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US detects North Korea missile launch

When will the world realize that diplomacy seldom works---- NEVER in these cases! Sanctions do not work. It is a fool's errand to think that China or Russia will jump in to help. That is because N. Korea knows that either would crush them like a bug if they tried! In the case of Iran or N. Korea, all of the above has only allowed them to develop to the edge of being a nuclear threat. The only real choice is the one no one wants to admit, a military action to utterly destroy their capability and plunge these countries into dark crisis, with war, retaliation and countless people dead.
I agree, all the American Presidents have not been able to solve this problem and the problem is not going to solve itself. Inaction is perhaps the most risky card to play with the problem of North Korea.

This silly UN-enabled mode of eternal talk, feel good resolutions and a sanction or two has been proven a failure through much of the 20th century. Dictators do not suffer, the people do, and like a volcano working its way up to the surface through a crack under the resistance of miles of earth, they eventually find a way to the surface.

Year after year, they battle for inches under the attrition and weariness of the West until they get a fool like Obama and Kerry who want to put a feather in their cap for the books by handing someone like Iran exactly what they want, Now there is nothing stopping them but a little time, only an idiot would think they would really stick to the terms especially when they essentially police themselves. They advance under a hapless treaty walking all over it with open contempt, because they know the West is hamstrung by its own constraints of political correctness and international restraint to ever take any real action.

Both Iran and N. Korea are on the verge of becoming a global nuclear as well as terror threat now as a result of all of this, and by next year we could find ourselves being held hostage if not under overt attack. Here we are with a nation like N. Korea flagrantly threatening to destroy the USA and on the verge of being able to create a holocaust; China and Russia feel no threat as they know all of Kim's missiles are pointed to the West and if he attacked either of those two countries, neither China nor Russia are under any restraint at all to positively annihilate them. It is a game of puppeteering, and the foolishness of the West was to allow the antagonist countries to maneuver into a strategic position and not stop the aggressors like N, Korea while they were still relatively weak and easily to wrest in.

Europe is weak and feckless, partly made so by decades of assumed reliance on the USA that we would fight their battles for them, and we have given these aggressor countries NO REASON to fear us, so now war is imminent---- we either take proactive action to strike while we still can to prevent destruction to US cities, or we fight a DEFENSIVE war AFTER we have been hurt badly, by a nation no bigger than Florida.

Having foolishly allowed the strategic advantage, many years of S. Korea not planning by moving away from the border long ago and develop their defenses, not allowing Japan to have a nuclear threat, as usual, the US has slept away always thinking they can pass the problem on to a future administration.

We have the choice of allowing Kim Jong-Un to now muscle his way into the global arena not only as an equal but demanding an upper hand over us, or we take action soon to crush the threat, and it would have to be quick and massive, crushing the N. Korean offense overnight before they can get off any more missiles and rockets than we can help. But they will get many off no matter what and there will be massive casualties.

The illusion of the West is that you can fight a clean war, and so we have developed a repulsion for casualties. We fear the political consequences of fighting a war on the ground because the Left would decry the action more than the Korean Threat itself, The Left lives under the globalist illusion that we can stay out of war, avoid war, take no overt action, solve everything with reason and civility against foes who are utterly unreasonable and uncivil, and that actual real war is an absolute last resort to be avoided at all costs that allows these little dictatorships to flourish in the first place! And it is that reluctance to fight a dirty war that we have long advertised to our enemies which they take as fear and cowardice that has brought us now to this point where we must strike first or die.

When this escalates to war, just remember that it was the Leftist/Globalist/Progressive movement that chiefly created the mess by eternally not dealing with it while we still could in relative impunity and like so many things, it will now be up to the Republicans, just as with Carter's Iran Hostages and 9/11, to deal with it. The good news is that Trump is a President who will likely not back down from this issue, even if there is massive political fallout for him and us on the International Arena. But if the adversarial nations of the world are to ever truly respect us, there must not be any more Red Lines in the sand that we refuse to cross, for they only need to call our bluff once to see that our bark is worse than our bite.
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When will the world realize that diplomacy seldom works---- NEVER in these cases! Sanctions do not work. It is a fool's errand to think that China or Russia will jump in to help. That is because N. Korea knows that either would crush them like a bug if they tried! In the case of Iran or N. Korea, all of the above has only allowed them to develop to the edge of being a nuclear threat. The only real choice is the one no one wants to admit, a military action to utterly destroy their capability and plunge these countries into dark crisis, with war, retaliation and countless people dead.
I agree, all the American Presidents have not been able to solve this problem and the problem is not going to solve itself. Inaction is perhaps the most risky card to play with the problem of North Korea.

This silly UN-enabled mode of eternal talk, feel good resolutions and a sanction or two has been proven a failure through much of the 20th century. Dictators do not suffer, the people do, and like a volcano working its way up to the surface through a crack under the resistance of miles of earth, they eventually find a way to the surface.

Year after year, they battle for inches under the attrition and weariness of the West until they get a fool like Obama and Kerry who want to put a feather in their cap for the books by handing someone like Iran exactly what they want, Now there is nothing stopping them but a little time, only an idiot would think they would really stick to the terms especially when they essentially police themselves. They advance under a hapless treaty walking all over it with open contempt, because they know the West is hamstrung by its own constraints of political correctness and international restraint to ever take any real action.

Both Iran and N. Korea are on the verge of becoming a global nuclear as well as terror threat now as a result of all of this, and by next year we could find ourselves being held hostage if not under overt attack. Here we are with a nation like N. Korea flagrantly threatening to destroy the USA and on the verge of being able to create a holocaust; China and Russia feel no threat as they know all of Kim's missiles are pointed to the West and if he attacked either of those two countries, neither China nor Russia are under any restraint at all to positively annihilate them.

Europe is weak and feckless, and we have given these countries NO REASON to fear us, so now war is imminent---- we either take proactive action to strike while we can to prevent destruction to US cities, or we fight a DEFENSIVE war AFTER we have been hurt badly, by a nation no bigger than Florida.
I agree with you, it's a let-go that lasts eternally you can also compare it to ISIS. The group could be completely destroyed, they are a very great threat to humanity for a long time already, there have been victims and there will be more and more.
NK will continue to launch missiles quietly just as ISIS will continue to kill loose until someone wakes up to annihilate the enemies.
And Europe is in agony, it is impoverished following the financial crash and especially because of the Euro and the insecurity that is well established in several countries following several terrorist attacks.
When will the world realize that diplomacy seldom works---- NEVER in these cases! Sanctions do not work. It is a fool's errand to think that China or Russia will jump in to help. That is because N. Korea knows that either would crush them like a bug if they tried! In the case of Iran or N. Korea, all of the above has only allowed them to develop to the edge of being a nuclear threat. The only real choice is the one no one wants to admit, a military action to utterly destroy their capability and plunge these countries into dark crisis, with war, retaliation and countless people dead.

