US Assumes The Bad Faith Position(?) V. North Korea Of The Bad Faith Position(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The White House went to CNN to show its own misreading of the G7 Communique. The Canadians appear to have several reservations about how any new trade agreements are to be set up. The Canadians oppose short-term five year deals, for example.

The G7 Communique is long on distaste for Russia, on many fronts: Especially its Western(?). The G7 Communique is long on environmental sanity. The G7 Communique is long on gender equality. Because of Canada detailed agreement reservations about trades matters, US White House favors nothing in the G7 Communique(?). Anyone else apparently sees the Trump White House with its hand in too many cookie jars.

The Charlevoix G7 Summit Communique

For one thing, if White House advisor Kudlow had to revise his remarks subsequent G7: Then many will say that he did show that he had too. He complained that deals were close to being sealed, in his CNN remarks. That appears to not have been the First Minute understanding(?).

US allies are further said maybe not to have any clue about what is happening in Singapore.

That now looks even worse, going forward. North Korea Because of Trump and Larry Kudlow: Has basis to infer lots of reasons to weasel. Just that alone now gives it all pause, on top of the White House showing that its actual allies have no standing in the Korean Peninsula process.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Rotted Corn and Poison blankets in trade for nuclear stockpiles--maybe not such an acceptable deal(?)!)

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