Updated July 5th-Joe Biden is still worse than Trump for people looking to retire

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Your thread title needs to be changed the fact trump was the greatest president sense kennedy.matter of fact other than kennedy and Calvin coolidge,remember the roaring twenty’s when we had a booming economy,thst was why it was called that,other than kennedy trump is the best president we have had sense coolidge so thst being the case the title needs to read joe biden is still worse than ANY previous president if looking to retire.

forget trump,there’s no question he was a great president bringing us a booming economy same as coolidge did bringing more jobs back to the country than any president in sixty years,that was why the elite and the Demonrats and Rinos rolled out covid the fact trump had a booming economy going.

A more favorable comparison to biden is comparing him to all previous disasterous presidents from the twentieth century,the majority of them being evil motherfucker asswipes.

That’s a fact and reality most Americans cannot accept is the majority of our presidents at least from the 20th century,were evil demonic monsters who served the elite instead of the people and Biden it cannot be debated,is no exception.
Should be investigated for sure. Many think there is a connection between COVID and what happened for political reason's.
I could not care much less about 'retirees'.

Useless people do little more than waste valuable resources whilst sitting around, playing golf, whining about the old days and waiting to die.
And they send medical insurance costs THROUGH THE ROOF!!!
They give almost nothing to society and take SHIT LOADS.
Were it not for old farts?
The Covid lockdowns would never have happened.
With all the mess and misery that they caused.

And these bags of ugly, useless flesh are too gutless to off themselves.
So they force the rest of us to keep them alive.

I say once they hit 70 - Carousel (Logan's Run).

I realize most people who post here are probably old.
If this offends you?
Guess how much I care?
I could not care much less about 'retirees'.

Useless people do little more than waste valuable resources whilst sitting around, playing golf, whining about the old days and waiting to die.
And they send medical insurance costs THROUGH THE ROOF!!!
They give almost nothing to society and take SHIT LOADS.
Were it not for old farts?
The Covid lockdowns would never have happened.
With all the mess and misery that they caused.

And these bags of ugly, useless flesh are too gutless to off themselves.
So they force the rest of us to keep them alive.

I say once they hit 70 - Carousel (Logan's Run).

I realize most people who post here are probably old.
If this offends you?
Guess how much I care?
They probably care less about your opinion, which is as meaningless as it is useless.

I retire in 6 months. Can't wait.

I could not care much less about 'retirees'.

Useless people do little more than waste valuable resources whilst sitting around, playing golf, whining about the old days and waiting to die.
And they send medical insurance costs THROUGH THE ROOF!!!
They give almost nothing to society and take SHIT LOADS.
Were it not for old farts?
The Covid lockdowns would never have happened.
With all the mess and misery that they caused.

And these bags of ugly, useless flesh are too gutless to off themselves.
So they force the rest of us to keep them alive.

I say once they hit 70 - Carousel (Logan's Run).

I realize most people who post here are probably old.
If this offends you?
Guess how much I care?
we knew you were dickless before posting this, thanks for the confirmation
Stock market under Trump was propped up by government printing press. More than half the economy was government inflationary spending under Trump. Biden has been slashing Wallstreet's government gravy train. I hope all you shareholders loose everything.
What the fawk you mean "whatever"? I thought you guys were all about personal responsibility. The stupid shit voted for Trump, evidently he believed Biden was going to destroy the economy. What the hell was he thinking leaving money in the market?

You ever hear that saying, when the going gets tough the tough get going? I can tell you, myself and my kids have dumped more than $400,000 into the market over the last couple of months. And to be honest, the majority of that is my kids. Hell, I have one son that lives with me and hasn't left the house in two years, agoraphobic, to the extreme, yet he makes six figures from home. We eat good, but other than that, everything he has made he has dumped into the market. A second son, makes well over a quarter million dollars a year, and lives like he makes ten grand. He has dumped everything into the market as well. I mean the market is a buyer's paradise right now. I have tens of millions of dollars under management and I am starting to transition back into the market with the warning that we are entering a bear market, but it won't last forever. If you are investing for the long term, then it is time to buy. But if you are in retirement, you best attempt to mitigate your potential losses. When do you expect to take income? If it is in the short term, then transition to income producing assets, utilities, municipal bonds, inflation adjusted assets, and hold until things turn around. But if you are in your 20's, like my sons, then buy like there is no tomorrow.

The Fed is probably going to over play their hand. Recent discount rate increases have already slowed the rate of inflation. If they come back with another 75 basis point increase next month they will send us into a recession. But that is a good thing if you are in this for the long haul. A bad thing if you need income within the next couple of years.
You showed two points that prove that you know Biden is a screw up, and that you don't trust him...