Pure insanity. For starters, diplomacy has not been attempted with North Korea. It's been decades of warmongering, aggressive posturing, and economic sanctions which has only convinced the Kim regime that they need nuclear weapons in the first place as a deterrent to American-led regime change. As for China, they've already stepped up their pressure on North Korea when they stopped the coal shipments. That's a huge blow to the North Korean government.

China to suspend all imports of coal from North Korea

The idea that war is in any way a solution is psychotic. We're going to help our friends in South Korea and Japan and all of the innocent civilians trapped in North Korea by ensuring that they get hellfire rained on them? Not to mention possibly provoking China and/or Russia into military confrontation when we can't even win a war against insurgents in Afghanistan or Iraq?

It is FOOLS like you which has brought war to our doorsteps.
It is FOOLS like you that has made us fight a PC war for 16 years in the Middle East over minor nations that we could crush overnight.
It is FOOLS like you that took down the missile defense shield as a show of good faith that allowed the invasion of the Crimea.
It is FOOLS like you that sent home terrorist leaders to kill us again and gave Iran 150 billion dollars and a clear path to a nuclear threat.
It is FOOLS like you that always point the finger of blame at your own country rather than the actual rogue nations who threaten us.
It is FOOLS like you that never see your ideology as a failure, just that you haven't done ENOUGH of it yet.

It is because of people like you that we had a World War II.
It is because of people like you that China has grown from a 3rd world country itself to a global power itself.
It is because of people like you that we allowed 9/11 to happen.
Millions have died so you could avoid taking any real responsibility for actually solve problems.
Your problem is that you are so locked into a monopolar ideology that despite its utter failure over the past century, you still see all other attempts to circumvent it to get at real solutions as "insanity" and "psychotic." How many years have we tried it your way? And look what it has gotten us.

China and Russia already know that we are on their doorstep with war in their backyard. They don't want war with us. What have they done to prevent it? Russia, nothing. China, get coal from us instead of N. Korea. Has Kim suffered? Kim never suffers! The coal will not change a thing.

Are we threatening war in a hundred other countries? No! THE PROBLEM IS KIM JONG-UN. He has been told by us, China, and who knows how many others that THEIR ACTIONS are provoking this. If not for Kim's military program, all in the country could have a good standard of living. They could choose to devote their money and energies toward, education, economic growth, free trade, like civilized nations do, join the global community as a peaceful, valued partner AND ALL OF THEIR PROBLEMS WOULD GO AWAY.

They have been told that their posturing and missile development will bring our defending ourselves and retaliation. DO NOT SIT HERE AND TRY TO TELL ME that the chicken came before the egg! That it was OUR POSTURING that started the military tensions! It was THEIR aggressive posture that brought about the sanctions and other actions not the other way around, and the more they have been told to back down and quit rustling their feathers, the more they have stepped it up instead.

If you kept annoying a guy twice your size until he told you to knock it off otherwise he would punch you in the face, who would you blame if you kept annoying him anyway, indeed, stepped up your annoyance---- until you finally got punched? Apparently you would blame the big guy for not trying to reason with you and negotiate ad nauseum rather than the person who started it all and kept it up. Apparently you think it is insanity and psychotic to be constantly annoyed and threatened by someone who ignores all of your requests to stop it and gets worse and worse until you finally are forced to carry out your threat to retaliate in your own defense.

I would love to move in next to you and constantly annoy you and threaten you to see how long it would take you to give up peace talks and reason and begin taking an aggressive posture yourself just to prove what a hypocrite you are.

N. Korea could end all of this tomorrow by Kim stepping down and a peaceful regime taking his place committed to a better N. Korea. But Kim is recognized the world over as a dangerous crackpot who might do anything! The guy is a kook. Russia has far more nuclear threat but they are a responsible nation. N. Korea is not. First you use the rationale that N. Korea is small and weak and we need to try negotiations and other civil methods until finally he has grown into a monster who could drop an EMP on us and cripple our nation and destroy cities, then you use the rationale that he is too big a problem now to deal with! You sound like the British government arguing with those parents about the ills of alternative treatments for their sick baby for eight long months, then finally saying it has been so long that he has gone without treatment to now do him any good!

THERE NEVER IS A RIGHT TIME in your mind to go to war to prevent a bigger escalation, so in effect, you let these little tyrants grow into the global threat they become instead of stopping them when it would have been far easier, cheaper and safer. Kim is a dangerous loon, and it will be his own grandiose visions for himself and false dreams of greatness that has crushed his nation into poverty and will bring the rain of death down on his own head, not us.
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When will the world realize that diplomacy seldom works---- NEVER in these cases! Sanctions do not work. It is a fool's errand to think that China or Russia will jump in to help. That is because N. Korea knows that either would crush them like a bug if they tried! In the case of Iran or N. Korea, all of the above has only allowed them to develop to the edge of being a nuclear threat. The only real choice is the one no one wants to admit, a military action to utterly destroy their capability and plunge these countries into dark crisis, with war, retaliation and countless people dead.

Pure insanity. For starters, diplomacy has not been attempted with North Korea. It's been decades of warmongering, aggressive posturing, and economic sanctions which has only convinced the Kim regime that they need nuclear weapons in the first place as a deterrent to American-led regime change. As for China, they've already stepped up their pressure on North Korea when they stopped the coal shipments. That's a huge blow to the North Korean government.

China to suspend all imports of coal from North Korea

The idea that war is in any way a solution is psychotic. We're going to help our friends in South Korea and Japan and all of the innocent civilians trapped in North Korea by ensuring that they get hellfire rained on them? Not to mention possibly provoking China and/or Russia into military confrontation when we can't even win a war against insurgents in Afghanistan or Iraq?

It is FOOLS like you which has brought war to our doorsteps.
It is FOOLS like you that has made us fight a PC war for 16 years in the Middle East over minor nations that we could crush overnight.
It is FOOLS like you that took down the missile defense shield as a show of good faith that allowed the invasion of the Crimea.
It is FOOLS like you that sent home terrorist leaders to kill us again and gave Iran 150 billion dollars and a clear path to a nuclear threat.
It is FOOLS like you that always point the finger of blame at your own country rather than the actual rogue nations who threaten us.
It is FOOLS like you that never see your ideology as a failure, just that you haven't done ENOUGH of it yet.

It is because of people like you that we had a World War II.
It is because of people like you that China has grown from a 3rd world country itself to a global power itself.
It is because of people like you that we allowed 9/11 to happen.
Millions have died so you could avoid taking any real responsibility for actually solve problems.
Your problem is that you are so locked into a monopolar ideology that despite its utter failure over the past century, you still see all other attempts to circumvent it to get at real solutions as "insanity" and "psychotic." How many years have we tried it your way? And look what it has gotten us.

China and Russia already know that we are on their doorstep with war in their backyard. They don't want war with us. What have they done to prevent it? Russia, nothing. China, get coal from us instead of N. Korea. Has Kim suffered? Kim never suffers! The coal will not change a thing.

