UPDATE: USCIS Memo Details Obama Administration Plan for Executive Action Amnesty


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
A newly revealed memo, obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) who is leading the fight against amnesty, shows Obama Administration officials offering a detailed plan that would offer actual or de facto amnesty to millions of illegal aliens without Congress ever taking a vote.

The 11-page memo, drafted by Chief of Policy and Strategy for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Denise Vanison, outlines the various ways to offer a mass amnesty to the nation's 11-18 million illegal aliens through the use of administrative actions. The stated purpose of the memo is to offer "administrative relief options to promote family unity, foster economic growth, achieve significant process improvements and reduce the threat of removal for certain individuals present in the United States without authorization."

"The memo proposes 18 different ways for the Obama Administration to essentially eliminate our borders through regulatory fiat and in clear violation of the letter and the spirit of U.S. immigration laws, which Obama swore an oath to faithfully execute," said NumbersUSA's Director of Government Relations Rosemary Jenks.

The memo is an alternative plan to amnesty "in the absence of Comprehensive Immigration Reform." In addition to using deferred action and parole, which were previously identified in two separate letters drafted by Sen. Grassely and signed by 11 other Senators (read the first and second letters), the memo outlines ways that USCIS can extend benefits and protections to individuals and groups of people by lessening the standards used in "extreme hardship" cases.

Item 4 in the memo outlines ways the Obama Administration can provide amnesty for millions of illegal aliens through the "extreme hardship" provision. It would "encourage many more spouses, sons, and daughters of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents to seek relief without fear of removal. It would also increase the likelihood that such relief would be granted." Section 4 reads:

Lessen the Standard for Demonstrating "Extreme Hardship"

The Act at 212(a)(9)(B)(i)(I) and (II) renders inadmissible for 3 or 10 years individuals who have been unlawfully present in the U.S. for 180 days or one year respectively, and then depart. By statute, DHS has discretion to waive these grounds of inadmissibility for spouses, sons and daughters of U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents if the refusal to admit such individuals would result in extreme hardship to their qualifying relatives. Generally, the "extreme hardship" standard has been narrowly construed by USCIS.

To increase the number of individuals applying for waivers, and improve their chances of receiving them, CIS could issue guidance or a regulation specifying a lower evidentiary standard for "extreme hardship." This would promote family unity, and avoid the significant human and financial costs associated with waiver denial decisions born of an overly rigid standard. This revised standard would also complement expanded use of PIP as set forth in B.

UPDATE: USCIS Memo Details Obama Administration Plan for Executive Action Amnesty | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels
People, especially Liberals, Democrats better WAKE the hell up and see there is a all out assault on us AMERCIAN CITIZENS from this guberment.


I could support amnesty, with the following caveats:

1. No one convicted of a crime (besides illegal entry) would be eligible. They would be deported, and never granted an entry visa. Ever.

2. Those granted amnesty would be given permanent resident alien status. That means they could never vote. Ever.
Hi Dave:

I could support amnesty, with the following caveats:

1. No one convicted of a crime (besides illegal entry) would be eligible. They would be deported, and never granted an entry visa. Ever.

In other words, Dave is just fine with Illegal Aliens killing 25 U.S. Citizens EVERY DAY here in the USA (12 by murder). Dave is willing to forget all about giving Illegal Amnesty to more than a MILLION Illegal Aliens back in 1986 with the passing of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Wiki). He is willing to forget that millions of U.S. "Employers" are HIRING Illegal Aliens in direct violation of the Rule of Law, as if handing out Illegal Amnesty justifies all of this Illegal Activity. Always remember that a myriad of Laws are being violated EVERY DAY by Illegal Aliens that include:

1. Crossing our borders illegally.
2. Stealing JOBS from U.S. Workers.
3. Driving on U.S. Highways without proper documentation.
4. Stealing identities from U.S. Workers.

