Updated July 5th-Joe Biden is still worse than Trump for people looking to retire

My main issue with Biden is his near entire "working" career has been in politics, sucking off the taxpayers while grabbing some graft on the side.
... He studied at the University of Delaware before earning his law degree from Syracuse University in 1968. He was elected to the New Castle County Council in 1970 and became the sixth-youngest senator in U.S. history after he was elected to the United States Senate from Delaware in 1972, at age 29. Biden was the chair or ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for 12 years and was influential in foreign affairs during Obama's presidency. He also chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee from 1987 to 1995, dealing with drug policy, crime prevention, and civil liberties issues; led the effort to pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act; and oversaw six U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings, including the contentious hearings for Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. He ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and 2008. All totaled, Biden was a seven-term senator (having started his final term just before becoming VP), and was the fourth-most senior sitting senator at the time when he became Obama's vice president after they won the 2008 presidential election, defeating John McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin. Obama and Biden were reelected in 2012, defeating the Republican ticket of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.
Similar can be said about Obama. Like Biden, BHO has little real world experience in the "wealth creation" private sector of the economy, most of his "working" career also spent living off of OPM~ the taxpayers.
Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. After graduating from Columbia University in 1983, he worked as a community organizer in Chicago. In 1988, he enrolled in Harvard Law School, where he was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. After graduating, he became a civil rights attorney and an academic, teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Turning to elective politics, he represented the 13th district in the Illinois Senate from 1997 until 2004, when he ran for the U.S. Senate. Obama received national attention in 2004 with his March Senate primary win, his well-received July Democratic National Convention keynote address, and his landslide November election to the Senate. In 2008, a year after beginning his campaign, and after a close primary campaign against Hillary Clinton, he was nominated by the Democratic Party for president. Obama was elected over Republican nominee John McCain in the general election and was inaugurated alongside his running mate Joe Biden, on January 20, 2009. Nine months later, he was named the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, a decision that drew a mixture of praise and criticism.
Well, this is thing with politics. You pick a guy on character, but he can't deliver results. He's the captain of your ship, and as you sink, you salute him saying, "What a bloody nice chap". As that is going on, a ship steams past you where the crew say, "Our elected captain is an asshole, but he steered the ship past the iceberg".

So if you enjoy drowning in misery, you've picked the guy for the job.
I'm not even slightly miserable, I'm happy!
That's not a saying. "There's a sucker born every minute." -PT Barnum, is what you were going for when you failed miserably.
You are correct, there's one born every minute. They voted for a captain that can't deliver and sunk the American ship.
How does Biden compare to Trump in the stock market? We share the facts on cumulative and annualized performance between Biden and Trump in the stock market. Cumulatively across the S&P 500, Biden is at 0.85% compared to Trump at 20.89% a difference of -20.04%. On the NASDAQ, Biden is at -14.21% compared to Trump at 36.94% a difference of -51.14%. Finally, on the DOW Jones, Biden is at 0.12% compared to Trump at 23.44% a difference of -23.31%.

Joe Biden - the gift that keeps taking. This photo sums up Joe Biden:

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I think what you mean is these are bad times to retire. wages are way up, keep working. It's the only way to beat inflation ( which was long overdue ).
I think what you mean is these are bad times to retire. wages are way up, keep working. It's the only way to beat inflation ( which was long overdue ).
Wages are not even close to overcoming inflation, so in reality wages are still down. Americans had more disposable income before Biden than afterward
Wages are not even close to overcoming inflation, so in reality wages are still down. Americans had more disposable income before Biden than afterward
I said it after his election that they would be coming for every last drop of disposable income that individual American's have. He's got to break everybody down to an equal footing because his unrealistic far left idiot's demanded it of him.

How this country is tolerating this real time created "by design" crisis is unbelievable really.

Then you have knuckleheads like AOC and Kamala Harris talking to high government bodies like their in a kindergarten class... It's the most sickening thing imaginable.

Watching the episodes of "the men who built America" on YouTube, and while watching I'm applying it to today's events in history wherefore it is outright amazing to what levels we've sank ourselves to over time. These so called young government employee's like an AOC talking to us like kindergarten students? Wow is all I can say.
The "plan" is coming together. And don't forget, first we had to steal the election.
You joke, but it's a reality as to what has taken place after losing Trump. Yes there is a plan, and the left through Biden and company has been plastering it all over the media since his seating. No denying it or making it to appear as a conspiracy, because money leaving people's pockets faster than a bullet tells people that if they voted for the current crop, then they screwed up royally...
false, go away stupid fuck
He is a paid shill from Langley ignore him,I notice that only our resident troll america hater and Demoncrat lover penelope was the only one who did not like the facts in the op.pesky facts that destroy her Demonrat party she don’t want to hear as allbamerica haters like Winston and mcrib.lol it’s only the resident trolls still defending lying biden.lol
You joke, but it's a reality as to what has taken place after losing Trump. Yes there is a plan, and the left through Biden and company has been plastering it all over the media since his seating. No denying it or making it to appear as a conspiracy, because money leaving people's pockets faster than a bullet tells people that if they voted for the current crop, then they screwed up royally...
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Best damn post on this thread.:thup:
This thread
How does Biden compare to Trump in the stock market? We share the facts on cumulative and annualized performance between Biden and Trump in the stock market. Cumulatively across the S&P 500, Biden is at 0.85% compared to Trump at 20.89% a difference of -20.04%. On the NASDAQ, Biden is at -14.21% compared to Trump at 36.94% a difference of -51.14%. Finally, on the DOW Jones, Biden is at 0.12% compared to Trump at 23.44% a difference of -23.31%.

Joe Biden - the gift that keeps taking. This photo sums up Joe Biden:

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Your thread title needs to be changed the fact trump was the greatest president sense kennedy.matter of fact other than kennedy and Calvin coolidge,remember the roaring twenty’s when we had a booming economy,thst was why it was called that,other than kennedy trump is the best president we have had sense coolidge so thst being the case the title needs to read joe biden is still worse than ANY previous president if looking to retire.

forget trump,there’s no question he was a great president bringing us a booming economy same as coolidge did bringing more jobs back to the country than any president in sixty years,that was why the elite and the Demonrats and Rinos rolled out covid the fact trump had a booming economy going.

A more favorable comparison to biden is comparing him to all previous disasterous presidents from the twentieth century,the majority of them being evil motherfucker asswipes.

That’s a fact and reality most Americans cannot accept is the majority of our presidents at least from the 20th century,were mostly evil demonic monsters who served the elite instead of the people and Biden it cannot be debated,is no exception.
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