US forces rape victims to have their babies

UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?

Wait, you're just fucking lying? :eek:

Wow, even for a Muzzie Beast you are really a reprehensible pile of shit. Seriously Ahmed, there is absolutely no redeeming qualities to you. You're a virus, a plague. The world will be a better place when shed of you, the sooner the better.

Accusing US Service men of rape when it's really just about your lust to slaughter babies.

Seriously, the day you die the world will be a better place.
Because American soldiers have never raped anyone you fucking clown.
You're the fucking clown. Retarded Brit.
US soldiers raped Okinawan women during the Battle of Okinawa in 1945.[99]

Okinawan historian and former director of the Okinawa Prefectural Historical Archives Oshiro Masayasu writes based on several years of research:

Soon after the US Marines landed, all the women of a village on Motobu Peninsula fell into the hands of US soldiers. At the time, there were only women, children and old people in the village, as all the young men had been mobilized for the war. Soon after landing, the Marines "mopped up" the entire village, but found no signs of Japanese forces. Taking advantage of the situation, they started "hunting for women" in broad daylight and those who were hiding in the village or nearby air raid shelters were dragged out one after another.[100]
There were also 1,336 reported rapes during the first 10 days of the occupation of Kanagawa prefecture after the Japanese surrender.[99]

According to interviews carried out by The New York Times and published by them in 2000, multiple elderly people from an Okinawan village confessed that after the United States had won the Battle of Okinawa three armed marines kept coming to the village every week to force the villagers to gather all the local women, who were then carried off into the hills and raped. The article goes deeper into the matter and claims that the villagers' tale - true or not - is part of a 'dark, long-kept secret' the unraveling of which 'refocused attention on what historians say is one of the most widely ignored crimes of the war': "the widespread rape of Okinawan women by American servicemen".[101] Although Japanese reports of rape were largely ignored at the time, academic estimates have been that as many as 10,000 Okinawan women may have been raped. It has been claimed that the rape was so prevalent that most Okinawans over age 65 around the year 2000 either knew or had heard of a woman who was raped in the aftermath of the war. Military officials denied the mass rapings, and all surviving veterans refused The New York Times' request for an interview.[102]

Professor of East Asian Studies and expert on Okinawa Steve Rabson said: "I have read many accounts of such rapes in Okinawan newspapers and books, but few people know about them or are willing to talk about them". Books, diaries, articles and other documents refer to rapes by American soldiers of various races and backgrounds. Samuel Saxton, a retired captain, explained that the American veterans and witnesses may have believed: "It would be unfair for the public to get the impression that we were all a bunch of rapists after we worked so hard to serve our country". Masaie Ishihara, a sociology professor, supports this: "There is a lot of historical amnesia out there, many people don't want to acknowledge what really happened".[102]

An explanation given for why the US military has no record of any rapes is that few - if any - Okinawan women reported abuse, mostly out of fear and embarrassment. Those who did report them are believed by historians to have been ignored by the US military police. A large scale effort to determine the extent of such crimes has also never been called for. Over five decades after the war has ended the women who were believed to have been raped still refused to give a public statement, with friends, local historians and university professors who had spoken with the women instead saying they preferred not to discuss it publicly. According to a Nago, Okinawanpolice spokesman: "Victimized women feel too ashamed to make it public".[102]

In his book "Tennozan: The Battle of Okinawa and the Atomic Bomb", George Feifer noted that by 1946 there had been fewer than 10 reported cases of rape in Okinawa. He explains that it was: "partly because of shame and disgrace, partly because Americans were victors and occupiers". Feifer claimed: "In all there were probably thousands of incidents, but the victims' silence kept rape another dirty secret of the campaign."[103] Many people wondered why it never came to light after the inevitable American-Japanese babies the many women must have had. In interviews, historians and Okinawan elders said that some Okinawan women who were raped did give birth to biracial children, but that many of them were immediately killed or left behind out of shame, disgust or fearful trauma. More often, however, rape victims underwent crude abortions with the help of village midwives.[102]
Allied war crimes during World War II - Wikipedia

There are plenty of other stories as well.
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?

