US forces rape victims to have their babies

UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?
Yeah the UN engages in child sex and regular old fashioned human trafficking.

Fuck the UN.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?

They don't give a damn about the born or the unborn. They're too full of hate and you can see it in every one of their posts.

"WE care about kids, because we wanna kill 'em!! People who don't want to kill babies are haters!!!"

Look sweetie, I get you’re an emotional person. I see it in your post. But you just can’t allow your emotions to obscure any rational thought you may be capable of. There is no real science to support being pro life or pro choice. So it comes down to how people rationalize there position.

Here is my rationalization for being pro choice and against RvW-

When I was in the womb, I wasn’t self aware. In fact my spirit (if you believe we all have a spirit, which you seem to) May well have been aborted many times before, but I wouldn’t know, nor would I care. The last thing I want is another unwanted child in this world. I am disgusted at the 1000’s of people who have children and don’t cherish them the way I cherish mine, so why would I want that type of person to bear a child? Throw out RvW and let state jurisdictions decide how they will deal with abortions.

And the moment you have a solution to make sure there is never another unwanted child, let me know.

Your level of awareness has exactly zero to do with your right to live.

Life is not dependent upon "awareness"..and people don't get to judge the *awareness* level of people, and then dispatch them if they aren't *aware* enough.
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?
Yeah the UN engages in child sex and regular old fashioned human trafficking.

Fuck the UN.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?

They don't give a damn about the born or the unborn. They're too full of hate and you can see it in every one of their posts.

"WE care about kids, because we wanna kill 'em!! People who don't want to kill babies are haters!!!"

Look sweetie, I get you’re an emotional person. I see it in your post. But you just can’t allow your emotions to obscure any rational thought you may be capable of. There is no real science to support being pro life or pro choice. So it comes down to how people rationalize there position.

Here is my rationalization for being pro choice and against RvW-

When I was in the womb, I wasn’t self aware. In fact my spirit (if you believe we all have a spirit, which you seem to) May well have been aborted many times before, but I wouldn’t know, nor would I care. The last thing I want is another unwanted child in this world. I am disgusted at the 1000’s of people who have children and don’t cherish them the way I cherish mine, so why would I want that type of person to bear a child? Throw out RvW and let state jurisdictions decide how they will deal with abortions.

And the moment you have a solution to make sure there is never another unwanted child, let me know.

Look, "sweetie", I get that blindly labeling everyone who disagrees with you as "emotional" makes you feel smart. I can see in your posts that it's the only possible way for that to happen. But you just can't allow your desperate ignorance to obscure any scientific fact, even though you aren't capable of understanding it. There is no real science to support being pro-abortion, but there is for being pro-life . . . which is why you have to tell yourself that it's all rationalization. If you ever admit there's real science involved, you'd also have to admit you're the village idiot with nothing to say.

Don't even bother regurgitating the warmed-over talking points you memorized. You have nothing original to say, whatever you tell yourself, and I could make your argument for you better than you could, despite knowing that it's a position only dimwits can really believe.

And the moment you stop sounding like a sociopath, let me know.
Men who go to the mat to defend baby killing, while calling women "sweetie" etc make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.
Men who go to the mat to defend baby killing, while calling women "sweetie" etc make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

That's how you can tell that his only REAL interest in abortion is enabling men to be users.

“Women have been shot, stabbed, bludgeoned, burned and smothered for refusing to exercise their ‘right to choose’ – life, that is. That might help explain why the CDC lists homicide as a leading cause of death during pregnancy.”
Read more at Study: Porn fans may be 'useful allies' of abortion industry - WND - WND
A heartbeat does not indicate the existence of a brain stem or brain. The "heartbeat" crap is just a back-door attempt to outlaw abortion, brought to you by cheap politicians. How can a woman exercise her right to an abortion if she doesn't even know that she is pregnant yet?

This is not "counseling" or some "presentation." This is the GOVERNMENT forcing people to submit to sectarian indoctrination by a cult selected by the government. It's an entire waste of the client's time.

Why do women have to go to these cult centers in person? Don't they have brochures? A website? Being forced by the government to go face-to-face wth cult members is really, really un-American. Is a client able to refuse to give personal information to the cultists? Can she refuse to let herself be touched physically? Can she just tell the cultists to shut up and give her the necessary form?
Get your abortions in New York or Oregon. Nobody will bother you there.

