US Embassador to Lybia Killed

Well, I don't know, guy, I just wondering what the benefit is of antagonizing people for no good reason when they are already angry. What did this asshole Balice think was going to happen when he showed this film?

Wonder away.

The simple truth is we didn't antagonize anyone, they chose to take a really stupid low budget movie pas an insult. You should watch it before you throw out neg reps.

JoeB131 said:
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you should be locked up because you\'re stupid. And perhaps sterilized in the interest of evolution.


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[ame=""]Muhammad Movie Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

Then we have the fact that this actually had nothing to do with either this stupid movie or Terry Jones, yet you want to shut them up because a bunch of idiots on the other side of the world attack us.

Why doesn't our GREAT friend Israel go kick thay azz. It was the Jews that started this shit as usual. Oh THAT'S RIGHT Israel hasn't lost a single soldier fighting FOR US!

Your bigotry is showing again.
Americans only become important to these right wing cocksuckers only if they were killed by muslims...Any other American killed by Mexicans who the fuck cares....that's how right wing pieces of shit think...

Since when do RWs not care when Americans are killed by Mexicans? :cuckoo:
Wonder away.

The simple truth is we didn't antagonize anyone, they chose to take a really stupid low budget movie pas an insult. You should watch it before you throw out neg reps.

Muhammad Movie Trailer - YouTube

Then we have the fact that this actually had nothing to do with either this stupid movie or Terry Jones, yet you want to shut them up because a bunch of idiots on the other side of the world attack us.

Why doesn't our GREAT friend Israel go kick thay azz. It was the Jews that started this shit as usual. Oh THAT'S RIGHT Israel hasn't lost a single soldier fighting FOR US!

Your bigotry is showing again.

Oh ya..I'm a bigot. I suppose you think your Jew buddies that made the movie and started this shit are not.
Actually, they suspect they actually provided information on the ambassador's precise whereabouts.

The attack apparently occurred because in recent days, the al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri posted a video online calling on Libyans to avenge the killing of al-Qaeda's second in command, Abu Yahya al-Libi.

According to our own sources at Quilliam Foundation, the attack was the work of roughly 20 militants, prepared for a military assault. It is rare, for example, that an RPG7 -- an anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher -- would be present at a civilian protest. The attack against the consulate had two waves. The first attack led to U.S. officials being evacuated from the consulate by Libyan security forces, only for the second wave to be launched against U.S. officials after they were kept at a secure location.

Jihadists will want the world to believe that the attack is just a part of the protests against an amateur film produced in the U.S., which includes crude insults regarding the Prophet Mohammed. They will want the world to think that their actions represent a popular Libyan and wider Muslim reaction; thus, reversing the perception of jihadists being outcasts from their own societies. Since there were similar protests in Egypt against the film, it is possible that more protests may erupt in Muslim-majority countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan.


What jihadists want you to believe about Libya -
You just described The Phantom Menace, which was more offensive than this one. I know, I watched them both. I don't recall the legions of offended fans storming Lucasfilm after that came out, did I miss it?

I rarely give neg reps to anyone, and always thank anyone who gives me rep, positive or negative. You got yours from me for siding with terrorists over the rights of free people.

Hey, if someone made a film portraying Jesus as a pedophile, I don't think you Christians would be all that keen on it.

It's not 'siding' with someone to point out that provoking people who are already inclined to be angry is a really stupid idea.

It's like taunting the crazy homelss person while he's yelling at the lamp post. Just not a good idea.

You talk about "Freedom", I think more in terms of responsibility. JOnes and Balice know that people were killed when they've pulled this crap in the past.
Americans only become important to these right wing cocksuckers only if they were killed by muslims...Any other American killed by Mexicans who the fuck cares....that's how right wing pieces of shit think...

Since when do RWs not care when Americans are killed by Mexicans? :cuckoo:

Or when have RWs not cared when Americans are killed by Presbyterians, gay Nazis, tax accountants, or accordian players for that matter? Some of us actually care when senseless murders are committed by anybody, most especially purely for the joy of killing somebody.
Actually, they suspect they actually provided information on the ambassador's precise whereabouts.

