Us attacks Yemeni sites

Was reading earlier that Russia has been moving missiles to the border with Poland earlier. Nuclear missiles

Through Belarus.

They have been threatening nuclear war over the NATO shared missile program in Poland. They see Poland as a huge threat to their own security and desired geopolitical expansion.
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Was reading earlier that Russia has been moving missiles to the border with Poland earlier. Nuclear missiles

Through Belarus.

They have been threatening nuclear war over the NATO shared missile program in Poland. They see Poland as a huge threat to their own security and desired geopolitical expansion.

We are reaching a precarious situation in the world.
Obama responding to Yemen 'rebels' shooting missiles at US warships:

"hmm, yes, those are some decent looking missiles, here have a look at ours, the big difference is ours don't miss"

In their defense, tying to shoot a moving destroyer with tactical ballistic missiles is next to impossible.

Not sure why they would of tried. The new Yemeni army has incredibly talented commanders, so it almost rings false flag to me.

You can bet any further attacks will likely be responded to with precision bombing strikes by US war planes.

That's what we have doing, but thanks for paying attention.

We supplied the Saudis with aircraft, missiles, and US intel to eradicate the Revolutionary Guard and Houthis. Now that the US has their little caucus belli, they can come in personally and start dropping payloads on civilians.
We are reaching a precarious situation in the world.

From my perspective, the heat has actually cooled down from the period between the Russo-Georgian War and Donbass War.

The whole thing is incredibly complex though. The intelligent critics only understand a small portion of what is going on.
Then maybe Trump's right and we should let them both have nukes. Let them wipe each other off the map so we can all get on with our lives.

The missiles would be aimed at Israel, Europe, and the United States.

Nuclear war is mutually assured destruction.
I was joking.
I dream of the day when the US has zero geopolitical interest in the middle east

You mean the day a new world order comes to fruition?

The US and Russia are setting the stage politically, financially, and militarily for a very realistic proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. That war is going to happen inevitably, which means nations are going to be invested in the region until clear hegemony between one of the two lesser powers is established.
I don't even know anymore. I just want nothing to do with the backwards religious lunatics in the middle east until they come to grips with the 21st century. God knows we already have enough religious nutjobs to deal with in our own country.
Obama responding to Yemen 'rebels' shooting missiles at US warships:

"hmm, yes, those are some decent looking missiles, here have a look at ours, the big difference is ours don't miss"

In their defense, tying to shoot a moving destroyer with tactical ballistic missiles is next to impossible.

Not sure why they would of tried. The new Yemeni army has incredibly talented commanders, so it almost rings false flag to me.

You can bet any further attacks will likely be responded to with precision bombing strikes by US war planes.

That's what we have doing, but thanks for paying attention.

We supplied the Saudis with aircraft, missiles, and US intel to eradicate the Revolutionary Guard and Houthis. Now that the US has their little caucus belli, they can come in personally and start dropping payloads on civilians.

I think you are paying attention to Alex Jones. The Conspiracy Theories thread is over there.
I just want nothing to do with the backwards religious lunatics in the middle east until they come to grips with the 21st century. God knows we already have enough religious nutjobs to deal with in our own country.

Backwards religious lunatics are completely irrelevant.

ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban were huge scapegoats to distract the population while the powers that be freely engaged in insidious power ploys.
I think you are paying attention to Alex Jones. The Conspiracy Theories thread is over there.

Stop deflecting.

If you believe it is all daffodils and roses over in the middle east, then you are an uneducated tool. If you believe the conflict is as simple as nation states vs extremists, then you are an uneducated tool.

You are being propagated to by the machine.
I must have missed the fact there was anything worth blowing up in Yemen? Will wonders never cease.

An elite and modernized armed force that separated from the former government, and is backed by Iran (a proxy of Russia).

Ruling class doctrine determines that all men with guns need to play into the system or be obliterated.
US coordinated bombings of residential areas in Yemen




Battle zone INSIDE Saudi Arabia during Yemeni Republican Guard invasion


I avoided all the usual scenes of devastated fathers carrying their sons out of falling debris. What's going on is not conspiracy nonsense. It is an easily observable reality of global powers instilling terror on the third world.
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I dream of the day when the US has zero geopolitical interest in the middle east

You mean the day a new world order comes to fruition?

The US and Russia are setting the stage politically, financially, and militarily for a very realistic proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. That war is going to happen inevitably, which means nations are going to be invested in the region until clear hegemony between one of the two lesser powers is established.
That proxy war is and has been ongoing. Syria being the most glaring example.

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