US federal judge rules that Trump's acting Department of Homeland Security chief Chad Wolf was unlawfully appointed, invalidates DACA suspension

It is great that democrat judges, like the ridiculous Nicholas Garaufis who sentenced an international Muslim terrorist to only 3 months, are really cracking down on illegal activity. :icon_rolleyes:
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The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
You like the way that rulings went, so you’ll stay quiet. You don’t have the integrity to admit “yeah I liked the outcome, but the ruling was total bullshit and unconstitutional”.
On the bright side, Republicans can argue the same to keep Trump's travel bans in place.
It is great that democrat judges, like the ridiculous Nicholas Garaufis who sentenced an international Muslim terrorist to only 3 months, are really cracking down on illegal activity. :icon_rolleyes:

I don't know the specifics of the case that you are referring to. In this case, all he had to do was read the damned law in front of him, which he apparently did. Wolf and Cuccinelli are not legally in their DHS positions. Ironically, they are "illegals." I take it that English is not your first language. This is far from the first time that people in the trump administration have failed to follow the laws that are supposed to govern their actions, so their appeals to "law and order" are meaningless.

Turns out the idiots in the Trump Admin are too stupid to know the rules of how Cabinet appointments are made. Wolf's appointment was illegal and every ruling he made was as well
SOMEONE should tell the judge that his actions are illegal------he does not have the power or authority to tell a president that he is bound by DACA since DACA is not a law in the US>

Turns out the idiots in the Trump Admin are too stupid to know the rules of how Cabinet appointments are made. Wolf's appointment was illegal and every ruling he made was as well
SOMEONE should tell the judge that his actions are illegal------he does not have the power or authority to tell a president that he is bound by DACA since DACA is not a law in the US>

DACA was suspended by Wolf, but he is not in his position as Acting DHS secretary legally, and, therefore, his orders are meaningless. trump, despite all of his lawyers, failed to follow the line of succession that is openly stated in the Act. The Act was passed long before trump took office. It was his obligation to follow it.

Turns out the idiots in the Trump Admin are too stupid to know the rules of how Cabinet appointments are made. Wolf's appointment was illegal and every ruling he made was as well
SOMEONE should tell the judge that his actions are illegal------he does not have the power or authority to tell a president that he is bound by DACA since DACA is not a law in the US>

DACA was suspended by Wolf, but he is not in his position as Acting DHS secretary legally, and, therefore, his orders are meaningless. trump, despite all of his lawyers, failed to follow the line of succession that is openly stated in the Act. The Act was passed long before trump took office. It was his obligation to follow it.

Obama went around congress and gave them a hallmark card

Turns out the idiots in the Trump Admin are too stupid to know the rules of how Cabinet appointments are made. Wolf's appointment was illegal and every ruling he made was as well
SOMEONE should tell the judge that his actions are illegal------he does not have the power or authority to tell a president that he is bound by DACA since DACA is not a law in the US>
Hey Dumbass...the judge ruled on Wolf himself. His illegal appointment invalidated everything he did in that office
CNN in a dirt rag

the incompetent journalist did not even name the judge that issue the order
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement is loaded with ignorance. It is simply false. If your dumb ass wants to defend that load of shit that established that alleged precedent you claim, present a link to that Earth shattering, Constitution destroying case.

Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to! Didn't think that far ahead did ya, shit for brains! A president would not be bound to any law but his own internal restraints!
Hey look, it’s the grouchy old ****, back from changing his diapers here to spread Christmas cheer.
Hey fuckface, clearly you get a raging Hardon when you see my screen name as you grab your walker and do double time over to the computer to respond.
as usual, your premise of “Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to!” Is completely nonsensical. Your such a hamfisted retard, pounding shit out that I’m not even sure what you are talking about.

For clarity, what I was referring to was that for some reason, courts ruled against Trump rolling back, cancelling out, and undoing previous Obama executive orders. That’s absolute bullshit. One president absolutely can do this. The next president, Biden I’m assuming, would be totally within his right to reverse any Trump executive order.
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
You like the way that rulings went, so you’ll stay quiet. You don’t have the integrity to admit “yeah I liked the outcome, but the ruling was total bullshit and unconstitutional”.
On the bright side, Republicans can argue the same to keep Trump's travel bans in place.
But these absurd rulings, like the “dreamers” and DACA executive order ruling, need to be torn out. Not built upon.
Hey Dumbass...the judge ruled on Wolf himself. His illegal appointment invalidated everything he did in that office

And his absurd, partisan charade will be thrown out. But nothing will happen to this scumbag Obama judge Garaufis, he won't be sanctioned or disbarred for his raw partisan bullshit, which emboldens other unethical Marxist piles of shit on the bench to pervert justice to party goals in this way.