Are we threatening war in a hundred other countries? No! THE PROBLEM IS KIM JONG-UN. He has been told by us, China, and who knows how many others that THEIR ACTIONS are provoking this. If not for Kim's military program, all in the country could have a good standard of living. They could choose to devote their money and energies toward, education, economic growth, free trade, like civilized nations do, join the global community as a peaceful, valued partner AND ALL OF THEIR PROBLEMS WOULD GO AWAY.

They have been told that their posturing and missile development will bring our defending ourselves and retaliation. DO NOT SIT HERE AND TRY TO TELL ME that the chicken came before the egg! That it was OUR POSTURING that started the military tensions! It was THEIR aggressive posture that brought about the sanctions and other actions not the other way around, and the more they have been told to back down and quit rustling their feathers, the more they have stepped it up instead.

If you kept annoying a guy twice your size until he told you to knock it off otherwise he would punch you in the face, who would you blame if you kept annoying him anyway, indeed, stepped up your annoyance---- until you finally got punched? Apparently you would blame the big guy for not trying to reason with you and negotiate ad nauseum rather than the person who started it all and kept it up. Apparently you think it is insanity and psychotic to be constantly annoyed and threatened by someone who ignores all of your requests to stop it and gets worse and worse until you finally are forced to carry out your threat to retaliate in your own defense.

I would love to move in next to you and constantly annoy you and threaten you to see how long it would take you to give up peace talks and reason and begin taking an aggressive posture yourself just to prove what a hypocrite you are.

N. Korea could end all of this tomorrow by Kim stepping down and a peaceful regime taking his place committed to a better N. Korea. But Kim is recognized the world over as a dangerous crackpot who might do anything! The guy is a kook. Russia has far more nuclear threat but they are a responsible nation. N. Korea is not. First you use the rationale that N. Korea is small and weak and we need to try negotiations and other civil methods until finally he has grown into a monster who could drop an EMP on us and cripple our nation and destroy cities, then you use the rationale that he is too big a problem now to deal with! You sound like the British government arguing with those parents about the ills of alternative treatments for their sick baby for eight long months, then finally saying it has been so long that he has gone without treatment to now do him any good!

THERE NEVER IS A RIGHT TIME in your mind to go to war to prevent a bigger escalation, so in effect, you let these little tyrants grow into the global threat they become instead of stopping them when it would have been far easier, cheaper and safer. Kim is a dangerous loon, and it will be his own grandiose visions for himself and false dreams of greatness that has crushed his nation into poverty and will bring the rain of death down on his own head, not us.
When will the world realize that diplomacy seldom works---- NEVER in these cases! Sanctions do not work. It is a fool's errand to think that China or Russia will jump in to help. That is because N. Korea knows that either would crush them like a bug if they tried! In the case of Iran or N. Korea, all of the above has only allowed them to develop to the edge of being a nuclear threat. The only real choice is the one no one wants to admit, a military action to utterly destroy their capability and plunge these countries into dark crisis, with war, retaliation and countless people dead.

Pure insanity. For starters, diplomacy has not been attempted with North Korea. It's been decades of warmongering, aggressive posturing, and economic sanctions which has only convinced the Kim regime that they need nuclear weapons in the first place as a deterrent to American-led regime change. As for China, they've already stepped up their pressure on North Korea when they stopped the coal shipments. That's a huge blow to the North Korean government.

China to suspend all imports of coal from North Korea

The idea that war is in any way a solution is psychotic. We're going to help our friends in South Korea and Japan and all of the innocent civilians trapped in North Korea by ensuring that they get hellfire rained on them? Not to mention possibly provoking China and/or Russia into military confrontation when we can't even win a war against insurgents in Afghanistan or Iraq?

It is FOOLS like you which has brought war to our doorsteps.
It is FOOLS like you that has made us fight a PC war for 16 years in the Middle East over minor nations that we could crush overnight.
It is FOOLS like you that took down the missile defense shield as a show of good faith that allowed the invasion of the Crimea.
It is FOOLS like you that sent home terrorist leaders to kill us again and gave Iran 150 billion dollars and a clear path to a nuclear threat.
It is FOOLS like you that always point the finger of blame at your own country rather than the actual rogue nations who threaten us.
It is FOOLS like you that never see your ideology as a failure, just that you haven't done ENOUGH of it yet.

It is because of people like you that we had a World War II.
It is because of people like you that China has grown from a 3rd world country itself to a global power itself.
It is because of people like you that we allowed 9/11 to happen.
Millions have died so you could avoid taking any real responsibility for actually solve problems.
Your problem is that you are so locked into a monopolar ideology that despite its utter failure over the past century, you still see all other attempts to circumvent it to get at real solutions as "insanity" and "psychotic." How many years have we tried it your way? And look what it has gotten us.

China and Russia already know that we are on their doorstep with war in their backyard. They don't want war with us. What have they done to prevent it? Russia, nothing. China, get coal from us instead of N. Korea. Has Kim suffered? Kim never suffers! The coal will not change a thing.

Are we threatening war in a hundred other countries? No! THE PROBLEM IS KIM JONG-UN. He has been told by us, China, and who knows how many others that THEIR ACTIONS are provoking this. If not for Kim's military program, all in the country could have a good standard of living. They could choose to devote their money and energies toward, education, economic growth, free trade, like civilized nations do, join the global community as a peaceful, valued partner AND ALL OF THEIR PROBLEMS WOULD GO AWAY.

They have been told that their posturing and missile development will bring our defending ourselves and retaliation. DO NOT SIT HERE AND TRY TO TELL ME that the chicken came before the egg! That it was OUR POSTURING that started the military tensions! It was THEIR aggressive posture that brought about the sanctions and other actions not the other way around, and the more they have been told to back down and quit rustling their feathers, the more they have stepped it up instead.

If you kept annoying a guy twice your size until he told you to knock it off otherwise he would punch you in the face, who would you blame if you kept annoying him anyway, indeed, stepped up your annoyance---- until you finally got punched? Apparently you would blame the big guy for not trying to reason with you and negotiate ad nauseum rather than the person who started it all and kept it up. Apparently you think it is insanity and psychotic to be constantly annoyed and threatened by someone who ignores all of your requests to stop it and gets worse and worse until you finally are forced to carry out your threat to retaliate in your own defense.

I would love to move in next to you and constantly annoy you and threaten you to see how long it would take you to give up peace talks and reason and begin taking an aggressive posture yourself just to prove what a hypocrite you are.

N. Korea could end all of this tomorrow by Kim stepping down and a peaceful regime taking his place committed to a better N. Korea. But Kim is recognized the world over as a dangerous crackpot who might do anything! The guy is a kook. Russia has far more nuclear threat but they are a responsible nation. N. Korea is not. First you use the rationale that N. Korea is small and weak and we need to try negotiations and other civil methods until finally he has grown into a monster who could drop an EMP on us and cripple our nation and destroy cities, then you use the rationale that he is too big a problem now to deal with! You sound like the British government arguing with those parents about the ills of alternative treatments for their sick baby for eight long months, then finally saying it has been so long that he has gone without treatment to now do him any good!