If want someone to feel your pain because a woman has to sit through a counseling session before she terminates the life of an innocent person you are wasting your time.
Question, if the issue discussed in the article is about UN forces why does your title read US forces? Just more of the usual leftist bullshit and subversion I suspect.
I think this idiot is trying to say the U.S. is compelling (forcing) rape victims to bear their children. He is not referring to US armed forces. The article he included makes no reference at all to such a claim, by the way. He is a lying imbecile.
Yeah I know. I was just trying to force a confession.
Okay, Here is what we do. The babies of rape victims are allowed to live. The rape victims are provided with all the social support needed to get through the ordeal. And the rapist is given the choice of castration or death.
Yeah the UN engages in child sex and regular old fashioned human trafficking.

Fuck the UN.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?

They don't give a damn about the born or the unborn. They're too full of hate and you can see it in every one of their posts.

"WE care about kids, because we wanna kill 'em!! People who don't want to kill babies are haters!!!"

Look sweetie, I get you’re an emotional person. I see it in your post. But you just can’t allow your emotions to obscure any rational thought you may be capable of. There is no real science to support being pro life or pro choice. So it comes down to how people rationalize there position.

Here is my rationalization for being pro choice and against RvW-

When I was in the womb, I wasn’t self aware. In fact my spirit (if you believe we all have a spirit, which you seem to) May well have been aborted many times before, but I wouldn’t know, nor would I care. The last thing I want is another unwanted child in this world. I am disgusted at the 1000’s of people who have children and don’t cherish them the way I cherish mine, so why would I want that type of person to bear a child? Throw out RvW and let state jurisdictions decide how they will deal with abortions.

And the moment you have a solution to make sure there is never another unwanted child, let me know.

Look, "sweetie", I get that blindly labeling everyone who disagrees with you as "emotional" makes you feel smart. I can see in your posts that it's the only possible way for that to happen. But you just can't allow your desperate ignorance to obscure any scientific fact, even though you aren't capable of understanding it. There is no real science to support being pro-abortion, but there is for being pro-life . . . which is why you have to tell yourself that it's all rationalization. If you ever admit there's real science involved, you'd also have to admit you're the village idiot with nothing to say.

Don't even bother regurgitating the warmed-over talking points you memorized. You have nothing original to say, whatever you tell yourself, and I could make your argument for you better than you could, despite knowing that it's a position only dimwits can really believe.

And the moment you stop sounding like a sociopath, let me know.

Alright, I can see you can’t detach from your emotions. I have clear image of who you are. Let’s see- you were the “smart” girl who sat at home on weekend nights, you’re definitely over weight, but tell yourself it doesn’t matter because you’re happy, which you’re not. You’re bitter, so in your free time you research and learn new insults to cast at people who don’t share your opinions. You have very few friends if any at all. Very likely a single parent. Oh and you think you have the moral high ground, because you fight for the unborn. I see you have no solution to combat the issue of unwanted children born to people who have no business being around kids, let alone raising them.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?

They don't give a damn about the born or the unborn. They're too full of hate and you can see it in every one of their posts.

"WE care about kids, because we wanna kill 'em!! People who don't want to kill babies are haters!!!"

Look sweetie, I get you’re an emotional person. I see it in your post. But you just can’t allow your emotions to obscure any rational thought you may be capable of. There is no real science to support being pro life or pro choice. So it comes down to how people rationalize there position.

Here is my rationalization for being pro choice and against RvW-

When I was in the womb, I wasn’t self aware. In fact my spirit (if you believe we all have a spirit, which you seem to) May well have been aborted many times before, but I wouldn’t know, nor would I care. The last thing I want is another unwanted child in this world. I am disgusted at the 1000’s of people who have children and don’t cherish them the way I cherish mine, so why would I want that type of person to bear a child? Throw out RvW and let state jurisdictions decide how they will deal with abortions.

And the moment you have a solution to make sure there is never another unwanted child, let me know.

Look, "sweetie", I get that blindly labeling everyone who disagrees with you as "emotional" makes you feel smart. I can see in your posts that it's the only possible way for that to happen. But you just can't allow your desperate ignorance to obscure any scientific fact, even though you aren't capable of understanding it. There is no real science to support being pro-abortion, but there is for being pro-life . . . which is why you have to tell yourself that it's all rationalization. If you ever admit there's real science involved, you'd also have to admit you're the village idiot with nothing to say.

