Mexico and which she will be deported.
But I do wished that they can deport American citizens to Mexico. To show all of Hillary's supporters how good that they had it over here. People are more appreciative when they doesn't have it anymore.

Obama was working very hard to get Hillary elected.

None of which has anything to do with illegal aliens voting.

Is there any fake news you don't fall for??

Rosa Ortega is not an illegal immigrant. She is a legal resident of Texas.

Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation

Despite repeated statements by Republican political leaders that American elections are rife with illegal voting, credible reports of fraud have been hard to find and convictions rarer still.

That may help explain the unusually heavy penalty imposed on Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, a permanent resident and a mother of four who lives outside Dallas. On Thursday, a Fort Worth judge sentenced her to eight years in prison — and almost certainly deportation later — after she voted illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014.

Oh, and keep reading the article....

Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.
It shows how easy that it is for anyone to vote many of times in a certain election. The reason why she has gotten caught. It was behind the President accusation of election fraud, And it says that she is not a citizen. American citizens cannot be deported back to Mexico and which she will be deported.
But I do wished that they can deport American citizens to Mexico. To show all of Hillary's supporters how good that they had it over here. People are more appreciative when they doesn't have it anymore.

Obama was working very hard to get Hillary elected.

None of which has anything to do with illegal aliens voting.

Well, you said that it was impossible for so many illegal votes that can come up to 3 millions. But I was showing the possibilities. Like the woman that was one of Obama's amnesty immigrants. She was given a I.D. so that she can vote. Because Obama has given her permission to become a citizen so that Hillary can have someone to vote for her, doesn't make her a citizen, but she was used as a pawn.

Is there any fake news you don't fall for??

Rosa Ortega is not an illegal immigrant. She is a legal resident of Texas.

Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation

Despite repeated statements by Republican political leaders that American elections are rife with illegal voting, credible reports of fraud have been hard to find and convictions rarer still.

That may help explain the unusually heavy penalty imposed on Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, a permanent resident and a mother of four who lives outside Dallas. On Thursday, a Fort Worth judge sentenced her to eight years in prison — and almost certainly deportation later — after she voted illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014.

Oh, and keep reading the article....

Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.
It shows how easy that it is for anyone to vote many of times in a certain election. The reason why she has gotten caught. It was behind the President accusation of election fraud, And it says that she is not a citizen. American citizens cannot be deported back to Mexico and which she will be deported.
But I do wished that they can deport American citizens to Mexico. To show all of Hillary's supporters how good that they had it over here. People are more appreciative when they doesn't have it anymore.

Obama was working very hard to get Hillary elected.

None of which has anything to do with illegal aliens voting.

Well, you said that it was impossible for so many illegal votes that can come up to 3 millions. But I was showing the possibilities. Like the woman that was one of Obama's amnesty immigrants. She was given a I.D. so that she can vote. Because Obama has given her permission to become a citizen so that Hillary can have someone to vote for her, doesn't make her a citizen, but she was used as a pawn.

What women are you talking about? Rosa Ortega? The woman sentenced to 8 years for voter fraud?

Is there any fake news you don't fall for??

Rosa Ortega is not an illegal immigrant. She is a legal resident of Texas.

Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation

Despite repeated statements by Republican political leaders that American elections are rife with illegal voting, credible reports of fraud have been hard to find and convictions rarer still.

That may help explain the unusually heavy penalty imposed on Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, a permanent resident and a mother of four who lives outside Dallas. On Thursday, a Fort Worth judge sentenced her to eight years in prison — and almost certainly deportation later — after she voted illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014.

Oh, and keep reading the article....

Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.
It shows how easy that it is for anyone to vote many of times in a certain election. The reason why she has gotten caught. It was behind the President accusation of election fraud, And it says that she is not a citizen. American citizens cannot be deported back to Mexico and which she will be deported.
But I do wished that they can deport American citizens to Mexico. To show all of Hillary's supporters how good that they had it over here. People are more appreciative when they doesn't have it anymore.

Obama was working very hard to get Hillary elected.

None of which has anything to do with illegal aliens voting.

Everyone knows you're a liar, Ugg.....and that Democrats both encourage and ignore illegal aliens voting.

BTW....how many illegal aliens reside in this country?

On the bright side for you, at least mirrors can't talk and lucky for you they can't laugh either!
Is there any fake news you don't fall for??

