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US Embassy car shot up in Mexico, 2 wounded


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
US Embassy car shot up in Mexico, 2 wounded

In my opinion:

Friday, August, 24, 2012

MEXICO CITY – A shooting has been reported that a U.S. Diplomatic vehicle with two Americans and a Mexican Naval captain was riddled with 30 bullets on Friday 8/24/12 at 8:00 AM. The shooting happened in the village of Fierro del Toro Huitzilac Township. It’s located in the remote mountains in an area where the drug cartels are fighting each other and the police on a daily basis.

The embassy workers were wearing civilian clothes and were traveling to a military base to do training or related work according to U.S. officials. Their 4 door Toyota SUV embassy vehicle had a Diplomatic plate issued by the Mexican government. It was said that all three men were Marines and their names have not been released.

“Mexican officials said the Americans' vehicle initially was fired on by a carload of gunmen who first displayed their weapons as the embassy SUV drove along a stretch of dirt road off a highway that connects Mexico City to Cuernavaca.”

The Americans took off when they saw the gunman show his weapon and then gunmen opened fire on them. Then three other vehicles joined in the chase and all four vehicles were loaded with men and were shooting at the Diplomatic vehicle.

The embassy vehicle called the police while they were trying to escape the shooters who followed them to the highway. The American driving the SUV came to a slow stop on the pavement and its unknown if he collapsed from his wounds or if the 4 vehicles chasing him made him stop.

The Federal police officers arrived just in time and began shooting at the 4 vehicles. Over a 100 military men were on the scene and closed down and guarded the highway for hours.

The 2 Americans were in the front seat of the black SUV and the Mexican Naval officer was in the backseat. The bullets were concentrated on the passenger-side window almost exclusively. The vehicle had armor plating. It makes me wonder if this incident wasn’t a trap to target the Americans.

“Mexico’s Naval Ministry stated that the American SUV was fired upon by the Mexican police. A U.S. official who was briefed on the shooting said later that all the shots were fired by federal police.”

This almost sounds like a set up with a tip off because if the police saw the Diplomatic license plate they would know they weren’t the drug cartel. The Mexican police didn’t identify themselves before the chase began and all four vehicles were chasing the embassy vehicle and shooting at the same time. Their aim was to kill the 2 Americans in the front seats and they avoided shooting in the back seat where the Mexican officer was sitting.

One American took a bullet in the stomach and the hand and the other was shot in the leg. The Mexican officer in the backseat was unharmed. Could this have been an organized hit on the Americans?

The two Americans were taken to a hospital in the city of Cuernavaca and then they were transferred to a hospital in Mexico City. They’re in stable condition. (Those Mexicans don’t play nice or fair but we already knew that.)

The United States Mexican Embassy says it will be helping the Mexican government to sort out this incident. The U.S. has the world’s biggest consular mission which is located in Mexico City. So, we can be reassured of a Class A cover up.

“Mexico's federal police agency acknowledged that its own officers fired on the embassy's SUV, which appeared to be armored and has diplomatic plates. It said the officers were in the area hunting for criminals, but it did not explain what happened.”

“Mexican prosecutors said in a statement late Friday that 12 officers based in Mexico City were being held for questioning. Officers based in the capital have jurisdiction only in Mexico City and in four suburbs of neighboring Mexico State, not in Cuernavaca.” Mexican officials are declining comment to any American new agencies at this time.

Mexico has a long history of its military and police force being corrupt and are easily bribed by the drug cartels or anyone with money. Anyone going to Mexico should know that they’re risking their own lives and not much can be done for you after your dead or end up sitting in a Mexican prison.

In the past two years this is the 3rd shooting incident.

In February 2011 there were two American Immigration Customs and Enforcement agents in an SUV who were attacked by a drug gang in the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. ICE Agent Jaime Zapata was killed and the other agent was other badly wounded.

In 2010 a U.S. consulate was killed in a drug-gang shooting at an intersection. Her husband and another man in the car were also killed. Her nine year old daughter was in the back seat and was unharmed. The incident happened in Ciudad Juárez a border city approximately one mile south of El Paso, Texas.


Mexico gunmen, police fire on U.S. Embassy car

U.S. Embassy vehicle fired upon leaving 2 wounded
Mexico probe why federal cops fired at US gov car

Mexican federal police fire on U.S. officials’ vehicle, injuring two

Mexican Navy: Police fired on US gov't vehicle
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US Embassy car shot up in Mexico, 2 wounded riddled with 30 bullets 4 vehicles chase them, Mexican police responsible.
Mexican police detained in shooting of US agents


Monday, August 27, 2012

MEXICO CITY - A judge ruled Monday that 12 police officers accused of opening fire on a U.S. embassy vehicle and wounding two embassy employees should remain in detention in an incident that has roiled U.S./Mexican relations and drawn fresh attention to serious problems inside Mexico's premier law-enforcement agency.

Mexican and U.S. officials have offered sketchy official accounts of the shooting that do not address the possible reason why Mexican federal police opened fire Friday on an armored sport-utility vehicle with diplomatic license plates carrying a Mexican Navy captain and two employees of the country's closest ally.

