Zone1 US Flag Code At Churches

Same business, different firms.

Not at all. Protestants didn't steal all that Jewish gold because they weren't around until a few hundred years after the Crusades. Most Protestant denominations these days are rather fond of Israel, since they're the ones keeping the Muzzies from chopping off our heads. ;)
This has you bothered? Good lord
No, I understand, as do many who are either in the military or have family in the military. In the military, the flag has a special purpose, and is always given proper treatment. I am certain that with good intentions, someone was unaware of the flag's proper purpose. I would feel the same way if I saw military personnel hanging their clothes up to dry on a cross or crucifix.
Not at all. Protestants didn't steal all that Jewish gold because they weren't around until a few hundred years after the Crusades. Most Protestant denominations these days are rather fond of Israel, since they're the ones keeping the Muzzies from chopping off our heads. ;)

There were still a lot of competing denominations is chrisendom, even back in the day of the First Crusade. There were Byzantine xtians (larger and richer than the Roman Catholic church at the time), Coptics, Paulines, Gnostics, Ebionites, and perhaps a dozen or so more.

Sure there were, but those denominations faded from existence after Martin Luther's Protestant Reformation. That same reformation played a key role in the development of the North American colonies and the eventual formation of the United States. Apparently they got tired of being shaken down for their gold too, so they came here.
About three weeks ago a pastor died at a nondenominational church within sight of my home.....The US Flag has been flown there at half-staff since......I understand that his grand send-off service isn't till the middle of March.....He's already been cremated.

Nowhere in the US Flag Code that I can see allows for the US Flag to be displayed in such a manner for clergy.

Now if they had a second (but shorter) flagpole to the left of the US Flagpole with their Christian flag at half-staff that would be just fine. Our US flag should be at full staff.

I figure I'll give them till next Monday and if the flag is still at half-staff I'll give them a call and ask them to do the right thing by our flag.

Here's the flag code....You decide.

4 U.S. Code § 7 - Position and manner of display
The same constitution that protects those who stomp on the flag and burn it......protects any individual. There is nothing disrespectful in flying the US Flag at half mast in honor of the fallen. Those of the Clergy are protected as any individual would be. Something you perhaps did not research.....was the Pastor a US Veteran of any branch of the military? There is no law that can be applied as to when and how the US Flag can be displayed at half mast........a Code is not a LAW, as per the precedent established concerning the US can be used as a form of free speech.

Any and all active duty military personnel and vets have taken an oath first and foremost to protect the US CONSTITUTION and the laws of the land. Texas vs. Johnson, 491.......U.S. 397 (1989) The flag can be used as an expression of free speech. Why did it concern you that the flag was properly displayed, not in disrespect but respect of the fallen? I could find empathy and understanding if someone was actually being disrespectful of the sacrifices that have been made by our military...such as burning or defacing the symbolism it stands for.

The US flag belongs to the PEOPLE.......not just the military. Speaking as someone who served for over 22 year in the US Army.......I find no disrespect if the flag is properly displayed to honor any fallen US Citizen. I deal in truth.....and attempt to let my emotions take a back seat to reason and logic. The flag should not be used as a sign of respect for the elite only......we are all in this thing together.
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