Rosa Ortega is not an illegal immigrant. She is a legal resident of Texas.

Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation

Despite repeated statements by Republican political leaders that American elections are rife with illegal voting, credible reports of fraud have been hard to find and convictions rarer still.

That may help explain the unusually heavy penalty imposed on Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, a permanent resident and a mother of four who lives outside Dallas. On Thursday, a Fort Worth judge sentenced her to eight years in prison — and almost certainly deportation later — after she voted illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014.

Oh, and keep reading the article....

Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.
It shows how easy that it is for anyone to vote many of times in a certain election. The reason why she has gotten caught. It was behind the President accusation of election fraud, And it says that she is not a citizen. American citizens cannot be deported back to Mexico and which she will be deported.
But I do wished that they can deport American citizens to Mexico. To show all of Hillary's supporters how good that they had it over here. People are more appreciative when they doesn't have it anymore.

Obama was working very hard to get Hillary elected.

None of which has anything to do with illegal aliens voting.

Well, you said that it was impossible for so many illegal votes that can come up to 3 millions. But I was showing the possibilities. Like the woman that was one of Obama's amnesty immigrants. She was given a I.D. so that she can vote. Because Obama has given her permission to become a citizen so that Hillary can have someone to vote for her, doesn't make her a citizen, but she was used as a pawn.

What women are you talking about? Rosa Ortega? The woman sentenced to 8 years for voter fraud?

That will be deported when she finishes her sentences.

Is there any fake news you don't fall for??

Rosa Ortega is not an illegal immigrant. She is a legal resident of Texas.

Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation

Despite repeated statements by Republican political leaders that American elections are rife with illegal voting, credible reports of fraud have been hard to find and convictions rarer still.

That may help explain the unusually heavy penalty imposed on Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, a permanent resident and a mother of four who lives outside Dallas. On Thursday, a Fort Worth judge sentenced her to eight years in prison — and almost certainly deportation later — after she voted illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014.

Oh, and keep reading the article....

Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.
It shows how easy that it is for anyone to vote many of times in a certain election. The reason why she has gotten caught. It was behind the President accusation of election fraud, And it says that she is not a citizen. American citizens cannot be deported back to Mexico and which she will be deported.
But I do wished that they can deport American citizens to Mexico. To show all of Hillary's supporters how good that they had it over here. People are more appreciative when they doesn't have it anymore.

Obama was working very hard to get Hillary elected.

None of which has anything to do with illegal aliens voting.

Everyone knows you're a liar, Ugg.....and that Democrats both encourage and ignore illegal aliens voting.

BTW....how many illegal aliens reside in this country?

On the bright side for you, at least mirrors can't talk and lucky for you they can't laugh either!

Slobbers the lying idiot who admits she makes numbers up on the forum.
It shows how easy that it is for anyone to vote many of times in a certain election. The reason why she has gotten caught. It was behind the President accusation of election fraud, And it says that she is not a citizen. American citizens cannot be deported back to Mexico and which she will be deported.
But I do wished that they can deport American citizens to Mexico. To show all of Hillary's supporters how good that they had it over here. People are more appreciative when they doesn't have it anymore.

Obama was working very hard to get Hillary elected.

None of which has anything to do with illegal aliens voting.

Well, you said that it was impossible for so many illegal votes that can come up to 3 millions. But I was showing the possibilities. Like the woman that was one of Obama's amnesty immigrants. She was given a I.D. so that she can vote. Because Obama has given her permission to become a citizen so that Hillary can have someone to vote for her, doesn't make her a citizen, but she was used as a pawn.

What women are you talking about? Rosa Ortega? The woman sentenced to 8 years for voter fraud?

That will be deported when she finishes her sentences.

Imbecile... you said Obama gave her permission to become a citizen so she could vote for Hillary... she was a registered Republican and didn't vote at all in 2016.


Grow a brain.
Is there any fake news you don't fall for??

Rosa Ortega is not an illegal immigrant. She is a legal resident of Texas.

Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation

Despite repeated statements by Republican political leaders that American elections are rife with illegal voting, credible reports of fraud have been hard to find and convictions rarer still.

