US forces rape victims to have their babies

You’re a phony, like most pro lifers. Your entire position is constructed from emotion, and you ignore logic, science and facts. Tell me how many abortions occurred last year in this country, and then tell me how many miscarriages there were. You mourn the abortions but never even think about the miscarriages. Many More pregnancies end by miscarriage than abortion. But you and your ilk are only interested in putting your religious values on other people, so you ignore the poor babies lost to miscarriage. You people sicken me.

New Research Shows Most Human Pregnancies End in Miscarriage
I have to give you credit for identifying yourself as a moron. We can do nothing about a miscarriage. Abortions, not so much.
Miscarriage is an act of nature. Abortions are elective medical decisions to terminate a pregnancy. Duh....

Thanks for pointing out the obvious, and also missing the point. Do you mourn the millions of miscarriages or plead for research to reduce them ? Of course you don’t. Because you are inspired by your emotion and crippled by your lack of logic.

Why would anyone need to "plead for research" on miscarriages? Were you under the misapprehension that medical research is not already going on in the fields of obstetrics and embryology, and has been for a long time?

Maybe you could get around to FINALLY answering the question of, "What the hell does the fact that people die have to do with whether or not it's okay to kill them?" Oh, right, because you're long on emotion (and agenda) and utterly lacking in logic.

In case you're wondering just how asinine you sound in your goalpost-moving, your so-called argument is the equivalent of, "You can't object to serial killings unless you're ALSO talking about people dying in nursing homes in the same conversation."
And where in the Constitution does it declare a 3 month old fetus as a person. This country does not count the unborn. When do you celebrate your birthday? At conception? First trimester, second? No. The day you begin to breath air is the day you are recognized as a person. I am opposed to any abortion past 3 months except perhaps in very extenuating circumstances. I don’t believe a 3 month old fetus is a human being with all the rights, thoughts, feelings, or emotions as a precious new born baby. If a woman has a miscarriage, it Has no effect on the earths population.

History is littered with human rights abuses, perpetrated by those who excused their horrific crimes by denying that their victims were humans.

You are no different, if you defend the murder of innocent children, by denying that they were human.

You’re a phony, like most pro lifers. Your entire position is constructed from emotion, and you ignore logic, science and facts. Tell me how many abortions occurred last year in this country, and then tell me how many miscarriages there were. You mourn the abortions but never even think about the miscarriages. Many More pregnancies end by miscarriage than abortion. But you and your ilk are only interested in putting your religious values on other people, so you ignore the poor babies lost to miscarriage. You people sicken me.

New Research Shows Most Human Pregnancies End in Miscarriage
How many miscarriages are premeditated?

How many pregnancies are not premeditated. I guess in your mind only babies who are not premeditated are worth mourning.

Premeditated? So now you're trying to imply a similarity in the existence of a fetus and a crime?

I guess in your mind "logic" means "whatever supports my argument".
Here is Another reason I do not identify as a Republican. There is no power given in the constitution to the federal government regarding abortion.
other than the protection of the right to life,,,,

Fifth Amendment to the Constitution…

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

And where in the Constitution does it declare a 3 month old fetus as a person. This country does not count the unborn. When do you celebrate your birthday? At conception? First trimester, second? No. The day you begin to breath air is the day you are recognized as a person. I am opposed to any abortion past 3 months except perhaps in very extenuating circumstances. I don’t believe a 3 month old fetus is a human being with all the rights, thoughts, feelings, or emotions as a precious new born baby. If a woman has a miscarriage, it Has no effect on the earths population.

Really? Now we think it's the job of the Constitution to establish word definitions and scientific facts? And we apparently think scientific fact is ALSO determined by votes and laws and birthday celebrations and whatever other weird arbitrary excuses you want to apply. Oh, and then the treasured argument of pro-aborts, "Well, unborn babies die on their own, so that makes it okay to kill them."

What is the difference between a fetus and a baby? You religious zealots apparently think a fetus dies in a miscarriage, and a baby is a a grain of rice aborted.