Don't even bother regurgitating the warmed-over talking points you memorized. You have nothing original to say, whatever you tell yourself, and I could make your argument for you better than you could, despite knowing that it's a position only dimwits can really believe.

And the moment you stop sounding like a sociopath, let me know.

Alright, I can see you can’t detach from your emotions. I have clear image of who you are. Let’s see- you were the “smart” girl who sat at home on weekend nights, you’re definitely over weight, but tell yourself it doesn’t matter because you’re happy, which you’re not. You’re bitter, so in your free time you research and learn new insults to cast at people who don’t share your opinions. You have very few friends if any at all. Very likely a single parent. Oh and you think you have the moral high ground, because you fight for the unborn. I see you have no solution to combat the issue of unwanted children born to people who have no business being around kids, let alone raising them.
She may be a crazed and psychopathic Godless wretch but that was harsh mate.

All she wants is for thousands of raped and brutalised young girls to go through the absolute misery of having a daily and physical reminder of their rape until the child is born and then spend the next 50 or so years raising it. Thats not unreasonable.
A heartbeat does not indicate the existence of a brain stem or brain. The "heartbeat" crap is just a back-door attempt to outlaw abortion, brought to you by cheap politicians. How can a woman exercise her right to an abortion if she doesn't even know that she is pregnant yet?

This is not "counseling" or some "presentation." This is the GOVERNMENT forcing people to submit to sectarian indoctrination by a cult selected by the government. It's an entire waste of the client's time.

Why do women have to go to these cult centers in person? Don't they have brochures? A website? Being forced by the government to go face-to-face wth cult members is really, really un-American. Is a client able to refuse to give personal information to the cultists? Can she refuse to let herself be touched physically? Can she just tell the cultists to shut up and give her the necessary form?
Get your abortions in New York or Oregon. Nobody will bother you there.

If want someone to feel your pain because a woman has to sit through a counseling session before she terminates the life of an innocent person you are wasting your time.
The right to choose between taking a pregnancy to term and having an abortion is an individual right, and therefore, not subject to geography. How did you get the idea that every person has the resources necessary to travel to another state and can afford to take the time off from work? A fetus is not a "person," yet; rather a potential person.

A religious indoctrination session is not "counseling." Moreover, some of these "counseling" centers try to pump "clients" for very personal information, including her name and address, the name of the man involved, and sometimes whether she has been baptised, which is nobody's business and the client might not even be Christian. Many of these women do not know that they can refuse to give out any information about themselves. Furthermore, there is no assurance that any information so collected will not reach the government, which has no right to know it.

There also is no indication of where this information will end up. I understand that these places are not covered by patient-privacy laws. And at some of these centers, staff try to touch the person and administer "medical" exams. The client is in a vulnerable situation and might not know that she has every right to tell them to keep their hands off of her, particularly since she is only there because she is compelled by politicians.

The worst disgrace is that state governments are being allowed to force people to attend a sectarian religious lecture as a condition of exercising a civil right. Government has no right to establish a religion and then force people to listen to it. If it does, we have no America left.
Men who go to the mat to defend baby killing, while calling women "sweetie" etc make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

That's how you can tell that his only REAL interest in abortion is enabling men to be users.

So you think that all heterosexual sex involves one partner "using" the other? For the vast majority of heterosexual sex, the sex is consensual, and mostly involves emotions.

You are making heterosexual men out to be just a bunch of cheap sluts and sexual groomers and heterosexual women to be lambs for slaughter. This may be true in your porn world, but Yeesh! Grow up.
The right to choose between taking a pregnancy to term and having an abortion is an individual right, and therefore, not subject to geography. How did you get the idea that every person has the resources necessary to travel to another state and can afford to take the time off from work? A fetus is not a "person," yet; rather a potential person
Your choice, pro choice Spanky.
If you want your abortion but don't want to go through the ordeal of an inhuman process of actually going to a place where the options to killing your child are discussed then get in your car or bus or plane and go to a place where you aren't required to do a thing, you poor, poor victim.