Wait, you're just fucking lying? :eek:

Wow, even for a Muzzie Beast you are really a reprehensible pile of shit. Seriously Ahmed, there is absolutely no redeeming qualities to you. You're a virus, a plague. The world will be a better place when shed of you, the sooner the better.

Accusing US Service men of rape when it's really just about your lust to slaughter babies.

Seriously, the day you die the world will be a better place.
Because American soldiers have never raped anyone you fucking clown.
You're the fucking clown. Retarded Brit.
US soldiers raped Okinawan women during the Battle of Okinawa in 1945.[99]

Okinawan historian and former director of the Okinawa Prefectural Historical Archives Oshiro Masayasu writes based on several years of research:

Soon after the US Marines landed, all the women of a village on Motobu Peninsula fell into the hands of US soldiers. At the time, there were only women, children and old people in the village, as all the young men had been mobilized for the war. Soon after landing, the Marines "mopped up" the entire village, but found no signs of Japanese forces. Taking advantage of the situation, they started "hunting for women" in broad daylight and those who were hiding in the village or nearby air raid shelters were dragged out one after another.[100]
There were also 1,336 reported rapes during the first 10 days of the occupation of Kanagawa prefecture after the Japanese surrender.[99]

According to interviews carried out by The New York Times and published by them in 2000, multiple elderly people from an Okinawan village confessed that after the United States had won the Battle of Okinawa three armed marines kept coming to the village every week to force the villagers to gather all the local women, who were then carried off into the hills and raped. The article goes deeper into the matter and claims that the villagers' tale - true or not - is part of a 'dark, long-kept secret' the unraveling of which 'refocused attention on what historians say is one of the most widely ignored crimes of the war': "the widespread rape of Okinawan women by American servicemen".[101] Although Japanese reports of rape were largely ignored at the time, academic estimates have been that as many as 10,000 Okinawan women may have been raped. It has been claimed that the rape was so prevalent that most Okinawans over age 65 around the year 2000 either knew or had heard of a woman who was raped in the aftermath of the war. Military officials denied the mass rapings, and all surviving veterans refused The New York Times' request for an interview.[102]

Professor of East Asian Studies and expert on Okinawa Steve Rabson said: "I have read many accounts of such rapes in Okinawan newspapers and books, but few people know about them or are willing to talk about them". Books, diaries, articles and other documents refer to rapes by American soldiers of various races and backgrounds. Samuel Saxton, a retired captain, explained that the American veterans and witnesses may have believed: "It would be unfair for the public to get the impression that we were all a bunch of rapists after we worked so hard to serve our country". Masaie Ishihara, a sociology professor, supports this: "There is a lot of historical amnesia out there, many people don't want to acknowledge what really happened".[102]

An explanation given for why the US military has no record of any rapes is that few - if any - Okinawan women reported abuse, mostly out of fear and embarrassment. Those who did report them are believed by historians to have been ignored by the US military police. A large scale effort to determine the extent of such crimes has also never been called for. Over five decades after the war has ended the women who were believed to have been raped still refused to give a public statement, with friends, local historians and university professors who had spoken with the women instead saying they preferred not to discuss it publicly. According to a Nago, Okinawanpolice spokesman: "Victimized women feel too ashamed to make it public".[102]

In his book "Tennozan: The Battle of Okinawa and the Atomic Bomb", George Feifer noted that by 1946 there had been fewer than 10 reported cases of rape in Okinawa. He explains that it was: "partly because of shame and disgrace, partly because Americans were victors and occupiers". Feifer claimed: "In all there were probably thousands of incidents, but the victims' silence kept rape another dirty secret of the campaign."[103] Many people wondered why it never came to light after the inevitable American-Japanese babies the many women must have had. In interviews, historians and Okinawan elders said that some Okinawan women who were raped did give birth to biracial children, but that many of them were immediately killed or left behind out of shame, disgust or fearful trauma. More often, however, rape victims underwent crude abortions with the help of village midwives.[102]
Allied war crimes during World War II - Wikipedia

There are plenty of other stories as well.

