Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

And why the fuck would you go through the trouble of searching a page at a time when you could easily use the forum's search feature??

Oh, you're an efficiency expert now? How about not wasting 20 pages of thread and taking 5 seconds to answer a damn question in the first place!

Great, yet another ^^^ looney rightard ^^^

Looney rightard.... I answered her question. Twice. What difference does it make what thread it was on? It was the same question she's asked a hundred times since. :cuckoo:
It wasn't on this thread therefore it doesn't count.
Great, thanks for admitting I'm being more than reasonable, since as you say, "a reasonable person would answer the question," and I've answered that question twice.

She asked it and I answered it. Despite me answering it, she asked it again. I answered again. Despite answering twice, she continues asking. You're as brain-dead as she is if you think I'm going to answer her same question a third time since it's clear, she's mental :cuckoo: and will keep asking that same question no matter how many times I answer it.

I haven't seen you answer the question once. Apparently, the question scares you.

As to your idea that you won't answer a question three times, you don't have to. Just give me the post number of one of these two alleged answers.
And if a tree falls in the forest but you don't see it, that means it didn't fall, right? :cuckoo:

If you want to see my answer, I told you how to find it. If you're too lazy or too stupid, that's on you.

But as you yourself said, "a reasonable person would answer the question." ...

And I answered it twice. That makes me more than reasonable. Thanks!

I checked back to page 164. Didn't see anything that substantiates your claim.
Of course you didn't find it searching like that. Where did I say I answered it in this thread? Like I said, PoliticalHack is mental. She's started up multiple threads on this same topic, just like she keeps repeating the same questions; even when they're answered. And why the fuck would you go through the trouble of searching a page at a time when you could easily use the forum's search feature??

You expect people to peruse every thread you ever posted in for one simple answer?
No more than I expect anyone to expect me to answer the same question multiple times because some freak keeps asking the same question over and over again, even after it's been answered.
And why the fuck would you go through the trouble of searching a page at a time when you could easily use the forum's search feature??

Oh, you're an efficiency expert now? How about not wasting 20 pages of thread and taking 5 seconds to answer a damn question in the first place!

Great, yet another ^^^ looney rightard ^^^

Looney rightard.... I answered her question. Twice. What difference does it make what thread it was on? It was the same question she's asked a hundred times since. :cuckoo:
It wasn't on this thread therefore it doesn't count.

Who made you hall monitor? :lmao:
The data belongs to the state, not the federal government.
It Belongs to the Public.
It does not belong to the federal government. The federal government has no authority to collect that data and it's within the states' right to tell them to go fuck themselves; which is what many states, red and blue, are doing. Imagine the outrage if the federal government asked states to turn over all the data in their possession on gun owners.
But it's ok when the Press does it.
New York Journal News Publishes Gun Owners' Names In Westchester, Rockland Counties | HuffPost
No, that's not ok either. Did you even bother to read your own link...?

A New York newspaper is under criticism for publishing the names and addresses of local gun owners on Monday.
oooOOO They got criticized for doing so.
Well then the US government should do it too and just get criticized for doing so.
Let's see if you can follow along... you suggested I might think it's ok because the press acquired some data on some gun owners. I point out I don't believe it's ok and highlight your own link where it states it wasn't alright for some. So how does two wrongs make it right?
And why the fuck would you go through the trouble of searching a page at a time when you could easily use the forum's search feature??

Oh, you're an efficiency expert now? How about not wasting 20 pages of thread and taking 5 seconds to answer a damn question in the first place!

Great, yet another ^^^ looney rightard ^^^

Looney rightard.... I answered her question. Twice. What difference does it make what thread it was on? It was the same question she's asked a hundred times since. :cuckoo:
It wasn't on this thread therefore it doesn't count.

Who made you hall monitor? :lmao:

He's a simple purveyor of common sense. I can understand why you'd have a hard time making the read.
And why the fuck would you go through the trouble of searching a page at a time when you could easily use the forum's search feature??