OR you could go down to your abortion mill and sit there for a brief period of time while someone tells you something
while you pretend to care, just like in high school. Or not. Or just bitch about it. I don't care.
If rape is proven then let's provide the woman a taxpayer check of let's say 20 thousand have the child then let the woman give up the child for adoption for an additional amount

Did you know that it's illegal in America to sell a human being?

What you described is very illegal in America and should be illegal all over the world.

Americans don't force people to sell their children.
Men who go to the mat to defend baby killing, while calling women "sweetie" etc make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

That's how you can tell that his only REAL interest in abortion is enabling men to be users.

So you think that all heterosexual sex involves one partner "using" the other? For the vast majority of heterosexual sex, the sex is consensual, and mostly involves emotions.

You are making heterosexual men out to be just a bunch of cheap sluts and sexual groomers and heterosexual women to be lambs for slaughter. This may be true in your porn world, but Yeesh! Grow up.
No, she's making the men who go to the mat for abortion out as cheap sluts.

In reality, they're much worse.

But it's funny that you pick up on that, and yet you ignore the fact that the #1 argument you idiots use for abortion is that if it's not legal and government funded, women will still get the same number of abortions...the implication is that not only are women too stupid to prevent pregnancy, but they are innately criminal as well. Add to that the stated belief that their children are of no worth, and they are so worthless themselves that it is okay to put women's lives at risk for the sole purpose of killing their babies in utero.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?

They don't give a damn about the born or the unborn. They're too full of hate and you can see it in every one of their posts.

"WE care about kids, because we wanna kill 'em!! People who don't want to kill babies are haters!!!"

Look sweetie, I get you’re an emotional person. I see it in your post. But you just can’t allow your emotions to obscure any rational thought you may be capable of. There is no real science to support being pro life or pro choice. So it comes down to how people rationalize there position.

Here is my rationalization for being pro choice and against RvW-

When I was in the womb, I wasn’t self aware. In fact my spirit (if you believe we all have a spirit, which you seem to) May well have been aborted many times before, but I wouldn’t know, nor would I care. The last thing I want is another unwanted child in this world. I am disgusted at the 1000’s of people who have children and don’t cherish them the way I cherish mine, so why would I want that type of person to bear a child? Throw out RvW and let state jurisdictions decide how they will deal with abortions.

And the moment you have a solution to make sure there is never another unwanted child, let me know.

Look, "sweetie", I get that blindly labeling everyone who disagrees with you as "emotional" makes you feel smart. I can see in your posts that it's the only possible way for that to happen. But you just can't allow your desperate ignorance to obscure any scientific fact, even though you aren't capable of understanding it. There is no real science to support being pro-abortion, but there is for being pro-life . . . which is why you have to tell yourself that it's all rationalization. If you ever admit there's real science involved, you'd also have to admit you're the village idiot with nothing to say.

Don't even bother regurgitating the warmed-over talking points you memorized. You have nothing original to say, whatever you tell yourself, and I could make your argument for you better than you could, despite knowing that it's a position only dimwits can really believe.

And the moment you stop sounding like a sociopath, let me know.

Alright, I can see you can’t detach from your emotions. I have clear image of who you are. Let’s see- you were the “smart” girl who sat at home on weekend nights, you’re definitely over weight, but tell yourself it doesn’t matter because you’re happy, which you’re not. You’re bitter, so in your free time you research and learn new insults to cast at people who don’t share your opinions. You have very few friends if any at all. Very likely a single parent. Oh and you think you have the moral high ground, because you fight for the unborn. I see you have no solution to combat the issue of unwanted children born to people who have no business being around kids, let alone raising them.

I just heard, "All right, I can see you're going to insist on thinking for yourself and challenging my assertions, so I'm going to personally insult you in the hope that you've suddenly learned to care about my opinion of you in the last five minutes, even though you've thought of me as a pile of dog shit all this time. Hopefully, I can make you defensive and change the subject so that I don't have to defend my. assumption that my viewpoint is logical and rational."

Your surrender is duly noted, and you are dismissed to slink away with your broken fantasies of being intelligent.
They don't give a damn about the born or the unborn. They're too full of hate and you can see it in every one of their posts.

"WE care about kids, because we wanna kill 'em!! People who don't want to kill babies are haters!!!"