The Trump years and the treason of the democrats make clear that judicial reform is vital. These Obama judges are a bunch of Pol Pot's in black robes.
But these absurd rulings, like the “dreamers” and DACA executive order ruling, need to be torn out. Not built upon.

What the courts said is presidents from the party have to the power to declare law.

An executive order can be overturned by subsequent presidents, but the courts ruled that DACA is law, not an EO and that president Trump, who is NOT a party member, could not reverse it with an EO, because an EO cannot overturn law and Obama's word is law.
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement is loaded with ignorance. It is simply false. If your dumb ass wants to defend that load of shit that established that alleged precedent you claim, present a link to that Earth shattering, Constitution destroying case.

Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to! Didn't think that far ahead did ya, shit for brains! A president would not be bound to any law but his own internal restraints!
Hey look, it’s the grouchy old ****, back from changing his diapers here to spread Christmas cheer.
Hey fuckface, clearly you get a raging Hardon when you see my screen name as you grab your walker and do double time over to the computer to respond.
as usual, your premise of “Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to!” Is completely nonsensical. Your such a hamfisted retard, pounding shit out that I’m not even sure what you are talking about.

For clarity, what I was referring to was that for some reason, courts ruled against Trump rolling back, cancelling out, and undoing previous Obama executive orders. That’s absolute bullshit. One president absolutely can do this. The next president, Biden I’m assuming, would be totally within his right to reverse any Trump executive order.
First, your dumb ass claims the following;
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement directly above of yours is declarative stating a power exists that no POTUS has ever had, and would be unconstitutional on its face. When called on your stupidity, you wrote this rambling piece of garbage contradicting what you initially claimed:
For clarity, what I was referring to was that for some reason, courts ruled against Trump rolling back, cancelling out, and undoing previous Obama executive orders. That’s absolute bullshit. One president absolutely can do this. The next president, Biden I’m assuming, would be totally within his right to reverse any Trump executive order.
What you termed as "nonsensical" is what you contradictorily wrote, fool! You're just trying to cover your ignorance kid and seeking cover with a lie. You reverse that initial claim "For clarity" as you state but actually to cover your bare ass from critiques displaying your blatant stupidity and ignorance.

BTW, your ad hominem is at the third grade level, at best, and displays your lack of development when used as an initial shield for you lagging maturity and insecurities.
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement is loaded with ignorance. It is simply false. If your dumb ass wants to defend that load of shit that established that alleged precedent you claim, present a link to that Earth shattering, Constitution destroying case.

Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to! Didn't think that far ahead did ya, shit for brains! A president would not be bound to any law but his own internal restraints!
Hey look, it’s the grouchy old ****, back from changing his diapers here to spread Christmas cheer.
Hey fuckface, clearly you get a raging Hardon when you see my screen name as you grab your walker and do double time over to the computer to respond.
as usual, your premise of “Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to!” Is completely nonsensical. Your such a hamfisted retard, pounding shit out that I’m not even sure what you are talking about.

For clarity, what I was referring to was that for some reason, courts ruled against Trump rolling back, cancelling out, and undoing previous Obama executive orders. That’s absolute bullshit. One president absolutely can do this. The next president, Biden I’m assuming, would be totally within his right to reverse any Trump executive order.
First, your dumb ass claims the following;
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement directly above of yours is declarative stating a power exists that no POTUS has ever had, and would be unconstitutional on its face. When called on your stupidity, you wrote this rambling piece of garbage contradicting what you initially claimed:
For clarity, what I was referring to was that for some reason, courts ruled against Trump rolling back, cancelling out, and undoing previous Obama executive orders. That’s absolute bullshit. One president absolutely can do this. The next president, Biden I’m assuming, would be totally within his right to reverse any Trump executive order.
What you termed as "nonsensical" is what you contradictorily wrote, fool! You're just trying to cover your ignorance kid and seeking cover with a lie. You reverse that initial claim "For clarity" as you state but actually to cover your bare ass from critiques displaying your blatant stupidity and ignorance.

BTW, your ad hominem is at the third grade level, at best, and displays your lack of development when used as an initial shield for you lagging maturity and insecurities.
I honestly can’t even tolerate reading anything you write. You’re an obnoxious windbag. I’m sure if you come across in real life the way you do on the net, your old ass has been slapped around on more than one occasion.
Do yourself a favor, don’t bother replying to me anymore. You’re so fucking annoying you may be one of the first people I’ve ever used the ignore function on.
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement is loaded with ignorance. It is simply false. If your dumb ass wants to defend that load of shit that established that alleged precedent you claim, present a link to that Earth shattering, Constitution destroying case.

Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to! Didn't think that far ahead did ya, shit for brains! A president would not be bound to any law but his own internal restraints!
Hey look, it’s the grouchy old ****, back from changing his diapers here to spread Christmas cheer.
Hey fuckface, clearly you get a raging Hardon when you see my screen name as you grab your walker and do double time over to the computer to respond.
as usual, your premise of “Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to!” Is completely nonsensical. Your such a hamfisted retard, pounding shit out that I’m not even sure what you are talking about.

For clarity, what I was referring to was that for some reason, courts ruled against Trump rolling back, cancelling out, and undoing previous Obama executive orders. That’s absolute bullshit. One president absolutely can do this. The next president, Biden I’m assuming, would be totally within his right to reverse any Trump executive order.
First, your dumb ass claims the following;
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement directly above of yours is declarative stating a power exists that no POTUS has ever had, and would be unconstitutional on its face. When called on your stupidity, you wrote this rambling piece of garbage contradicting what you initially claimed:
For clarity, what I was referring to was that for some reason, courts ruled against Trump rolling back, cancelling out, and undoing previous Obama executive orders. That’s absolute bullshit. One president absolutely can do this. The next president, Biden I’m assuming, would be totally within his right to reverse any Trump executive order.
What you termed as "nonsensical" is what you contradictorily wrote, fool! You're just trying to cover your ignorance kid and seeking cover with a lie. You reverse that initial claim "For clarity" as you state but actually to cover your bare ass from critiques displaying your blatant stupidity and ignorance.

BTW, your ad hominem is at the third grade level, at best, and displays your lack of development when used as an initial shield for you lagging maturity and insecurities.
Ok, I had to reread this. Once again, I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Damn near every time you have responded to me in this board, you go off on some bullshit. The first notable time was when you told me what I was thinking and what I felt, which was completely inaccurate, then went on some “old man shouts at the sky” rant against your made up bullshit.
“That statement directly above of yours is declarative stating a power exists that no POTUS has ever had, and would be unconstitutional on its face.”
What power am I declaring exists, you dumb fuck???? In this thread, I was commenting on the courts ruling the one president (Obama’s) executive action somehow is treated like a law, which can not be reversed by a later presidents executive action.
Seriously, what are you carrying on about?
Actually don’t bother answering. I don’t care. Time and again you go off on rants like a crazy person.
Fuck off.
Even Obama knew an executive action regarding immigration was wrong.

"Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works."

So many Trumpy Bear "acting" unqualified incompetents it's hard to keep track of them.
Joe will clean house and restore competency.
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement is loaded with ignorance. It is simply false. If your dumb ass wants to defend that load of shit that established that alleged precedent you claim, present a link to that Earth shattering, Constitution destroying case.

Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to! Didn't think that far ahead did ya, shit for brains! A president would not be bound to any law but his own internal restraints!
Hey look, it’s the grouchy old ****, back from changing his diapers here to spread Christmas cheer.
Hey fuckface, clearly you get a raging Hardon when you see my screen name as you grab your walker and do double time over to the computer to respond.
as usual, your premise of “Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to!” Is completely nonsensical. Your such a hamfisted retard, pounding shit out that I’m not even sure what you are talking about.

For clarity, what I was referring to was that for some reason, courts ruled against Trump rolling back, cancelling out, and undoing previous Obama executive orders. That’s absolute bullshit. One president absolutely can do this. The next president, Biden I’m assuming, would be totally within his right to reverse any Trump executive order.
First, your dumb ass claims the following;
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement directly above of yours is declarative stating a power exists that no POTUS has ever had, and would be unconstitutional on its face. When called on your stupidity, you wrote this rambling piece of garbage contradicting what you initially claimed:
For clarity, what I was referring to was that for some reason, courts ruled against Trump rolling back, cancelling out, and undoing previous Obama executive orders. That’s absolute bullshit. One president absolutely can do this. The next president, Biden I’m assuming, would be totally within his right to reverse any Trump executive order.
What you termed as "nonsensical" is what you contradictorily wrote, fool! You're just trying to cover your ignorance kid and seeking cover with a lie. You reverse that initial claim "For clarity" as you state but actually to cover your bare ass from critiques displaying your blatant stupidity and ignorance.