One is a medical term; the other is not.

You infanticide zealots apparently think if you try to deflect off onto miscarriages, it will somehow convey both reason and humanity to you, neither of which you actually possess.

For the record, "But . . . MISCARRIAGES!" is nothing more than a complete admission of defeat on your part.
You’re a phony, like most pro lifers. Your entire position is constructed from emotion, and you ignore logic, science and facts. Tell me how many abortions occurred last year in this country, and then tell me how many miscarriages there were. You mourn the abortions but never even think about the miscarriages. Many More pregnancies end by miscarriage than abortion. But you and your ilk are only interested in putting your religious values on other people, so you ignore the poor babies lost to miscarriage. You people sicken me.

New Research Shows Most Human Pregnancies End in Miscarriage
I have to give you credit for identifying yourself as a moron. We can do nothing about a miscarriage. Abortions, not so much.
Miscarriage is an act of nature. Abortions are elective medical decisions to terminate a pregnancy. Duh....

Exactly. We don't assume that because old people die of natural causes, that makes it okay to go to a nursing home and start shooting the residents.

The bottom line here- abortion is not with in the purview of the Constitution. Therefore it falls to the state governments. Justice Scalia (rip) and I know this fact, so you can spend your efforts state by state to outlaw it if you are so inclined. But it is people like you that forced Roe v Wade, so you are actually responsible for making abortion more prevalent. Nice job!

The bottom line here: We HAD state laws regarding abortion, and pro-lifers were perfectly happy with working to change the laws state-by-state. It was the pro-aborts who decided to take it federal as a way of both winning the fight AND taking it out of the control of voters. So the only responsibility pro-lifers have for Roe v. Wade is our "unutterable gall" in thinking that we got to fight for our viewpoint.

Furthermore, since you are simultaneously suggesting that it's OUR fault that you leftists "had" to make abortion federal, and also that we should "fix" our "mistake" by doing the very thing that you are trying to pretend "forced" Roe v Wade, your argument is as illogical and ridiculous as it is blatantly fraudulent.
It serves to remember this thread is about women being raped in war, often systematically, and how the current U.S. administration undermines care for the victims - because fetus fetish.

Quite naturally, the fetus fetishists are out in force, reducing the victims of war crimes to breeding stations - without an agenda of their own - pursuant their fetus fetishism.

It serves to remember this thread is about women largely in cultures where abortion is not approved of, and how you're projecting your own worldview onto them and trying to create foreign policy that evangelizes your highly America-centric worldview onto others.

Quite naturally, the baby killers are out in force, increasing the victims of war to include as many infants as possible in their zeal to remake the entire world in their image.

I don't accept attempts at self-righteousness and moral condemnation from the likes of you. I can't be shamed by people who aren't worthy to be pissed on if they were on fire.
What is the difference between a fetus and a baby? You religious zealots apparently think a fetus dies in a miscarriage, and a baby is a a grain of rice aborted.

What is the difference between a baby and a toddler?

What Is the difference between a toddler and a “tween”?

What is the difference between a “tween” and an adolescent?

What is the difference between an adolescent and a young adult?

What is the difference between a young-adult and a middle-aged adult?

What is the difference between a middle-aged adult, and a “senior citizen”?

It is the same living organism—the same human being—just at different stages of his life.

“Religious zealout[ry] has nothing to do with it. It's about biology, not religion.

What is the difference between baby/toddler/tween/adolescent/adult and a fetus. One of them has never taken a breath of air.

What is the difference between legal abortion and illegal abortion? A fetus is still aborted, but the pregnant woman has a higher prospect of injury or death in an illegal abortion.

I am done debating this. It’s an emotional issue for those of you opposed to any and all abortions, so it isn’t going anywhere. But know this- abortion is legal, the Republicans aren’t going to overturn RvW, and there isn’t jack shit you or any other misguided control freaks can do about. It’s done, deal with it.

