Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

It would be faster; but it's way more fun watching you meltdown over it.


This only speaks to your lack of maturity, not hers.
Also, it speaks to your inability to win the debate at hand.

Yeah, cause repeating a question a hundred times that's already been answered is so mature.


Nobody knows your answer. Just give it and be done with it; unless that is, you're playing games.
I've already answered it and see no reason to answer again. If you're so interested in my answer, my posts are still there. It's why this forum offers a search feature.

Okay. Give me the post # and I'll go look.

Why? Since you are so interested why not search it yourself?

Instead of repeating the same dumb question wasting time. You can google it yourself like Pew Research Centers.
It would be faster; but it's way more fun watching you meltdown over it.


I've never had any meltdown....I'm been mocking you throughout.

Everyone who read your pretense knew you were lying.

And now....this is pretty much an admission that you've been lying all along?

Yeah, suuuure you haven't....

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?


I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

Who are you afraid of informing by answering the simple question....

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

:blowup: :blowup: :blowup: :blowup: :blowup:

You dunce....
....you just proved that there was never any 'meltdown'.....every single post was the same....and all with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek.

You're such a fool.


....How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

Repeating yourself, post after post, without me even posting, was a classic meltdown.

You've been the pawn in all of my gambits.

The best part of the 'sting' is that you've never realized it.

Soooo....how many illegal aliens reside in this country.....and what percent of 'em voted as per Obama's instructions?

In this thread that is already been debunked and you keep repeating that same garbage.
As our amiable dunce will not, and cannot, answer this simple query, "How many illegal aliens reside in our country," I will provide the perspective that Ugly didn't.

1. Now....the owners and operators of the media, Liberalism, Incorporated, have kept idiots in the dark for nigh on 15 years....broadcasting the very same bogus number....11 million illegals living here....and those trained to be ignorant buy it like it was on sale!

2. Of course the media tacitly admits that they know that the Liberal voter is an imbecile, because, while they print that same 11 million every year.....
...they also let slip that some million invaders creep into the country yearly.
Yet the number put forward never changes!

a. How can dolts accept the same number every year, and also accept the huge number that creep in?
Well, they have to, or they wouldn't be Liberals.

3. Evidence and testimony from experts indicates that the actual number of illegal aliens ensconced in our domain is actually somewhere between 50 million and 80 million.

a. Just an indication of this: call any business or website and they ask you to 'press 1 for English.'
Figure out why they have to do that?

4. Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to to the prison system
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.

5. If there were only 11 million as the Left claims, well, 50% would have had to vote to make this thread claim correct....
But if 50-80 million are here.....less than one in ten had to vote.
And they did.

6. And so we see the reason the Leftwing Lying Liberals won't provide the answer to this simple query:

How many illegal aliens live in this country?

I know exactly where you get this garbage information. This came from CAIRCO (Colorado Alliance For Immigration Reform) based in Lakewood, Colorado head by Fred Elbel an anti immigration HATE group. That published a lot of nonsense such as above to attract other hate group.
This is not acceptable.
Are you a member? If not ------ Why do you keep using the same garbage?

Extremist Highlights from the 2015 Western Conservative Summit

The most prominent anti-immigrant group in Colorado, the Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform (CAIRCO), had an exhibitor’s booth at the event. Among the materials CAIRCO distributed was a pamphlet produced by the anti-immigrant hate group Federation for American immigration Reform (FAIR), founded by white nationalist John Tanton, the founder of the modern-day anti-immigrant movement.
3. Evidence and testimony from experts indicates that the actual number of illegal aliens ensconced in our domain is actually somewhere between 50 million and 80 million.

Fascinating, that would mean that almost 1/4 of our economy is underground.

Meanwhile your favorite subject of illegal alien drivers in california, indicates a much lower number. With less than 1 million AB60's out of over 26 million licenses, or 3%. When applied to the 330 million people in the country, comes to 11 million.

And that's based on assuming as many illegals proportionally in the other 50 states as you would find in California.

Are you admitting that large numbers reside here....and a percentage of same vote?

Read carefully before you attempt to respond.

You are very funny. Your only source of information are from a link that no one in the right mind should ever use. Yet to keep insisting it's acceptable.
Those darned Mexicans are geniuses. Five million votes and didn't get caught. They must have IQs over 200!

You think a wall will stop people that brilliant?
Well, the Illegals had a little help by Dems. If it were up to them, they doesn't care who wins the election in this country. But it is someone that is making them go out and take the risk of being caught. But the Dems had paved the way making it easy for them to go to the election's booths. But we are not allowed to vote in their country.

