US Embassador to Lybia Killed

No, that statement was released AFTER the embassy was under attack, but prior to the deaths.


This is what I heard on TV earlier today and a R strategist pretty much blamed Mittens for inciting even ore violence.

oh please...

what should he do? start carpet bombing libya?

i think we should send the idiot there who did the video... let all the religious freaks have at it.

Bush's Brain, Ryan, Mittens and other rabid R want us in another war. I would not be surprised to hear any of them call for a military reaction. They really are that willing to break the back of the US.
No, that statement was released AFTER the embassy was under attack, but prior to the deaths.


This is what I heard on TV earlier today and a R strategist pretty much blamed Mittens for inciting even ore violence.

Bush's Brain, Ryan, Mittens and other rabid R want us in another war. I would not be surprised to hear any of them call for a military reaction. They really are that willing to break the back of the US.

You drink a half-gallon of vodka for breakfast each morning, don't you?

Gotta wonder what the obama campaign thinks of the timing of this...


speaking by phone from an undisclosed location, writer and director sam bacile remained defiant, saying islam is a cancer and that the 56-year-old intended his film to be a provocative political statement condemning the religion

bacile, a california real estate developer who identifies himself as an israeli jew, said he believes the movie will help his native land by exposing islam’s flaws to the world
anti-islam filmmaker in hiding after protests -
muslims sure are tolerant people aren't they?
Time to let the world know, any person trying to enter US territory that is not invited, will be shot and killed.

What I want to know is what is President Obama doing or going to do about this.

Of course you do. Are you expecting him to text you with his plan?

It really doesn't matter to you what he does, does it? It cannot possibly be the right thing to do. You have already decided that his response will be too fast or too slow.....too vague or an overplayed hand......too weak or overly aggressive....too accommodating or insensitive to the locals......

Why do you even bother?

Obama needs to do something other than make speeches.

Damn right!!! Obama should make Osama sleep with the fishes!!! Oh wait....
Crazed religious zealots are very difficult to deal with. Which is why sane people go in the other direction. Taking steps to decrease the roll of religion in society.....especially a political taking steps toward peace.

Muslims doing what Muslims do
Of course you do. Are you expecting him to text you with his plan?

It really doesn't matter to you what he does, does it? It cannot possibly be the right thing to do. You have already decided that his response will be too fast or too slow.....too vague or an overplayed hand......too weak or overly aggressive....too accommodating or insensitive to the locals......

Why do you even bother?

Obama needs to do something other than make speeches.

Damn right!!! Obama should make Osama sleep with the fishes!!! Oh wait....
Yeah, go after the ole geezers while the radical 18-30 year olds are crawling over the walls.
Even the State Department is now admitting that this was a planned and orchestrated attack. Random mob reaction doesn't include rocket and grenade launchers and it would be a coincidence beyond all reason that it would occur on 9/11 and include chants of "Obama, Obama, we ALL are Osama" and such as that.
This kind of shit is only going to happen again and again and again as long as we have a weak, incomptent, non-leader in office.
This kind of shit is only going to happen again and again and again as long as we have a weak, incomptent, non-leader in office.

It will happen so long as political correctness trumps our Constitution, our respect for human rights, individual liberties, and our appreciation of American exceptionalism. When the President of the United States seemingly condones and is unruffled by the Democratic Convention booing the (Christian) God and voting down His inclusion in their platform despite the overruling of the vote by the chair, and the same President three times inferring that those who disrespect the Muslim religion are wrong to stir up resentment among Muslims, there is nothing to think other than we have lost our freaking common sense about just about everything.

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