Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

Try now:
How many illegal aliens are living in this country?


You afraid to answer a simple question?
How can I be afraid to answer a question I already answered? :cuckoo:

I don't recall your answer. Seems like a simple enough question. Throw out a number and stop stalling.
It's not my problem if you don't recall my answer. The search feature is available to you as well.

If it's a straightforward question, why would I go searching for it? And according to PoliticalChic you did not answer the question in the first place, so that would make searching a big waste of time. It's a simple question, but I understand if you don't have the guts to answer. Some of us are lightweights at the end of the day. But in case you have an actual answer you want to give, I'll restate it:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Now you're making shit up. Rodriguez, a U.S. citizen herself, expressed a fear, along with a rationale for that fear, of voting. So for you to state there is no such rationale in the face of her expressing one is outright bullshit.

And again, it may not have been clear to you, but you're a conservative. No doubt a lot sails clear over your head. But it's obvious that Obama was just a wee bit sharper than you as he picked up on it. That's obvious by his response he knows he's talking to a U.S. citizen. And again, his comments you gloss over...

* "first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself"

* "If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented then you have an even greater reason to vote."

* "...part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you're not just speaking for yourself. You're speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school who may not have a voice. Who can't legally vote."

Those responses would make zero sense if said to a non-U.S. citizen.

I can't answer your question about Obama "playing a game" since I have no idea what game it is you think he's playing. If by "game," you mean encouraging illegals to vote, of course not. There no lucid evidence to support such nonsense. Especially coming from the poster who dishonestly posted an edited video of that interview which cut off Obama in mid-sentence, omitted most of his statements I quoted above, and cut out Obama twice promoting a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.

How is informing viewers of that interview that they must be U.S. citizens to vote, encouraging illegal aliens to vote??

The "fear" was that if she voted would immigration know where she lives and would they come for her family. That's a total bull shit "fear" for a citizen voter. That doesn't even make sense. But again she doesn't make clear that she is even a citizen and the viewer isn't even hearing it in those terms. Rather, they're hearing "when you vote you're a citizen." They do a great job of selling this as a patriotic rite of passage for illegals.

You did answer the question. You don't think Obama is playing a game. But this is a scripted "interview" complete with takes like a Hollywood shoot. It's why it's an actress and not a journalist asking the questions. It is Obama's duty as the chief executive of the country to take great care. He does not do that. He was always a fraudulent president. Good riddance.
Hate to break the news to ya -- but you don't get to tell others what they should or should not fear. She said it's a fear. There's no reason not to believe her.

But more importantly, you ran from my question again...

How is informing viewers of that interview that they must be U.S. citizens to vote, encouraging illegal aliens to vote??

Hate to break it to ya; but only stupid people take things at face value. I don't have to give credence into this lady's phony fears.

:lmao: "There's no reason not to believe her."

By her own admission she's an advocate for illegal aliens. There's plenty of reasons not to trust her or this "president" who is trading in fraudulent votes.

You make all these bull shit statements and then you tack on some bull shit that we covered in bold. :lol: This is so later you can go, "oh you didn't answer my question."

Get real, dude. Nobody takes you seriously. You literally just said that we need to trust and not question liars. Well, I know that works for liberal minions like you; but some of us have values that go deeper than that. Some of us aren't useful idiots.
So? Who cares what you believe? You're still the dishonest poster who linked an edited video to make it appear as though Obama said something he never said. And you're still running from my question...

How is informing viewers of that interview that they must be U.S. citizens to vote, encouraging illegal aliens to vote??

The whole video was a big edit in the first place, dude. And I already sat there and called out anybody who edited the video out of context. People do the right thing and you call them dishonest for it? That seems very dishonest of you, frankly.

But this whole nonsense point aside, there's a series that makes my point all the same.

ACTRESS: Many illegals fearful of voting, so if I vote will immigration boogeymen come....

"PRESIDENT": When you vote, you're a citizen.

Sorry your propaganda piece got re-edited after the fact; but that exchange is the crux of the matter.
You dishonesty posted an edited video which cut off Obama in mid-sentence and cut out much of what he said regarding how illegals can't vote. If Obama had actually promoted the message you claim, you wouldn't need an edited video to prop up your bullshit.

And how does the forum know you're bullshitting?

Easy... you won't, or possibly can't, answer this question...