Those helping Illegal Aliens are breaking many Laws that include:

1. Generation of fraudulent document to give Illegal Aliens the appearance of legal working status punishable by a 5-year felony conviction.
2. Aiding and abetting Illegal Aliens.
3. Harboring Illegal Aliens.
4. Hiring Illegal Aliens.

2. Those granted amnesty would be given permanent resident alien status. That means they could never vote. Ever.

No!!!! Again, we have been through all of this "Illegal Amnesty" business in 1986 with the condition that this NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!!! Hiring Illegal Aliens is already a CRIME that the Obama Administration refuses to ENFORCE. Aiding and abetting and harboring Illegal Aliens is already a CRIME that the Obama Administration refuses to ENFORCE. Creating Illegal Documentation for Illegal Aliens is already a CRIME that the Obama Administration refuses to ENFORCE. The Federal Government has NO CREDIBILITY in the ENFORCEMENT Department!!!! ZERO!!!! Therefore, nobody in the Federal Government has enough credibility with the American People to begin handing out Illegal Amnesty, when we know damned good and well that NOBODY is going to ENFORCE new Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws! Period!

Every goddamned Illegal Alien has the opportunity RIGHT NOW to GO HOME and come to the USA through the FRONT DOOR. That means getting in the back of the line with the 2 MILLION Immigrants that come to the USA every year 'legally' through the front door. That is more immigration to the USA than ALL of the other countries on earth combined!!!!!

The USA has no business handing out Illegal Amnesty to lawbreakers, when millions and millions and millions of Americans cannot find work to feed their families. Obama should be impeached for refusing to ENFORCE our Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws that are broken EVERY DAY and he certainly has no business as Illegal Alien #1 to be handing out Illegal Amnesty to ANYONE ...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLDHDfPNBME"]Michelle Obama: Barack's Home Country Is Kenya!!![/ame]


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I could support amnesty, with the following caveats:

1. No one convicted of a crime (besides illegal entry) would be eligible. They would be deported, and never granted an entry visa. Ever.

2. Those granted amnesty would be given permanent resident alien status. That means they could never vote. Ever.

Hi Dave:

I could support amnesty, with the following caveats:

1. No one convicted of a crime (besides illegal entry) would be eligible. They would be deported, and never granted an entry visa. Ever.

In other words, Dave is just fine with Illegal Aliens killing 25 U.S. Citizens EVERY DAY here in the USA (12 by murder). Dave is willing to forget all about giving Illegal Amnesty to more than a MILLION Illegal Aliens back in 1986 with the passing of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Wiki). He is willing to forget that millions of U.S. "Employers" are HIRING Illegal Aliens in direct violation of the Rule of Law, as if handing out Illegal Amnesty justifies all of this Illegal Activity. Always remember that a myriad of Laws are being violated EVERY DAY by Illegal Aliens that include:

1. Crossing our borders illegally.
2. Stealing JOBS from U.S. Workers.
3. Driving on U.S. Highways without proper documentation.
4. Stealing identities from U.S. Workers.

Those helping Illegal Aliens are breaking many Laws that include:

1. Generation of fraudulent document to give Illegal Aliens the appearance of legal working status punishable by a 5-year felony conviction.
2. Aiding and abetting Illegal Aliens.
3. Harboring Illegal Aliens.
4. Hiring Illegal Aliens.

2. Those granted amnesty would be given permanent resident alien status. That means they could never vote. Ever.

No!!!! Again, we have been through all of this "Illegal Amnesty" business in 1986 with the condition that this NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!!! Hiring Illegal Aliens is already a CRIME that the Obama Administration refuses to ENFORCE. Aiding and abetting and harboring Illegal Aliens is already a CRIME that the Obama Administration refuses to ENFORCE. Creating Illegal Documentation for Illegal Aliens is already a CRIME that the Obama Administration refuses to ENFORCE. The Federal Government has NO CREDIBILITY in the ENFORCEMENT Department!!!! ZERO!!!! Therefore, nobody in the Federal Government has enough credibility with the American People to begin handing out Illegal Amnesty, when we know damned good and well that NOBODY is going to ENFORCE new Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws! Period!