BTW, your ad hominem is at the third grade level, at best, and displays your lack of development when used as an initial shield for you lagging maturity and insecurities.
I honestly can’t even tolerate reading anything you write. You’re an obnoxious windbag. I’m sure if you come across in real life the way you do on the net, your old ass has been slapped around on more than one occasion.
Do yourself a favor, don’t bother replying to me anymore. You’re so fucking annoying you may be one of the first people I’ve ever used the ignore function on.

I honestly can’t even tolerate reading anything you write. You’re an obnoxious windbag. I’m sure if you come across in real life the way you do on the net, your old ass has been slapped around on more than one occasion.
Do yourself a favor, don’t bother replying to me anymore. You’re so fucking annoying you may be one of the first people I’ve ever used the ignore function on.
Above is a prime example of that which..."displays your lack of development when used as an initial shield for you lagging maturity and insecurities." If you continue to post stupid shit that is blatantly false, expect me and others to point it out, dumb ass! Using the ignore feature to block some one is what a fucking coward would do... part of those maturity and insecurities thingy's I mentioned earlier. But then you are immature and insecure, aren't you.

And I note that once again you avoided even touching on the actual topic, and went directly to the ad hominem. You should get over that for your own sake so you could grow and mature. Hey, it was your error in your post that initially encouraged me to respond to see who the Hell could be so damn stupid to claim a President's Executive Actions were
inviolate, and here is exactly what you wrote;
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement reeks of ignorance! And your coverup explanation does the same with the added benefit of coloring the water with the taint of a lie! Pitiful!
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement is loaded with ignorance. It is simply false. If your dumb ass wants to defend that load of shit that established that alleged precedent you claim, present a link to that Earth shattering, Constitution destroying case.

Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to! Didn't think that far ahead did ya, shit for brains! A president would not be bound to any law but his own internal restraints!
Hey look, it’s the grouchy old ****, back from changing his diapers here to spread Christmas cheer.
Hey fuckface, clearly you get a raging Hardon when you see my screen name as you grab your walker and do double time over to the computer to respond.
as usual, your premise of “Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to!” Is completely nonsensical. Your such a hamfisted retard, pounding shit out that I’m not even sure what you are talking about.

For clarity, what I was referring to was that for some reason, courts ruled against Trump rolling back, cancelling out, and undoing previous Obama executive orders. That’s absolute bullshit. One president absolutely can do this. The next president, Biden I’m assuming, would be totally within his right to reverse any Trump executive order.
First, your dumb ass claims the following;
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement directly above of yours is declarative stating a power exists that no POTUS has ever had, and would be unconstitutional on its face. When called on your stupidity, you wrote this rambling piece of garbage contradicting what you initially claimed:
For clarity, what I was referring to was that for some reason, courts ruled against Trump rolling back, cancelling out, and undoing previous Obama executive orders. That’s absolute bullshit. One president absolutely can do this. The next president, Biden I’m assuming, would be totally within his right to reverse any Trump executive order.
What you termed as "nonsensical" is what you contradictorily wrote, fool! You're just trying to cover your ignorance kid and seeking cover with a lie. You reverse that initial claim "For clarity" as you state but actually to cover your bare ass from critiques displaying your blatant stupidity and ignorance.

BTW, your ad hominem is at the third grade level, at best, and displays your lack of development when used as an initial shield for you lagging maturity and insecurities.
I honestly can’t even tolerate reading anything you write. You’re an obnoxious windbag. I’m sure if you come across in real life the way you do on the net, your old ass has been slapped around on more than one occasion.
Do yourself a favor, don’t bother replying to me anymore. You’re so fucking annoying you may be one of the first people I’ve ever used the ignore function on.

I honestly can’t even tolerate reading anything you write. You’re an obnoxious windbag. I’m sure if you come across in real life the way you do on the net, your old ass has been slapped around on more than one occasion.
Do yourself a favor, don’t bother replying to me anymore. You’re so fucking annoying you may be one of the first people I’ve ever used the ignore function on.
Above is a prime example of that which..."displays your lack of development when used as an initial shield for you lagging maturity and insecurities." If you continue to post stupid shit that is blatantly false, expect me and others to point it out, dumb ass! Using the ignore feature to block some one is what a fucking coward would do... part of those maturity and insecurities thingy's I mentioned earlier. But then you are immature and insecure, aren't you.

And I note that once again you avoided even touching on the actual topic, and went directly to the ad hominem. You should get over that for your own sake so you could grow and mature. Hey, it was your error in your post that initially encouraged me to respond to see who the Hell could be so damn stupid to claim a President's Executive Actions were
inviolate, and here is exactly what you wrote;
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement reeks of ignorance! And your coverup explanation does the same with the added benefit of coloring the water with the taint of a lie! Pitiful!
You’re still over here yelling at clouds.

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