US forces rape victims to have their babies

UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?
Yeah the UN engages in child sex and regular old fashioned human trafficking.

Fuck the UN.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?
Shut the fuck up, Taint. No, I don't have children trafficked to my door. I know that's what you weirdoes consider as "helping". But nope, I won't do it.
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?
Yeah the UN engages in child sex and regular old fashioned human trafficking.

Fuck the UN.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?

They don't give a damn about the born or the unborn. They're too full of hate and you can see it in every one of their posts.
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?
Yeah the UN engages in child sex and regular old fashioned human trafficking.

Fuck the UN.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?
Shut the fuck up, Taint. No, I don't have children trafficked to my door. I know that's what you weirdoes consider as "helping". But nope, I won't do it.

Thanks for proving my point.
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?
Yeah the UN engages in child sex and regular old fashioned human trafficking.

Fuck the UN.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?
Shut the fuck up, Taint. No, I don't have children trafficked to my door. I know that's what you weirdoes consider as "helping". But nope, I won't do it.

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point wasn't proven. For one thing, if you had a point, you would repeat it so it would be clear.

You people really do lack the mental facility required to engage in any kind of meaningful discussion of things that matter.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?
Fucking liar! You have been dishonest about this issue from your very first sentence. US dilutes UN rape-in-conflict resolution

Show me where the US is stopping anyone from getting an abortion. Such a dishonest prick.
And where is it noted anywhere that the UN itself has a bunch of rape happy savages among it's "peace keeping forces"?
Where is there responsibility to stop compounding war victim's misery?
You talk like you are one of those people who have experienced more sex at closing time with a stranger than an American in a relationship, including marriage. You were a virgin on your wedding night, I presume? I presume that you have desired fatherhood every time you have had sex in your life, including in your marriage?
You act like abortion is not legal in every single state in the union. That's what makes you so fucking ridiculous!
You are simply bizarre!

And it must be kept that way. However, there are all sorts of bills have been passed or have been proposed that are designed to outlaw abortion through trickery and lying. These "heartbeat" bills are designed to outlaw abortion before a person even knows that she is pregnant. Texas imposed regulations on women's clinics for "safety" reasons that did not even cover medical procedures deemed by the legitimate medical community as more risky than abortion.

At least one state (South Dakota, as I remember) passed a law requiring physicians to read a script to their patients that the politicians worded, and then the politicians got pissed because the doctors were telling their patients that the statement that they were reading. Several states prepared "informational" materials for pregnant women that deliberately included false information.At least one state has passed a law requiring women who are planning an abortion to get "counseling" at centers staffed by religious proselytizers.

And you think I'm bizarre. What about this shit?
You talk like you are one of those people who have experienced more sex at closing time with a stranger than an American in a relationship, including marriage. You were a virgin on your wedding night, I presume? I presume that you have desired fatherhood every time you have had sex in your life, including in your marriage?
You act like abortion is not legal in every single state in the union. That's what makes you so fucking ridiculous!
You are simply bizarre!
She's a mentally ill death cultist. Most of us just ignore her.

"Death cultist"? That is hilarious. Be careful or I'll eat your dog with some fava beans and a good chianti, twit.
And it must be kept that way. However, there are all sorts of bills have been passed or have been proposed that are designed to outlaw abortion through trickery and lying. These "heartbeat" bills are designed to outlaw abortion before a person even knows that she is pregnant.

"An unborn baby has a heartbeat as early as near the end of the first month of pregnancy, during week four or week five, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. This is just two to three weeks after conception. By this time, the heart is actually pumping blood with a steady rhythm."
Some women never realize they are pregnant until the child drops one day from the uterus. Should a woman get to abort at that point, because she was too dumb to somehow know of her pregnancy before a child dropped into the toilet bowl one day?

Short of that I would say go to a state without such a law if you are totally unaware of the human being growing inside of you.

Texas imposed regulations on women's clinics for "safety" reasons that did not even cover medical procedures deemed by the legitimate medical community as more risky than abortion.
Try submitting facts instead of your anecdotal blather.