Oh, you're an efficiency expert now? How about not wasting 20 pages of thread and taking 5 seconds to answer a damn question in the first place!

Great, yet another ^^^ looney rightard ^^^

Looney rightard.... I answered her question. Twice. What difference does it make what thread it was on? It was the same question she's asked a hundred times since. :cuckoo:
It wasn't on this thread therefore it doesn't count.

Who made you hall monitor? :lmao:

He's a simple purveyor of common sense. I can understand why you'd have a hard time making the read.
You yourself already pointed out I'm being more than reasonable.
a reasonable person would answer the question (that you assert to have a consumable answer for).
And I've answered the question twice.
Oh, you're an efficiency expert now? How about not wasting 20 pages of thread and taking 5 seconds to answer a damn question in the first place!

Great, yet another ^^^ looney rightard ^^^

Looney rightard.... I answered her question. Twice. What difference does it make what thread it was on? It was the same question she's asked a hundred times since. :cuckoo:
It wasn't on this thread therefore it doesn't count.

Who made you hall monitor? :lmao:

He's a simple purveyor of common sense. I can understand why you'd have a hard time making the read.
You yourself already pointed out I'm being more than reasonable.
a reasonable person would answer the question (that you assert to have a consumable answer for).
And I've answered the question twice.

Relax, Ugly.....

Calm down....I gave the answer for you.

As our amiable dunce will not, and cannot, answer this simple query, "How many illegal aliens reside in our country," I will provide the perspective that Ugly didn't.

1. Now....the owners and operators of the media, Liberalism, Incorporated, have kept idiots in the dark for nigh on 15 years....broadcasting the very same bogus number....11 million illegals living here....and those trained to be ignorant buy it like it was on sale!

2. Of course the media tacitly admits that they know that the Liberal voter is an imbecile, because, while they print that same 11 million every year.....
...they also let slip that some million invaders creep into the country yearly.
Yet the number put forward never changes!

a. How can dolts accept the same number every year, and also accept the huge number that creep in?
Well, they have to, or they wouldn't be Liberals.

3. Evidence and testimony from experts indicates that the actual number of illegal aliens ensconced in our domain is actually somewhere between 50 million and 80 million.

a. Just an indication of this: call any business or website and they ask you to 'press 1 for English.'
Figure out why they have to do that?

4. Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to to the prison system
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.

5. If there were only 11 million as the Left claims, well, 50% would have had to vote to make this thread claim correct....
But if 50-80 million are here.....less than one in ten had to vote.
And they did.

6. And so we see the reason the Leftwing Lying Liberals won't provide the answer to this simple query:

How many illegal aliens live in this country?

Now...do ME a favor, Uggg: stop going outside during daylight....you're scaring the children.
Great, yet another ^^^ looney rightard ^^^

Looney rightard.... I answered her question. Twice. What difference does it make what thread it was on? It was the same question she's asked a hundred times since. :cuckoo:
It wasn't on this thread therefore it doesn't count.

Who made you hall monitor? :lmao:

He's a simple purveyor of common sense. I can understand why you'd have a hard time making the read.
You yourself already pointed out I'm being more than reasonable.
a reasonable person would answer the question (that you assert to have a consumable answer for).
And I've answered the question twice.

Relax, Ugly.....

Calm down....I gave the answer for you.

As our amiable dunce will not, and cannot, answer this simple query, "How many illegal aliens reside in our country," I will provide the perspective that Ugly didn't.

1. Now....the owners and operators of the media, Liberalism, Incorporated, have kept idiots in the dark for nigh on 15 years....broadcasting the very same bogus number....11 million illegals living here....and those trained to be ignorant buy it like it was on sale!

2. Of course the media tacitly admits that they know that the Liberal voter is an imbecile, because, while they print that same 11 million every year.....
...they also let slip that some million invaders creep into the country yearly.
Yet the number put forward never changes!

a. How can dolts accept the same number every year, and also accept the huge number that creep in?
Well, they have to, or they wouldn't be Liberals.

