US Citizens protest against Trump´s attack on Syria

1904-05 Got ass kicked by Japan.
1914-1917 - 1ww. Then ran away little children.
1939 in Mongolia. Got ass kicked by Japan.
1939-1940 Russia attack Lativia, Estonia, and Lithuania and makes them part of the USSR.
1939-1940 - Finland became Ally of Hitler's Germany AFTER Russia invaded Finald.
1939 - Poland. Half of the country was taken under control after western part of it was occupied by Hitler's Germany in cahoots with German per the 23 Aug 1939 Soviet-Nazi Aggression Pact.
1941-1945 - 2ww. Played the main role in victory, entered Berlin and occupied Eastern Europe.
1951-1953 - Korea. Helped them against American occupation.
1956 - Crushed Hungary.
1955-1973 - Aided NV against SV.
1968 - Crushed Czechoslovakia.
1979 - Got Russian ass kicked in Afghanistan.
1983 - Show down civilian Boeing. 269 dead. Due to pilot's mistake civilian plane entered 500km inside the Soviet territory and didn't answered the requests. [in fact, this bomber was carrying secret snooper equipment: I know]
1989-1992: occupied 'republics' kicked USSR ass and freed themselves
2008 - Georgia. Pretended that Georgian president's aggression was against civil city Tshinvali.
2014 - Ukraine. Plenty of of Russian army presence.
2015 - Syria. After they were officially asked to help by Syrian government. Russians get killed if they get in the way of America.
1904-05 Got ass kicked by Japan.
1914-1917 - 1ww. Then ran away little children.
1939 in Mongolia. Got ass kicked by Japan.
1939-1940 Russia attack Lativia, Estonia, and Lithuania and makes them part of the USSR.
1939-1940 - Finland became Ally of Hitler's Germany AFTER Russia invaded Finald.
1939 - Poland. Half of the country was taken under control after western part of it was occupied by Hitler's Germany in cahoots with German per the 23 Aug 1939 Soviet-Nazi Aggression Pact.
1941-1945 - 2ww. Played the main role in victory, entered Berlin and occupied Eastern Europe.
1951-1953 - Korea. Helped them against American occupation.
1956 - Crushed Hungary.
1955-1973 - Aided NV against SV.
1968 - Crushed Czechoslovakia.
1979 - Got Russian ass kicked in Afghanistan.
1983 - Show down civilian Boeing. 269 dead. Due to pilot's mistake civilian plane entered 500km inside the Soviet territory and didn't answered the requests. [in fact, this bomber was carrying secret snooper equipment: I know]
1989-1992: occupied 'republics' kicked USSR ass and freed themselves
2008 - Georgia. Pretended that Georgian president's aggression was against civil city Tshinvali.
2014 - Ukraine. Plenty of of Russian army presence.
2015 - Syria. After they were officially asked to help by Syrian government. Russians get killed if they get in the way of America.

Should we also mention about how Russia was aided during WWII by the U.S. with supplies that kept them afloat?... and how Russia instead decided to loot the countries that were occupied by Germany?
Traditionally the Left Wingers have been traitors because of their hatred of America.
They took the USSR's side in the cold war.
They took the Vietcong's side in the Vietnam War
The took the central American Marxist's side.
They took Saddam's side.
They took Iran's side.
Now they are taking Assad's side.

The Left Wingers are attracted to evil
Just look above at a leftists response. He is cheering Trump on! So no The American PEOPLE and the American GOVERNMENT are 2 different things and I won't support a genocidal maniac in the white house when he does wrong as he is now.
1904-05 Got ass kicked by Japan.
I took last 100 years.
And yes in that war Russian Empire was traited by so called allies. In fact that war was typical british one as they did their best for other nations to be in war against Russia since Ivan Grozny.

1914-1917 - 1ww. Then ran away little children.
October revolution happened...and the first meeting of Lenin's Bolshevik Party took place in London. That revolution was a result of western activity.

1939 in Mongolia. Got ass kicked by Japan.
Lies. Japanese asked about truce which was signed on the 15 of September 1939.
That conflict may be considered successfull for the USSR because Japan didn't dare to attack USSR while WW2.

1939-1940 Russia attack Lativia, Estonia, and Lithuania and makes them part of the USSR.
Those nations' parlaments voted for joining the USSR. Agree that it was not free enough and that was wish of majority but many people wanted. And 3-Baltics had to chose either they get under Hitler control or under Soviet. And it was in 1940.

1939-1940 - Finland became Ally of Hitler's Germany AFTER Russia invaded Finald.
Finland was Hitler's ally and the USSR had to move border as far from Sankt Petersberg as they could.

1939 - Poland. Half of the country was taken under control after western part of it was occupied by Hitler's Germany in cahoots with German per the 23 Aug 1939 Soviet-Nazi Aggression Pact.
First there took place Pact in Munich. After Poland was occupied by Germany it would took few time for them to get all the rest, so USSR occupied the eastern Poland to move borders from own lands. It was a time of world war when USA stayed far away and earned money having business with Hitler.

1941-1945 - 2ww. Played the main role in victory, entered Berlin and occupied Eastern Europe.
Liberated Eastern Europe from nazists. Other nations couldn't do anything to German army.

1951-1953 - Korea. Helped them against American occupation.

1956 - Crushed Hungary.
It was not good, but they helped Hungarian Communist party to keep power. Just the same USA is doing now all over the world.

