US Congress allows extended jobless benefits to expire

Add a thousand jobs to your community...Burn down your local Walmart!!

Radical??? Maybe... Is it more radical than you and your family living in your car or under a bridge? it ok as long as it isn't YOUR family?

I don't really think it is wise to destroy others property in America....any more wise than it is to destroy others lives.

Something is going to have to change. What that is remains to be seen.

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:
If you're looking for Republican's to solve your problem why did you vote demonRat? Oh! that's right! You're a moron. Kerry On.

Notice how the Right Tards have no idea what the plan is? LMAO!!!!:lol:
your the tard here, dipshit

No you are the tard dipshit, because you vote for people that only have plans to cut taxes for the rich, and dipshit, you aren't part of the plan. LMAO!!!!:lol::lol: In fact, you don't know what the rights plan is, just like speechless Willow.

How deep have you dived?
Notice how the Right Tards have no idea what the plan is? LMAO!!!!:lol:
your the tard here, dipshit

No you are the tard dipshit, because you vote for people that only have plans to cut taxes for the rich, and dipshit, you aren't part of the plan. LMAO!!!!:lol::lol: In fact, you don't know what the rights plan is, just like speechless Willow.

How deep have you dived?
you have done NOTHING but bitch, and the GOP hasnt even taken over congress yet
YOU are a massive fucking MORON
Add a thousand jobs to your community...Burn down your local Walmart!!

Radical??? Maybe... Is it more radical than you and your family living in your car or under a bridge? it ok as long as it isn't YOUR family?

I don't really think it is wise to destroy others property in America....any more wise than it is to destroy others lives.

Something is going to have to change. What that is remains to be seen.

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:

I plan change. I thought I would get a couple of 40cal pistols, because I don't like the way the gang members look at my 300 touring when I go downtown. I am surprised they don't all own car jacks and stand on the corner to steal your rims. The drools are bigger for my 300 than for my Burger King. People are getting desperate. In nam if you throw food, you were instantly surrounded by 50 of them begging. Some hamburger joints are getting that way. I buy about four extra burgers, and throw them out the door as far as I can, then make a run for the safety of my 300 to make my escape.:eusa_angel:
your the tard here, dipshit

No you are the tard dipshit, because you vote for people that only have plans to cut taxes for the rich, and dipshit, you aren't part of the plan. LMAO!!!!:lol::lol: In fact, you don't know what the rights plan is, just like speechless Willow.

How deep have you dived?
you have done NOTHING but bitch, and the GOP hasnt even taken over congress yet
YOU are a massive fucking MORON

And you are a Phobaeticus chani, but who is counting, huh? Just shut your fucking mouth fuckface, and go get the bends for Livingston.

No you are the tard dipshit, because you vote for people that only have plans to cut taxes for the rich, and dipshit, you aren't part of the plan. LMAO!!!!:lol::lol: In fact, you don't know what the rights plan is, just like speechless Willow.

How deep have you dived?
you have done NOTHING but bitch, and the GOP hasnt even taken over congress yet
YOU are a massive fucking MORON

And you are a Phobaeticus chani, but who is counting, huh? Just shut your fucking mouth fuckface, and go get the bends for Livingston.

thanks for proving once again you dont know what the fuck you are talking about
I am not surprised that people are steering clear of this post. It is to be expected in a capitalist society that some will prosper and many will suffer. The government seems indifferent to the plight of the poor and workers drifting off into the same black hole. Those unemployed who voted republicans into office are actually going to get a dose of karma. And those working in congress should be told there will be no Christmas holiday for them until they balance the budget and get the nation started again. The homeless and unemployed headed that way should spend Christmas camped on their representatives lawns, a reminder of why we elected them.

If you had done any research into this matter, you would find that the Repubs only wanted the Dems to find a way to fund the extension of unemployment, (remember the Paygo bill the Dems passed). There are areas they can get the $$$ fro without adding to the deficit, they just do not want to as they would have to cut into their vote buying programs. Dems have ignored the suggestion of using the rest of the stimulus dollars.
Also it has been stated in earlier post's which you have chosen to ignore, the new politicians have not been seated so the Dem are still in charge and are making this decision.
Take off the partisan blinders and do some research before you spew lies.
you have done NOTHING but bitch, and the GOP hasnt even taken over congress yet
YOU are a massive fucking MORON

And you are a Phobaeticus chani, but who is counting, huh? Just shut your fucking mouth fuckface, and go get the bends for Livingston.

thanks for proving once again you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

Thanks forshowing us what a big ass you have for Livingston.
And you are a Phobaeticus chani, but who is counting, huh? Just shut your fucking mouth fuckface, and go get the bends for Livingston.

thanks for proving once again you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

Thanks forshowing us what a big ass you have for Livingston.
you are the one to talk
you got it bad for Obama
hell, not even obama girl has it that bad
I would be ok with extending unemployment beyond the standard 6 months only for those enrolled in trade school or college. These people also qualify for government student loans & grants. I am no way in favor of letting anyone get more than 6 months of unemployment unless they are getting an education & looking for work.

The Democrats have the unemployed believing that they can permanently receive unemployment checks. This has caused large amounts of jobs to go unfilled. Bill Clinton recently appeared on Meet the Press & tried spinning the fact that we have record skilled worker positions go unfilled, despite high unemployment. He argued that there were millions of jobs available for immediate hire because workers were upside-down on their mortgages so they can't relocate & they have mismatched job skills.

Now that the Republicans have won the election & Congress is getting ready to cut the permanent unemployment checks you will see large gains in the size of the workforce & a large drop in unemployment because these unemployed will start legitimately try to get a job. The Democrats will try to spin it as Obama's Green Jobs agenda is finally working.
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Politics today in America is not about representing the people of the nation, it is about power and getting reelected. Clinton faced the same do nothing republicans and moved too far right in my opinion in order to pacify the corporate wingnuts. Note to Obama: it didn't work for him and moving right won't work for you. They still hunted Clinton, wasting millions on investigations about nothing. Obama needs to face the reality the republicans only want control and will only support the monied interests to gain back control. The scene is so obvious and yet the Dems too play act their part and move like unprincipled pawns for reelection.

Working people will only count when they rebel in the voting booth - this is tough as neither side is very good - or rebel as the workers did in the thirties, or the Blacks did in the sixties. Power and money resist any change that moves towards justice and fairness for all.
Politics today in America is not about representing the people of the nation, it is about power and getting reelected. Clinton faced the same do nothing republicans and moved too far right in my opinion in order to pacify the corporate wingnuts. Note to Obama: it didn't work for him and moving right won't work for you. They still hunted Clinton, wasting millions on investigations about nothing. Obama needs to face the reality the republicans only want control and will only support the monied interests to gain back control. The scene is so obvious and yet the Dems too play act their part and move like unprincipled pawns for reelection.

Working people will only count when they rebel in the voting booth - this is tough as neither side is very good - or rebel as the workers did in the thirties, or the Blacks did in the sixties. Power and money resist any change that moves towards justice and fairness for all.
And Clinton wasn't a puppet of the corporate establishment, like Obama is today? THE MONIED INTERESTS HAVE BEEN IN HEAVY CONTROL well before the Reagen years, they own Clinton as they now own Obama.


Why do you believe either party is totally free of monied interests? All candidates are financed by monied interests, the majority receive earmarks from monied interests, and finally the vast majority support monied interests that helped their election campaigns and thus helped them into power, so that's a myth you have there.

Not to say that politicians can't serve their constituents and their monied interests fairly but it's fact that no current politician in congress or the senate (Totals by Sector | OpenSecrets), nor Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and now Obama is free of 'monied interests'.

If you voted for Obama purely on the basis of 'free of monied interests', he's a sell out. If you are going to vote for any politician, then accept that they serve the interests of everyone that helps them win their place in office, not just their constituents. :lol:
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Permanent serfdom is not compassion.

What did you say the capitalist raised the retirement age to, as they give you more serfdom? Where are those full wage retirements the Germans have serf? You pay the same amount of taxes, if not more to survive, yet the slave trade has no free health care, no 45 day mandetory paid vacations, no free cable TV, miles of congested highways to commute on instead of getting there at 200 mph. Tell me serf, just how bad is it?:lol::lol: Millions unemployed fat fuckers wandering the streets like zombies. How is that compassion working out for them?? LMAO!!! :lol::lol:

Quick question: Which country has free health care?
I would be ok with extending unemployment beyond the standard 6 months only for those enrolled in trade school or college. These people also qualify for government student loans & grants. I am no way in favor of letting anyone get more than 6 months of unemployment unless they are getting an education & looking for work.

The Democrats have the unemployed believing that they can permanently receive unemployment checks.

I'm torn on this issue. After lurking here 6 months or so, I think I can safely say I'm one of the more liberal people who post here. But...99 WEEKS of unemployment seems like enough to me. I agree that people have decided this is their right to unlimited support in this manner. My dad was unemployed for long stretches of time when I was a kid, and totally didn't look very hard for work. I was unemployed for six months seven yrs ago (and later had my unemployment rescinded and I had to pay it all back...long story) and it was total, unrelenting hell. I was looking for work every day without fail. I have a master's degree so I wasn't looking for fast food jobs, but I was interviewing for jobs far below my previous pay scale. And if it had gone on longer, you can bet I would have been flipping burgers somewhere. On the other hand, of course, I know there are a lot of people who HAVE tried and there is nothing. But at some point a line has to be drawn. Has to. Unfortunately, both parties on working on some other agenda than the good of the country.
Hell. I've got friends who have been riding the unemployment gravy train for over a year.

They won't start looking for work until that gravy train comes to a screeching halt.

Thats not to say that some aren't genuinely looking for work but there are loads out there just like my friends. riding that gravy train for everything they can get out of it.

AS for extending the benefits?? The Dems still control things. If they wanted to extend them they would. After all Pelosi says its a good way to improve the economy.
Politics today in America is not about representing the people of the nation, it is about power and getting reelected. Clinton faced the same do nothing republicans and moved too far right in my opinion in order to pacify the corporate wingnuts. Note to Obama: it didn't work for him and moving right won't work for you. They still hunted Clinton, wasting millions on investigations about nothing. Obama needs to face the reality the republicans only want control and will only support the monied interests to gain back control. The scene is so obvious and yet the Dems too play act their part and move like unprincipled pawns for reelection.

Working people will only count when they rebel in the voting booth - this is tough as neither side is very good - or rebel as the workers did in the thirties, or the Blacks did in the sixties. Power and money resist any change that moves towards justice and fairness for all.

Hey.. didn't you get the memo? They rebelled 11/02/2010.
Gonna mean hard times for one hell of a lot of our fellow citizens, folks.

I know some of you think this is a good thing, but I suspect that its going to exacerbate an already bad situation.
Congress is addressing the top 10% concerns, and letting the 90% fend for themselves. What can we expect from a Retarded rightwinged party? Tea? Now we are going to find out what people will do when they have to eat.

Just hours after Obama pledged to work more closely with Republicans in slashing social spending, the US Congress Tuesday allowed extended unemployment benefits to expire for workers laid off for more than 26 weeks. More than 800,000 workers currently receiving extended benefits will be cut off by the end of next week, with the number increasing to two million by the end of December and five million by April.

The entire political establishment has responded to this impending social disaster with complete indifference. Washington is currently consumed with reaching a bipartisan compromise centered primarily on extending tax cuts for the rich.

Of the 15 million workers officially counted as unemployed, 41 percent have been without work for 26 weeks, according to the Labor Department. Due to the high levels of unemployment, 37 states have until now offered federally funded extensions for up to 99 weeks. The benefits pay an average of $302.90 a week.

The cutoff of unemployment checks will remove the only source of income to working class families already facing crushing financial burdens. An estimated two to four million Americans have already exhausted their benefits, with over 90,000 claimants joining their ranks every week. Those losing their jobs now will only qualify for six months of benefits no matter how long they are without a job.

US Congress allows extended jobless benefits to expire


Last I heard you effen moron is that the Dems were still in the majority in both houses. God, now you know why we don't want your stupid asses in power.

Last I heard, START wasn't a top priority with republcians, tax cuts were, and they made threats to cancel christmas until they get the rich cuts. That is why no one wants the retarded right in power.

If no one wants the "retarded" right in power then why did the last elections prove you wrong?

It seems to me that our country is split just about 50/50 as far as politics go.

Monied interests are in control of both parties. I sure hope this isn't some new revelation to some.

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