US Becomes Top LNG Exporter After Overtaking Australia and Qatar, TERRIBLE NEWS FOR PUTIN

Frilly Trilly Troll Nazi Winkle is just amazingly moronic .
Or, he is forced to write rubbish in order to get paid .

Moscow sells everything it produces and does business in the strong 2023 currencies -- Russian and Chinese . Along with the all of the new BRICS members as they shun the soon to collapse US $

Cool story dupe. Now for reality: Russian energy export revenues have cratered along with Ruble.

Russia will eventually assume the Ukrainian ports Lit

After that, it's only a matter of what valuation BRICS extends them

Factoring in what leviathan field contracts come to fruition



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This was the reason why we destroyed the Nordstream Pipeline. The US always uses war, terrorism, and destruction to advance corporate interests. Why are people continually surprised by this?
This is what late stage empire looks like. The US empire is in it’s death throes. It’s twilight in America.

It’s lost its legitimacy and moral authority, with its absurd wars destroying nation after nation, and now it’s dumb proxy war with Russia and it’s horrendous support of genocide in Gaza.

Late stage empire throughout history almost always resorts to war to prevent it‘s decline. However, nonstop war only leads to its demise.

We’re also seeing tyranny rise at home, as the empire tries to control its domestic population. This is also a common phenomenon of a dying empire.

Russian ruble buckles under trade sanctions, declining export earnings

Russia’s currency is losing value, falling 40 percent against the U.S. dollar since December 2022. To stabilize the currency, the Russian central bank held an emergency meeting in August and raised interest rates from 7.5 percent to 11 percent.

Terrible news for the oil friends in America.

This was the reason why we destroyed the Nordstream Pipeline. The US always uses war, terrorism, and destruction to advance corporate interests. Why are people continually surprised by this?
Moscow 🇷🇺 🐖 horde is Doomed. As they say karma is a tricky thing to avoid or something like that.

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Lit, you're not capable of even the slightest understanding of what i just posted

Put My vodka down

I dont drink vodka , its for losers like you

Moscow will eventually assume the Ukrainian ports Lit
- No, Moscow empire has lost this war already

After that, it's only a matter of what valuation BRICS extends them

BRICKS SUCKS , they are all poor thugs, who never pay for the full price for the goods

Just for the record, current Russian interest rate is at eye-poping 16%

This is how desperate they are to prop up Ruble and supress inflation that is growing out of control.
SEPTEMBER 12, 2023

The United States exported more LNG than any other country in the first half of 2023

We also produce more crude oil than any nation too. I think we also lead in the export of refined petroleum products.

We're Number Uno.
Go look at how we were doing in '21 and '22. We sucked ass.

But when Sponge Brains Shits Pants wants to, when he wants us produce Petroleum Products and gets the FUCK out of the way, we sure can do it. Like when Ukraine needs it. When Europe needs it.

What does that tell you? Akshally, get your autistic neighbor to explain it to you.

dimocrap scum = America Last
Those are EXPORTS you fucking nitwit. Until Trump took office, it was ILLEGAL to export most petroleum products

What the fuck does that claim have to do with your assertion that our exports sucked in 21 and 22?

Nothing, you just got caught bullshing again and are trying to deflect.
Go look at how we were doing in '21 and '22. We sucked ass.

But when Sponge Brains Shits Pants wants to, when he wants us produce Petroleum Products and gets the FUCK out of the way, we sure can do it. Like when Ukraine needs it. When Europe needs it.

What does that tell you? Akshally, get your autistic neighbor to explain it to you.

dimocrap scum = America Last
WTF are you talking about? The increase in US Natural gas production was barely effected by Covid

Unlike oil production. Still, we were one of the top producers in the world. Especially after Biden won and took control in 2021.

Those are EXPORTS you fucking nitwit. Until Trump took office, it was ILLEGAL to export most petroleum products
It was Obama in that was in office when we reversed the 40 year ban on oil exports.
WTF are you talking about? The increase in US Natural gas production was barely effected by Covid

Unlike oil production. Still, we were one of the top producers in the world. Especially after Biden won and took control in 2021.

All the average American knows is, how much does it cost to heat my home and fill my gas tank.

Do some reading (you won't and we both know it) and you'll understand why Biden caused Oil and gas prices to go up. Bigly. This is just a small sample --

Dealing with propagandists gets real old, real quick.

And what might gasoline prices look like today if we didn’t have a president deliberately trying to force Americans off our most abundant, most reliable energy sources?

Counterfactuals like these are just that—fiction. But they can help us see reality a little more clearly.

It was no secret on the campaign trail that Joe Biden wanted to end America’s use of conventional energy such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Biden’s first executive orders in office deployed a sweeping regulatory agenda throughout the executive branch to that end. This radical agenda has been the consistent message and persistent policy choice of the administration.

“The President mentioned thousands of permits on federal lands. The permit number is inflated from stockpiling. Companies stockpiled permits on federal lands leading up to the President’s inauguration, because several Democratic candidates, including the president, supported banning new drilling permits on federal lands. Permits do not equate to production. There are a number of steps between securing a permit and actually bringing a well to production, and issues like labor constraints and fracking sand shortages are added obstacles.”
All the average American knows is, how much does it cost to heat my home and fill my gas tank.

Do some reading (you won't and we both know it) and you'll understand why Biden caused Oil and gas prices to go up. Bigly. This is just a small sample --

Dealing with propagandists gets real old, real quick.

That's the Faux "Not News" affect on the Herd. You can't name a single policy of Biden's and how it effected the world oil market can you? You can only rely on whimsical talking points not based in the reality of the effects of the global pandemic during 2020 and 2021. I understand the Neo-GOP are betting on that ignorance of the herd to win. They will lose bigly.
No, it was a Republican Congress. The Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis just signed the legislation.
When the Great Obama took office we were producing about 5 mbd. By the time he negotiated that deal with Congress we had increased production to over 9 mbd.

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