US drops FSA in favor of a new "opposition force"


Nov 14, 2012
The US said it drops the FSA over its Islamist orientation and lack of power and will create a new moderate "opposition force".
The US said this force should fight ISIS but the term 'opposition' gives rise to concern. Does Syria need another army whose actions in the future are incalculable?

For most of the three years of the Syrian conflict, the U.S. ground game hinged on rebel militias that are loosely affiliated under the banner of the Free Syrian Army, or FSA. Their problems were no secret: a lack of cohesion, uneven fighting skills and frequent battlefield coordination with the al Qaida loyalists of the Nusra Front.

This time, Allen said, the United States and its allies will work to strengthen the political opposition and make sure it’s tied to “a credible field force” that will have undergone an intense vetting process.

WASHINGTON It rsquo s official U.S. will build new Syrian rebel force to battle Islamic State National Security Defense McClatchy DC
The problem isn't Obama so much as there are NO good choices in this conflict.
The problem isn't Obama so much as there are NO good choices in this conflict.
..but that doesn't stop him from interfering...remember egypt? libya? he just HAD to get involved in overthrowing the leaders of those nations...and now it's all blowing up in his syria..

assad must go! wait..we need him to oppose ISIS...

LMAO.we were going to attack syria for killing civilians...but he wouldn't lift a finger to protect our embassy or staff when they were attacked....

americans have about had enough of our affirmative action president.

He's like a librarian in the middle of a motorcycle gang..WAY out of his league in world affairs.
The problem isn't Obama so much as there are NO good choices in this conflict.
The choice should be clear. There are some factions that fight for soil to build their states/caliphates. These factions should not be supported (except for the Kurds in the current situation). Imagine, that the land that is controlled by the Syrian government has a high population density. Furthermore, millions of refugees fled to such areas. If government controlled towns and cities fall to ISIS and/or other Islamist groups, unimaginably horrible crimes on an inexpressible scale will be the consequence.
So asserting that the "Assad regime" is evil is not dispensing the global community from the duty to help the Syrian people in that mess, regardless of who created it.
Helping the Syrian people.......would be deposing Assad and his group of sadistic killers. ...... :cool:
If the Syrian people would want to have Assad gone that would have happened already. What the Syrian people wants to have gone indeed are the armed groups and their brutality towards everyone.
Ya gotta love this.
Sunni Boy is pissing on Bleipreister just as arrogant Sunni Muslims piss on anyone who isn't Sunni Muslim. It's a reminder of the "peaceful" nature of Islam and a reminder to all who are not Muslims that there is NOTHING peaceful about Islam.
As for our Mideast policy?
I hope our gov't is bright enough to provide just enough to keep these sub-human dirtballs at each others throats.
Ya gotta love this.
Sunni Boy is pissing on Bleipreister just as arrogant Sunni Muslims piss on anyone who isn't Sunni Muslim. It's a reminder of the "peaceful" nature of Islam and a reminder to all who are not Muslims that there is NOTHING peaceful about Islam.
As for our Mideast policy?
I hope our gov't is bright enough to provide just enough to keep these sub-human dirtballs at each others throats.

Like Netanyahu brilliantly said it, these Islamic supremacists are the same as the Nazis, they are killing each other now to determine which version of Islamic supremacism will dominate.
Ya gotta love this.
Sunni Boy is pissing on Bleipreister just as arrogant Sunni Muslims piss on anyone who isn't Sunni Muslim. It's a reminder of the "peaceful" nature of Islam and a reminder to all who are not Muslims that there is NOTHING peaceful about Islam.
As for our Mideast policy?
I hope our gov't is bright enough to provide just enough to keep these sub-human dirtballs at each others throats.

Like Netanyahu brilliantly said it, these Islamic supremacists are the same as the Nazis, they are killing each other now to determine which version of Islamic supremacism will dominate.

Hopefully this administration is bright enough to arm 'em all and let God sort 'em out.
Obama didn't learn his lesson in Egypt when he turned it over to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama didn't learn his lesson in Libya when he turned it over to militias. Some of whom are known to be fighting with ISIS as we speak.

Obama hasn't learned his lesson in Syria trying to depose Assad and helping Turkey, Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia funnel funds and weapons with the help of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to the fake rebels aka paid mercenaries.

There was never an Arab Spring. Just regime change with the same old same old puppeteers.
Syria is approximately 90% Sunni muslim.

And they hate being ruled by a brutal Alawite piece of garbage like Assad. ...... :cool:
Syria is approximately 90% Sunni muslim.

And they hate being ruled by a brutal Alawite piece of garbage like Assad. ...... :cool:
It were not 90 % before the war and that number is decreasing in the war. You know that the majority of the Syrian population is Sunni. Why aren´t all those Sunnis joining anti-government militias?
Helping the Syrian people.......would be deposing Assad and his group of sadistic killers. ...... :cool:

Ya...Assad isn't any better than the others when it comes to killing his own people in various horrible ways such as barrel bombs and chemical weapons.

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