3. Evidence and testimony from experts indicates that the actual number of illegal aliens ensconced in our domain is actually somewhere between 50 million and 80 million.

a. Just an indication of this: call any business or website and they ask you to 'press 1 for English.'
Figure out why they have to do that?

4. Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to to the prison system
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.

5. If there were only 11 million as the Left claims, well, 50% would have had to vote to make this thread claim correct....
But if 50-80 million are here.....less than one in ten had to vote.
And they did.

6. And so we see the reason the Leftwing Lying Liberals won't provide the answer to this simple query:

How many illegal aliens live in this country?

Now...do ME a favor, Uggg: stop going outside during daylight....you're scaring the children.
Why would any lucid individual accept your nonsense that up to 1 in 4 people in the U. S. are here illegally? :cuckoo:
It wasn't on this thread therefore it doesn't count.

Who made you hall monitor? :lmao:

He's a simple purveyor of common sense. I can understand why you'd have a hard time making the read.
You yourself already pointed out I'm being more than reasonable.
a reasonable person would answer the question (that you assert to have a consumable answer for).
And I've answered the question twice.

Relax, Ugly.....

Calm down....I gave the answer for you.

As our amiable dunce will not, and cannot, answer this simple query, "How many illegal aliens reside in our country," I will provide the perspective that Ugly didn't.

1. Now....the owners and operators of the media, Liberalism, Incorporated, have kept idiots in the dark for nigh on 15 years....broadcasting the very same bogus number....11 million illegals living here....and those trained to be ignorant buy it like it was on sale!

2. Of course the media tacitly admits that they know that the Liberal voter is an imbecile, because, while they print that same 11 million every year.....
...they also let slip that some million invaders creep into the country yearly.
Yet the number put forward never changes!

a. How can dolts accept the same number every year, and also accept the huge number that creep in?
Well, they have to, or they wouldn't be Liberals.

3. Evidence and testimony from experts indicates that the actual number of illegal aliens ensconced in our domain is actually somewhere between 50 million and 80 million.

a. Just an indication of this: call any business or website and they ask you to 'press 1 for English.'
Figure out why they have to do that?

4. Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to to the prison system
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.

5. If there were only 11 million as the Left claims, well, 50% would have had to vote to make this thread claim correct....
But if 50-80 million are here.....less than one in ten had to vote.
And they did.

6. And so we see the reason the Leftwing Lying Liberals won't provide the answer to this simple query:

How many illegal aliens live in this country?

Now...do ME a favor, Uggg: stop going outside during daylight....you're scaring the children.
Why would any lucid individual accept your nonsense that up to 1 in 4 people in the U. S. are here illegally? :cuckoo:

Hey, look, Ugly....the other Democrats stonewalling just like you!!!

"Media Talking Points on State Voter Data Request Don't Hold Water

A Presidential Commission formed to investigate voter fraud requested certain voter registration data from each state, among other things, in a letter sent June 28. Democrat politicians, supposed "experts," and the media claim the request is a massive violation of privacy and the secret ballot, a "gold mine" for hackers, an infringement on state's rights, and the first step in institutionalized voter suppression. "
Media Talking Points on State Voter Data Request Don't Hold Water

Who made you hall monitor? :lmao:

He's a simple purveyor of common sense. I can understand why you'd have a hard time making the read.
You yourself already pointed out I'm being more than reasonable.
a reasonable person would answer the question (that you assert to have a consumable answer for).
And I've answered the question twice.

Relax, Ugly.....

Calm down....I gave the answer for you.

As our amiable dunce will not, and cannot, answer this simple query, "How many illegal aliens reside in our country," I will provide the perspective that Ugly didn't.

1. Now....the owners and operators of the media, Liberalism, Incorporated, have kept idiots in the dark for nigh on 15 years....broadcasting the very same bogus number....11 million illegals living here....and those trained to be ignorant buy it like it was on sale!