1955-1973 - Aided NV against SV.
don't understand NV SV...

1968 - Crushed Czechoslovakia.
It was not good, but they helped Czeck Communist party to keep power. Just the same USA is doing now all over the world.

1979 - Got Russian ass kicked in Afghanistan.
USSR built Afghan economy. A lot was done - factories, schools, hospitals... USA fed terrorists and started that war. Birth of Al Caeda.

1983 - Show down civilian Boeing. 269 dead. Due to pilot's mistake civilian plane entered 500km inside the Soviet territory and didn't answered the requests. [in fact, this bomber was carrying secret snooper equipment: I know]
You added some bs. Huge mistake of pilot, his radio silence and hard political situation are not excuse but a reason. And we all remember USA shot dowm civilian plane in Iran, right?

1989-1992: occupied 'republics' kicked USSR ass and freed themselves
There wqas no "kicking ass" we all trusted west and decided to live separately. We didn't know than how hypocritical and false west is.

2008 - Georgia. Pretended that Georgian president's aggression was against civil city Tshinvali.
International commissions stated that it was Saakashvili to start aggression and it was Georgian soldiers who killed UN soldiers in Tskhinval.

2014 - Ukraine. Plenty of of Russian army presence.
Russian army is not there. Even your authorities say that. If they were, they needed only a week to liberate the whole Ukraine.

2015 - Syria. After they were officially asked to help by Syrian government. Russians get killed if they get in the way of America.
Will see.
But on "very strange" reason you losers didn't dare to shot objects where Russians are.
Russia is always the main international criminal nation.
Ok, let's compare all war conflicts of the USA and Russia

USA interventions and participating in wars in last 100 years:
1914-1918 - Mexico.
1914-1934 - Haiti Гаити. 19 years long occupation .
1916-1924 - Dominican 8 years long occupation .
1917-1933 - Cuba. Occupation.
1917-1918 - 1ww.
1918-1922 - intervention to Russia (14 states took part in it).
1918-1920 - Panama.
1919 - Costa Rica.
1919 - the US troops fight against Serbians in Dolmatia together with Italians.
1919 - American forces enter Honduras during the elections.
1920 - Guatemala. 2 weeks lasting intervention.
1921 - American help to rebels/terrorists fighting against president Carlos Herrera in favor the United Fruit Company.
1922 - Turkey.
1922-1927 - China helping in fight against government.
1924-1925 - American forces enter Honduras during the elections again.
1925 - Panama.
1926 - Nicaragua.
1927-1934 - American troops all over China.
1932 - Salvador.
1937 - Nicaragua. Dictator Samosa got power thanks to American army's help.
1939 - China.
1947-1949 - Greece. American army take part in civil war supporting fascists.
1948-1953 - Philippines.
1950 - Puerto Rico
1950-1953 - about million of American troops intervention Korea.
1958 - Lebanon. Occupation and fight against rebels.
1958 - Panama.
1959 - Laos. First fights against Vietnamese.
1959 - Haiti.
1960 - Ecuador. Changing the government as a result of several military actions.
1960 - Guatemala.
1965-1973 - Vietnam. War crimes, genocide, using chemicals and napalm against civilians.
1966 - Guatemala. Mass killings of Indians.
1966 - military help to muppet government of Indonesia and Philippines. More than 60.000 arrested, 88 American specialists in torture worked there.
1971-1973 - bombing of Laos.
1972 - Nicaragua.
1983 - Grenada.
1986 - Lybia. Bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi.
1988 - Honduras.
1988 - American warship Vincennes in Gulf of Persia splashed civilians Iranian plane by a missile. 290 dead including 57 children.
1989 - Virginia islands.
1991 - Iraq.
1992-1994 - Somalia. Mass killings of civilians.
1998 - Sudan. Air strike ruins pharmaceutical factory.
1999 - Yugoslavia. 78 days of bombing. A lot of civilians dead including children. Plutonium containing shells were widely used causing mass cancer until today. UN didn't allow to start that war, theUSA ignored.
2001 - Afghanistan.
2003 - bombing of Iraq.
2011 - Ливия.
2013 - Syria.
2014 - active help and financing of revolution in Ukraine causing civil war in the eastern part of the country.

1914-1917 - 1ww.
1939-1940 - Finland (Ally of Hitler's Germany)
1939 - Poland. Half of the country was taken under control after western part of it was occupied by Hitler's Germany.
1941-1945 - 2ww. Played the main role in victory, entered Berlin and freed occupied Eastern Europe and China.
1951-1953 - Korea. Helped them against American occupation.
1956 - Hungary.
1965-1963 - Vietnam. Helped in fighting against American aggression.
1968 - Chechoslovakia.
1979 - Afghanistan.
1983 - splashed civilian Boeing. 269 dead. Due to pilot's mistake civilian plane entered 500km inside the Soviet territory and didn't answered the requests.
2008 - Georgia. Answer for Georgian president's aggression against civil city Tshinvali.
2014 - Ukraine. Still no proofs of Russian army presence but army consultants and volunteers do present there until now.
2015 - Syria. After they were officially asked to help by Syrian government.

You seem to be forgetting a lot... like the civilian plane shot down over the Ukraine for example.
Who shot that plane?
Ukraine controlled by USA!
Eugene, thank you for confirming Russian's imperialist efforts to expand beyond its borders.

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