Are Voter ID Laws a Form of Racism? – Mother Jones

there was no illegal alien vote.

and why are you reading mother jones? most of us don't. *Shrug*
3. Evidence and testimony from experts indicates that the actual number of illegal aliens ensconced in our domain is actually somewhere between 50 million and 80 million.

Fascinating, that would mean that almost 1/4 of our economy is underground.

Meanwhile your favorite subject of illegal alien drivers in california, indicates a much lower number. With less than 1 million AB60's out of over 26 million licenses, or 3%. When applied to the 330 million people in the country, comes to 11 million.

And that's based on assuming as many illegals proportionally in the other 50 states as you would find in California.

Are you admitting that large numbers reside here....and a percentage of same vote?

Read carefully before you attempt to respond.
Spits the idiot who promoted the idiocy that there are more than 100 million illegal aliens in the U.S. :cuckoo:

According to the nonsense she posts, nearly one of every 3 men, women, and children are in the U.S. illegally. :cuckoo:

That means, according to what she herself posts, there's over a 30% chance PoliticalHack is here illegally. :lmao:

She is getting those numbers from anti immigration hate group.
That means, according to what she herself posts, there's over a 30% chance PoliticalHack is here illegally. :lmao:

You have to wonder where they get their wild ass estimates from. Like 3-5 million illegal votes, when based on what Kobach was able to find in his own state, and every case he could find in the country for the last 5-7 years came to 70 illegal votes.
They're Trump acolytes. Had Trump not made the lucicrous claim that he really won the popular vote, these threads would not exist. They're clearly prepared to say anything, no matter how outlandish, to protect Trump no matter what nonsense he spews.

Conservatism is a cult.

Agree. These are the Trump supporters no matter how bad the lies they stick to it. But I can tell you this Americans are catching up with all these nonsense, bullying, lies and thuggery coming from Trump.
I already did, pussy.

So, you're going back to an old line of dialogue because you can't be bothered with the quite sensible new turn? Give me the post number of your purported answer, and I'll review your it. Or, you can just state your answer. I find that very reasonable.
Why on Earth would I give a shit what "you" consider "reasonable?" :cuckoo:

You wouldn't in this case, being that you're not not reasonable. But a reasonable person would answer the question (that you assert to have a consumable answer for). See, now this is a case in which "deranged" might actually be applicable. Glad I could school you, son, if nothing else.
Great, thanks for admitting I'm being more than reasonable, since as you say, "a reasonable person would answer the question," and I've answered that question twice.

She asked it and I answered it. Despite me answering it, she asked it again. I answered again. Despite answering twice, she continues asking. You're as brain-dead as she is if you think I'm going to answer her same question a third time since it's clear, she's mental :cuckoo: and will keep asking that same question no matter how many times I answer it.

I haven't seen you answer the question once. Apparently, the question scares you.

As to your idea that you won't answer a question three times, you don't have to. Just give me the post number of one of these two alleged answers.

Why would anyone scared to answer that dumb question?
People are blasting you both with all kind of names and people supposed to be scared?
I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?


I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

Who are you afraid of informing by answering the simple question....

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

Howe many gun owners are there in this country?​

"Howe many gun owners are there in this country? "

Howe who?
ir-relevant question. Every citizen who wants to be a gun owner should be a gun owner.

Like Chicago, criminals, lunatics and terrorist.
LMAO----- What is that has anything to do with your previous post and links?
You are referring that Mother Jones and Fox news as not being a good reputable organization. But your news stations are trustworthy. Are you dyslexic?

Mother Jones is only one dude opinion is that supposed to be reputable?
Fox News? You've got to kidding me. They broadcast a lot of fake news. They even blasted each other for broadcasting lies. If you rely on Fox then I don't know what to tell you.
CNN are viewed all over the country general locations like airports etc etc. plus all over the world. Fox News is not and it's quite disgusting and dishonest.
Mother Jones is one organization that get to the bottom of it. They investigate really hard until they get all of the evidence and then post it. They cannot afford to make any mistakes.
Can you post some of Fox news false reports. But I betcha that I can post many of the rest of the Broadcasters like CNN ABC, fake reports..