THERE NEVER IS A RIGHT TIME in your mind to go to war to prevent a bigger escalation, so in effect, you let these little tyrants grow into the global threat they become instead of stopping them when it would have been far easier, cheaper and safer. Kim is a dangerous loon, and it will be his own grandiose visions for himself and false dreams of greatness that has crushed his nation into poverty and will bring the rain of death down on his own head, not us.

Yes, you are very wrong. Korea holds its own future in its hands. What happens there will be determined by THEM. The world has suffered decades of waiting and hoping that problems like N. Korea would simply right themselves on their own.

Obama took the position of stepping out from the world arena for eight years putting no real American pressure or influence on anyone, like you say, just paying lip service to them all. The result of that was a massive influx of illegals and potential terrorist and crime gangs up from the southern border, a devastating influx of Muslims and refugees into Europe destabilizing the entire region and a huge increase in terror attacks, a collapse of the Middle East, Russian invasion of Crimea and insertion into the Syrian conflict and a strengthening of ties with Iran, China establishing military bases in the South China Sea jeopardizing international trade, and a huge uptick in Russian aggression against us and all around the world.
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When will the world realize that diplomacy seldom works---- NEVER in these cases! Sanctions do not work. It is a fool's errand to think that China or Russia will jump in to help. That is because N. Korea knows that either would crush them like a bug if they tried! In the case of Iran or N. Korea, all of the above has only allowed them to develop to the edge of being a nuclear threat. The only real choice is the one no one wants to admit, a military action to utterly destroy their capability and plunge these countries into dark crisis, with war, retaliation and countless people dead.

Pure insanity. For starters, diplomacy has not been attempted with North Korea. It's been decades of warmongering, aggressive posturing, and economic sanctions which has only convinced the Kim regime that they need nuclear weapons in the first place as a deterrent to American-led regime change. As for China, they've already stepped up their pressure on North Korea when they stopped the coal shipments. That's a huge blow to the North Korean government.

China to suspend all imports of coal from North Korea

The idea that war is in any way a solution is psychotic. We're going to help our friends in South Korea and Japan and all of the innocent civilians trapped in North Korea by ensuring that they get hellfire rained on them? Not to mention possibly provoking China and/or Russia into military confrontation when we can't even win a war against insurgents in Afghanistan or Iraq?

It is FOOLS like you which has brought war to our doorsteps.
It is FOOLS like you that has made us fight a PC war for 16 years in the Middle East over minor nations that we could crush overnight.
It is FOOLS like you that took down the missile defense shield as a show of good faith that allowed the invasion of the Crimea.
It is FOOLS like you that sent home terrorist leaders to kill us again and gave Iran 150 billion dollars and a clear path to a nuclear threat.
It is FOOLS like you that always point the finger of blame at your own country rather than the actual rogue nations who threaten us.
It is FOOLS like you that never see your ideology as a failure, just that you haven't done ENOUGH of it yet.

It is because of people like you that we had a World War II.
It is because of people like you that China has grown from a 3rd world country itself to a global power itself.
It is because of people like you that we allowed 9/11 to happen.
Millions have died so you could avoid taking any real responsibility for actually solve problems.
Your problem is that you are so locked into a monopolar ideology that despite its utter failure over the past century, you still see all other attempts to circumvent it to get at real solutions as "insanity" and "psychotic." How many years have we tried it your way? And look what it has gotten us.

China and Russia already know that we are on their doorstep with war in their backyard. They don't want war with us. What have they done to prevent it? Russia, nothing. China, get coal from us instead of N. Korea. Has Kim suffered? Kim never suffers! The coal will not change a thing.

Are we threatening war in a hundred other countries? No! THE PROBLEM IS KIM JONG-UN. He has been told by us, China, and who knows how many others that THEIR ACTIONS are provoking this. If not for Kim's military program, all in the country could have a good standard of living. They could choose to devote their money and energies toward, education, economic growth, free trade, like civilized nations do, join the global community as a peaceful, valued partner AND ALL OF THEIR PROBLEMS WOULD GO AWAY.

They have been told that their posturing and missile development will bring our defending ourselves and retaliation. DO NOT SIT HERE AND TRY TO TELL ME that the chicken came before the egg! That it was OUR POSTURING that started the military tensions! It was THEIR aggressive posture that brought about the sanctions and other actions not the other way around, and the more they have been told to back down and quit rustling their feathers, the more they have stepped it up instead.

If you kept annoying a guy twice your size until he told you to knock it off otherwise he would punch you in the face, who would you blame if you kept annoying him anyway, indeed, stepped up your annoyance---- until you finally got punched? Apparently you would blame the big guy for not trying to reason with you and negotiate ad nauseum rather than the person who started it all and kept it up. Apparently you think it is insanity and psychotic to be constantly annoyed and threatened by someone who ignores all of your requests to stop it and gets worse and worse until you finally are forced to carry out your threat to retaliate in your own defense.

I would love to move in next to you and constantly annoy you and threaten you to see how long it would take you to give up peace talks and reason and begin taking an aggressive posture yourself just to prove what a hypocrite you are.

N. Korea could end all of this tomorrow by Kim stepping down and a peaceful regime taking his place committed to a better N. Korea. But Kim is recognized the world over as a dangerous crackpot who might do anything! The guy is a kook. Russia has far more nuclear threat but they are a responsible nation. N. Korea is not. First you use the rationale that N. Korea is small and weak and we need to try negotiations and other civil methods until finally he has grown into a monster who could drop an EMP on us and cripple our nation and destroy cities, then you use the rationale that he is too big a problem now to deal with! You sound like the British government arguing with those parents about the ills of alternative treatments for their sick baby for eight long months, then finally saying it has been so long that he has gone without treatment to now do him any good!

THERE NEVER IS A RIGHT TIME in your mind to go to war to prevent a bigger escalation, so in effect, you let these little tyrants grow into the global threat they become instead of stopping them when it would have been far easier, cheaper and safer. Kim is a dangerous loon, and it will be his own grandiose visions for himself and false dreams of greatness that has crushed his nation into poverty and will bring the rain of death down on his own head, not us.

Yes, you are very wrong. Korea holds its own future in its hands. What happens there will be determined by THEM. The world has suffered decades of waiting and hoping that problems like N. Korea would simply right themselves on their own.

Obama took the position of stepping out from the world arena for eight years putting no real American pressure or influence on anyone, like you say, just paying lip service to them all. The result of that was a massive influx of illegals and potential terrorist and crime gangs up from the southern border, a devastating influx of Muslims and refugees into Europe destabilizing the entire region and a huge increase in terror attacks, a collapse of the Middle East, Russian invasion of Crimea and insertion into the Syrian conflict and a strengthening of ties with Iran, China establishing military bases in the South China Sea jeopardizing international trade, and a huge uptick in Russian aggression against us and all around the world.
I'm sorry that you're confused. You know nothing and if anybody with decision making power listened to you it would be a complete disaster. You should refrain from talking further about the subject, and feel bad.
Time to take military action

Thus ensuring the destruction of Seoul, a major metropolitan city with a population in the millions, and possibly parts of Japan as well. Not to mention a possible military showdown with China and/or Russia while the U.S. military is currently spread too thin and continues to lose the guerrilla wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Brilliant.
Time to take military action

Thus ensuring the destruction of Seoul, a major metropolitan city with a population in the millions, and possibly parts of Japan as well. Not to mention a possible military showdown with China and/or Russia while the U.S. military is currently spread too thin and continues to lose the guerrilla wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Brilliant.

