US Embassador to Lybia Killed

Congratulations, you're as bad as the animals who killed the Ambassador.

Wow she said that?...unreal:cuckoo:

She's truly ignorant. I guess that means we should send any film-maker who offends any religion to his death now, right? Or are Muslims the only allowable religious sect that has the expressed LIBERAL right to be offended and slaughter anyone who offends them??

I think it has a lot more to do with the Shouting Fire in a Movie Theatre kind of thinking.

This guy, who is associated with known asshole, Terry Jones, should have realized that something like this would have provoked them, and they might do something stupid.

Because the last time Jones did something stupid, burning Korans, a lot of people died in Afghanistan.

I say send them over there and let them talk smack. It would be hilarious.
One of the most convincing arguments for getting rid of Obama plops into his lap and he is supposed to ignore it?

How stupid is Romney supposed to be for him to let this fly without comment?

If it was such a smart comment, how come none of his Fellow Republicans are following him up that hill?

Because it was an idiotic comments.

1) Obama didn't issue any "apology".
2) The condemnation of Jones' sick film was issued before the embassy was attacked.
3) Oh, yeah, and people died...

So Romney just got caught trying to use a coffin as a soap-box. And that never works out well.
Why is it every embassy is considered that nations soil,that nations country.
And any hostile act against it an act of war.

Except when it happen to us.
At least twice now.
Four people dead and one of them our Ambassador..

What's going to be done about it.

Oh I see a speech then an appearance on Lettermen's show for like the 20th time to have
a few yucks.

Obama: We're so sorry we insulted your religion but there is no excuse for this and we will work with Lybian authorities to bring the people who did this to justice. Translation: We can't help it if you don't do anything. (Unsaid: We won't question why you stood by and allowed them to attack our embassy with impunity.)

Gary Johnson: It is our fault because we had people there when they should never have been there.

Romney: ". . . .America will not tolerate attacks against our citizens and against our embassies. We’ll defend also our constitutional rights of speech and assembly and religion.

We have confidence in our cause in America. We respect our Constitution. We stand for the principles our Constitution protects. We encourage other nations to understand and respect the principles of our Constitution, because we recognize that these principles are the ultimate source of freedom for individuals around the world.

I also believe the administration was wrong to stand by a statement sympathizing with those who had breached our embassy in Egypt, instead of condemning their actions. It’s never too early for the United States government to condemn attacks on Americans and to defend our values."

Foxfyre: You will guarantee the safety and security of our embassey and consulate personnel and will deliver to our justice system any who would attack us on our soil or yours, or we will put your country off limits to all Americans and you will not receive one more dime of American assistance in any form.

That's not what Gary Johnson said.

It is tragic when Americans serving their country are murdered, and we both mourn their loss and honor their service.

Part of honoring that service is to ask the obvious question: What U.S. interest is being served by putting our people – and our money – in places where U.S. personnel can be killed by extremists over a video? We launched millions of dollars worth of missiles to bring down Gaddafi, and this is what we get. We hail and encourage the outbreak of an Arab Spring in Egypt, send them billions of dollars we can’t afford, — and our embassy is breached and our flag desecrated.

In Afghanistan, we continue to put our troops in harm’s way 10 years after our post-9/11 mission was complete. Why?

The airwaves are filled today with political chest-pounding and calls for decisive action. The most decisive and prudent action we can take today is to stop trying to manage governments and peoples on the other side of the globe who don’t want to be managed, get our people out of impossible situations that have no direct U.S. interest, and immediately stop sending money to regimes who clearly cannot or will not control their own countries.

Protecting America with a strong national defense and a rational foreign policy is our leaders’ most basic responsibility. But let us not confuse national security with senseless intervention where our interests are clearly not being served.

Gov. Gary Johnson Releases Statement Regarding Libya Attack

Gary Johnson's actual statement.

Yes, the paraphrased statement was based on his actual statement which I did read. And don't get me wrong. I'm a New Mexican and a Gary Johnson fan. But you take his entire statement and boil it down to its most essential element and it still comes out as our fault because we shouldn't have been there in the first place.
The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?

The focus of Al Sharpton's show on MSNBC tonight is not so much the attack itself but on Romney's response....

Pretty much what to expect from those that run things over there.
The priority is to protect Obama against attack not so much on what happened.
Obama: We're so sorry we insulted your religion but there is no excuse for this and we will work with Lybian authorities to bring the people who did this to justice. Translation: We can't help it if you don't do anything. (Unsaid: We won't question why you stood by and allowed them to attack our embassy with impunity.)

Gary Johnson: It is our fault because we had people there when they should never have been there.