But the British military never, ever did anything wrong--nope. Well not the men of Wales at any rate. They were too busy throwing random letters up on a wall to make whatever words they have say whatever they say.
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?

Wait, you're just fucking lying? :eek:

Wow, even for a Muzzie Beast you are really a reprehensible pile of shit. Seriously Ahmed, there is absolutely no redeeming qualities to you. You're a virus, a plague. The world will be a better place when shed of you, the sooner the better.

Accusing US Service men of rape when it's really just about your lust to slaughter babies.

Seriously, the day you die the world will be a better place.
Because American soldiers have never raped anyone you fucking clown.
You're the fucking clown. Retarded Brit.
US soldiers raped Okinawan women during the Battle of Okinawa in 1945.[99]

Okinawan historian and former director of the Okinawa Prefectural Historical Archives Oshiro Masayasu writes based on several years of research:

Soon after the US Marines landed, all the women of a village on Motobu Peninsula fell into the hands of US soldiers. At the time, there were only women, children and old people in the village, as all the young men had been mobilized for the war. Soon after landing, the Marines "mopped up" the entire village, but found no signs of Japanese forces. Taking advantage of the situation, they started "hunting for women" in broad daylight and those who were hiding in the village or nearby air raid shelters were dragged out one after another.[100]
There were also 1,336 reported rapes during the first 10 days of the occupation of Kanagawa prefecture after the Japanese surrender.[99]

According to interviews carried out by The New York Times and published by them in 2000, multiple elderly people from an Okinawan village confessed that after the United States had won the Battle of Okinawa three armed marines kept coming to the village every week to force the villagers to gather all the local women, who were then carried off into the hills and raped. The article goes deeper into the matter and claims that the villagers' tale - true or not - is part of a 'dark, long-kept secret' the unraveling of which 'refocused attention on what historians say is one of the most widely ignored crimes of the war': "the widespread rape of Okinawan women by American servicemen".[101] Although Japanese reports of rape were largely ignored at the time, academic estimates have been that as many as 10,000 Okinawan women may have been raped. It has been claimed that the rape was so prevalent that most Okinawans over age 65 around the year 2000 either knew or had heard of a woman who was raped in the aftermath of the war. Military officials denied the mass rapings, and all surviving veterans refused The New York Times' request for an interview.[102]

Professor of East Asian Studies and expert on Okinawa Steve Rabson said: "I have read many accounts of such rapes in Okinawan newspapers and books, but few people know about them or are willing to talk about them". Books, diaries, articles and other documents refer to rapes by American soldiers of various races and backgrounds. Samuel Saxton, a retired captain, explained that the American veterans and witnesses may have believed: "It would be unfair for the public to get the impression that we were all a bunch of rapists after we worked so hard to serve our country". Masaie Ishihara, a sociology professor, supports this: "There is a lot of historical amnesia out there, many people don't want to acknowledge what really happened".[102]

An explanation given for why the US military has no record of any rapes is that few - if any - Okinawan women reported abuse, mostly out of fear and embarrassment. Those who did report them are believed by historians to have been ignored by the US military police. A large scale effort to determine the extent of such crimes has also never been called for. Over five decades after the war has ended the women who were believed to have been raped still refused to give a public statement, with friends, local historians and university professors who had spoken with the women instead saying they preferred not to discuss it publicly. According to a Nago, Okinawanpolice spokesman: "Victimized women feel too ashamed to make it public".[102]

In his book "Tennozan: The Battle of Okinawa and the Atomic Bomb", George Feifer noted that by 1946 there had been fewer than 10 reported cases of rape in Okinawa. He explains that it was: "partly because of shame and disgrace, partly because Americans were victors and occupiers". Feifer claimed: "In all there were probably thousands of incidents, but the victims' silence kept rape another dirty secret of the campaign."[103] Many people wondered why it never came to light after the inevitable American-Japanese babies the many women must have had. In interviews, historians and Okinawan elders said that some Okinawan women who were raped did give birth to biracial children, but that many of them were immediately killed or left behind out of shame, disgust or fearful trauma. More often, however, rape victims underwent crude abortions with the help of village midwives.[102]
Allied war crimes during World War II - Wikipedia

There are plenty of other stories as well.

But the British military never, ever did anything wrong--nope. Well not the men of Wales at any rate. They were too busy throwing random letters up on a wall to make whatever words they have say whatever they say.
I was responding to an idiot by giving proof. The British army committed many crimes, all armies do.
I was responding to an idiot by giving proof. The British army committed many crimes, all armies do.

If anyone needed a cause to despair about humanity, this thread could serve as a reminder of the reasons for that.

There is a most scurrilous aspect to it, since some still cannot properly understand the thread title, for they seem to understand you allege that U.S. forces are raping women for them to have babies. Hence they engage in the usual whataboutery, pointing to others who allegedly do the (real?) raping.
I was responding to an idiot by giving proof. The British army committed many crimes, all armies do.

If anyone needed a cause to despair about humanity, this thread could serve as a reminder of the reasons for that.

There is a most scurrilous aspect to it, since some still cannot properly understand the thread title, for they seem to understand you allege that U.S. forces are raping women for them to have babies. Hence they engage in the usual whataboutery, pointing to others who allegedly do the (real?) raping.
It shocks me,but shouldnt, that anyone would see this action as anything but wicked. I suppose that trump is in campaign mode and these traumatised women, and young girls , can go and reflect on Gods will. Utterly disgraceful.
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?

I'm surprised that you actually believe this.

The Guardian is way-Left, and can be expected to toe the line on abortion 24-7 for any reason and/or excuse.

The rape and incest argument is, largely, a chimera, useful to the Left.

Nearly every for the purpose of 'convenience.'

. Let's deal with the so very overused idea of "cases of rape or incest."
The concept that there are "cases of rape or incest" is a chimera.
They really don't exist.....well, the fact is that 98.5% of abortion don't involve either abhorrent event.

The cases in which abortion is for rape, 1%; and .5% incest.

4. about when a pregnant woman's life is endangered? In just 12% of the cases were there 'concerns' for the mother’s health, according to reports. (Ibid.)

The problem here is that there is no objective criterion for "the mother's health." Anyone who can prevail on her doctor to write a note including the word "health" can get in under that clause.
I'm bettin' that the 12% figure is rally more like that of rape or incest.

a. The late Dr. James McMahon performed thousands of partial-birth abortions, and five women he had performed third-trimester abortions on appeared with President Clinton at his April 10, 1996, veto ceremony.

In June, 1995, Dr. McMahon submitted to Congress a detailed breakdown of a “series” of over 2,000 of these abortions that he had performed. He classified only 9% (175 cases) as involving “maternal [health] indications,” of which the most common was “depression.” Hillary Supports Restrictions on Abortion at 'the Very End of 3rd Trimester' (Video)

Simply put, nearly every abortion is a murder of a separate and distinct human being.
Wait, you're just fucking lying? :eek:

Wow, even for a Muzzie Beast you are really a reprehensible pile of shit. Seriously Ahmed, there is absolutely no redeeming qualities to you. You're a virus, a plague. The world will be a better place when shed of you, the sooner the better.

Accusing US Service men of rape when it's really just about your lust to slaughter babies.

Seriously, the day you die the world will be a better place.
Because American soldiers have never raped anyone you fucking clown.
You're the fucking clown. Retarded Brit.
US soldiers raped Okinawan women during the Battle of Okinawa in 1945.[99]

Okinawan historian and former director of the Okinawa Prefectural Historical Archives Oshiro Masayasu writes based on several years of research:

Soon after the US Marines landed, all the women of a village on Motobu Peninsula fell into the hands of US soldiers. At the time, there were only women, children and old people in the village, as all the young men had been mobilized for the war. Soon after landing, the Marines "mopped up" the entire village, but found no signs of Japanese forces. Taking advantage of the situation, they started "hunting for women" in broad daylight and those who were hiding in the village or nearby air raid shelters were dragged out one after another.[100]
There were also 1,336 reported rapes during the first 10 days of the occupation of Kanagawa prefecture after the Japanese surrender.[99]

According to interviews carried out by The New York Times and published by them in 2000, multiple elderly people from an Okinawan village confessed that after the United States had won the Battle of Okinawa three armed marines kept coming to the village every week to force the villagers to gather all the local women, who were then carried off into the hills and raped. The article goes deeper into the matter and claims that the villagers' tale - true or not - is part of a 'dark, long-kept secret' the unraveling of which 'refocused attention on what historians say is one of the most widely ignored crimes of the war': "the widespread rape of Okinawan women by American servicemen".[101] Although Japanese reports of rape were largely ignored at the time, academic estimates have been that as many as 10,000 Okinawan women may have been raped. It has been claimed that the rape was so prevalent that most Okinawans over age 65 around the year 2000 either knew or had heard of a woman who was raped in the aftermath of the war. Military officials denied the mass rapings, and all surviving veterans refused The New York Times' request for an interview.[102]

Professor of East Asian Studies and expert on Okinawa Steve Rabson said: "I have read many accounts of such rapes in Okinawan newspapers and books, but few people know about them or are willing to talk about them". Books, diaries, articles and other documents refer to rapes by American soldiers of various races and backgrounds. Samuel Saxton, a retired captain, explained that the American veterans and witnesses may have believed: "It would be unfair for the public to get the impression that we were all a bunch of rapists after we worked so hard to serve our country". Masaie Ishihara, a sociology professor, supports this: "There is a lot of historical amnesia out there, many people don't want to acknowledge what really happened".[102]

An explanation given for why the US military has no record of any rapes is that few - if any - Okinawan women reported abuse, mostly out of fear and embarrassment. Those who did report them are believed by historians to have been ignored by the US military police. A large scale effort to determine the extent of such crimes has also never been called for. Over five decades after the war has ended the women who were believed to have been raped still refused to give a public statement, with friends, local historians and university professors who had spoken with the women instead saying they preferred not to discuss it publicly. According to a Nago, Okinawanpolice spokesman: "Victimized women feel too ashamed to make it public".[102]

In his book "Tennozan: The Battle of Okinawa and the Atomic Bomb", George Feifer noted that by 1946 there had been fewer than 10 reported cases of rape in Okinawa. He explains that it was: "partly because of shame and disgrace, partly because Americans were victors and occupiers". Feifer claimed: "In all there were probably thousands of incidents, but the victims' silence kept rape another dirty secret of the campaign."[103] Many people wondered why it never came to light after the inevitable American-Japanese babies the many women must have had. In interviews, historians and Okinawan elders said that some Okinawan women who were raped did give birth to biracial children, but that many of them were immediately killed or left behind out of shame, disgust or fearful trauma. More often, however, rape victims underwent crude abortions with the help of village midwives.[102]
Allied war crimes during World War II - Wikipedia

There are plenty of other stories as well.

But the British military never, ever did anything wrong--nope. Well not the men of Wales at any rate. They were too busy throwing random letters up on a wall to make whatever words they have say whatever they say.
I was responding to an idiot by giving proof. The British army committed many crimes, all armies do.


Armies operate on orders. If individual soldiers do things that are contrary to orders then they are not acting on behalf of that army and are in fact criminals.

So, as a liar for the Djin Allah, can you produce the orders instructing the U.S. army to rape women?


Of course not, you're a fucking maggot, a virus.

