US Embassador to Lybia Killed

Says the guy who never served in the military....

I've already thanked you for your service. I'm sure you did well since you are suited to nothing so much as following orders.

Well, when you're a sergeant, you are usually the one giving them... but you wouldn't know that, having wet yourself when you got anywhere near a recruiter.

"The Sergeant is the backbone of the Army" - Dwight D. Eisenhower.

You're pretty cocky and Judgemental for a rear echelon guy sissy boy.
I've already thanked you for your service. I'm sure you did well since you are suited to nothing so much as following orders.

Well, when you're a sergeant, you are usually the one giving them... but you wouldn't know that, having wet yourself when you got anywhere near a recruiter.

"The Sergeant is the backbone of the Army" - Dwight D. Eisenhower.

You're pretty cocky and Judgemental for a rear echelon guy sissy boy.

I can't believe Joe is bragging about his military service now.
Americans only become important to these right wing cocksuckers only if they were killed by muslims...Any other American killed by Mexicans who the fuck cares....that's how right wing pieces of shit think...

Shut the fuck up you idiot. You have no idea what you are talking about. Go back to sniffing glue or whatever else has made you so damn stupid.

Everybody thinks your a bigot...that thread about you....yah quit trolling clearly do this for hate

Get lost sock. :eusa_eh:
Hey, if someone made a film portraying Jesus as a pedophile, I don't think you Christians would be all that keen on it.

No embassies would be attacked, and no one would be killed by a rabid mob. Amazing how raw fear insires such respect for religion in you, faceless.

Yes, I don't think getting our brave soldiers and foreign service bureaucrats (both of whom you say bad things about) need to be put into unnecessary danger because other religious idiots want to act like Douchbags.

Ideally, we should have nothing to with that part of the world. BUt if we are, then we don't act stupidly.

It's coming out that this was planned beforehand and not a protest over some movie.
Americans only become important to these right wing cocksuckers only if they were killed by muslims...Any other American killed by Mexicans who the fuck cares....that's how right wing pieces of shit think...

As opposed to self-important assholes that like trolling message boards.

Stupid man again? Hey actually I heard the Iranian president was Buddhists :lol::lol:
Hey, if someone made a film portraying Jesus as a pedophile, I don't think you Christians would be all that keen on it.

No embassies would be attacked, and no one would be killed by a rabid mob. Amazing how raw fear insires such respect for religion in you, faceless.

Exactly. In the last fifty or sixty years, how many films and other artistic renditions have been made denigrating Jesus? Or religion/Christianity in general? How many insulting cartoons and how many insulting, disparaging remarks about Chrsitians and/or Christianity and/or the Bible and/or Jews have been posted on Youtube, on message boards, or in editorial comments? And exactly how many riots/murders/uprisings have these triggered? I honestly can't think of any.

Is that because Christians and Jews care about the center of their faith and/or the Torah/Bible or symbols of their faith less than Muslims do? I guarantee you that they care as much or more. But only Islam considers it appropriate to riot, destroy, terrorize, injure, maim, and murder because they are insulted. And I personally think we are fools if we think appeasing Muslims and/or being politically correct will change that. For those who intend to put the whole world under the authority of Allah and Shariah law, if we don't give them an obvious reason, they will manufacture one.
Hey, if someone made a film portraying Jesus as a pedophile, I don't think you Christians would be all that keen on it.

No embassies would be attacked, and no one would be killed by a rabid mob. Amazing how raw fear insires such respect for religion in you, faceless.

Exactly. In the last fifty or sixty years, how many films and other artistic renditions have been made denigrating Jesus? Or religion/Christianity in general? How many insulting cartoons and how many insulting, disparaging remarks about Chrsitians and/or Christianity and/or the Bible and/or Jews have been posted on Youtube, on message boards, or in editorial comments? And exactly how many riots/murders/uprisings have these triggered? I honestly can't think of any.

Is that because Christians and Jews care about the center of their faith and/or the Torah/Bible or symbols of their faith less than Muslims do? I guarantee you that they care as much or more. But only Islam considers it appropriate to riot, destroy, terrorize, injure, maim, and murder because they are insulted. And I personally think we are fools if we think appeasing Muslims and/or being politically correct will change that. For those who intend to put the whole world under the authority of Allah and Shariah law, if we don't give them an obvious reason, they will manufacture one.