2. Of course the media tacitly admits that they know that the Liberal voter is an imbecile, because, while they print that same 11 million every year.....
...they also let slip that some million invaders creep into the country yearly.
Yet the number put forward never changes!

a. How can dolts accept the same number every year, and also accept the huge number that creep in?
Well, they have to, or they wouldn't be Liberals.

3. Evidence and testimony from experts indicates that the actual number of illegal aliens ensconced in our domain is actually somewhere between 50 million and 80 million.

a. Just an indication of this: call any business or website and they ask you to 'press 1 for English.'
Figure out why they have to do that?

4. Illegal aliens lower our standard of living, increase unemployment among Americans, and cost mucho Dinaro in welfare and support, plus huge costs to to the prison system
Yet, Liberals/Democrats welcome, encourage, and invite same for one reason:
they vote....and they vote Democrat.

5. If there were only 11 million as the Left claims, well, 50% would have had to vote to make this thread claim correct....
But if 50-80 million are here.....less than one in ten had to vote.
And they did.

6. And so we see the reason the Leftwing Lying Liberals won't provide the answer to this simple query:

How many illegal aliens live in this country?

Now...do ME a favor, Uggg: stop going outside during daylight....you're scaring the children.
Why would any lucid individual accept your nonsense that up to 1 in 4 people in the U. S. are here illegally? :cuckoo:

Hey, look, Ugly....the other Democrats stonewalling just like you!!!

"Media Talking Points on State Voter Data Request Don't Hold Water

A Presidential Commission formed to investigate voter fraud requested certain voter registration data from each state, among other things, in a letter sent June 28. Democrat politicians, supposed "experts," and the media claim the request is a massive violation of privacy and the secret ballot, a "gold mine" for hackers, an infringement on state's rights, and the first step in institutionalized voter suppression. "
Media Talking Points on State Voter Data Request Don't Hold Water
Aww, you poor thing. Your senility is getting worse. :ack-1:

Many, if not most, of the states refusing to hand their voter data over to the federal government are run by Republicans, not Democrats.


Fucker Faun says he answered your question on another thread. No word on whether that's also on another message board, too.....


Everyone recognizes the 'I answered that already' as a dodge, and simple enough to judge why the Left is afraid to admit the multiple millions of illegal aliens that live here: if even a tiny percent of them followed Hussein's instructions and voted, then Trump is correct that he won the popular vote.

But, let's keep it on the down low: the more Ugly , the worse the Left looks.

Fucker Faun says he answered your question on another thread. No word on whether that's also on another message board, too.....


Everyone recognizes the 'I answered that already' as a dodge, and simple enough to judge why the Left is afraid to admit the multiple millions of illegal aliens that live here: if even a tiny percent of them followed Hussein's instructions and voted, then Trump is correct that he won the popular vote.

But, let's keep it on the down low: the more Ugly , the worse the Left looks.

Damn Faun. Bend over and grab your ankles!

Fucker Faun says he answered your question on another thread. No word on whether that's also on another message board, too.....


Everyone recognizes the 'I answered that already' as a dodge, and simple enough to judge why the Left is afraid to admit the multiple millions of illegal aliens that live here: if even a tiny percent of them followed Hussein's instructions and voted, then Trump is correct that he won the popular vote.

But, let's keep it on the down low: the more Ugly , the worse the Left looks.
You remain stupid. It's not a dodge if I already answered it. Twice, no less. :mm:

Fucker Faun says he answered your question on another thread. No word on whether that's also on another message board, too.....


Everyone recognizes the 'I answered that already' as a dodge, and simple enough to judge why the Left is afraid to admit the multiple millions of illegal aliens that live here: if even a tiny percent of them followed Hussein's instructions and voted, then Trump is correct that he won the popular vote.

But, let's keep it on the down low: the more Ugly , the worse the Left looks.

Damn Faun. Bend over and grab your ankles!
You really think PoliticalHack appreciates your reach-around?

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