The world will be a far better place once you are gone from it. No doubt people in real life tell you the same on a regular basis.
It shocks me,but shouldnt, that anyone would see this action as anything but wicked. I suppose that trump is in campaign mode and these traumatised women, and young girls , can go and reflect on Gods will. Utterly disgraceful.
Tommy, one of the lefts most revered institutions just committed such a heinous act that you feel the need to protect it by pretending it was someone who despises this organization because it is capable of such inhumanity...the UN just proved that it is what its detractors have claimed all along...evil
The pro aborts are just hypocrites. The children of Jaycee Dugard and Amanda Berry were conceived in violent rape. They are still alive and still forced to be with the victims of thst rape.
They were also forced to have those children. Abortion was never an option for them.
What does "reproductive health care" have to do with rape?

Zero because rape is rape and a man can STILL rape if he uses a condom, so Reproductive Health Care ie. access to contraception has ZERO to do with rape.
What rapist is going to use a condom when they rape?
Not that I’m an expert. But using a condom just doesn’t seem to make any sense.

Scuse me while I put this on?

Ever heard of DNA? A rapist who doesn't want to get caught will use one.
Tommy Tainant you have yet to prove your allegations that the United States forces rape victims to have their babies. Why not?
I believed that you could all read the article.

The agreed-upon resolution was a sliver of what the Germans had put forward earlier this month. The zero draft included progressive text on strengthening laws to protect and support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who could be targeted during conflict.

It also made specific mention of the need for women to have access to safe terminations.

I suppose that, technically, they could find an old crone with knitting needles and a bottle of gin but it is a disgrace. Why are victims in the Sudan worth less than a victim in the US. Why did trump oppose this ?
If rape is proven then let's provide the woman a taxpayer check of let's say 20 thousand have the child then let the woman give up the child for adoption for an additional amount
Why did trump oppose this ?

Did you not read the replies on here, Tommy? They are the target audience for Trump's move. They are perfectly fine, pursuant their fetus fetish, for the woman's trauma to be amplified every day of her forced pregnancy. They are perfectly fine the woman's agenda, already violated by the rapist, to be violated again by being forced to bear the rapist's child. They are perfectly fine with the child being born, and its face reminding her of her rapist again. And again. And again. They are perfectly fine with what the forced mother's ambiguity may do to that child. They. Just. Don't. Care. They don't even care enough to think about it in any way or form - all that counts is that fetus fetish. That's who they really are, bigots, bereft of empathy, and therefore Trump's natural "base". He needs them to win, to stay out of jail for a few more years, and that's why rape victims (a.k.a. "some drunk slut") need to suffer, the fetus fetish worshipped.
Tommy Tainant you have yet to prove your allegations that the United States forces rape victims to have their babies. Why not?
I believed that you could all read the article.

The agreed-upon resolution was a sliver of what the Germans had put forward earlier this month. The zero draft included progressive text on strengthening laws to protect and support lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who could be targeted during conflict.

It also made specific mention of the need for women to have access to safe terminations.

I suppose that, technically, they could find an old crone with knitting needles and a bottle of gin but it is a disgrace. Why are victims in the Sudan worth less than a victim in the US. Why did trump oppose this ?

Who has the United States stopped from having an abortion under the condition of rape? You have nothing but a resolution, not a law, a resolution, now again who has the United States stopped.
Why did trump oppose this ?

Did you not read the replies on here, Tommy? They are the target audience for Trump's move. They are perfectly fine, pursuant their fetus fetish, for the woman's trauma to be amplified every day of her forced pregnancy. They are perfectly fine the woman's agenda, already violated by the rapist, to be violated again by being forced to bear the rapist's child. They are perfectly fine with the child being born, and its face reminding her of her rapist again. And again. And again. They are perfectly fine with what the forced mother's ambiguity may do to that child. They. Just. Don't. Care. They don't even care enough to think about it in any way or form - all that counts is that fetus fetish. That's who they really are, bigots, bereft of empathy, and therefore Trump's natural "base". He needs them to win, to stay out of jail for a few more years, and that's why rape victims (a.k.a. "some drunk slut") need to suffer, the fetus fetish worshipped.
Just playing devils advocate.................I wonder how they would feel if their wife or daughter had been raped be a MUSLIM ? Would they feel so relaxed about it ?

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