War is not pretty. We must ensure safety within our shores, thus, we must fight them there

Time to take military action

Thus ensuring the destruction of Seoul, a major metropolitan city with a population in the millions, and possibly parts of Japan as well. Not to mention a possible military showdown with China and/or Russia while the U.S. military is currently spread too thin and continues to lose the guerrilla wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Brilliant.

War is not pretty. We must ensure safety within our shores, thus, we must fight them there

Condemn millions to death because you're afraid of a guy who shoots missiles into the sea? Pass. North Korea is no threat to the U.S.
Time to take military action

Thus ensuring the destruction of Seoul, a major metropolitan city with a population in the millions, and possibly parts of Japan as well. Not to mention a possible military showdown with China and/or Russia while the U.S. military is currently spread too thin and continues to lose the guerrilla wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Brilliant.

War is not pretty. We must ensure safety within our shores, thus, we must fight them there

Condemn millions to death because you're afraid of a guy who shoots missiles into the sea? Pass. North Korea is no threat to the U.S.

You are completely wrong

When will the world realize that diplomacy seldom works---- NEVER in these cases! Sanctions do not work. It is a fool's errand to think that China or Russia will jump in to help. That is because N. Korea knows that either would crush them like a bug if they tried! In the case of Iran or N. Korea, all of the above has only allowed them to develop to the edge of being a nuclear threat. The only real choice is the one no one wants to admit, a military action to utterly destroy their capability and plunge these countries into dark crisis, with war, retaliation and countless people dead.
I agree, all the American Presidents have not been able to solve this problem and the problem is not going to solve itself. Inaction is perhaps the most risky card to play with the problem of North Korea.

This silly UN-enabled mode of eternal talk, feel good resolutions and a sanction or two has been proven a failure through much of the 20th century. Dictators do not suffer, the people do, and like a volcano working its way up to the surface through a crack under the resistance of miles of earth, they eventually find a way to the surface.

Year after year, they battle for inches under the attrition and weariness of the West until they get a fool like Obama and Kerry who want to put a feather in their cap for the books by handing someone like Iran exactly what they want, Now there is nothing stopping them but a little time, only an idiot would think they would really stick to the terms especially when they essentially police themselves. They advance under a hapless treaty walking all over it with open contempt, because they know the West is hamstrung by its own constraints of political correctness and international restraint to ever take any real action.

Both Iran and N. Korea are on the verge of becoming a global nuclear as well as terror threat now as a result of all of this, and by next year we could find ourselves being held hostage if not under overt attack. Here we are with a nation like N. Korea flagrantly threatening to destroy the USA and on the verge of being able to create a holocaust; China and Russia feel no threat as they know all of Kim's missiles are pointed to the West and if he attacked either of those two countries, neither China nor Russia are under any restraint at all to positively annihilate them. It is a game of puppeteering, and the foolishness of the West was to allow the antagonist countries to maneuver into a strategic position and not stop the aggressors like N, Korea while they were still relatively weak and easily to wrest in.

Europe is weak and feckless, partly made so by decades of assumed reliance on the USA that we would fight their battles for them, and we have given these aggressor countries NO REASON to fear us, so now war is imminent---- we either take proactive action to strike while we still can to prevent destruction to US cities, or we fight a DEFENSIVE war AFTER we have been hurt badly, by a nation no bigger than Florida.

Having foolishly allowed the strategic advantage, many years of S. Korea not planning by moving away from the border long ago and develop their defenses, not allowing Japan to have a nuclear threat, as usual, the US has slept away always thinking they can pass the problem on to a future administration.

We have the choice of allowing Kim Jong-Un to now muscle his way into the global arena not only as an equal but demanding an upper hand over us, or we take action soon to crush the threat, and it would have to be quick and massive, crushing the N. Korean offense overnight before they can get off any more missiles and rockets than we can help. But they will get many off no matter what and there will be massive casualties.

The illusion of the West is that you can fight a clean war, and so we have developed a repulsion for casualties. We fear the political consequences of fighting a war on the ground because the Left would decry the action more than the Korean Threat itself, The Left lives under the globalist illusion that we can stay out of war, avoid war, take no overt action, solve everything with reason and civility against foes who are utterly unreasonable and uncivil, and that actual real war is an absolute last resort to be avoided at all costs that allows these little dictatorships to flourish in the first place! And it is that reluctance to fight a dirty war that we have long advertised to our enemies which they take as fear and cowardice that has brought us now to this point where we must strike first or die.

When this escalates to war, just remember that it was the Leftist/Globalist/Progressive movement that chiefly created the mess by eternally not dealing with it while we still could in relative impunity and like so many things, it will now be up to the Republicans, just as with Carter's Iran Hostages and 9/11, to deal with it. The good news is that Trump is a President who will likely not back down from this issue, even if there is massive political fallout for him and us on the International Arena. But if the adversarial nations of the world are to ever truly respect us, there must not be any more Red Lines in the sand that we refuse to cross, for they only need to call our bluff once to see that our bark is worse than our bite.
The Conservatives did their part, too, in causing this mess. Quit trying to make political capital for your Chickenhawk masters by only emphasizing the negligence of one side.
When will the world realize that diplomacy seldom works---- NEVER in these cases! Sanctions do not work. It is a fool's errand to think that China or Russia will jump in to help. That is because N. Korea knows that either would crush them like a bug if they tried! In the case of Iran or N. Korea, all of the above has only allowed them to develop to the edge of being a nuclear threat. The only real choice is the one no one wants to admit, a military action to utterly destroy their capability and plunge these countries into dark crisis, with war, retaliation and countless people dead.

Pure insanity. For starters, diplomacy has not been attempted with North Korea. It's been decades of warmongering, aggressive posturing, and economic sanctions which has only convinced the Kim regime that they need nuclear weapons in the first place as a deterrent to American-led regime change. As for China, they've already stepped up their pressure on North Korea when they stopped the coal shipments. That's a huge blow to the North Korean government.

China to suspend all imports of coal from North Korea

The idea that war is in any way a solution is psychotic. We're going to help our friends in South Korea and Japan and all of the innocent civilians trapped in North Korea by ensuring that they get hellfire rained on them? Not to mention possibly provoking China and/or Russia into military confrontation when we can't even win a war against insurgents in Afghanistan or Iraq?

