US Admits Defeat in War with Russia


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England

U.S. Admits Defeat In War On Russia​

Confronted with the realities of life, the Biden administration has in the last days acknowledged defeat in its most egregious and delusional foreign policy game ..

The Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed. Its army is getting slaughtered on the battlefield. The 'counteroffensive' of the 'NATO trained' Ukrainian brigades has made no real progress on any front. The high level of losses of men and material make it impossible that it will ever again regain the initiative.

The U.S. aim was to integrate the Ukraine into NATO. It would then have been able to station U.S. troops in Ukraine and to put its weapons into reach of Moscow so that any independent Russian move could be countered with a threat of imminent annihilation.

After more than 20 years of pursuing that aim, the U.S. threw the towel:Follow rest of Moonof Alabama article published just now .Also look at Simplicius the Thinker plus Military Intelligence reports and Russian Defence Ministry daily reports .
Ukrainian soldiers need to hold Zelen$ky and his WEF Masters accountable

Ukraine is less than half the nation it once was and Zelen$ky will sell the remainder to Blackrock at a discount
Biden will simply go like "well, we'll arrive better prepared next year"..
i still think it's encroaching on the Russians' backyard, that whole NATO takeover of the Black Sea..
And even war criminal Zelenskyy has give up once you translate his P R blurb . President Volodymyr Zelensky has acknowledged battlefield progress has been "slower than desired", weeks into Ukraine's military offensive to recapture areas occupied by Russia.
Ukrainian troops understand they don’t stand a chance against Russian forces — Putin

Speaking about the destroyed Western vehicles, the President underscored that these numbers keep growing

Remote : Wed, 21 Jun 2023 16:59:08 +0300
Local : 2023-06-21(Wednesday) 15 : 59 : 08

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i can understand Putin's play towards his domestic and international audiences here, but his words will be lost on that international audience.
the west will simply employ new battle tactics and shove something down Putin's throat in Ukraine that neither Putin nor his troops will be able to handle, *next* Spring. or the one after that. and so on.

never underestimate statements like 'unwaivering commitment' coming from a US President, Putin.
that's your mistake here, and i say it's a big mistake for you to make; you could face a stand-off stalemate situation that forces you into a humiliating compromise. your position as a leader will be weakened, after decades of semi-futile war with NATO.
ALL Russians and their supporters will need to ask themselves; was the suffering of our troops worth that strip of land?
i think politicians on all sides in the Ukranian conflict need to explain to the public why peace negotiations are not an option, if they want to retain public support for that war.
The Vkusno i Tochka chain, which replaced McDonald's, recovered its operating income for the year and exceeded the market share of the departed brand: at the end of May 2023, the share among the three major players in the fast-food market was 58%. This exceeds the best performance of its predecessor.
The sanctions against Russia are working!

U.S. Admits Defeat In War On Russia​

Confronted with the realities of life, the Biden administration has in the last days acknowledged defeat in its most egregious and delusional foreign policy game ..

The Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed. Its army is getting slaughtered on the battlefield. The 'counteroffensive' of the 'NATO trained' Ukrainian brigades has made no real progress on any front. The high level of losses of men and material make it impossible that it will ever again regain the initiative.

The U.S. aim was to integrate the Ukraine into NATO. It would then have been able to station U.S. troops in Ukraine and to put its weapons into reach of Moscow so that any independent Russian move could be countered with a threat of imminent annihilation.

After more than 20 years of pursuing that aim, the U.S. threw the towel:Follow rest of Moonof Alabama article published just now .Also look at Simplicius the Thinker plus Military Intelligence reports and Russian Defence Ministry daily reports .
for the first time in their evil existance,NATO is not getting their way and overthrowing a government that is off the dollar and installing a dictater.for once they are getting their asses kicked.:yes_text12:
"It was thanks to the USSR, thanks to Stalin, that Poland gained significant lands in the west. German lands. That's exactly right. The western territories of present-day Poland are Stalin's gift to the Poles. Our friends in Warsaw have forgotten this. We will remind them. (Vladimir Putin)

For some reason I immediately remembered other words of Stalin, which we will remind - "Lviv was not part of the Russian Empire, but Warsaw was!...".

The photo shows Poles protesting against Euro-LGBT terror with tricolors in their hands.

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