Romney: ". . . .America will not tolerate attacks against our citizens and against our embassies. We’ll defend also our constitutional rights of speech and assembly and religion.

We have confidence in our cause in America. We respect our Constitution. We stand for the principles our Constitution protects. We encourage other nations to understand and respect the principles of our Constitution, because we recognize that these principles are the ultimate source of freedom for individuals around the world.

I also believe the administration was wrong to stand by a statement sympathizing with those who had breached our embassy in Egypt, instead of condemning their actions. It’s never too early for the United States government to condemn attacks on Americans and to defend our values."

Foxfyre: You will guarantee the safety and security of our embassey and consulate personnel and will deliver to our justice system any who would attack us on our soil or yours, or we will put your country off limits to all Americans and you will not receive one more dime of American assistance in any form.

That's not what Gary Johnson said.

It is tragic when Americans serving their country are murdered, and we both mourn their loss and honor their service.

Part of honoring that service is to ask the obvious question: What U.S. interest is being served by putting our people – and our money – in places where U.S. personnel can be killed by extremists over a video? We launched millions of dollars worth of missiles to bring down Gaddafi, and this is what we get. We hail and encourage the outbreak of an Arab Spring in Egypt, send them billions of dollars we can’t afford, — and our embassy is breached and our flag desecrated.

In Afghanistan, we continue to put our troops in harm’s way 10 years after our post-9/11 mission was complete. Why?

The airwaves are filled today with political chest-pounding and calls for decisive action. The most decisive and prudent action we can take today is to stop trying to manage governments and peoples on the other side of the globe who don’t want to be managed, get our people out of impossible situations that have no direct U.S. interest, and immediately stop sending money to regimes who clearly cannot or will not control their own countries.

Protecting America with a strong national defense and a rational foreign policy is our leaders’ most basic responsibility. But let us not confuse national security with senseless intervention where our interests are clearly not being served.

Gov. Gary Johnson Releases Statement Regarding Libya Attack

Gary Johnson's actual statement.

Yes, the paraphrased statement was based on his actual statement which I did read. And don't get me wrong. I'm a New Mexican and a Gary Johnson fan. But you take his entire statement and boil it down to its most essential element and it still comes out as our fault because we shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Nonsense. He blames the people who committed the murders, and the governments of those countries for being unable to protect foreign diplomats. However, he does mention that we should never have been involved in Libya in the first place, and that if we hadn't this couldn't have happened. But that's not blaming "us."
Wow she said that?...unreal:cuckoo:

She's truly ignorant. I guess that means we should send any film-maker who offends any religion to his death now, right? Or are Muslims the only allowable religious sect that has the expressed LIBERAL right to be offended and slaughter anyone who offends them??

I think it has a lot more to do with the Shouting Fire in a Movie Theatre kind of thinking.

This guy, who is associated with known asshole, Terry Jones, should have realized that something like this would have provoked them, and they might do something stupid.

Because the last time Jones did something stupid, burning Korans, a lot of people died in Afghanistan.

I say send them over there and let them talk smack. It would be hilarious.

We suddenly have a really loose definition of associate. Someone meets Jones once and that makes them co conspirators. Someone gets involved in a lucrative business deal with Obama and they don't even know each other.

That said, the rest of your post makes even less sense. Why should I pay any attention to the possibility that idiots might do something stupid simply because I say something? If something you say offends me, and I go out and kill a few people as a result, should the government lock you up?
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This kind of shit is only going to happen again and again and again as long as we have a weak, incomptent, non-leader in office.

Ya sure ...send in Mittens...he will take away their hard earned pensions.. :lol:

My sister could kick Romney's ass.

I'm more frighted that Punkotard can't spell "Ambassador".

Of course you are. That Muzzie Beasts attacked U.S. soil in a direct act of war against the United States, killing the AMBASSADOR, not only an act of open warfare but a violation of the Geneva convention, doesn't bother you at all - unless it hurts Obama's campaign.

Actually, Romney probably just handed Obama the election, judging by the round condemnation by not only the press but his own party.

And that they were upset about a slanderous film made by an American that defamed their religion,

Will you be joining other democrats to have a law passed making it a crime to say anything against Islam or the warlord Muhammad? Of course you will, I expect an executive order from Obama outlawing any disrespect to Islam, today.

Nope. But I think there should be consequences for people who act reckelessly. YOu know, again, if you should "Fire" in a crowded theatre and people are trampled to death, they hold you accountable as well as the people who did the trampling.

which is the sort of thing Punkotard gets upset about when it's his Cult being mocked.

You know fuckface, you have attacked the Mormons constantly, yet I've seen ZERO violence or threats of violence from Mormons.