What is the scientific basis for "oxygenating with the lungs" for existence of life? Please cite specific scientific sources.

What is the difference between legal abortion and illegal abortion? Which lies leftists like you tell.

You're done debating this? When did you start? Or does that just mean, "Well, if you're going to insist on pointing out my errors instead of telling me I'm brilliant, I'm going to go pout"?

Know this: your celebration of "We're going to kill all the babies we want, and you can't stop us!" sounds a lot like a serial killer taunting the cops.
What is the difference between baby/toddler/tween/adolescent/adult and a fetus. One of them has never taken a breath of air
And this insanity is why you're a buck tooth moron. The "fetus" DOES breath. People go to ridiculous lengths to justify murder, which is defined as the taking of an innocent human life.

It’s not counted as a human life until it exists the womb. I am not in favor of the wacky idea of post birth abortion, or even abortion past the first trimester, but a zygote or a fetus is not a human being. It is in a growth stage towards becoming a human being. It’s legal, it will remain legal, and if by some wild chance it becomes illegal, it will still occur. Deal with it.

I'm hard-pressed to parse the lack of science and logic here, since I can't even figure out the broken grammar. "Exists the womb"? What the fuck is THAT?
Every time I ask forced-birthers to say what they are going to do with all of these infants, they never respond. Now they will force birth on crime victims in other countries. Same question. How will the forced birthers care for the resulting infants? How will they care for and compensate the women?

It's time for forced-birthers to assume responsibility and put up something instead of running away.

"Every time I bring up some tangent to deflect, I ignore the responses and then tell everyone they didn't respond."
Every time I ask forced-birthers to say what they are going to do with all of these infants, they never respond. Now they will force birth on crime victims in other countries. Same question. How will the forced birthers care for the resulting infants? How will they care for and compensate the women?

It's time for forced-birthers to assume responsibility and put up something instead of running away.

So, one is not allowed to be opposed to the murder of human beings, unless one is willing to take further responsibility for the lives and care of those who might have been murdered?

Nah, because Lice has had this question answered numerous times, in a number of different ways, and her response to those answers is always to pretend no one said anything and to revert back to "You're evil if you don't want to kill babies!"
Every time I ask forced-birthers to say what they are going to do with all of these infants, they never respond. Now they will force birth on crime victims in other countries. Same question. How will the forced birthers care for the resulting infants? How will they care for and compensate the women?

It's time for forced-birthers to assume responsibility and put up something instead of running away.

So, one is not allowed to be opposed to the murder of human beings, unless one is willing to take further responsibility for the lives and care of those who might have been murdered?

It is you and your folks who pretend that this all has to do with "murder," so what is your plan to take responsibility for the resulting infants both here and overseas? Shall they just be thrown into the ocean? Fed to crocodiles? What?

Well, we won't be chopping them up and throwing them in the garbage like you want to, so we'll still be superior to you in every way, as always.
Every time I ask forced-birthers to say what they are going to do with all of these infants, they never respond. Now they will force birth on crime victims in other countries. Same question. How will the forced birthers care for the resulting infants? How will they care for and compensate the women?

It's time for forced-birthers to assume responsibility and put up something instead of running away.

So, one is not allowed to be opposed to the murder of human beings, unless one is willing to take further responsibility for the lives and care of those who might have been murdered?

Nah, because Lice has had this question answered numerous times, in a number of different ways, and her response to those answers is always to pretend no one said anything and to revert back to "You're evil if you don't want to kill babies!"

None of you has ever, ever answered my question coherently. Raise them yourself? Orphanages? Kill them yourself? You simply haven't got a clue, do you. You people want to force women to give birth, so what happens afterward? Get something cogent together, please.

Tell pigpence and abbot and the rest of the morons that they are going to have to commit to a lot of floor-walking, diaper-changing, potty-trainingt and all the rest of it up until age 18. We won't even talk about college. Do you think that a slave woman is going to do this all for you?
None of you has ever, ever answered my question coherently. Raise them yourself? Orphanages? