US Demographic spell End to Welfare State?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Coming Collapse of the Welfare State | FrontPage Magazine

In 1935, the year that FDR signed the Social Security Act into law, the birth rate was 18.7 per 1,000. In 1940, when the first monthly check was issued, it had gone up to 19.4. By 1954, when Disability had been added, the birth rate at the heart of the Baby Boom stood at 25.3.

In a nation of 163 million people, 4 million babies were being born each year.

By 1965, when Medicare was plugged in, the birth rate had fallen back to 19.4. For the first time in ten years fewer than 4 million babies had been born in a country of 195 million. Medicare had been added in the same year that saw the single biggest drop in birth rates since the Great Depression.

There could not have been a worse time for Medicare than the end of the Baby Boom.

Today in a nation of 317 million, 4.1 million babies are being born each year for a birth rate of 13.0 per 1,000. 40.7% of those births are to unmarried mothers so that it will be a long time, if ever, before they pay back into the system, and most will never put back in as much as they are taking out.

Liberals and libertarians both act as if the crisis facing us can be fixed if we take more from the “wealthy elderly” or give them less. The crisis is born of demographics. It can’t be fixed by targeting the elderly because they haven’t been the problem in some time.

It’s the same crisis being faced by countries as diverse as Russia and Japan. The difference is that Russia is autocratic and has little concern for its people while Japan shuns immigration and has a political system dominated by the elderly.

The United States however takes in a million immigrants a year. In his 2013 State of the Union address, Barack Obama praised Desiline Victor, a 102-year-old Haitian woman who moved to the United States at the age of 79 and never learned to speak English, but did spend hours waiting in line in Florida to vote for Obama.

We need to have policies that reward and encourage marriage and having children born.

We do not need to encourage people in that 25% of sexually changing preferences to get stuck in a non child bearing relationship any longer than necessary, at lest mathematically. If we let the perv 20% do whatever they want, then we breed the shit out and don't have to worry about it after a few generations.

But it is amazing how little discussion of demographics is included in the discussion of our welfare state policies and programs. Or maybe they just hide the discussions from voters?

The biggest factor in producing productive and prosperous children in the next generation is RELIGION, not education as the more educated a person the less likely they are to have children. Religious attendance is the best factor in seeing a next generation of working children that produce a similar next generation.

So the people that most promote and flourish from the Welfare state are the same people trying to destroy what makes the welfare state successful, lol.

In this post-work and post-poverty economy, those most likely to have children are also least likely to work or to be able to afford to have those children.

Birth rates for women on welfare are three times higher than for those who are not on welfare. Within a single year, the census survey found that unmarried women had twice as high a birth rate as married women. These demographics help perpetuate poverty and feed a welfare death spiral in which more money has to be spent on social services for a less productive tax base.

Children raised on welfare are far more likely to end up on welfare than the children of working families.

In this post-work and post-poverty economy, those most likely to have children are also least likely to work or to be able to afford to have those children.

Birth rates for women on welfare are three times higher than for those who are not on welfare. Within a single year, the census survey found that unmarried women had twice as high a birth rate as married women. These demographics help perpetuate poverty and feed a welfare death spiral in which more money has to be spent on social services for a less productive tax base.

Children raised on welfare are far more likely to end up on welfare than the children of working families.

True enough, and the Democratic party's war on Christianity is making everything about it WORSE.
The Nation will collapse if it does not start REWARDING WORKING FOR A LIVING.

Do THAT and welfare will cease being such a problem.
The Nation will collapse if it does not start REWARDING WORKING FOR A LIVING.

Do THAT and welfare will cease being such a problem.

Hard work wont be enough if we don't have the hands to do it.

We need to increase our birth rates in married families as well.

To do that we need to STOP THE WAR ON CHRISTIANITY.

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