You know why, stupidfuck? Because Mormonism really IS a peaceful religion, where Islam is a violent and evil religion.

And look at which one YOU support....

Well, the LDS don't attack people who mock their silly cult... because when they used to do that sort of shit, they got chased through five states by angry mobs before they decided on the "Let's sit here with dumb smiles" approach... I'd suggest you look up "Danites" and "Mountain Meadows Massacre" before you talk to me about peaceful Mormons.

All religions are evil. Mormonism has the added offense of being stupid.

But I didn't stop by to mock Mormonism, guy.
Are we supposed to invade Libya now or sumpthin?

Depends on what you consider an invasion.

If you think dropping bombs on government tanks and personnel is an invasion then yes.

Good idea... why don't you toddle on over there and git some REVENGE!!!!

Better take a laptop wit ya.. you can insult them with yo stupid words. Worst that can happen is they will take off one of your hands.
We suddenly have a really loose definition of associate. Someone meets Jones once and that makes them co conspirators. Someone gets involved in a lucrative business deal with Obama and they don't even know each other.

That said, the rest of your post makes even less sense. Why should I pay any attention to the possibility that idiots might do something stupid simply because I say something? If something you say offends me, and I go out and kill a few people as a result, should the government lock you up?

Well, I don't know, guy, I just wondering what the benefit is of antagonizing people for no good reason when they are already angry. What did this asshole Balice think was going to happen when he showed this film?
That would be the man so horrified at what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq that he disavowed violence and opened his country to arms inspectors.

Yes, the same one.

Pissed himself didnt he???? LOL

Back when we had an actual leader and our enemies knew we weren't to be fucked with. Now...

Ya..Like Ronnie! The moozlems blew up a few hundred Marines and he just went crazy and invaded Lebanana. Oh wait... No he didn't he tucked tail and skeedaddled outta there.
Are we supposed to invade Libya now or sumpthin?

Depends on what you consider an invasion.

If you think dropping bombs on government tanks and personnel is an invasion then yes.

Good idea... why don't you toddle on over there and git some REVENGE!!!!

Better take a laptop wit ya.. you can insult them with yo stupid words. Worst that can happen is they will take off one of your hands.

But then how would he collect his Section 8 Checks...

For someone who bitches about the government spending too much, he certainly has his hand out.
Joe, go celebrate with your buddies, they're waiting for you:

The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?

The focus of Al Sharpton's show on MSNBC tonight is not so much the attack itself but on Romney's response....

Pretty much what to expect from those that run things over there.
The priority is to protect Obama against attack not so much on what happened.

Yes, Romney did pretty much step in it.

Kind of like if John Kerry started Criticizing Bush on 9/12/01 or if Thomas Dewey started ripping on FDR the day after Pearl Harbor. And then got his facts wrong about what happened.

The fact is, his fellow Republicans, save assholes like Bill Krystol, are heading for the tall grass.
Exactly! And under Mubarak, our flag would still be flying over out embassy in Egypt. S of S clinton is doing a bang up job, isn't she?

Um, yeah, about that.

Exactly how would we go about saving Mubarek, exactly?

We were going to subdue 90 million Egyptians when we could barely handle 25 million Iraqis? Really?
Exactly! And under Mubarak, our flag would still be flying over out embassy in Egypt. S of S clinton is doing a bang up job, isn't she?

Um, yeah, about that.

Exactly how would we go about saving Mubarek, exactly?

We were going to subdue 90 million Egyptians when we could barely handle 25 million Iraqis? Really?

25 million Iraqis? Christ we have our hands full right now with a few dozen Afgahn Talibaners. :lol:
We suddenly have a really loose definition of associate. Someone meets Jones once and that makes them co conspirators. Someone gets involved in a lucrative business deal with Obama and they don't even know each other.

That said, the rest of your post makes even less sense. Why should I pay any attention to the possibility that idiots might do something stupid simply because I say something? If something you say offends me, and I go out and kill a few people as a result, should the government lock you up?

Well, I don't know, guy, I just wondering what the benefit is of antagonizing people for no good reason when they are already angry. What did this asshole Balice think was going to happen when he showed this film?

Wonder away.

The simple truth is we didn't antagonize anyone, they chose to take a really stupid low budget movie pas an insult. You should watch it before you throw out neg reps.

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you should be locked up because you\'re stupid. And perhaps sterilized in the interest of evolution.


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[ame=""]Muhammad Movie Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

Then we have the fact that this actually had nothing to do with either this stupid movie or Terry Jones, yet you want to shut them up because a bunch of idiots on the other side of the world attack us.

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