Look sweetie, I get you’re an emotional person. I see it in your post. But you just can’t allow your emotions to obscure any rational thought you may be capable of. There is no real science to support being pro life or pro choice. So it comes down to how people rationalize there position.

Here is my rationalization for being pro choice and against RvW-

When I was in the womb, I wasn’t self aware. In fact my spirit (if you believe we all have a spirit, which you seem to) May well have been aborted many times before, but I wouldn’t know, nor would I care. The last thing I want is another unwanted child in this world. I am disgusted at the 1000’s of people who have children and don’t cherish them the way I cherish mine, so why would I want that type of person to bear a child? Throw out RvW and let state jurisdictions decide how they will deal with abortions.

And the moment you have a solution to make sure there is never another unwanted child, let me know.

Look, "sweetie", I get that blindly labeling everyone who disagrees with you as "emotional" makes you feel smart. I can see in your posts that it's the only possible way for that to happen. But you just can't allow your desperate ignorance to obscure any scientific fact, even though you aren't capable of understanding it. There is no real science to support being pro-abortion, but there is for being pro-life . . . which is why you have to tell yourself that it's all rationalization. If you ever admit there's real science involved, you'd also have to admit you're the village idiot with nothing to say.

Don't even bother regurgitating the warmed-over talking points you memorized. You have nothing original to say, whatever you tell yourself, and I could make your argument for you better than you could, despite knowing that it's a position only dimwits can really believe.

And the moment you stop sounding like a sociopath, let me know.

Alright, I can see you can’t detach from your emotions. I have clear image of who you are. Let’s see- you were the “smart” girl who sat at home on weekend nights, you’re definitely over weight, but tell yourself it doesn’t matter because you’re happy, which you’re not. You’re bitter, so in your free time you research and learn new insults to cast at people who don’t share your opinions. You have very few friends if any at all. Very likely a single parent. Oh and you think you have the moral high ground, because you fight for the unborn. I see you have no solution to combat the issue of unwanted children born to people who have no business being around kids, let alone raising them.
She may be a crazed and psychopathic Godless wretch but that was harsh mate.

All she wants is for thousands of raped and brutalised young girls to go through the absolute misery of having a daily and physical reminder of their rape until the child is born and then spend the next 50 or so years raising it. Thats not unreasonable.

If you and the admitted loser of the argument want to stroke each other, Taint, please do it elsewhere. Your fantasies that wrong is right, up is down, and ignorant evil trash like you are really compassionate heroes add as little to rational discussion as . . . well, everything else you ever say does.
Men who go to the mat to defend baby killing, while calling women "sweetie" etc make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

That's how you can tell that his only REAL interest in abortion is enabling men to be users.

So you think that all heterosexual sex involves one partner "using" the other? For the vast majority of heterosexual sex, the sex is consensual, and mostly involves emotions.

You are making heterosexual men out to be just a bunch of cheap sluts and sexual groomers and heterosexual women to be lambs for slaughter. This may be true in your porn world, but Yeesh! Grow up.

"So you think something you never said, but that I want to project on you? Defend the opinions I assume you have!"

Yeah, go fuck yourself, Lice.
Men who go to the mat to defend baby killing, while calling women "sweetie" etc make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

That's how you can tell that his only REAL interest in abortion is enabling men to be users.

So you think that all heterosexual sex involves one partner "using" the other? For the vast majority of heterosexual sex, the sex is consensual, and mostly involves emotions.

You are making heterosexual men out to be just a bunch of cheap sluts and sexual groomers and heterosexual women to be lambs for slaughter. This may be true in your porn world, but Yeesh! Grow up.
No, she's making the men who go to the mat for abortion out as cheap sluts.

In reality, they're much worse.

But it's funny that you pick up on that, and yet you ignore the fact that the #1 argument you idiots use for abortion is that if it's not legal and government funded, women will still get the same number of abortions...the implication is that not only are women too stupid to prevent pregnancy, but they are innately criminal as well. Add to that the stated belief that their children are of no worth, and they are so worthless themselves that it is okay to put women's lives at risk for the sole purpose of killing their babies in utero.

What do you expect from people whose entire position is based on the assumption that children are unbearable burdens and hindrances, horrible "punishments" with no intrinsic redeeming qualities, to be graciously tolerated and no more if the woman decides to burden herself with them?

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