Mother Jones (abbreviated MoJo) is a progressive American magazine that focuses on news, commentary, and investigative reporting on topics including politics, the environment, human rights, and culture. Clara Jeffery serves as editor. Steve Katz has been publisher since 2010. Monika Bauerlein has been CEO since 2015.[2][3][4]

The magazine was named after Mary Harris Jones, known as Mother Jones, an Irish-American trade union activist and ardent opponent of child labor.[5]

Mother Jones is published by the Foundation for National Progress (FNP), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Mother Jones and the FNP are based in San Francisco, with other offices in Washington, D.C., and New York.[6] Mother Jones (magazine) - Wikipedia

Are you asking me about Fox News fake news? All you have to do is listen to Hannity every day.
Mother Jones have not proven a single iota of evidence that millions of illegals voted during 2016 election.
Fox News------- Judge Napolitano lied about Obama eavesdropping Trump. Newscasters even contradict each other because of fake news. Etc etc etc. etc.

Fox News controversies - Wikipedia
I see that we has a CNN lover on this site. Can you see that you has been Clinton washed.

Coming from Infowars? You've got to be kidding me. Oh Lordy.

You came into this thread like a petulant child; and I will not cater to that. I may even block you, honestly. You don't have a genuine bone in your body.

You came into this thread with full of lies and keep pumping more lies.
You area dishonest human being. I asked you several questions but you have not answered any single one because you only post lies. Grow up dude.
If righties didn't lie, they'd have nothing to post at all.
This only speaks to your lack of maturity, not hers.
Also, it speaks to your inability to win the debate at hand.

Yeah, cause repeating a question a hundred times that's already been answered is so mature.


Nobody knows your answer. Just give it and be done with it; unless that is, you're playing games.
I've already answered it and see no reason to answer again. If you're so interested in my answer, my posts are still there. It's why this forum offers a search feature.

Okay. Give me the post # and I'll go look.

Why? Since you are so interested why not search it yourself?

Instead of repeating the same dumb question wasting time. You can google it yourself like Pew Research Centers.
That one is lazy AND stupid. What a miserable way to traverse through life. :(

You came into this thread like a petulant child; and I will not cater to that. I may even block you, honestly. You don't have a genuine bone in your body.

You came into this thread with full of lies and keep pumping more lies.
You area dishonest human being. I asked you several questions but you have not answered any single one because you only post lies. Grow up dude.
If righties didn't lie, they'd have nothing to post at all.

From threads to threads most is about about lies. Mucho Sad.
This is a problem. Faun and I already answered her that dumb question. And it make it more fun is not to answer her question at all.
Then she will bring the numbers from a garbage links that she keep posting over and over that she think it's normal.

Did you answer it on another thread, too? I'd say the problem is that I'm dealing with two morons.
This is a problem. Faun and I already answered her that dumb question. And it make it more fun is not to answer her question at all.
Then she will bring the numbers from a garbage links that she keep posting over and over that she think it's normal.

Did you answer it on another thread, too? I'd say the problem is that I'm dealing with two morons.
Spits the idiot who's too lazy and too stupid to use the forum's search feature.
This is a problem. Faun and I already answered her that dumb question. And it make it more fun is not to answer her question at all.
Then she will bring the numbers from a garbage links that she keep posting over and over that she think it's normal.

Did you answer it on another thread, too? I'd say the problem is that I'm dealing with two morons.

In reality you are a good example of a moron. You post lies at the same time supporting your own kind of liar. Posting links after link coming from a group that
no one in the right mind should use.
Update: 99 pages in this thread and still not an iota of proof 3-5 million illegals voted.
Political Chic has fallen and she can't get up.
This is a problem. Faun and I already answered her that dumb question. And it make it more fun is not to answer her question at all.
Then she will bring the numbers from a garbage links that she keep posting over and over that she think it's normal.

Did you answer it on another thread, too? I'd say the problem is that I'm dealing with two morons.

In reality you are a good example of a moron. You post lies at the same time supporting your own kind of liar. Posting links after link coming from a group that
no one in the right mind should use.

Go ahead and show me one link even I've posted in this thread. Yea, you're a fucking moron degenerate. Just stop before you find yourself blocked. I can only spend so much time talking to retards.
This is a problem. Faun and I already answered her that dumb question. And it make it more fun is not to answer her question at all.
Then she will bring the numbers from a garbage links that she keep posting over and over that she think it's normal.

Did you answer it on another thread, too? I'd say the problem is that I'm dealing with two morons.
Spits the idiot who's too lazy and too stupid to use the forum's search feature.

Why would I capitulate? Clearly, you don't think your BS is worth posting here. And you've thrown in the towel and lost the argument, anyways. Football's been spiked, bitch.

Now, if you were a respectable poster, I might go out looking. But if you were a respectable poster, you wouldn't have spent 25 pages not answering a question; so, that is just academic.

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