It is FOOLS like you which has brought war to our doorsteps.
It is FOOLS like you that has made us fight a PC war for 16 years in the Middle East over minor nations that we could crush overnight.
It is FOOLS like you that took down the missile defense shield as a show of good faith that allowed the invasion of the Crimea.
It is FOOLS like you that sent home terrorist leaders to kill us again and gave Iran 150 billion dollars and a clear path to a nuclear threat.
It is FOOLS like you that always point the finger of blame at your own country rather than the actual rogue nations who threaten us.
It is FOOLS like you that never see your ideology as a failure, just that you haven't done ENOUGH of it yet.

It is because of people like you that we had a World War II.
It is because of people like you that China has grown from a 3rd world country itself to a global power itself.
It is because of people like you that we allowed 9/11 to happen.
Millions have died so you could avoid taking any real responsibility for actually solve problems.
Your problem is that you are so locked into a monopolar ideology that despite its utter failure over the past century, you still see all other attempts to circumvent it to get at real solutions as "insanity" and "psychotic." How many years have we tried it your way? And look what it has gotten us.

China and Russia already know that we are on their doorstep with war in their backyard. They don't want war with us. What have they done to prevent it? Russia, nothing. China, get coal from us instead of N. Korea. Has Kim suffered? Kim never suffers! The coal will not change a thing.

Are we threatening war in a hundred other countries? No! THE PROBLEM IS KIM JONG-UN. He has been told by us, China, and who knows how many others that THEIR ACTIONS are provoking this. If not for Kim's military program, all in the country could have a good standard of living. They could choose to devote their money and energies toward, education, economic growth, free trade, like civilized nations do, join the global community as a peaceful, valued partner AND ALL OF THEIR PROBLEMS WOULD GO AWAY.

They have been told that their posturing and missile development will bring our defending ourselves and retaliation. DO NOT SIT HERE AND TRY TO TELL ME that the chicken came before the egg! That it was OUR POSTURING that started the military tensions! It was THEIR aggressive posture that brought about the sanctions and other actions not the other way around, and the more they have been told to back down and quit rustling their feathers, the more they have stepped it up instead.

If you kept annoying a guy twice your size until he told you to knock it off otherwise he would punch you in the face, who would you blame if you kept annoying him anyway, indeed, stepped up your annoyance---- until you finally got punched? Apparently you would blame the big guy for not trying to reason with you and negotiate ad nauseum rather than the person who started it all and kept it up. Apparently you think it is insanity and psychotic to be constantly annoyed and threatened by someone who ignores all of your requests to stop it and gets worse and worse until you finally are forced to carry out your threat to retaliate in your own defense.

I would love to move in next to you and constantly annoy you and threaten you to see how long it would take you to give up peace talks and reason and begin taking an aggressive posture yourself just to prove what a hypocrite you are.

N. Korea could end all of this tomorrow by Kim stepping down and a peaceful regime taking his place committed to a better N. Korea. But Kim is recognized the world over as a dangerous crackpot who might do anything! The guy is a kook. Russia has far more nuclear threat but they are a responsible nation. N. Korea is not. First you use the rationale that N. Korea is small and weak and we need to try negotiations and other civil methods until finally he has grown into a monster who could drop an EMP on us and cripple our nation and destroy cities, then you use the rationale that he is too big a problem now to deal with! You sound like the British government arguing with those parents about the ills of alternative treatments for their sick baby for eight long months, then finally saying it has been so long that he has gone without treatment to now do him any good!

THERE NEVER IS A RIGHT TIME in your mind to go to war to prevent a bigger escalation, so in effect, you let these little tyrants grow into the global threat they become instead of stopping them when it would have been far easier, cheaper and safer. Kim is a dangerous loon, and it will be his own grandiose visions for himself and false dreams of greatness that has crushed his nation into poverty and will bring the rain of death down on his own head, not us.

Yes, you are very wrong. Korea holds its own future in its hands. What happens there will be determined by THEM. The world has suffered decades of waiting and hoping that problems like N. Korea would simply right themselves on their own.

Obama took the position of stepping out from the world arena for eight years putting no real American pressure or influence on anyone, like you say, just paying lip service to them all. The result of that was a massive influx of illegals and potential terrorist and crime gangs up from the southern border, a devastating influx of Muslims and refugees into Europe destabilizing the entire region and a huge increase in terror attacks, a collapse of the Middle East, Russian invasion of Crimea and insertion into the Syrian conflict and a strengthening of ties with Iran, China establishing military bases in the South China Sea jeopardizing international trade, and a huge uptick in Russian aggression against us and all around the world.
I'm sorry that you're confused. You know nothing and if anybody with decision making power listened to you it would be a complete disaster. You should refrain from talking further about the subject, and feel bad.
Why do you look up to those with decision-making powers, when they have guessed wrong time and time again? Why deny, after so much evidence, that the way of getting ahead in Tedminal America has put inferior people in superior positions?
I'm sorry that you're confused. You know nothing and if anybody with decision making power listened to you it would be a complete disaster. You should refrain from talking further about the subject, and feel bad.

It is only confusing if you've got bad wiring in your head. What I've told you is perfectly logical to anyone with common sense. Put another way maybe you can understand: what you claim has been tried for decades and look where it has gotten us. It only works with sane, reasonable people, civilized people, but Kim Jong-Un is none of those. He is a madman who will not change direction whether you talk nice to him, offer him money, massage his feet or threaten him. We gave 150 billion to Iran and look at what it got us, they told us to go F off and gave us the moon.

If someone were charging you with an axe, would you try to negotiate with him or shoot him in the chest? I'm hoping you will say the former.

I get so tired of people like you whose answer to everything is always to blame America. If it is so bad here, France will gladly take you. Sometimes war is not only the BEST solution, sometimes it is the ONLY solution. People like Kim do not respect you, fear you unless there is a CREDIBLE threat of destruction. Unless China acts to give Kim the big smackdown themselves soon, we will either end up in a military conflict very soon with N. Korea or they will hit and hurt us BAD. Then we will end up in a military conflict with them.
Time to take military action

Thus ensuring the destruction of Seoul, a major metropolitan city with a population in the millions, and possibly parts of Japan as well. Not to mention a possible military showdown with China and/or Russia while the U.S. military is currently spread too thin and continues to lose the guerrilla wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Brilliant.

War is not pretty. We must ensure safety within our shores, thus, we must fight them there

Condemn millions to death because you're afraid of a guy who shoots missiles into the sea? Pass. North Korea is no threat to the U.S.

You are completely wrong

Where has the Kim regime shot missiles other than the sea? Are there not millions of people in Seoul? Is Seoul not next door to the DMZ with who knows how many missiles aimed at it and ready to fire the second any military action is taken against the Kim regime? Is it not questionable that North Korea could even hit Japan, let alone the United States? Which part am I wrong about?
Pure insanity. For starters, diplomacy has not been attempted with North Korea. It's been decades of warmongering, aggressive posturing, and economic sanctions which has only convinced the Kim regime that they need nuclear weapons in the first place as a deterrent to American-led regime change. As for China, they've already stepped up their pressure on North Korea when they stopped the coal shipments. That's a huge blow to the North Korean government.

