Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

This is a problem. Faun and I already answered her that dumb question. And it make it more fun is not to answer her question at all.
Then she will bring the numbers from a garbage links that she keep posting over and over that she think it's normal.

Did you answer it on another thread, too? I'd say the problem is that I'm dealing with two morons.
Spits the idiot who's too lazy and too stupid to use the forum's search feature.

Why would I capitulate? Clearly, you don't think your BS is worth posting here. And you've thrown in the towel and lost the argument, anyways. Football's been spiked, bitch.

Now, if you were a respectable poster, I might go out looking. But if you were a respectable poster, you wouldn't have spent 25 pages not answering a question; so, that is just academic.
You're such an idiot, you spiked the ball after scoring a safety. That's evident by your continued idiocy of claiming I didn't answer a question I actually answered twice. And this didn't have to go on for multiple pages. You could have looked it up from the very beginning.
Liberals don't think we're this stupid. They just have not a fucking ounce of respect for people whom disagree with them. It's funny watching that clip and the CNN interviewer is acting like this issue is just made up out of thin air. They've went full blown into advocacy. They are no longer journalists in any respect.

It's the other way around bud.
We can disagree however you want but you cannot even ------- repeat -------- you cannot even produce a single thread of evidence that millions of illegals voted.
If you believe a pathological liar president------ Ask yourself who are the ignorant and stupid.

People like you don't like CNN when Faux News broadcast a lot of fake news far more than CNN.

STFU. I don't need your hyper partisan denial bull shit. One illegal in TX was convicted just the other day for illegal voting. And that's just one case. So, take your "single thread of evidence" and shove it up your ass. I don't do this Saul Alinsky bull shit. You replied to like 15 of my posts. I'm done even looking after two. If you don't take yourself seriously, I won't take you seriously either.

Do you expect me to believe that one illegal convicted in Texas? When you keep posting lies after lies. Is that supposed to represent California?

Dude you keep posting your bull shit and you cannot even come up a shred of evidence that 3 to 5 millions voted illegally.
Yes your are one big bull shitter LIAR. At the same time defending your liar girlfriend.

Why the hell you keep saying you don't take people seriously? When you keep posting lies after lies. Then get pissed off because you cannot support your lunacy. Dude grow the fuck up moron.

You have not answered any single questions I asked you. Meaning you don't really know what the hell you are talking about.

"Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children"
Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

I asked you several questions and blasted your garbage links ------ And you have not checked yourself in yet. At the same time you are stuck stupid with the same question over and over.

Not only have Democrats encouraged illegal aliens to invade, but they have taken taxpayer funds to support same.....as long as they vote.

That's the bottom line.

If you have another explanation.....provide it.
"Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children"
Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Asked and answered. Just how senile are you to keep asking the same question over and over and over when I already answered it? :cuckoo:

Wouldn't it take far less space to simply answer the question.

Unless....you're lying about having answered it.
It would be faster; but it's way more fun watching you meltdown over it.


I've never had any meltdown....I'm been mocking you throughout.

Everyone who read your pretense knew you were lying.

And now....this is pretty much an admission that you've been lying all along?

So far only one that are lying here are you and Greatgatsby.

I never lie.

Here's one more aspect of the Leftist conspiracy:

While illegal aliens are a drain on this nation, they do accomplish what the Left demands of them: they vote for Democrats.

Many of the government agencies either aid the illegal aliens or turn a blind eye.

Like the IRS under Obama's Democrat IRS commissioiner, John Koskinen:

" The IRS actually wants illegal immigrants to illegally use Social Security numbers, he suggested. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen made the surprising statement in response to a question from Sen. Dan Coats, R-Ind., at a Senate Finance Committee meeting. The question was a touchy one. Gee, is the IRS collaborating with taxpayers who file tax returns using fraudulent information? It wasn't put exactly that way. According to Senator Coats:

What we learned is that ... the IRS continues to process tax returns with false W-2 information and issue refunds as if they were routine tax returns, and say that's not really our job. We also learned the IRS ignores notifications from the Social Security Administration that a name does not match a Social Security number, and you use your own system to determine whether a number is valid."

