US 3rd Overturns Fed District Re Mail-In Voting

A small victory, to be sure. But a start.

The only reason to oppose this is to increase Voter Fraud. So what else is new?

That whole so called early voting BS is a scam, the demrats and RINO's used the China virus to push this crap to beat Trump, throwing out poll watchers in swing states like GA and PA along with it and the CCP mutated offspring Dominion software.. The only way to prevent fraud for US citizens only to vote in person election day AB's to be in before election day save military and overseas ballots, BOTH parties have watchers, voter rolls run against deeds lists et al.
A small victory, to be sure. But a start.

The only reason to oppose this is to increase Voter Fraud. So what else is new?

Isn't PA where the State legislature violated their own State Constitution to change voting regulations, that required voter approval?

if i have a requested ballot mailed to me...i fill it out....and i drop it at the appropriate place.....that ballot is just as good as the one filled out down there.....
That’s great, and how absentee ballots should be, but the left has been advocating for mass mail out ballots, basically just automatically sending ballots to everyone in the country.

That’s far and away different than absentee ballots.
How many people have ever bothered to tell the Election Department, or whatever it's called in your State, that a spouse/parent/brother/sister/child/whatever, has died?

Try -- Nobody. How many of those people, now deceased, are still on the Voter Rolls? I would guess -- Millions.

How many of them were mailed Absentee ballots in 2020? HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS. Minimum.

Now, considering the character of the average dimocrap SCUMBAG and that of the average normal American, how many people cast votes for dimocrap scum in the names of the dead vs how many were cast for Republicans? 100 to 1?

dimocrap FILTH know the character of their voters. They know exactly who and what they are. Then they send out Ballot Harvesters to collect the Ballots. EVen the ones for dead people. "I'll take that ballot for you and dispose of it properly. betcha" dimocraps are scum

THAT is how dimocrap FILTH win elections, people. They cheat, they lie, they abuse the dead.

Now that we're on to how they cheat, they're trying another tactic -- Lawfare.

And, believe me when I tell you -- It isn't just the oliticians, the Unions scumbags, the ballot harvesters, the Student pukes collecting them --

It's ALL of them. The sooner you recognize that, the sooner we can do something about it. A start would be making mail-in ballots illegal except in rare cases. Like Military deployed overseas, State Department personel working overseas, Handicapped people with a State-Issued sticker. Just a few more common sense laws. Like..... How can someone exist in this Country without a picture ID? Answer: They can't. And, truth be told, if they're that inconsiderate, that out of touch, that fucking stupid -- They don't need to be voting anyway.

But, as always -- dimocraps are scum. They will always, they have always try to cheat. It's who and what they are. Dogs bark, Cows moo, babies cry, pigs oink and dimocraps lie and cheat. ALL of them
I dare a cultist to list all the nations on earth that have outlawed mail in voting because it is not secure and very susceptible to fraud?

How many do you guys think?


None of the countries that don't currently use mail-in balloting have "banned" the practice. They just haven't made it policy.

Switzerland mails out ballots to all registered citizens.

“The maps in the report show clearly more than two — and some very prominent Western European nations — have in-country postal voting,” Orr said. “Germany, the U.K. and Poland alone — three big E.U. democracies — allow any elector to vote by mail (albeit Poland may have extended this for covid periods). The countries that don’t, you will see, also invariably offer mobile voting (a.k.a. ‘visitor voting’) to ensure the frail, hospitalized, disabled etc. can vote. Some, like the U.K., have not just in-country postal voting but ‘proxy’ voting — a general right to send, say, a relative to vote on your behalf!”

Then why won’t they open their books for audit?

Can you provide credible evidence that these records aren't audited?????

Conservatives keep making up all of this shit about election fraud, but there is no evidence that any of the stuff you're claiming is really happening, and much evidence that this is simply fear mongering.
Why? Even if everyone votes in person and Trump loses again, you're still gonna cry fraud anyway. Y'all are the biggest, whiniest sore-losers in the history of mankind.
When I need your opinion, I'll give it to you...

That’s great, and how absentee ballots should be, but the left has been advocating for mass mail out ballots, basically just automatically sending ballots to everyone in the country.

That’s far and away different than absentee ballots.

Very few states send out ballots unsolicited.
Can you provide credible evidence that these records aren't audited?????

Conservatives keep making up all of this shit about election fraud, but there is no evidence that any of the stuff you're claiming is really happening, and much evidence that this is simply fear mongering.
I can but to be fair, it deserves its own thread.

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