How is informing viewers of that interview that they must be U.S. citizens to vote, encouraging illegal aliens to vote??

Try now:
How many illegal aliens are living in this country?


You afraid to answer a simple question?
How can I be afraid to answer a question I already answered? :cuckoo:

I don't recall your answer. Seems like a simple enough question. Throw out a number and stop stalling.
It's not my problem if you don't recall my answer. The search feature is available to you as well.

If it's a straightforward question, why would I go searching for it? And according to PoliticalChic you did not answer the question in the first place, so that would make searching a big waste of time. It's a simple question, but I understand if you don't have the guts to answer. Some of us are lightweights at the end of the day. But in case you have an actual answer you want to give, I'll restate it:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Because I've already answered it. I feel no need to keep repeating an answer to the same question merely because some sick nag like PoliticalHack like to repeatedly ask the same questions over and over and over again.

But again, if you're really interested in my answer, all you have to do is use the search feature. It's a reason why this forum offers such a feature. The good Lord helps those who help themselves.

You afraid to answer a simple question?
How can I be afraid to answer a question I already answered? :cuckoo:

I don't recall your answer. Seems like a simple enough question. Throw out a number and stop stalling.
It's not my problem if you don't recall my answer. The search feature is available to you as well.

If it's a straightforward question, why would I go searching for it? And according to PoliticalChic you did not answer the question in the first place, so that would make searching a big waste of time. It's a simple question, but I understand if you don't have the guts to answer. Some of us are lightweights at the end of the day. But in case you have an actual answer you want to give, I'll restate it:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Because I've already answered it. I feel no need to keep repeating an answer to the same question merely because some sick nag like PoliticalHack like to repeatedly ask the same questions over and over and over again.

But again, if you're really interested in my answer, all you have to do is use the search feature. It's a reason why this forum offers such a feature. The good Lord helps those who help themselves.

Let's analyze your palpable fear of answering this simple query:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

1. You claim you're answered it already.....so what's stopping you from repeating your alleged earlier response?

2. Far more likely is that your fear of answering will either

a. identify you as stupid as both of us know you are.


b. you'll have to acknowledge what I have documented, that there are multiple millions of illegal aliens in the country.

3. If the latter, even a small percentage of them, following the dirt-eating snake, Obama's instructions to go out and vote, will prove the premise of this thread:

millions of illegal alien voters, allies of the corrupt Democrat Party, made up the numbers that allowed Crooked Hillary to claim a popular vote victory.

I'm getting so tired of winning!!!!
How can I be afraid to answer a question I already answered? :cuckoo:

I don't recall your answer. Seems like a simple enough question. Throw out a number and stop stalling.
It's not my problem if you don't recall my answer. The search feature is available to you as well.

If it's a straightforward question, why would I go searching for it? And according to PoliticalChic you did not answer the question in the first place, so that would make searching a big waste of time. It's a simple question, but I understand if you don't have the guts to answer. Some of us are lightweights at the end of the day. But in case you have an actual answer you want to give, I'll restate it:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Because I've already answered it. I feel no need to keep repeating an answer to the same question merely because some sick nag like PoliticalHack like to repeatedly ask the same questions over and over and over again.

But again, if you're really interested in my answer, all you have to do is use the search feature. It's a reason why this forum offers such a feature. The good Lord helps those who help themselves.

Let's analyze your palpable fear of answering this simple query:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

1. You claim you're answered it already.....so what's stopping you from repeating your alleged earlier response?

2. Far more likely is that your fear of answering will either

a. identify you as stupid as both of us know you are.


b. you'll have to acknowledge what I have documented, that there are multiple millions of illegal aliens in the country.

3. If the latter, even a small percentage of them, following the dirt-eating snake, Obama's instructions to go out and vote, will prove the premise of this thread:

millions of illegal alien voters, allies of the corrupt Democrat Party, made up the numbers that allowed Crooked Hillary to claim a popular vote victory.

I'm getting so tired of winning!!!!
And yet, you prove over and over again how rightarded you are claiming I'm afraid to answer the question I've already answered. :badgrin:

You should try thinking some time. Who knows, maybe you'll enjoy it? :dunno:
I don't recall your answer. Seems like a simple enough question. Throw out a number and stop stalling.
It's not my problem if you don't recall my answer. The search feature is available to you as well.