Commissioner Koskinen was asked to explain this. He suggested that as long as the information is being used only to fraudulently obtain jobs, the IRS was OK with it. In fact, he said that the IRS actually had an interest in helping the illegal immigrants to crook these rules. In fairness, perhaps it's just the 'that's not my department' response that abounds in big government. Perhaps this just isn't the IRS's problem, but it sure seems odd to have any agency chief encouraging illegal immigrant theft of SSNs."

IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes
Update: 99 pages in this thread and still not an iota of proof 3-5 million illegals voted.
Political Chic has fallen and she can't get up.

Study by the Public Interest Legal Foundation finds thousands of illegal voters voted in Virginia alone.

"a lot more out there"

"People marking 'no- I am not a citizen'- and still being registered to vote"

"[Democrat Governor] vetoed several bills that would have corrected this"

"...actively trying to allow illegals to vote..."

"....majority of driver's licenses in the state of California went to illegal aliens..."

"....Obama DoJ has been opposing citizenship verification laws...."

Gee, now what are the dopes who have been posting "you can't find even a single example of illegals voting!!!"????

Back to the drawing board, huh?
I never lie.
^^^ Lie
"Alien Invasion: Thousands of Foreigners Registered to Vote (and Voting) in Virginia
A new report released today documents that in Virginia alone, 5,556 voter registrations were cancelled because of citizenship defects. Many of those cancelled had gotten on the voter rolls despite saying on their voter registration form that they were an alien and not eligible to vote.

Voter history records also show that many thousands of ballots were cast by registrants removed for citizenship defects.

Only Americans should be electing American leaders, but that isn't happening."
Alien Invasion: New Report Documents Thousands of Foreigners Registered to Vote (and Voting) in Virginia
This is a problem. Faun and I already answered her that dumb question. And it make it more fun is not to answer her question at all.
Then she will bring the numbers from a garbage links that she keep posting over and over that she think it's normal.

Did you answer it on another thread, too? I'd say the problem is that I'm dealing with two morons.
Spits the idiot who's too lazy and too stupid to use the forum's search feature.

Why would I capitulate? Clearly, you don't think your BS is worth posting here. And you've thrown in the towel and lost the argument, anyways. Football's been spiked, bitch.

Now, if you were a respectable poster, I might go out looking. But if you were a respectable poster, you wouldn't have spent 25 pages not answering a question; so, that is just academic.
You're such an idiot, you spiked the ball after scoring a safety. That's evident by your continued idiocy of claiming I didn't answer a question I actually answered twice. And this didn't have to go on for multiple pages. You could have looked it up from the very beginning.

Grondowski is a tight end, moron. Nobody would accuse you of being a tight end, though.
This is a problem. Faun and I already answered her that dumb question. And it make it more fun is not to answer her question at all.
Then she will bring the numbers from a garbage links that she keep posting over and over that she think it's normal.

Did you answer it on another thread, too? I'd say the problem is that I'm dealing with two morons.
Spits the idiot who's too lazy and too stupid to use the forum's search feature.

Why would I capitulate? Clearly, you don't think your BS is worth posting here. And you've thrown in the towel and lost the argument, anyways. Football's been spiked, bitch.

Now, if you were a respectable poster, I might go out looking. But if you were a respectable poster, you wouldn't have spent 25 pages not answering a question; so, that is just academic.
You're such an idiot, you spiked the ball after scoring a safety. That's evident by your continued idiocy of claiming I didn't answer a question I actually answered twice. And this didn't have to go on for multiple pages. You could have looked it up from the very beginning.

Grondowski is a tight end, moron. Nobody would accuse you of being a tight end, though.
Learn football.

Even a tight end can score a safety. In your case, you caught the ball and ran the wrong direction. :lol:

And btw, you're no Gronk.
Did you answer it on another thread, too? I'd say the problem is that I'm dealing with two morons.
Spits the idiot who's too lazy and too stupid to use the forum's search feature.

Why would I capitulate? Clearly, you don't think your BS is worth posting here. And you've thrown in the towel and lost the argument, anyways. Football's been spiked, bitch.