Every goddamned Illegal Alien has the opportunity RIGHT NOW to GO HOME and come to the USA through the FRONT DOOR. That means getting in the back of the line with the 2 MILLION Immigrants that come to the USA every year 'legally' through the front door. That is more immigration to the USA than ALL of the other countries on earth combined!!!!!

The USA has no business handing out Illegal Amnesty to lawbreakers, when millions and millions and millions of Americans cannot find work to feed their families. Obama should be impeached for refusing to ENFORCE our Immigration, Employment and Document Fraud Laws that are broken EVERY DAY and he certainly has no business as Illegal Alien #1 to be handing out Illegal Amnesty to ANYONE ...


You probably haven't read my other posts on illegal immigration, so I'll correct your astoundingly wrong impressions right here and now.

There are four actions that need to be accomplished simultaneously:

1. Identify all illegal aliens.
2. Seal the border.
3. Harshly punish employers who knowingly hire illegals.
4. Require proof of legal residence before someone can wire money overseas.

We don't have the resources to deport millions of illegals, although I'd prefer to. Step #1 can be accomplished through raids, self-reporting, or citizens reporting. Each identified illegal will be checked for criminal record. If he has so much as a speeding ticket, he's deported, and will never be granted an entrance visa. The ones with clean records will be given resident alien cards, tax ID numbers, and start paying taxes. They will not be granted citizenship, and will not be allowed to vote. Any criminal activity will be grounds for immediate deportation with no chance of ever again getting an entrance visa.

The no-citizenship and no-voting points will be denounced by the left, who see illegals as nothing more than potential Dem voters.
I must unabashedly toot my own horn for predicting this 2 days ago in the 'Politics' section, "We are a Nation Divided" thread, post #6, currently on Pg. 3 of the politics section. Looks like backdoor amnesty is coming alot sooner than later.
When Hussein's admin. grants back-door amnesty for illegals, it will mark the 4th MAJOR time this admin. goes against the will of the majority of the American people: the other 3 times being Bailout, Obamacare, Suing Az.. All this in 1.5 years.
Had enough of this Fascist yet?
If you support America you would support amnesty, since most here don't i'd say they don't give a rat's ass about America.
If you support America you would support amnesty, since most here don't i'd say they don't give a rat's ass about America.

I could be wrong, but I believe there are enough Americans left who do give a rat's ass. And those who do still care about America, don't support amnesty in our current circumstances and time. Additionally, it does not take political acumen to see this.
If you support America you would support amnesty, since most here don't i'd say they don't give a rat's ass about America.

I could be wrong, but I believe there are enough Americans left who do give a rat's ass. And those who do still care about America, don't support amnesty in our current circumstances and time. Additionally, it does not take political acumen to see this.

So what is it you are trying to save? I care about the only thing worth a shit anymore, the economy.
Wait., wait........here it comes........SOVEREIGNTY!:lol::lol:

Maybe you guys are trying to save the country so only you will have the right to be taxed to death(by both parties) or you don't want anybody else to enjoy your view of the shithole the country is socially and don't want anybody else but you to watch it circle the toilet and get flushed down the turd eater.

Wait., wait........here it comes........SOVEREIGNTY!:lol::lol:

Maybe you guys are trying to save the country so only you will have the right to be taxed to death(by both parties) or you don't want anybody else to enjoy your view of the shithole the country is socially and don't want anybody else but you to watch it circle the toilet and get flushed down the turd eater.


Got it. Misery enjoys company.
Are you an illegal Romanian gypsy?
Wait., wait........here it comes........SOVEREIGNTY!:lol::lol:

Maybe you guys are trying to save the country so only you will have the right to be taxed to death(by both parties) or you don't want anybody else to enjoy your view of the shithole the country is socially and don't want anybody else but you to watch it circle the toilet and get flushed down the turd eater.


