Updated July 5th-Joe Biden is still worse than Trump for people looking to retire

I wouldn't advertise something like that on here, there's too many deceitful and crooked people on here. You're safe maybe fireproof, but it's not burglar proof. And you aren't getting any interest by having it in there. I had one rule, when I got $10,000 in a savings account at One Bank, then I'd open another one at another bank. I think the federal government guarantees to bank deposits up to $10,000. At least that's where it used to be hopefully it's still the same. I should check that out, if they increase it I can consolidate some of the funds. That's a lot of banks to keep track of.
The federal government ended up losing 18% of its income because of trump. You don't believe that would have fueled inflation. You are the one who is crazy and a loser and full of bullshit.
The feds needed to lose 18%, because they have stolen more money from we the taxpayer's than the law should allow.

Hopefully that 18% went back into job's and the economy in which took that 18% and turned it into 50%. Yeah tell us how the revenue under Trump wasn't raised by the unemployment numbers dropping to record lows. Everything Trump did was a positive for the COUNTRY, and the Democrat's and Rhino's hated it. He stole their lightening and reduced them to these whimpering puddle's of blubber just wallowing around in the mud squawking like the sad little slug's that they've become ever since. TDS, TDS, TDS.
400k lmfao, junior, when you are 5 times that, come back to this conversation
You ain't 5 times jack shit. Trump's 55% government spending economy inflating stock bubbles ended & your junk went to ZERO matching your personality!
You ain't 5 times jack shit. Trump's 55% government spending economy inflating stock bubbles ended & your junk went to ZERO matching your personality!
Trumps ROR was 60=% your limp dick president negative 19%

You limp noodles stick together, we know it

400k lmfao, junior, when you are 5 times that, come back to this conversation
The more you having this world the more you have to lose. A world recession is just around the corner, good luck with all the things that you value most in life.
Steady job growth, despite dealing with the pandemic and all the ways it affected the world economy. I'd say that's pretty good. Not necessarily a reflection on Biden, just a sign of the times. Just as Trump's was. Presidents have very little control over the economy. That's the territory of the other people that are in charge.
400k lmfao, junior, when you are 5 times that, come back to this conversation
We were discussing the $400k that you lost gambling in the stock market. That's definitely not the total in my safe. Bragging about how much money you have isn't something that wealthy people do.
We were discussing the $400k that you lost gambling in the stock market. That's definitely not the total in my safe. Bragging about how much money you have isn't something that wealthy people do.
He's a trumper, they always exaggerate everything, how smart they are, how much money they have and of course how big your dick is. It's part of their inferiority complex.
We were discussing the $400k that you lost gambling in the stock market. That's definitely not the total in my safe. Bragging about how much money you have isn't something that wealthy people do.
exactly so why are you spending all this time talking about it, fuckstick
The more you having this world the more you have to lose. A world recession is just around the corner, good luck with all the things that you value most in life.
ah, the gloom and doom crowd, they are always lingering around the corner

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