1. When do you expect to take income? If it is in the short term, then transition to income producing assets, utilities, municipal bonds, inflation adjusted assets, and hold until things turn around.

2. If they come back with another 75 basis point increase next month they will send us into a recession. But that is a good thing if you are in this for the long haul. A bad thing if you need income within the next couple of years.
Stock market under Trump was propped up by government printing press. More than half the economy was government inflationary spending under Trump. Biden has been slashing Wallstreet's government gravy train. I hope all you shareholders loose everything.
Biden is a knucklehead that gives a crap less about how his style of fixing things destroys the middle class American workforce with all it's gains made back during the early Trump year's, and it's all in lue of his radical leftist pandering ace agenda's. Biden's corruption is unhinged, and it's going to destroy this nation in more ways than just one.
No pretending going on here hoss. Managing people's money in retirement is what I do. First off, Dogbreath is absolutely right, he never had that money, it was all on paper, so he didn't really "lose" shit. But, if he thought he might need that money it would have been prudent to at least move whatever he thought he might need out of the market prior to Biden taking office.

For my clients, I suggested maxing out the I-bond amount, paying over 9% interest at the moment. Perfect place to park the maximum allowed. Anything over the max, look for utility stocks and large cap consumables. Look for "income stocks", stay away from bonds unless you are content with the current yield. There may be a play in the bond market, especially Treasuries, within the next couple of years when interest rates start declining. Bill Goss parlayed that type of move to over a billion dollars, and not to brag, but I was right there with him.

See, when your primary target market is people in retirement, well being an expert on interest rates, and being able to predict where they will move in the future, is the golden ticket. If you can predict when they peak, well like myself, you build a network of extremely loyal clients that refer their kids to you.

So let me lay it down for you, and bookmark this post if you want to see how effective I really am. The Fed will increase rates again next month, probably 75 basis points, but maybe less. Treasuries will increase as well, though not as much because of the flight to "safe money". And that should be the peak. In fact, it will probably be overkill. While they may increase rates incrementally until the election, 25 basis points each month, tops, when the Congress flips to Republicans and the Senate as well, we will enter a split government, the market's favorite. Interest rates will begin to decline, the market will take off like a fire is lit under its ass, and my clients will think I am God, once again.

And that is the thing. The knowledge that I have does not come from business school, finance courses, or even statistics and economics. It comes from history. While an MBA student I took graduate level history courses. One professor, graduate level "intellectual history of colonial America", confronted me point blank, what the hell are you doing here. My answer was simple and concise. If I am attempting to predict where the market is going, shouldn't I know where it has been. He never questioned me again.
All hinges on the republican's winning eh ? You better believe it does.
Stock market under Trump was propped up by government printing press. More than half the economy was government inflationary spending under Trump. Biden has been slashing Wallstreet's government gravy train. I hope all you shareholders loose everything.
If they lose, you'll lose too dipstick.
How does Biden compare to Trump in the stock market? We share the facts on cumulative and annualized performance between Biden and Trump in the stock market. Cumulatively across the S&P 500, Biden is at 0.85% compared to Trump at 20.89% a difference of -20.04%. On the NASDAQ, Biden is at -14.21% compared to Trump at 36.94% a difference of -51.14%. Finally, on the DOW Jones, Biden is at 0.12% compared to Trump at 23.44% a difference of -23.31%.

Joe Biden - the gift that keeps taking. This photo sums up Joe Biden:

View attachment 667033
These things were a long time coming, and trump set some of them up by the things that he did when he was in office.
Stock market under Trump was propped up by government printing press. More than half the economy was government inflationary spending under Trump. Biden has been slashing Wallstreet's government gravy train. I hope all you shareholders loose everything.
spoken like a true loser waiting for his government handout while his crackhead family lay around like zombies
The federal government ended up losing 18% of its income because of trump. You don't believe that would have fueled inflation. You are the one who is crazy and a loser and full of bullshit.
they lost it because of Obamacare and other unnecessary expenses that should have stopped. Wasteful government spending is the issue not revenues.
they lost it because of Obamacare and other unnecessary expenses that should have stopped. Wasteful government spending is the issue not revenues.
Lack of revenue has ripple effects on the whole economy, the pandemic has affected both trumps and biden's administrations adversely. Coupled with all the doubt that Americans now have in the their government because of trump. Our money is based on faith in our country and the nation. It has no real value. We are no longer on the silver or gold standards.

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