US forces launch raid in Syria

I like how Biden's poll numbers continue to crater, and yet on this forum, not only have none of the Dem posters ever wavered in their support, but somehow we're suppoedly gaining NEW Biden-supporting posters (not sock sccounts). LO-freaking-L.
If he keeps up at this shit, his poll #s may go up. LOL
If he had done nothing you would be demeaning his character also, you have no central median from which to criticize.
It's fascinating to see all the Isis bandwagon jumping just because it was President Biden who ordered this mission. They're all Team ISIS......for now.
It's fascinating to see all the Isis bandwagon jumping just because it was President Biden who ordered this mission. They're all Team ISIS......for now.
Imagine the outrage as they learn terrorists tend to hide behind civilians ... who themselves are either complicit or victims of terrorists.
If that statement is accurate without question, then I would suggest that the next time Biden attacks, you and the rest of your liberal cohorts duck for cover because you are fair game, just like women and children
War is hell.
Yep. We have people on here, who choose politics over policy, strategy, tactics and national interests. They are anti-American in their political view. F#ck them. I do not care who takes out the bad guys. I applauded Trump on here when he took out the Iranian General, who stuck his head up, in the wrong place. Would you hate the gabage men or their act of picking up your trash, just because you wanted a different mayor. Kind of self defeating to let politics get in the way of good military strategy and tactics.
I know people's views could change. There was a time for many many years that what are now known as Progs blamed what are known as Deplorables for all the children dying in cities. It was endless. That agenda has changed a bit as Deplorables are not blamed for every wrong in the world. It is easier to try to remove the guilt from oneself and give it to others. You control the programs. They are yours. And poverty increases as more addendum programs are added to no avail and the costs keep rising.
We are not giving any sympathy to terrorists, we are rightly criticizing Biden for his failed game plan. Are you really going to go with there is no way to take these guys out without killing kids too? I doubt that you are as dumb as Biden and his handlers.
Since when has any president not had the significant power to kill innocent people in the name of national security?
Since when has any president not had the significant power to kill innocent people in the name of national security?
I have no problem with that approach when absolutely necessary but that was not the case here. None of you will ever admit that Biden is an incompetent old fool. you will protect until the death of us all.
I have no problem with that approach when absolutely necessary but that was not the case here. None of you will ever admit that Biden is an incompetent old fool. you will protect until the death of us all.
I have said many times that Biden and Trump are incompetent fools you just use ignorance as a defense and as an offensive weapon.
I have no problem with that approach when absolutely necessary but that was not the case here. None of you will ever admit that Biden is an incompetent old fool. you will protect until the death of us all.
None of you will ever admit that PRESIDENT Biden did something to protect the U.S. and get back at the organization that killed 13 Marines in Kabul. You too on Team ISIS?
Early reports say this was not a drone strike but rather a Seal Team type op and the ISIS asshole blew himself up along with his wife and kids.
Trump was far less inherently violent and more concerned with seeking reasonable methods.
The US was no less violent during Trump than before Trump was president.

Trump’s Secret Rules for Drone Strikes and Presidents’ Unchecked License to Kill​

The newly-revealed Trump rules show how far that administration went in casting aside any meaningful constraint on the United States’ use of lethal force abroad.

Trump’s rules are in many ways an unsurprising extension of U.S. government logic and policy justifications for killing couched in legal language. Over now four administrations, the U.S. government has sought to justify an unlawful lethal strikes program that has exacted an appalling toll on Muslim, Brown, and Black civilians in different parts of the world. Now, almost 20 years into the U.S. government’s war-based approach, it’s clear that U.S. legal or policy justifications for this program do not actually demonstrate adherence to domestic or international law, they fundamentally undermine it.
None of you will ever admit that PRESIDENT Biden did something to protect the U.S. and get back at the organization that killed 13 Marines in Kabul. You too on Team ISIS?
They hate Biden so much they have become Muslim terrorist sympathizers.

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