If it's a straightforward question, why would I go searching for it? And according to PoliticalChic you did not answer the question in the first place, so that would make searching a big waste of time. It's a simple question, but I understand if you don't have the guts to answer. Some of us are lightweights at the end of the day. But in case you have an actual answer you want to give, I'll restate it:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Because I've already answered it. I feel no need to keep repeating an answer to the same question merely because some sick nag like PoliticalHack like to repeatedly ask the same questions over and over and over again.

But again, if you're really interested in my answer, all you have to do is use the search feature. It's a reason why this forum offers such a feature. The good Lord helps those who help themselves.

Let's analyze your palpable fear of answering this simple query:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

1. You claim you're answered it already.....so what's stopping you from repeating your alleged earlier response?

2. Far more likely is that your fear of answering will either

a. identify you as stupid as both of us know you are.


b. you'll have to acknowledge what I have documented, that there are multiple millions of illegal aliens in the country.

3. If the latter, even a small percentage of them, following the dirt-eating snake, Obama's instructions to go out and vote, will prove the premise of this thread:

millions of illegal alien voters, allies of the corrupt Democrat Party, made up the numbers that allowed Crooked Hillary to claim a popular vote victory.

I'm getting so tired of winning!!!!
And yet, you prove over and over again how rightarded you are claiming I'm afraid to answer the question I've already answered. :badgrin:

You should try thinking some time. Who knows, maybe you'll enjoy it? :dunno:

Is this a pissing contest? Cos you're the only one pissing right now, big shot. I would love an answer. But if you're too much of a coward, then that's fine.

You afraid to answer a simple question?
How can I be afraid to answer a question I already answered? :cuckoo:

I don't recall your answer. Seems like a simple enough question. Throw out a number and stop stalling.
It's not my problem if you don't recall my answer. The search feature is available to you as well.

If it's a straightforward question, why would I go searching for it? And according to PoliticalChic you did not answer the question in the first place, so that would make searching a big waste of time. It's a simple question, but I understand if you don't have the guts to answer. Some of us are lightweights at the end of the day. But in case you have an actual answer you want to give, I'll restate it:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Because I've already answered it. I feel no need to keep repeating an answer to the same question merely because some sick nag like PoliticalHack like to repeatedly ask the same questions over and over and over again.

But again, if you're really interested in my answer, all you have to do is use the search feature. It's a reason why this forum offers such a feature. The good Lord helps those who help themselves.

I'm not going to spend all that time searching for something that may or may not be there when you can answer it in 5 seconds. If you don't have that level of belief in yourself, then that's on you.
The "fear" was that if she voted would immigration know where she lives and would they come for her family. That's a total bull shit "fear" for a citizen voter. That doesn't even make sense. But again she doesn't make clear that she is even a citizen and the viewer isn't even hearing it in those terms. Rather, they're hearing "when you vote you're a citizen." They do a great job of selling this as a patriotic rite of passage for illegals.

You did answer the question. You don't think Obama is playing a game. But this is a scripted "interview" complete with takes like a Hollywood shoot. It's why it's an actress and not a journalist asking the questions. It is Obama's duty as the chief executive of the country to take great care. He does not do that. He was always a fraudulent president. Good riddance.
Hate to break the news to ya -- but you don't get to tell others what they should or should not fear. She said it's a fear. There's no reason not to believe her.

But more importantly, you ran from my question again...

How is informing viewers of that interview that they must be U.S. citizens to vote, encouraging illegal aliens to vote??

Hate to break it to ya; but only stupid people take things at face value. I don't have to give credence into this lady's phony fears.

:lmao: "There's no reason not to believe her."

By her own admission she's an advocate for illegal aliens. There's plenty of reasons not to trust her or this "president" who is trading in fraudulent votes.

You make all these bull shit statements and then you tack on some bull shit that we covered in bold. :lol: This is so later you can go, "oh you didn't answer my question."

Get real, dude. Nobody takes you seriously. You literally just said that we need to trust and not question liars. Well, I know that works for liberal minions like you; but some of us have values that go deeper than that. Some of us aren't useful idiots.
So? Who cares what you believe? You're still the dishonest poster who linked an edited video to make it appear as though Obama said something he never said. And you're still running from my question...

How is informing viewers of that interview that they must be U.S. citizens to vote, encouraging illegal aliens to vote??

The whole video was a big edit in the first place, dude. And I already sat there and called out anybody who edited the video out of context. People do the right thing and you call them dishonest for it? That seems very dishonest of you, frankly.