Now, if you were a respectable poster, I might go out looking. But if you were a respectable poster, you wouldn't have spent 25 pages not answering a question; so, that is just academic.
You're such an idiot, you spiked the ball after scoring a safety. That's evident by your continued idiocy of claiming I didn't answer a question I actually answered twice. And this didn't have to go on for multiple pages. You could have looked it up from the very beginning.

Grondowski is a tight end, moron. Nobody would accuse you of being a tight end, though.
Learn football.

Even a tight end can score a safety. In your case, you caught the ball and ran the wrong direction. :lol:

And btw, you're no Gronk.

Football's been spiked. You lost. You laid down and died like a weenie. :lmao:
Spits the idiot who's too lazy and too stupid to use the forum's search feature.

Why would I capitulate? Clearly, you don't think your BS is worth posting here. And you've thrown in the towel and lost the argument, anyways. Football's been spiked, bitch.

Now, if you were a respectable poster, I might go out looking. But if you were a respectable poster, you wouldn't have spent 25 pages not answering a question; so, that is just academic.
You're such an idiot, you spiked the ball after scoring a safety. That's evident by your continued idiocy of claiming I didn't answer a question I actually answered twice. And this didn't have to go on for multiple pages. You could have looked it up from the very beginning.

Grondowski is a tight end, moron. Nobody would accuse you of being a tight end, though.
Learn football.

Even a tight end can score a safety. In your case, you caught the ball and ran the wrong direction. :lol:

And btw, you're no Gronk.

Football's been spiked. You lost. You laid down and died like a weenie. :lmao:

This is you, scoring... thinking you scored a touchdown...

Why would I capitulate? Clearly, you don't think your BS is worth posting here. And you've thrown in the towel and lost the argument, anyways. Football's been spiked, bitch.

Now, if you were a respectable poster, I might go out looking. But if you were a respectable poster, you wouldn't have spent 25 pages not answering a question; so, that is just academic.
You're such an idiot, you spiked the ball after scoring a safety. That's evident by your continued idiocy of claiming I didn't answer a question I actually answered twice. And this didn't have to go on for multiple pages. You could have looked it up from the very beginning.

Grondowski is a tight end, moron. Nobody would accuse you of being a tight end, though.
Learn football.

Even a tight end can score a safety. In your case, you caught the ball and ran the wrong direction. :lol:

And btw, you're no Gronk.

Football's been spiked. You lost. You laid down and died like a weenie. :lmao:

This is you, scoring... thinking you scored a touchdown...

Bronk scored a TD. WTF are you arguing now?

Anyhow, you lost. You can get a rematch if you want to post your sh**. Otherwise, you're out on a losing note; nothing new there.
You're such an idiot, you spiked the ball after scoring a safety. That's evident by your continued idiocy of claiming I didn't answer a question I actually answered twice. And this didn't have to go on for multiple pages. You could have looked it up from the very beginning.

Grondowski is a tight end, moron. Nobody would accuse you of being a tight end, though.
Learn football.

Even a tight end can score a safety. In your case, you caught the ball and ran the wrong direction. :lol:

And btw, you're no Gronk.

Football's been spiked. You lost. You laid down and died like a weenie. :lmao:

This is you, scoring... thinking you scored a touchdown...

Bronk scored a TD. WTF are you arguing now?

Anyhow, you lost. You can get a rematch if you want to post your sh**. Otherwise, you're out on a losing note; nothing new there.

Again, you're not Gronk.

And I lost nothing. I don't care what your delusions fool you into believing.
Grondowski is a tight end, moron. Nobody would accuse you of being a tight end, though.
Learn football.

Even a tight end can score a safety. In your case, you caught the ball and ran the wrong direction. :lol:

And btw, you're no Gronk.

Football's been spiked. You lost. You laid down and died like a weenie. :lmao:

This is you, scoring... thinking you scored a touchdown...

Bronk scored a TD. WTF are you arguing now?

Anyhow, you lost. You can get a rematch if you want to post your sh**. Otherwise, you're out on a losing note; nothing new there.