At least one state (South Dakota, as I remember) passed a law requiring physicians to read a script to their patients that the politicians worded, and then the politicians got pissed because the doctors were telling their patients that the statement that they were reading. Several states prepared "informational" materials for pregnant women that deliberately included false information.At least one state has passed a law requiring women who are planning an abortion to get "counseling" at centers staffed by religious proselytizers.
Oh, you make me cry because someone has to go sit through some counseling. I wish I had a dime for every time I had to sit through some presentation I didn't to be at.

Anyway, again, it's all anecdotal crap!
And ironically, I don't think any of your whining compares to the inconvenience someone experiences when they have their life ended before it ever really started. Cry me a fucking river!

And you think I'm bizarre.
Yes. And devoid of a soul.
What about this shit?
What about it?
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You talk like you are one of those people who have experienced more sex at closing time with a stranger than an American in a relationship, including marriage. You were a virgin on your wedding night, I presume? I presume that you have desired fatherhood every time you have had sex in your life, including in your marriage?
You act like abortion is not legal in every single state in the union. That's what makes you so fucking ridiculous!
You are simply bizarre!
She's a mentally ill death cultist. Most of us just ignore her.

"Death cultist"? That is hilarious. Be careful or I'll eat your dog with some fava beans and a good chianti, twit.
Death cultists worship dogs.
Question, if the issue discussed in the article is about UN forces why does your title read US forces? Just more of the usual leftist bullshit and subversion I suspect.
I think this idiot is trying to say the U.S. is compelling (forcing) rape victims to bear their children. He is not referring to US armed forces. The article he included makes no reference at all to such a claim, by the way. He is a lying imbecile.
None of you has ever, ever answered my question coherently. Raise them yourself? Orphanages? Kill them yourself? You simply haven't got a clue, do you. You people want to force women to give birth, so what happens afterward? Get something cogent together, please.

Tell pigpence and abbot and the rest of the morons that they are going to have to commit to a lot of floor-walking, diaper-changing, potty-trainingt and all the rest of it up until age 18. We won't even talk about college. Do you think that a slave woman is going to do this all for you?
Better for the human being that was born (somehow) to wind up being adopted instead of being chopped up and parceled out to medical suppliers to be sold off by the piece.

If you had a single ounce of humanity in you I'm sure you'd see the point but it doesn't seem you do.
You are a ghoul.
None of you has ever, ever answered my question coherently. Raise them yourself? Orphanages? Kill them yourself? You simply haven't got a clue, do you. You people want to force women to give birth, so what happens afterward? Get something cogent together, please.

Tell pigpence and abbot and the rest of the morons that they are going to have to commit to a lot of floor-walking, diaper-changing, potty-trainingt and all the rest of it up until age 18. We won't even talk about college. Do you think that a slave woman is going to do this all for you?
Better for the human being that was born (somehow) to wind up being adopted instead of being chopped up and parceled out to medical suppliers to be sold off by the piece.

If you had a single ounce of humanity in you I'm sure you'd see the point but it doesn't seem you do.
You are a ghoul.

And you are damned sick excuse for a "human being." You assholes can't even distinguish between a zygote, a fetus, and an infant. Your fairy tales make no sense.

And how about some compensation for the enslaved woman? Lost wages, pain and suffering, exposure to unnecessary risk, perhaps?

No matter how "damned sick" we are, WE still aren't trying to demonize helpless infants and make a virtue out of turning them into sacks of biological waste. So you'll excuse us if we think we can bear up under the disrespect of someone we wouldn't wipe our shoes on.
And it must be kept that way. However, there are all sorts of bills have been passed or have been proposed that are designed to outlaw abortion through trickery and lying. These "heartbeat" bills are designed to outlaw abortion before a person even knows that she is pregnant.

"An unborn baby has a heartbeat as early as near the end of the first month of pregnancy, during week four or week five, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. This is just two to three weeks after conception. By this time, the heart is actually pumping blood with a steady rhythm."
Some women never realize they are pregnant until the child drops one day from the uterus. Should a woman get to abort at that point, because she was too dumb to somehow know of her pregnancy before a child dropped into the toilet bowl one day?

Short of that I would say go to a state without such a law if you are totally unaware of the human being growing inside of you.

Texas imposed regulations on women's clinics for "safety" reasons that did not even cover medical procedures deemed by the legitimate medical community as more risky than abortion.
Try submitting facts instead of your anecdotal blather.