China to suspend all imports of coal from North Korea

The idea that war is in any way a solution is psychotic. We're going to help our friends in South Korea and Japan and all of the innocent civilians trapped in North Korea by ensuring that they get hellfire rained on them? Not to mention possibly provoking China and/or Russia into military confrontation when we can't even win a war against insurgents in Afghanistan or Iraq?

It is FOOLS like you which has brought war to our doorsteps.
It is FOOLS like you that has made us fight a PC war for 16 years in the Middle East over minor nations that we could crush overnight.
It is FOOLS like you that took down the missile defense shield as a show of good faith that allowed the invasion of the Crimea.
It is FOOLS like you that sent home terrorist leaders to kill us again and gave Iran 150 billion dollars and a clear path to a nuclear threat.
It is FOOLS like you that always point the finger of blame at your own country rather than the actual rogue nations who threaten us.
It is FOOLS like you that never see your ideology as a failure, just that you haven't done ENOUGH of it yet.

It is because of people like you that we had a World War II.
It is because of people like you that China has grown from a 3rd world country itself to a global power itself.
It is because of people like you that we allowed 9/11 to happen.
Millions have died so you could avoid taking any real responsibility for actually solve problems.
Your problem is that you are so locked into a monopolar ideology that despite its utter failure over the past century, you still see all other attempts to circumvent it to get at real solutions as "insanity" and "psychotic." How many years have we tried it your way? And look what it has gotten us.

China and Russia already know that we are on their doorstep with war in their backyard. They don't want war with us. What have they done to prevent it? Russia, nothing. China, get coal from us instead of N. Korea. Has Kim suffered? Kim never suffers! The coal will not change a thing.

Are we threatening war in a hundred other countries? No! THE PROBLEM IS KIM JONG-UN. He has been told by us, China, and who knows how many others that THEIR ACTIONS are provoking this. If not for Kim's military program, all in the country could have a good standard of living. They could choose to devote their money and energies toward, education, economic growth, free trade, like civilized nations do, join the global community as a peaceful, valued partner AND ALL OF THEIR PROBLEMS WOULD GO AWAY.

They have been told that their posturing and missile development will bring our defending ourselves and retaliation. DO NOT SIT HERE AND TRY TO TELL ME that the chicken came before the egg! That it was OUR POSTURING that started the military tensions! It was THEIR aggressive posture that brought about the sanctions and other actions not the other way around, and the more they have been told to back down and quit rustling their feathers, the more they have stepped it up instead.

If you kept annoying a guy twice your size until he told you to knock it off otherwise he would punch you in the face, who would you blame if you kept annoying him anyway, indeed, stepped up your annoyance---- until you finally got punched? Apparently you would blame the big guy for not trying to reason with you and negotiate ad nauseum rather than the person who started it all and kept it up. Apparently you think it is insanity and psychotic to be constantly annoyed and threatened by someone who ignores all of your requests to stop it and gets worse and worse until you finally are forced to carry out your threat to retaliate in your own defense.

I would love to move in next to you and constantly annoy you and threaten you to see how long it would take you to give up peace talks and reason and begin taking an aggressive posture yourself just to prove what a hypocrite you are.

N. Korea could end all of this tomorrow by Kim stepping down and a peaceful regime taking his place committed to a better N. Korea. But Kim is recognized the world over as a dangerous crackpot who might do anything! The guy is a kook. Russia has far more nuclear threat but they are a responsible nation. N. Korea is not. First you use the rationale that N. Korea is small and weak and we need to try negotiations and other civil methods until finally he has grown into a monster who could drop an EMP on us and cripple our nation and destroy cities, then you use the rationale that he is too big a problem now to deal with! You sound like the British government arguing with those parents about the ills of alternative treatments for their sick baby for eight long months, then finally saying it has been so long that he has gone without treatment to now do him any good!

THERE NEVER IS A RIGHT TIME in your mind to go to war to prevent a bigger escalation, so in effect, you let these little tyrants grow into the global threat they become instead of stopping them when it would have been far easier, cheaper and safer. Kim is a dangerous loon, and it will be his own grandiose visions for himself and false dreams of greatness that has crushed his nation into poverty and will bring the rain of death down on his own head, not us.

Yes, you are very wrong. Korea holds its own future in its hands. What happens there will be determined by THEM. The world has suffered decades of waiting and hoping that problems like N. Korea would simply right themselves on their own.

Obama took the position of stepping out from the world arena for eight years putting no real American pressure or influence on anyone, like you say, just paying lip service to them all. The result of that was a massive influx of illegals and potential terrorist and crime gangs up from the southern border, a devastating influx of Muslims and refugees into Europe destabilizing the entire region and a huge increase in terror attacks, a collapse of the Middle East, Russian invasion of Crimea and insertion into the Syrian conflict and a strengthening of ties with Iran, China establishing military bases in the South China Sea jeopardizing international trade, and a huge uptick in Russian aggression against us and all around the world.
I'm sorry that you're confused. You know nothing and if anybody with decision making power listened to you it would be a complete disaster. You should refrain from talking further about the subject, and feel bad.
Why do you look up to those with decision-making powers, when they have guessed wrong time and time again? Why deny, after so much evidence, that the way of getting ahead in Tedminal America has put inferior people in superior positions?
Well since I didn't say anything of the sort I suppose your post isn't worth responding to.
I'm sorry that you're confused. You know nothing and if anybody with decision making power listened to you it would be a complete disaster. You should refrain from talking further about the subject, and feel bad.

It is only confusing if you've got bad wiring in your head. What I've told you is perfectly logical to anyone with common sense. Put another way maybe you can understand: what you claim has been tried for decades and look where it has gotten us. It only works with sane, reasonable people, civilized people, but Kim Jong-Un is none of those. He is a madman who will not change direction whether you talk nice to him, offer him money, massage his feet or threaten him. We gave 150 billion to Iran and look at what it got us, they told us to go F off and gave us the moon.

If someone were charging you with an axe, would you try to negotiate with him or shoot him in the chest? I'm hoping you will say the former.

I get so tired of people like you whose answer to everything is always to blame America. If it is so bad here, France will gladly take you. Sometimes war is not only the BEST solution, sometimes it is the ONLY solution. People like Kim do not respect you, fear you unless there is a CREDIBLE threat of destruction. Unless China acts to give Kim the big smackdown themselves soon, we will either end up in a military conflict very soon with N. Korea or they will hit and hurt us BAD. Then we will end up in a military conflict with them.
You're delusional if you think diplomacy has been tried for decades.
The Conservatives did their part, too, in causing this mess. Quit trying to make political capital for your Chickenhawk masters by only emphasizing the negligence of one side.

I do. If you read all of my posts, you'd see that I have hammered the GOP vociferously. I have all but given up on them. McConnell is an absolute worthless ass. Just about the only good thing about them is that they are not the democrats.