Israeli girl it's simple, how are we apppeasing Muslims by asking morons to stop making hateful movies?

They are starting the drama the sick pigs who make these insulting horrific movies. They simply ask stop demonizing their people.

What is happening is they are attacking Muslims not appeasing them.

Quit making propoganda which is not allowed against anyone except Muslims.....if they made a movie about Jews immedialtliy it would be condemned and not allowed at all.

But according to you it's ok to do that. It's not

Making videos attacking people and demonizing humans is not apppeasing
No embassies would be attacked, and no one would be killed by a rabid mob. Amazing how raw fear insires such respect for religion in you, faceless.

Exactly. In the last fifty or sixty years, how many films and other artistic renditions have been made denigrating Jesus? Or religion/Christianity in general? How many insulting cartoons and how many insulting, disparaging remarks about Chrsitians and/or Christianity and/or the Bible and/or Jews have been posted on Youtube, on message boards, or in editorial comments? And exactly how many riots/murders/uprisings have these triggered? I honestly can't think of any.

Is that because Christians and Jews care about the center of their faith and/or the Torah/Bible or symbols of their faith less than Muslims do? I guarantee you that they care as much or more. But only Islam considers it appropriate to riot, destroy, terrorize, injure, maim, and murder because they are insulted. And I personally think we are fools if we think appeasing Muslims and/or being politically correct will change that. For those who intend to put the whole world under the authority of Allah and Shariah law, if we don't give them an obvious reason, they will manufacture one.

Israeli girl it's simple, how are we apppeasing Muslims by asking morons to stop making hateful movies?

They are starting the drama the sick pigs who make these insulting horrific movies. They simply ask stop demonizing their people.

What is happening is they are attacking Muslims not appeasing them.

Quit making propoganda which is not allowed against anyone except Muslims.....if they made a movie about Jews immedialtliy it would be condemned and not allowed at all.

But according to you it's ok to do that. It's not

Making videos attacking people and demonizing humans is not apppeasing

Those animals deserve to be demonized! This had nothing to do with that movie, it was planned.
No embassies would be attacked, and no one would be killed by a rabid mob. Amazing how raw fear insires such respect for religion in you, faceless.

Exactly. In the last fifty or sixty years, how many films and other artistic renditions have been made denigrating Jesus? Or religion/Christianity in general? How many insulting cartoons and how many insulting, disparaging remarks about Chrsitians and/or Christianity and/or the Bible and/or Jews have been posted on Youtube, on message boards, or in editorial comments? And exactly how many riots/murders/uprisings have these triggered? I honestly can't think of any.

Is that because Christians and Jews care about the center of their faith and/or the Torah/Bible or symbols of their faith less than Muslims do? I guarantee you that they care as much or more. But only Islam considers it appropriate to riot, destroy, terrorize, injure, maim, and murder because they are insulted. And I personally think we are fools if we think appeasing Muslims and/or being politically correct will change that. For those who intend to put the whole world under the authority of Allah and Shariah law, if we don't give them an obvious reason, they will manufacture one.

Israeli girl it's simple, how are we apppeasing Muslims by asking morons to stop making hateful movies?

They are starting the drama the sick pigs who make these insulting horrific movies. They simply ask stop demonizing their people.

What is happening is they are attacking Muslims not appeasing them.

Quit making propoganda which is not allowed against anyone except Muslims.....if they made a movie about Jews immedialtliy it would be condemned and not allowed at all.

But according to you it's ok to do that. It's not

Making videos attacking people and demonizing humans is not apppeasing

You are an idiot and a liar.

Look up the Last Temptation of Christ and shut the fuck up.

Our free speech trumps their desire to never be offended, fuck them and the camel they rode in on.

Its completely ok for us to say anything we want about know...the little pedophile prophet
Exactly. In the last fifty or sixty years, how many films and other artistic renditions have been made denigrating Jesus? Or religion/Christianity in general? How many insulting cartoons and how many insulting, disparaging remarks about Chrsitians and/or Christianity and/or the Bible and/or Jews have been posted on Youtube, on message boards, or in editorial comments? And exactly how many riots/murders/uprisings have these triggered? I honestly can't think of any.