That may help explain the unusually heavy penalty imposed on Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, a permanent resident and a mother of four who lives outside Dallas. On Thursday, a Fort Worth judge sentenced her to eight years in prison — and almost certainly deportation later — after she voted illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014.

Oh, and keep reading the article....

Ms. Ortega was a registered Republican.
It shows how easy that it is for anyone to vote many of times in a certain election. The reason why she has gotten caught. It was behind the President accusation of election fraud, And it says that she is not a citizen. American citizens cannot be deported back to Mexico and which she will be deported.
But I do wished that they can deport American citizens to Mexico. To show all of Hillary's supporters how good that they had it over here. People are more appreciative when they doesn't have it anymore.

Obama was working very hard to get Hillary elected.

None of which has anything to do with illegal aliens voting.

Everyone knows you're a liar, Ugg.....and that Democrats both encourage and ignore illegal aliens voting.

BTW....how many illegal aliens reside in this country?

On the bright side for you, at least mirrors can't talk and lucky for you they can't laugh either!

Slobbers the lying idiot who admits she makes numbers up on the forum.

You're taking quite a beating in this thread, aren't you, Ugly.

And it would be even worse if you answered this question:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

1. You claim you're answered it already.....so what's stopping you from repeating your alleged earlier response?

2. Far more likely is that your fear of answering will either

a. identify you as stupid as both of us know you are.


b. you'll have to acknowledge what I have documented, that there are multiple millions of illegal aliens in the country.

3. If the latter, even a small percentage of them, following the dirt-eating snake, Obama's instructions to go out and vote, will prove the premise of this thread:

millions of illegal alien voters, allies of the corrupt Democrat Party, made up the numbers that allowed Crooked Hillary to claim a popular vote victory.

I'm getting so tired of winning!!!!
It shows how easy that it is for anyone to vote many of times in a certain election. The reason why she has gotten caught. It was behind the President accusation of election fraud, And it says that she is not a citizen. American citizens cannot be deported back to Mexico and which she will be deported.
But I do wished that they can deport American citizens to Mexico. To show all of Hillary's supporters how good that they had it over here. People are more appreciative when they doesn't have it anymore.

Obama was working very hard to get Hillary elected.

None of which has anything to do with illegal aliens voting.

Everyone knows you're a liar, Ugg.....and that Democrats both encourage and ignore illegal aliens voting.

BTW....how many illegal aliens reside in this country?

On the bright side for you, at least mirrors can't talk and lucky for you they can't laugh either!

Slobbers the lying idiot who admits she makes numbers up on the forum.

You're taking quite a beating in this thread, aren't you, Ugly.

And it would be even worse if you answered this question:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

1. You claim you're answered it already.....so what's stopping you from repeating your alleged earlier response?

2. Far more likely is that your fear of answering will either

a. identify you as stupid as both of us know you are.


b. you'll have to acknowledge what I have documented, that there are multiple millions of illegal aliens in the country.

3. If the latter, even a small percentage of them, following the dirt-eating snake, Obama's instructions to go out and vote, will prove the premise of this thread:

millions of illegal alien voters, allies of the corrupt Democrat Party, made up the numbers that allowed Crooked Hillary to claim a popular vote victory.

I'm getting so tired of winning!!!!

^^^ more PoliticalHack delirium ^^^

None of which has anything to do with illegal aliens voting.

Everyone knows you're a liar, Ugg.....and that Democrats both encourage and ignore illegal aliens voting.

BTW....how many illegal aliens reside in this country?

On the bright side for you, at least mirrors can't talk and lucky for you they can't laugh either!
Slobbers the lying idiot who admits she makes numbers up on the forum.

You're taking quite a beating in this thread, aren't you, Ugly.

And it would be even worse if you answered this question:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

1. You claim you're answered it already.....so what's stopping you from repeating your alleged earlier response?

2. Far more likely is that your fear of answering will either

a. identify you as stupid as both of us know you are.


b. you'll have to acknowledge what I have documented, that there are multiple millions of illegal aliens in the country.

3. If the latter, even a small percentage of them, following the dirt-eating snake, Obama's instructions to go out and vote, will prove the premise of this thread:

millions of illegal alien voters, allies of the corrupt Democrat Party, made up the numbers that allowed Crooked Hillary to claim a popular vote victory.

I'm getting so tired of winning!!!!
^^^ more PoliticalHack delirium ^^^


How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

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