Again, you're not Gronk.

And I lost nothing. I don't care what your delusions fool you into believing.

Scoreboard, brah.

You laid down and died :lmao:
Learn football.

Even a tight end can score a safety. In your case, you caught the ball and ran the wrong direction. :lol:

And btw, you're no Gronk.

Football's been spiked. You lost. You laid down and died like a weenie. :lmao:

This is you, scoring... thinking you scored a touchdown...

Bronk scored a TD. WTF are you arguing now?

Anyhow, you lost. You can get a rematch if you want to post your sh**. Otherwise, you're out on a losing note; nothing new there.

Again, you're not Gronk.

And I lost nothing. I don't care what your delusions fool you into believing.

Scoreboard, brah.

You laid down and died :lmao:


The scoreboard shows you gave up 2 points.
Football's been spiked. You lost. You laid down and died like a weenie. :lmao:

This is you, scoring... thinking you scored a touchdown...

Bronk scored a TD. WTF are you arguing now?

Anyhow, you lost. You can get a rematch if you want to post your sh**. Otherwise, you're out on a losing note; nothing new there.

Again, you're not Gronk.

And I lost nothing. I don't care what your delusions fool you into believing.

Scoreboard, brah.

You laid down and died :lmao:


The scoreboard shows you gave up 2 points.

You lost. Get over it.
This is a problem. Faun and I already answered her that dumb question. And it make it more fun is not to answer her question at all.
Then she will bring the numbers from a garbage links that she keep posting over and over that she think it's normal.

Did you answer it on another thread, too? I'd say the problem is that I'm dealing with two morons.

In reality you are a good example of a moron. You post lies at the same time supporting your own kind of liar. Posting links after link coming from a group that
no one in the right mind should use.

Go ahead and show me one link even I've posted in this thread. Yea, you're a fucking moron degenerate. Just stop before you find yourself blocked. I can only spend so much time talking to retards.

Dude I'm talking to both of LIARS. You supported a liar's link Political Chic ----- asking the same dumb question that makes you a Moron.
Blocking me? A threat is a sign of weakness. You are a defective human being.

This is you, scoring... thinking you scored a touchdown...

Bronk scored a TD. WTF are you arguing now?

Anyhow, you lost. You can get a rematch if you want to post your sh**. Otherwise, you're out on a losing note; nothing new there.

Again, you're not Gronk.

And I lost nothing. I don't care what your delusions fool you into believing.

Scoreboard, brah.

You laid down and died :lmao:


The scoreboard shows you gave up 2 points.

You lost. Get over it.


What do your delusions tell you I've lost?
This is a problem. Faun and I already answered her that dumb question. And it make it more fun is not to answer her question at all.
Then she will bring the numbers from a garbage links that she keep posting over and over that she think it's normal.

Did you answer it on another thread, too? I'd say the problem is that I'm dealing with two morons.

In reality you are a good example of a moron. You post lies at the same time supporting your own kind of liar. Posting links after link coming from a group that
no one in the right mind should use.

Go ahead and show me one link even I've posted in this thread. Yea, you're a fucking moron degenerate. Just stop before you find yourself blocked. I can only spend so much time talking to retards.

Dude I'm talking to both of LIARS. You supported a liar's link Political Chic ----- asking the same dumb question that makes you a Moron.
Blocking me? A threat is a sign of weakness. You are a defective human being.

You have done nothing but piss and pout and attempt to belittle and defame. I'd say that's what the block function is for. If you're not going to enact a little dignity into your posting, then consider it coming. Final warning.
Bronk scored a TD. WTF are you arguing now?

Anyhow, you lost. You can get a rematch if you want to post your sh**. Otherwise, you're out on a losing note; nothing new there.
Again, you're not Gronk.

And I lost nothing. I don't care what your delusions fool you into believing.

Scoreboard, brah.

You laid down and died :lmao:

The scoreboard shows you gave up 2 points.

You lost. Get over it.

What do your delusions tell you I've lost?

You lost the argument, dude. You laid down and died, thirty pages ago.

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