Got it. Misery enjoys company.
Are you an illegal Romanian gypsy?

Hey douche, lets say you achieve the logistically impossible and all illegals are gone today, you gonna be pickin veggies this summer in the San Joaquin Valley in 105 degree heat 12 hrs a day? Or hanging sheet rock?

Nah.....didn't think so. If you are not for amnesty you are against the American economy.
Wait., wait........here it comes........SOVEREIGNTY!:lol::lol:

Maybe you guys are trying to save the country so only you will have the right to be taxed to death(by both parties) or you don't want anybody else to enjoy your view of the shithole the country is socially and don't want anybody else but you to watch it circle the toilet and get flushed down the turd eater.


Got it. Misery enjoys company.
Are you an illegal Romanian gypsy?

Hey douche, lets say you achieve the logistically impossible and all illegals are gone today, you gonna be pickin veggies this summer in the San Joaquin Valley in 105 degree heat 12 hrs a day? Or hanging sheet rock?

Nah.....didn't think so. If you are not for amnesty you are against the American economy.

Gawd, you're living in a stereotyped past if you believe the vast majority of fieldworkers in the southwest are illegals.
Got it. Misery enjoys company.
Are you an illegal Romanian gypsy?

Hey douche, lets say you achieve the logistically impossible and all illegals are gone today, you gonna be pickin veggies this summer in the San Joaquin Valley in 105 degree heat 12 hrs a day? Or hanging sheet rock?

Nah.....didn't think so. If you are not for amnesty you are against the American economy.

Gawd, you're living in a stereotyped past if you believe the vast majority of fieldworkers in the southwest are illegals.

From Elk Grove, CA Gomer....look it up and then tell me that I don't know what i'm talking about.
Wait., wait........here it comes........SOVEREIGNTY!:lol::lol:

Maybe you guys are trying to save the country so only you will have the right to be taxed to death(by both parties) or you don't want anybody else to enjoy your view of the shithole the country is socially and don't want anybody else but you to watch it circle the toilet and get flushed down the turd eater.


Got it. Misery enjoys company.
Are you an illegal Romanian gypsy?

Hey douche, lets say you achieve the logistically impossible and all illegals are gone today, you gonna be pickin veggies this summer in the San Joaquin Valley in 105 degree heat 12 hrs a day? Or hanging sheet rock?

Nah.....didn't think so. If you are not for amnesty you are against the American economy.

Well, unknown to many, americans did all these jobs when this country was founded and for years and years afterward - even to this day! Where do you all get the notion that americans did not work in the fields or hung sheet rock??? Get a clue folks - americans are the ones who did it ALL back then and many continue to do it now! What this country should do, is have a work program ONLY to allow people to come and work and hightail it back to their country when the deed is done.
OCA, You don't know what you're talking about (sounds Greek to me...).
I winter in Yuma, Az., the lettuce capital (and other crops) of the world. A majority of fieldhands come in daily from Mexico to work via a H-2A visa (they're legal!!), during the picking season. Minimum starting wage is $10.00/ hr...with many earning more. Because Yuma is on the border, most return home at night to border towns in Mexico, where they live. Farm Labor Bureaus provide bus transportation, spot-a-pots, as it is well organized.
Minor abuses may occur, but they are usually straightened out, when found out.
BTW, Cesar Chavez was born in Yuma.
OCA, You don't know what you're talking about (sounds Greek to me...).
I winter in Yuma, Az., the lettuce capital (and other crops) of the world. A majority of fieldhands come in daily from Mexico to work via a H-2A visa (they're legal!!), during the picking season. Minimum starting wage is $10.00/ hr...with many earning more. Because Yuma is on the border, most return home at night to border towns in Mexico, where they live. Farm Labor Bureaus provide bus transportation, spot-a-pots, as it is well organized.
Minor abuses may occur, but they are usually straightened out, when found out.
BTW, Cesar Chavez was born in Yuma.

Cesar Chavez was anti-illegal. He felt they brought down the wages of those here legally.

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