US federal judge rules that Trump's acting Department of Homeland Security chief Chad Wolf was unlawfully appointed, invalidates DACA suspension

The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement is loaded with ignorance. It is simply false. If your dumb ass wants to defend that load of shit that established that alleged precedent you claim, present a link to that Earth shattering, Constitution destroying case.

Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to! Didn't think that far ahead did ya, shit for brains! A president would not be bound to any law but his own internal restraints!
How would it do that?
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement is loaded with ignorance. It is simply false. If your dumb ass wants to defend that load of shit that established that alleged precedent you claim, present a link to that Earth shattering, Constitution destroying case.

Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to! Didn't think that far ahead did ya, shit for brains! A president would not be bound to any law but his own internal restraints!
How would it do that?
Think about it! Trump, for one, has shown his penchant for putting pen to paper for Executive Orders which have the force of law. If an E.O. was forever binding on future Presidents as the author of that bullshit wrote, it would follow that they would be binding on every citizen. How about an E.O. forbidding ownership of guns, rifles and ammunition, nullifying Amendment II? I believe we would find common cause against such possibility if that were possible with a stroke of a Sharpie...what say you?
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement is loaded with ignorance. It is simply false. If your dumb ass wants to defend that load of shit that established that alleged precedent you claim, present a link to that Earth shattering, Constitution destroying case.

Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to! Didn't think that far ahead did ya, shit for brains! A president would not be bound to any law but his own internal restraints!
How would it do that?
Think about it! Trump, for one, has shown his penchant for putting pen to paper for Executive Orders which have the force of law. If an E.O. was forever binding on future Presidents as the author of that bullshit wrote, it would follow that they would be binding on every citizen. How about an E.O. forbidding ownership of guns, rifles and ammunition, nullifying Amendment II? I believe we would find common cause against such possibility if that were possible with a stroke of a Sharpie...what say you?
The author is saying that EO's are not binding on future presidents, and it doesn't follow that they are binding on private citizens. EOs are binding only on government employees.
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
You like the way that rulings went, so you’ll stay quiet. You don’t have the integrity to admit “yeah I liked the outcome, but the ruling was total bullshit and unconstitutional”.

I agree since Obama sure didn't have the power to bring those kids from South America to the US so we tax payers could support their asses. He broke the law and he knew it when he did it.

He wrote a completely illegal EO to do so. The SC should kick every one of these DACA people right back to South America
He flat out said he didn’t have the constitutional authority to do what he did... then he went and did it anyway a few months later.
The court should tell us again how one presidents executive actions forever bind future President, congress, etc.
That statement is loaded with ignorance. It is simply false. If your dumb ass wants to defend that load of shit that established that alleged precedent you claim, present a link to that Earth shattering, Constitution destroying case.

Such a precedent would allow a President to rewrite the entire Constitution, if he/she wanted to! Didn't think that far ahead did ya, shit for brains! A president would not be bound to any law but his own internal restraints!
How would it do that?
Think about it! Trump, for one, has shown his penchant for putting pen to paper for Executive Orders which have the force of law. If an E.O. was forever binding on future Presidents as the author of that bullshit wrote, it would follow that they would be binding on every citizen. How about an E.O. forbidding ownership of guns, rifles and ammunition, nullifying Amendment II? I believe we would find common cause against such possibility if that were possible with a stroke of a Sharpie...what say you?
Are you serious? You went on a tirade against what I wrote, and you have the same point of view as I do.
I was arguing against executive actions binding future presidents.
And as for trump, the executive actions he did was what they were meant for, “how to” directives for executive branch agencies carrying out legal operations.
It is legislating from the executive, like Obama did by basically making immigration law with DACA, that is the problem. And the fact that courts told Trump he had to follow Obama’s EO’s are even more twisted.

Turns out the idiots in the Trump Admin are too stupid to know the rules of how Cabinet appointments are made. Wolf's appointment was illegal and every ruling he made was as well
SOMEONE should tell the judge that his actions are illegal------he does not have the power or authority to tell a president that he is bound by DACA since DACA is not a law in the US>

DACA was suspended by Wolf, but he is not in his position as Acting DHS secretary legally, and, therefore, his orders are meaningless. trump, despite all of his lawyers, failed to follow the line of succession that is openly stated in the Act. The Act was passed long before trump took office. It was his obligation to follow it.
Hey idiot---the judge in is this case is New York clinton appointee--------an a-hole who has attacked ending DACA even before Trump took office. Guiffacias or whatever his weird name is--is out of line and wrong. He should be tossed off the bench---for not following the law. He's an activist judge.

there will be no America left

If a president believes rules doesn't apply to him and he gets away with it, you are right,
Obammy appointed judges believe existing laws don't apply you mean
Who the hell is this Prog Socialist Communist deep state shill judge?
Nicholas Garaufis

The Trump administration already admitted to lying in their defense of this case.
Who the hell is this Prog Socialist Communist deep state shill judge?
Nicholas Garaufis

The Trump administration already admitted to lying in their defense of this case.
Doesn't it even bother you that these unassuming judges make policy? Not elected to anything and make their own laws for the glory of the Prog Socialist State. What am I supposed to believe? Not anything by the media and many of the judges that show up to make laws. Repub judges need to do the same.
Doesn't it even bother you that these unassuming judges make policy?
They don’t. They make sure that the Trump administration follows the laws.

Chad Wolf is serving illegally as head of DHS and therefore anything he orders is null and void.

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