At least one state (South Dakota, as I remember) passed a law requiring physicians to read a script to their patients that the politicians worded, and then the politicians got pissed because the doctors were telling their patients that the statement that they were reading. Several states prepared "informational" materials for pregnant women that deliberately included false information.At least one state has passed a law requiring women who are planning an abortion to get "counseling" at centers staffed by religious proselytizers.
Oh, you make me cry because someone has to go sit through some counseling. I wish I had a dime for every time I had to sit through some presentation I didn't to be at.

Anyway, again, it's all anecdotal crap!
And ironically, I don't think any of your whining compares to the inconvenience someone experiences when they have their life ended before it ever really started. Cry me a fucking river!

And you think I'm bizarre.
Yes. And devoid of a soul.
What about this shit?
What about it?
A heartbeat does not indicate the existence of a brain stem or brain. The "heartbeat" crap is just a back-door attempt to outlaw abortion, brought to you by cheap politicians. How can a woman exercise her right to an abortion if she doesn't even know that she is pregnant yet?

This is not "counseling" or some "presentation." This is the GOVERNMENT forcing people to submit to sectarian indoctrination by a cult selected by the government. It's an entire waste of the client's time.

Why do women have to go to these cult centers in person? Don't they have brochures? A website? Being forced by the government to go face-to-face wth cult members is really, really un-American. Is a client able to refuse to give personal information to the cultists? Can she refuse to let herself be touched physically? Can she just tell the cultists to shut up and give her the necessary form?
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?
Yeah the UN engages in child sex and regular old fashioned human trafficking.

Fuck the UN.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?

So . . . do you advocate going through orphanages with an Uzi, out of "compassion"? Better off dead, are they?
other than the protection of the right to life,,,,

Fifth Amendment to the Constitution…

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

And where in the Constitution does it declare a 3 month old fetus as a person. This country does not count the unborn. When do you celebrate your birthday? At conception? First trimester, second? No. The day you begin to breath air is the day you are recognized as a person. I am opposed to any abortion past 3 months except perhaps in very extenuating circumstances. I don’t believe a 3 month old fetus is a human being with all the rights, thoughts, feelings, or emotions as a precious new born baby. If a woman has a miscarriage, it Has no effect on the earths population.

Really? Now we think it's the job of the Constitution to establish word definitions and scientific facts? And we apparently think scientific fact is ALSO determined by votes and laws and birthday celebrations and whatever other weird arbitrary excuses you want to apply. Oh, and then the treasured argument of pro-aborts, "Well, unborn babies die on their own, so that makes it okay to kill them."

What is the difference between a fetus and a baby? You religious zealots apparently think a fetus dies in a miscarriage, and a baby is a a grain of rice aborted.

One is a medical term; the other is not.

You infanticide zealots apparently think if you try to deflect off onto miscarriages, it will somehow convey both reason and humanity to you, neither of which you actually possess.

For the record, "But . . . MISCARRIAGES!" is nothing more than a complete admission of defeat on your part.

Infanticide? I am not advocating killing infants. Check your terminology, and while you’re at it check your emotions. You’re a hysterical reck.
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?
Yeah the UN engages in child sex and regular old fashioned human trafficking.

Fuck the UN.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?

They don't give a damn about the born or the unborn. They're too full of hate and you can see it in every one of their posts.

"WE care about kids, because we wanna kill 'em!! People who don't want to kill babies are haters!!!"
And it must be kept that way. However, there are all sorts of bills have been passed or have been proposed that are designed to outlaw abortion through trickery and lying. These "heartbeat" bills are designed to outlaw abortion before a person even knows that she is pregnant.

"An unborn baby has a heartbeat as early as near the end of the first month of pregnancy, during week four or week five, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. This is just two to three weeks after conception. By this time, the heart is actually pumping blood with a steady rhythm."
Some women never realize they are pregnant until the child drops one day from the uterus. Should a woman get to abort at that point, because she was too dumb to somehow know of her pregnancy before a child dropped into the toilet bowl one day?

Short of that I would say go to a state without such a law if you are totally unaware of the human being growing inside of you.

Texas imposed regulations on women's clinics for "safety" reasons that did not even cover medical procedures deemed by the legitimate medical community as more risky than abortion.
Try submitting facts instead of your anecdotal blather.