But this whole nonsense point aside, there's a series that makes my point all the same.

ACTRESS: Many illegals fearful of voting, so if I vote will immigration boogeymen come....

"PRESIDENT": When you vote, you're a citizen.

Sorry your propaganda piece got re-edited after the fact; but that exchange is the crux of the matter.
You dishonesty posted an edited video which cut off Obama in mid-sentence and cut out much of what he said regarding how illegals can't vote. If Obama had actually promoted the message you claim, you wouldn't need an edited video to prop up your bullshit.

And how does the forum know you're bullshitting?

Easy... you won't, or possibly can't, answer this question...

How is informing viewers of that interview that they must be U.S. citizens to vote, encouraging illegal aliens to vote??


I posted a video that I found; and when you presented the edits, I had no problem agreeing with you. I don't know how that is dishonest. I'm not the fucking youtube police, asshole.

Also, I've rightfully noted that my argument is independent of this issue you present because in a continuous, unabridged interaction it comes down to this:

ACTRESS: Many illegals fearful of voting, so if I vote will immigration boogeymen come....

"PRESIDENT": When you vote, you're a citizen.

You afraid to answer a simple question?
How can I be afraid to answer a question I already answered? :cuckoo:

I don't recall your answer. Seems like a simple enough question. Throw out a number and stop stalling.
It's not my problem if you don't recall my answer. The search feature is available to you as well.

If it's a straightforward question, why would I go searching for it? And according to PoliticalChic you did not answer the question in the first place, so that would make searching a big waste of time. It's a simple question, but I understand if you don't have the guts to answer. Some of us are lightweights at the end of the day. But in case you have an actual answer you want to give, I'll restate it:

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Because I've already answered it. I feel no need to keep repeating an answer to the same question merely because some sick nag like PoliticalHack like to repeatedly ask the same questions over and over and over again.

But again, if you're really interested in my answer, all you have to do is use the search feature. It's a reason why this forum offers such a feature. The good Lord helps those who help themselves.

Obama told illegal aliens to go out and vote.

He is, after all, a dirt-eating low-life snake.

But....let's prove it together:


RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting.

[And that is who she is speaking for!]

So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
[Who would come for legal citizens voting?????????]
OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself.

[Just like you.....a bald-faced liar!]

And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera.

[Meaning: 'Go ahead and vote....no one will be the wiser!']

The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

[Meaning, I guess....if you are living with lots of other illegals...well, heck, at least some of you should go vote! After all....Trump is trying to get rid of you illegals!]

That's the truth....isn't it.
Obama told illegal aliens to go out and vote.


RODRIGUEZ: So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself.
The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote..

P.S. B.S. removed
How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

How many dogs and cats are living in this country?

Answer: It doesn't matter, because none of them can vote.

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

How many dogs and cats are living in this country?

Answer: It doesn't matter, because none of them can vote.

Are you contending that no illegal aliens vote in US elections?

If so, it would be consistent with so very many of your other absurd posts.

BTW.....how many illegal aliens live in this country?
Obama told illegal aliens to go out and vote.


RODRIGUEZ: So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself.
The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote..

P.S. B.S. removed

What have we just learned?

Ah, yes....that you have a palpable fear of truth.

BTW....why would the interviewer claim that legal voters have a fear that 'immigration ...will....come for my family and deport us?"

Eviscerated you, didn't I.

So far the proven illegal alien vote count is about 12 for every billion votes cast

Why so fearful of the facts coming out?

Does your "Liberal Cult Card" require you to accept and advance every lie the Democrat elites advance?

Are you ever allowed to think for yourself.
Are you able to think?
BTW....why would the interviewer claim that legal voters have a fear that 'immigration ...will....come for my family and deport us?"

Eviscerated you, didn't I.

Why did they go after Obama's aunt, who was here illegally for almost 20 years with nobody noticing. When Obama made himself known by running for president, that's when they came for his aunt.

Maybe you won't understand the parallels.
BTW....why would the interviewer claim that legal voters have a fear that 'immigration ...will....come for my family and deport us?"

Eviscerated you, didn't I.

Why did they go after Obama's aunt, who was here illegally for almost 20 years with nobody noticing. When Obama made himself known by running for president, that's when they came for his aunt.

Maybe you won't understand the parallels.

How many illegal aliens are living in the USofA?

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