I think the only hope for the GOP is that Trump is back there pushing them. He will force them to get their ass in gear because he royally hates to fail at his goals, but that is the subject of another post.
It is FOOLS like you which has brought war to our doorsteps.
It is FOOLS like you that has made us fight a PC war for 16 years in the Middle East over minor nations that we could crush overnight.
It is FOOLS like you that took down the missile defense shield as a show of good faith that allowed the invasion of the Crimea.
It is FOOLS like you that sent home terrorist leaders to kill us again and gave Iran 150 billion dollars and a clear path to a nuclear threat.
It is FOOLS like you that always point the finger of blame at your own country rather than the actual rogue nations who threaten us.
It is FOOLS like you that never see your ideology as a failure, just that you haven't done ENOUGH of it yet.

It is because of people like you that we had a World War II.
It is because of people like you that China has grown from a 3rd world country itself to a global power itself.
It is because of people like you that we allowed 9/11 to happen.
Millions have died so you could avoid taking any real responsibility for actually solve problems.
Your problem is that you are so locked into a monopolar ideology that despite its utter failure over the past century, you still see all other attempts to circumvent it to get at real solutions as "insanity" and "psychotic." How many years have we tried it your way? And look what it has gotten us.

China and Russia already know that we are on their doorstep with war in their backyard. They don't want war with us. What have they done to prevent it? Russia, nothing. China, get coal from us instead of N. Korea. Has Kim suffered? Kim never suffers! The coal will not change a thing.

Are we threatening war in a hundred other countries? No! THE PROBLEM IS KIM JONG-UN. He has been told by us, China, and who knows how many others that THEIR ACTIONS are provoking this. If not for Kim's military program, all in the country could have a good standard of living. They could choose to devote their money and energies toward, education, economic growth, free trade, like civilized nations do, join the global community as a peaceful, valued partner AND ALL OF THEIR PROBLEMS WOULD GO AWAY.

They have been told that their posturing and missile development will bring our defending ourselves and retaliation. DO NOT SIT HERE AND TRY TO TELL ME that the chicken came before the egg! That it was OUR POSTURING that started the military tensions! It was THEIR aggressive posture that brought about the sanctions and other actions not the other way around, and the more they have been told to back down and quit rustling their feathers, the more they have stepped it up instead.

If you kept annoying a guy twice your size until he told you to knock it off otherwise he would punch you in the face, who would you blame if you kept annoying him anyway, indeed, stepped up your annoyance---- until you finally got punched? Apparently you would blame the big guy for not trying to reason with you and negotiate ad nauseum rather than the person who started it all and kept it up. Apparently you think it is insanity and psychotic to be constantly annoyed and threatened by someone who ignores all of your requests to stop it and gets worse and worse until you finally are forced to carry out your threat to retaliate in your own defense.

I would love to move in next to you and constantly annoy you and threaten you to see how long it would take you to give up peace talks and reason and begin taking an aggressive posture yourself just to prove what a hypocrite you are.

N. Korea could end all of this tomorrow by Kim stepping down and a peaceful regime taking his place committed to a better N. Korea. But Kim is recognized the world over as a dangerous crackpot who might do anything! The guy is a kook. Russia has far more nuclear threat but they are a responsible nation. N. Korea is not. First you use the rationale that N. Korea is small and weak and we need to try negotiations and other civil methods until finally he has grown into a monster who could drop an EMP on us and cripple our nation and destroy cities, then you use the rationale that he is too big a problem now to deal with! You sound like the British government arguing with those parents about the ills of alternative treatments for their sick baby for eight long months, then finally saying it has been so long that he has gone without treatment to now do him any good!

THERE NEVER IS A RIGHT TIME in your mind to go to war to prevent a bigger escalation, so in effect, you let these little tyrants grow into the global threat they become instead of stopping them when it would have been far easier, cheaper and safer. Kim is a dangerous loon, and it will be his own grandiose visions for himself and false dreams of greatness that has crushed his nation into poverty and will bring the rain of death down on his own head, not us.

Yes, you are very wrong. Korea holds its own future in its hands. What happens there will be determined by THEM. The world has suffered decades of waiting and hoping that problems like N. Korea would simply right themselves on their own.

Obama took the position of stepping out from the world arena for eight years putting no real American pressure or influence on anyone, like you say, just paying lip service to them all. The result of that was a massive influx of illegals and potential terrorist and crime gangs up from the southern border, a devastating influx of Muslims and refugees into Europe destabilizing the entire region and a huge increase in terror attacks, a collapse of the Middle East, Russian invasion of Crimea and insertion into the Syrian conflict and a strengthening of ties with Iran, China establishing military bases in the South China Sea jeopardizing international trade, and a huge uptick in Russian aggression against us and all around the world.
I'm sorry that you're confused. You know nothing and if anybody with decision making power listened to you it would be a complete disaster. You should refrain from talking further about the subject, and feel bad.
Why do you look up to those with decision-making powers, when they have guessed wrong time and time again? Why deny, after so much evidence, that the way of getting ahead in Tedminal America has put inferior people in superior positions?
Well since I didn't say anything of the sort I suppose your post isn't worth responding to.

You are SO confused, you don't even know what you did say, and yes, you DID respond. See your response above? Wrong about that too. You claim others are wrong or that you are right but cannot offer even one piece of evidence to support your position. That is the worst kind of hypocrite. Just another elitist snob. I'd bet you live either near San Francisco, the Denver area, the DC area or New England.

Yes, you are very wrong. Korea holds its own future in its hands. What happens there will be determined by THEM. The world has suffered decades of waiting and hoping that problems like N. Korea would simply right themselves on their own.

Obama took the position of stepping out from the world arena for eight years putting no real American pressure or influence on anyone, like you say, just paying lip service to them all. The result of that was a massive influx of illegals and potential terrorist and crime gangs up from the southern border, a devastating influx of Muslims and refugees into Europe destabilizing the entire region and a huge increase in terror attacks, a collapse of the Middle East, Russian invasion of Crimea and insertion into the Syrian conflict and a strengthening of ties with Iran, China establishing military bases in the South China Sea jeopardizing international trade, and a huge uptick in Russian aggression against us and all around the world.
I'm sorry that you're confused. You know nothing and if anybody with decision making power listened to you it would be a complete disaster. You should refrain from talking further about the subject, and feel bad.
Why do you look up to those with decision-making powers, when they have guessed wrong time and time again? Why deny, after so much evidence, that the way of getting ahead in Tedminal America has put inferior people in superior positions?
Well since I didn't say anything of the sort I suppose your post isn't worth responding to.

You are SO confused, you don't even know what you did say, and yes, you DID respond. See your response above? Wrong about that too. You claim others are wrong or that you are right but cannot offer even one piece of evidence to support your position. That is the worst kind of hypocrite. Just another elitist snob. I'd bet you live either near San Francisco, the Denver area, the DC area or New England.
Please directly quote and link to where I said I "look up to those with decision-making powers."

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