The attack apparently occurred because in recent days, the al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri posted a video online calling on Libyans to avenge the killing of al-Qaeda's second in command, Abu Yahya al-Libi.

According to our own sources at Quilliam Foundation, the attack was the work of roughly 20 militants, prepared for a military assault. It is rare, for example, that an RPG7 -- an anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher -- would be present at a civilian protest. The attack against the consulate had two waves. The first attack led to U.S. officials being evacuated from the consulate by Libyan security forces, only for the second wave to be launched against U.S. officials after they were kept at a secure location.

Jihadists will want the world to believe that the attack is just a part of the protests against an amateur film produced in the U.S., which includes crude insults regarding the Prophet Mohammed. They will want the world to think that their actions represent a popular Libyan and wider Muslim reaction; thus, reversing the perception of jihadists being outcasts from their own societies. Since there were similar protests in Egypt against the film, it is possible that more protests may erupt in Muslim-majority countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan.


What jihadists want you to believe about Libya -

Hmmm... Wonder who pushed for this headline then...........?

American killed in Libya during protests about Prophet Muhammad video

By NBC News staff and wire reports

Updated at 5:22 a.m. ET: A State Department officer was killed after armed protesters stormed the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, furious about an amateur video that has been viewed as insulting to the Prophet Muhammad.
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oh please...

what should he do? start carpet bombing libya?

i think we should send the idiot there who did the video... let all the religious freaks have at it.


come on, let's hear it from the idiot neo-con brigade.

what should the president, any president do about a terror attack that isn't government sanction.

come on, let's hear it from the bomb bomb bomb iran idiots....

This was 9/11, there should have been Marines there guarding our people? Maybe they should have been moved for this day, maybe Obama shouldn't trust American lives to muslim whack jobs whom we don't even know. Obama is a joke and so are you and all you liberal idiots
Hey, if someone made a film portraying Jesus as a pedophile, I don't think you Christians would be all that keen on it.

No embassies would be attacked, and no one would be killed by a rabid mob. Amazing how raw fear insires such respect for religion in you, faceless.
And now you have to go wash the 'prudence' out of your pants. Probably got some on the carpet as well.

Says the guy who never served in the military....

I've already thanked you for your service. I'm sure you did well since you are suited to nothing so much as following orders.

Well, when you're a sergeant, you are usually the one giving them... but you wouldn't know that, having wet yourself when you got anywhere near a recruiter.

"The Sergeant is the backbone of the Army" - Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Hey, if someone made a film portraying Jesus as a pedophile, I don't think you Christians would be all that keen on it.

No embassies would be attacked, and no one would be killed by a rabid mob. Amazing how raw fear insires such respect for religion in you, faceless.

Yes, I don't think getting our brave soldiers and foreign service bureaucrats (both of whom you say bad things about) need to be put into unnecessary danger because other religious idiots want to act like Douchbags.

Ideally, we should have nothing to with that part of the world. BUt if we are, then we don't act stupidly.
This was 9/11, there should have been Marines there guarding our people? Maybe they should have been moved for this day, maybe Obama shouldn't trust American lives to muslim whack jobs whom we don't even know. Obama is a joke and so are you and all you liberal idiots

Actually, all non-essential personnel were removed from the Cairo embassy... which was the prudent thing to do.

Bhenghazi was a consulate, not an embassy.
Americans only become important to these right wing cocksuckers only if they were killed by muslims...Any other American killed by Mexicans who the fuck cares....that's how right wing pieces of shit think...

Since when do RWs not care when Americans are killed by Mexicans? :cuckoo:

Or when have RWs not cared when Americans are killed by Presbyterians, gay Nazis, tax accountants, or accordian players for that matter? Some of us actually care when senseless murders are committed by anybody, most especially purely for the joy of killing somebody.

I hear Voldemort is back and he's the one responsible.

I don't care. I have an Elder Wand.

I'll shoot some of that green shit at him......take his friggen head off. Him and that stupid snake whatshisname.
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