US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal

I wonder if they will have public hangings for those treasonous bastards. Traitors must be cleansed from proper society.
Can one of you retards explain the theory of how you think the coup was planned to take place?

False charges made by people who outwardly expressed their hatred for our President. They used a phony dossier to make false charges against our President and anyone else in his administration and they were aided and abetted by our criminally biased media. The special prosecutors staff was 100% filled with Trump haters. And the internal communications all indicate that the objective was to overthrow our President. If you can't see that what they did was a coup, you can't see.

What charges? By whom? Special prosecutor CLEARED Trump on Criminal Conspiracy and deffered to Congress Obstruction charges to Congress, which requires a 2/3 vote in the Senate to actually convict and remove the President.

In what world is that a plan for a coup? Do you know what the word even means?
The witch hunts will broaden into a crescendo in November 2020.

Sit back, bite on a stick, grab your ankles, and enjoy.

I've got a better idea - I'll keep coming down here to laugh at you clueless nutter idiots
Laugh away.
The witch hunts are now underway.

Ok nutbag. Whatever you say.
False charges made by people who outwardly expressed their hatred for our President. They used a phony dossier to make false charges against our President and anyone else in his administration and they were aided and abetted by our criminally biased media. The special prosecutors staff was 100% filled with Trump haters. And the internal communications all indicate that the objective was to overthrow our President. If you can't see that what they did was a coup, you can't see.

What charges? By whom? Special prosecutor CLEARED Trump on Criminal Conspiracy and deffered to Congress Obstruction charges to Congress, which requires a 2/3 vote in the Senate to actually convict and remove the President.

In what world is that a plan for a coup? Do you know what the word even means?
The witch hunts will broaden into a crescendo in November 2020.

Sit back, bite on a stick, grab your ankles, and enjoy.

I've got a better idea - I'll keep coming down here to laugh at you clueless nutter idiots
Laugh away.
The witch hunts are now underway.

Ok nutbag. Whatever you say.
Orange is the fashion wear next year.
I wonder if they will have public hangings for those treasonous bastards. Traitors must be cleansed from proper society.

If you drink enough cool-aid to pass out it just may happen in your dreams.

What charges? By whom? Special prosecutor CLEARED Trump on Criminal Conspiracy and deffered to Congress Obstruction charges to Congress, which requires a 2/3 vote in the Senate to actually convict and remove the President.

In what world is that a plan for a coup? Do you know what the word even means?
The witch hunts will broaden into a crescendo in November 2020.

Sit back, bite on a stick, grab your ankles, and enjoy.

I've got a better idea - I'll keep coming down here to laugh at you clueless nutter idiots
Laugh away.
The witch hunts are now underway.

Ok nutbag. Whatever you say.
Orange is the fashion wear next year.

Yea, it's super hawt.

The witch hunts will broaden into a crescendo in November 2020.

Sit back, bite on a stick, grab your ankles, and enjoy.

I've got a better idea - I'll keep coming down here to laugh at you clueless nutter idiots
Laugh away.
The witch hunts are now underway.

Ok nutbag. Whatever you say.
Orange is the fashion wear next year.

Yea, it's super hawt.

I wonder if Obama will be on trial next year too.
I've got a better idea - I'll keep coming down here to laugh at you clueless nutter idiots
Laugh away.
The witch hunts are now underway.

Ok nutbag. Whatever you say.
Orange is the fashion wear next year.

Yea, it's super hawt.

I wonder if Obama will be on trial next year too.

Why wonder? You nutters just imagine whatever your heart desires and live the dream. It's a gift you have.

McCabe gets his nuts caught for lying about Hillary's case leaks...therefore you busted a criminal coup cabal headed by Obama! Yee-haa!
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Laugh away.
The witch hunts are now underway.

Ok nutbag. Whatever you say.
Orange is the fashion wear next year.

Yea, it's super hawt.

I wonder if Obama will be on trial next year too.

Why wonder? You nutters just imagine whatever your heart desires and live the dream. It's a gift you have.
Nuremberg II next year.
Ok nutbag. Whatever you say.
Orange is the fashion wear next year.

Yea, it's super hawt.

I wonder if Obama will be on trial next year too.

Why wonder? You nutters just imagine whatever your heart desires and live the dream. It's a gift you have.
Nuremberg II next year.

I'll remind your dumbass of this prediction.

US attorney moves to charge McCabe for lying about Hillary probe; DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal!!!

US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal

:clap: :WooHooSmileyWave-vi: :clap:

Apparently, you left out the part about the grand jury failing to return the indictment, as it looks like they balked at the case. Which means prosecutors now have convince 12 out of the 23 to vote yes, just to show probable cause, which still gets you nothing, and if not, has to release the entire grand jury and start over with a new one.

This is a major embarrassment for the DOJ. It looks like the petty vendetta that it is.

Here's something for you to chew on. Trump loses next year, and the new Democratic President appoints McCabe as the new DNI, giving him access to all of the top secret info that can be used against Trump, Barr, and anyone else in this joke of a Presidency.
Nice Diatribe, but the Grand Jury has not denied an indictment yet. McCabe's appeal had to be heard and decided upon 1st. McCabe's appeal was just denied.
This is a weak case that probably goes nowhere.
Of course...and the thing that makes it so weak is the fact that McCabe admitted to lying under oath.


Let him testify under oath what Trump demanded from the FBI
That has to cause a lot of internal conflict with snowflakes - their favorite anti-Trump fake news media turning on the anti-Trump conspirator while they try to deny Andy did anything wrong....
Hopefully this goes all the way up to the top of the democrat leadership to Soros himself

Damn you people are stupid as hell. McCabe only had three people above him at the time. Comey, Jeff Sessions, and Trump.

If he’s indicted, that means his defense is entitled to all of the records from the Trump campaign.

All of them.

That includes all of Trumps private communications with everyone he was in contact with. His financial records, and tax returns. It also includes all of Ivankas, and Don Jrs, and every other member of his campaign at the time. It would also get Robert Mueller subpoenaed, and this time Barr won’t be able to claim privilege on any of it.

You sure you nitwits want to go through with this before the elections?

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