At least one state (South Dakota, as I remember) passed a law requiring physicians to read a script to their patients that the politicians worded, and then the politicians got pissed because the doctors were telling their patients that the statement that they were reading. Several states prepared "informational" materials for pregnant women that deliberately included false information.At least one state has passed a law requiring women who are planning an abortion to get "counseling" at centers staffed by religious proselytizers.
Oh, you make me cry because someone has to go sit through some counseling. I wish I had a dime for every time I had to sit through some presentation I didn't to be at.

Anyway, again, it's all anecdotal crap!
And ironically, I don't think any of your whining compares to the inconvenience someone experiences when they have their life ended before it ever really started. Cry me a fucking river!

And you think I'm bizarre.
Yes. And devoid of a soul.
What about this shit?
What about it?
A heartbeat does not indicate the existence of a brain stem or brain. The "heartbeat" crap is just a back-door attempt to outlaw abortion, brought to you by cheap politicians. How can a woman exercise her right to an abortion if she doesn't even know that she is pregnant yet?

This is not "counseling" or some "presentation." This is the GOVERNMENT forcing people to submit to sectarian indoctrination by a cult selected by the government. It's an entire waste of the client's time.

Why do women have to go to these cult centers in person? Don't they have brochures? A website? Being forced by the government to go face-to-face wth cult members is really, really un-American. Is a client able to refuse to give personal information to the cultists? Can she refuse to let herself be touched physically? Can she just tell the cultists to shut up and give her the necessary form?

Lice is right about this. A beating heart does not indicate a functioning brain stem. After all, just look at her and her infanticide comrades.
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?
Yeah the UN engages in child sex and regular old fashioned human trafficking.

Fuck the UN.
SO will you be taking in many of these kids you want to force people to have ?

They don't give a damn about the born or the unborn. They're too full of hate and you can see it in every one of their posts.

"WE care about kids, because we wanna kill 'em!! People who don't want to kill babies are haters!!!"

Look sweetie, I get you’re an emotional person. I see it in your post. But you just can’t allow your emotions to obscure any rational thought you may be capable of. There is no real science to support being pro life or pro choice. So it comes down to how people rationalize there position.

Here is my rationalization for being pro choice and against RvW-

When I was in the womb, I wasn’t self aware. In fact my spirit (if you believe we all have a spirit, which you seem to) May well have been aborted many times before, but I wouldn’t know, nor would I care. The last thing I want is another unwanted child in this world. I am disgusted at the 1000’s of people who have children and don’t cherish them the way I cherish mine, so why would I want that type of person to bear a child? Throw out RvW and let state jurisdictions decide how they will deal with abortions.

And the moment you have a solution to make sure there is never another unwanted child, let me know.
Fifth Amendment to the Constitution…

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

And where in the Constitution does it declare a 3 month old fetus as a person. This country does not count the unborn. When do you celebrate your birthday? At conception? First trimester, second? No. The day you begin to breath air is the day you are recognized as a person. I am opposed to any abortion past 3 months except perhaps in very extenuating circumstances. I don’t believe a 3 month old fetus is a human being with all the rights, thoughts, feelings, or emotions as a precious new born baby. If a woman has a miscarriage, it Has no effect on the earths population.

Really? Now we think it's the job of the Constitution to establish word definitions and scientific facts? And we apparently think scientific fact is ALSO determined by votes and laws and birthday celebrations and whatever other weird arbitrary excuses you want to apply. Oh, and then the treasured argument of pro-aborts, "Well, unborn babies die on their own, so that makes it okay to kill them."

What is the difference between a fetus and a baby? You religious zealots apparently think a fetus dies in a miscarriage, and a baby is a a grain of rice aborted.

One is a medical term; the other is not.

You infanticide zealots apparently think if you try to deflect off onto miscarriages, it will somehow convey both reason and humanity to you, neither of which you actually possess.

For the record, "But . . . MISCARRIAGES!" is nothing more than a complete admission of defeat on your part.

Infanticide? I am not advocating killing infants. Check your terminology, and while you’re at it check your emotions. You’re a hysterical reck.

"I'm not advocating killing infants, because LOOK AT THE WORD I'M USING!!! Different word means different thing, RIGHT?!"

Check your brains, because I think they leaked out while you weren't looking. You're an intellectual "reck". :auiqs.jpg:

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