The federal police officers were ordered detained under a form of house arrest for 40 days on suspicion of abusing their authority. That charge can entail both criminal wrongdoing and extreme negligence. That leaves open the possibility of both a deliberate attack on the Americans by corrupt officers and a gross error by well-intentioned but trigger-happy police operating in a dangerous area.
And this has what to do with immigration, exactly?

You don't think it belongs here? Report it. If a mod agrees they will move it to the appropriate forum.

Otherwise why should we care what you think about it belonging here or not?

I'm sure that pro illegal alien supporters and others report everything I post. :lol:

They "try" to intimidate people without much success.
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And this has what to do with immigration, exactly?

You don't think it belongs here? Report it. If a mod agrees they will move it to the appropriate forum.

Otherwise why should we care what you think about it belonging here or not?

I'm sure that pro illegal alien supporter and others report everything I post. :lol:

They "try" to intimidate people without much success.

Where do you see any "pro illegal aliend supporter" on this thread? :confused:
Mexican police attacked CIA officers, ambush probed-sources


"TRES MARIAS, Mexico (Reuters) - Two U.S. officials shot and wounded by Mexican federal police just south of the capital were CIA officers, security sources say, and the attack could badly hurt U.S.-Mexico cooperation in a war against drug cartels if found to be a deliberate ambush.”

“The pair of experienced officers was on their way to a Mexican Marine base on Friday, working with local authorities on a training mission, when federal police riddled their armored van bearing diplomatic plates with bullets.”

The story goes on to talk about the attack and this was said, "However, eyewitnesses at a bend in the road outside the small town of Tres Marias told Reuters the gunmen were dressed in plain clothes and carried rifles. They said they pursued the Americans firing from unmarked cars trying to box them in and on foot -- a classic style of gangland hits in Mexico."

"One media report said shell casings from AK-47s, which are not used by Mexican police and are a weapon of choice for drug cartel members, were found at the scene, which could suggest the police were working in tandem with gangs."

Since 2006 there have been 55k Mexicans died in Mexico from drug related deaths. There have been about 3k soldiers and cops who have died and many of them were on the drug cartels payrolls.

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Ok, so this story really has nothing to do with immigration. I wonder why some idiot put it here?
Saturday, September 1, 2012

"Two U.S. officials wounded last week when assailants thought to be Mexican federal police opened fire on their vehicle have left the country without giving statements to investigators, Mexico’s attorney general said.

“They must first be in the appropriate conditions to be able to do it. It will be done at the right time, once they are in shape for it,” Marisela Morales told reporters, adding that the U.S. government is fully cooperating with the probe.

The safety and health of the two men is the primary consideration, she said."


Wounded U.S. Officials Leave Mexico without Giving Statements
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I wonder if attacking U.S. Embassys and wounding and killing U.S. employees will become a world wide trend?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012:

US ambassador to Libya killed in Benghazi attack - 9/11/12

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three embassy staff were killed in an attack on the Benghazi consulate and a safe house refuge, stormed by Islamist gunmen blaming America for a film they said insulted the Prophet Mohammad.


Egypt security forces, protesters clash outside U.S. Embassy - 9/11/12
Egypt security forces, protesters clash outside U.S. Embassy | Reuters

(Reuters) - Security forces fired teargas to disperse stone-throwing demonstrators near the U.S. embassy in Cairo late on Wednesday, some 24 hours after protesters scaled the walls and tore down the flag over a film insulting the Prophet Mohammad.

U.S. Embassy in Yemen stormed; other embassies still under siege


Thursday, September 13, 2012

In Yemen on Thursday, witnesses said security forces allowed thousands to gather on a usually-sealed-off street that is in front of the embassy. Protesters stormed a wall, set fire to a building inside the compound, broke windows and carried away office supplies and other souvenirs before being pushed back and dispersed by Yemeni security forces.

“We want to expel the American ambassador,” said Abdelwadood al-Mutawa, a protester who was walking out of the embassy compound. He said he was motivated by reports of the movie mocking Muhammad, even though it was not made by, sanctioned by or connected to the U.S. government.

“We cannot accept any insult to our prophet,” Mutawa said. “It’s a red line.”

Another protester said that some of the security forces protecting the building appeared sympathetic to the demonstrators’ cause.
“Some soldiers were telling me, ‘These are dogs, and we cannot accept insulting our prophet,’ ” said Yusef Mohammad.

U.S. Embassy in Germany evacuated


Thursday, September 13, 2012

BERLIN (AP) -- The U.S. Embassy says its consulate in Berlin has been evacuated as a precaution after an employee reported a strange smell from an envelope.

Spokeswoman Ruth Bennett said the smell came from an envelope containing supporting materials for a visa application given to consular employees by the applicant in person Thursday morning.

There were no reports of injuries and American and German authorities are now examining the contents of the applicant.

Bennett says she has no immediate information on the status of the person who brought the envelope in.

"TRES MARIAS, Mexico (Reuters) - Two U.S. officials shot and wounded by Mexican federal police just south of the capital were CIA officers,
That's all you need to know.

More Fast and Furious? Helping drug cartels with hits on their competitors?

The CIA aren't nice people to say the least.

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