Is that because Christians and Jews care about the center of their faith and/or the Torah/Bible or symbols of their faith less than Muslims do? I guarantee you that they care as much or more. But only Islam considers it appropriate to riot, destroy, terrorize, injure, maim, and murder because they are insulted. And I personally think we are fools if we think appeasing Muslims and/or being politically correct will change that. For those who intend to put the whole world under the authority of Allah and Shariah law, if we don't give them an obvious reason, they will manufacture one.

Israeli girl it's simple, how are we apppeasing Muslims by asking morons to stop making hateful movies?

They are starting the drama the sick pigs who make these insulting horrific movies. They simply ask stop demonizing their people.

What is happening is they are attacking Muslims not appeasing them.

Quit making propoganda which is not allowed against anyone except Muslims.....if they made a movie about Jews immedialtliy it would be condemned and not allowed at all.

But according to you it's ok to do that. It's not

Making videos attacking people and demonizing humans is not apppeasing

Those animals deserve to be demonized! This had nothing to do with that movie, it was planned.

I'm not talking about Libya, those who did that should be held accountable by the Libyan goverment..Libya is still in bad shape though after kaddafi was killed.

In America you are allowed to make films like that...but that doesn't not make it an attack on's clearly a attack against people....and foxfre wants to bullshit how we are apppeasing its not it's attacking their other words she is saying we should stomp on Muslims and make more insulting videos that won't be allowed if it were about Christians or Jews....

So she Is lying as if people who are against hateful videos are apppeasing Islam in other words she hates all Muslims guts....which is not a surprise though she is bigoted against Muslims
You just described The Phantom Menace, which was more offensive than this one. I know, I watched them both. I don't recall the legions of offended fans storming Lucasfilm after that came out, did I miss it?

I rarely give neg reps to anyone, and always thank anyone who gives me rep, positive or negative. You got yours from me for siding with terrorists over the rights of free people.

Hey, if someone made a film portraying Jesus as a pedophile, I don't think you Christians would be all that keen on it.

It's not 'siding' with someone to point out that provoking people who are already inclined to be angry is a really stupid idea.

It's like taunting the crazy homelss person while he's yelling at the lamp post. Just not a good idea.

You talk about "Freedom", I think more in terms of responsibility. JOnes and Balice know that people were killed when they've pulled this crap in the past.

Guess what, when someone made a film called The Last Temptation of Christ depicting Jesus unfavorably Christians were upset about it, but they did not attack any embassies, riot in the streets, or kill anyone. That makes your entire post make about as much sense as it would if I let my cat walk on the keyboard and posted it.

You aren't talking responsibility, you are talking about taking away people's rights because you think you are smarter than they are. You already lost the argument with the lamppost, but you are still arguing away. Keep arguing a point that is already settled, it makes you look even dumber than you are.
No embassies would be attacked, and no one would be killed by a rabid mob. Amazing how raw fear insires such respect for religion in you, faceless.

Yes, I don't think getting our brave soldiers and foreign service bureaucrats (both of whom you say bad things about) need to be put into unnecessary danger because other religious idiots want to act like Douchbags.

Ideally, we should have nothing to with that part of the world. BUt if we are, then we don't act stupidly.

It's coming out that this was planned beforehand and not a protest over some movie.

I have pointed that out to him twice, he still insists we need to give up our rights in order to keep him from being afraid. He is a coward.
No embassies would be attacked, and no one would be killed by a rabid mob. Amazing how raw fear insires such respect for religion in you, faceless.

Exactly. In the last fifty or sixty years, how many films and other artistic renditions have been made denigrating Jesus? Or religion/Christianity in general? How many insulting cartoons and how many insulting, disparaging remarks about Chrsitians and/or Christianity and/or the Bible and/or Jews have been posted on Youtube, on message boards, or in editorial comments? And exactly how many riots/murders/uprisings have these triggered? I honestly can't think of any.

Is that because Christians and Jews care about the center of their faith and/or the Torah/Bible or symbols of their faith less than Muslims do? I guarantee you that they care as much or more. But only Islam considers it appropriate to riot, destroy, terrorize, injure, maim, and murder because they are insulted. And I personally think we are fools if we think appeasing Muslims and/or being politically correct will change that. For those who intend to put the whole world under the authority of Allah and Shariah law, if we don't give them an obvious reason, they will manufacture one.

Israeli girl it's simple, how are we apppeasing Muslims by asking morons to stop making hateful movies?

They are starting the drama the sick pigs who make these insulting horrific movies. They simply ask stop demonizing their people.

What is happening is they are attacking Muslims not appeasing them.

Quit making propoganda which is not allowed against anyone except Muslims.....if they made a movie about Jews immedialtliy it would be condemned and not allowed at all.

But according to you it's ok to do that. It's not

Making videos attacking people and demonizing humans is not apppeasing

Do we ask morons not to make hateful movies about Israel? Why not?
You just described The Phantom Menace, which was more offensive than this one. I know, I watched them both. I don't recall the legions of offended fans storming Lucasfilm after that came out, did I miss it?

I rarely give neg reps to anyone, and always thank anyone who gives me rep, positive or negative. You got yours from me for siding with terrorists over the rights of free people.

Hey, if someone made a film portraying Jesus as a pedophile, I don't think you Christians would be all that keen on it.

It's not 'siding' with someone to point out that provoking people who are already inclined to be angry is a really stupid idea.

It's like taunting the crazy homelss person while he's yelling at the lamp post. Just not a good idea.

You talk about "Freedom", I think more in terms of responsibility. JOnes and Balice know that people were killed when they've pulled this crap in the past.

Guess what, when someone made a film called The Last Temptation of Christ depicting Jesus unfavorably Christians were upset about it, but they did not attack any embassies, riot in the streets, or kill anyone. That makes your entire post make about as much sense as it would if I let my cat walk on the keyboard and posted it.

You aren't talking responsibility, you are talking about taking away people's rights because you think you are smarter than they are. You already lost the argument with the lamppost, but you are still arguing away. Keep arguing a point that is already settled, it makes you look even dumber than you are.

Yes they did cocksucker, they attacked the Saint Michel theater in Paris
Americans only become important to these right wing cocksuckers only if they were killed by muslims...Any other American killed by Mexicans who the fuck cares....that's how right wing pieces of shit think...

As opposed to self-important assholes that like trolling message boards.

Stupid man again? Hey actually I heard the Iranian president was Buddhists :lol::lol:


'Buddhists', huh? He's plural now as in more than one person?

Your comebacks are pretty good.

I mean.....I'm reeeeally impressed Dude.

Maybe you can call me a fat-faced lily-livered poopy-pants. :badgrin:
Last edited:
As opposed to self-important assholes that like trolling message boards.

Stupid man again? Hey actually I heard the Iranian president was Buddhists :lol::lol:


'Buddhists', huh? He's plural now as in more than one person?

Your comebacks are pretty good.

I mean.....I'm reeeeally impressed Dude.

Maybe you can call me a fat-faced lily-livered poopy-pants. :badgrin:

Middle east discussion is not for do better in politics
Hey, if someone made a film portraying Jesus as a pedophile, I don't think you Christians would be all that keen on it.

It's not 'siding' with someone to point out that provoking people who are already inclined to be angry is a really stupid idea.

It's like taunting the crazy homelss person while he's yelling at the lamp post. Just not a good idea.

You talk about "Freedom", I think more in terms of responsibility. JOnes and Balice know that people were killed when they've pulled this crap in the past.

Guess what, when someone made a film called The Last Temptation of Christ depicting Jesus unfavorably Christians were upset about it, but they did not attack any embassies, riot in the streets, or kill anyone. That makes your entire post make about as much sense as it would if I let my cat walk on the keyboard and posted it.

You aren't talking responsibility, you are talking about taking away people's rights because you think you are smarter than they are. You already lost the argument with the lamppost, but you are still arguing away. Keep arguing a point that is already settled, it makes you look even dumber than you are.

Yes they did cocksucker, they attacked the Saint Michel theater in Paris

Yes, that was done by a tiny elitist radical fundamentalist group attached to no Christian organization, it was universally condemned by Christian groups all over the world, and the proponents were arrested and appropriately dealt with by the authorities. It is highly unlikely they could have generated a riot by anybody, let alone Christians who practice the Christian faith.

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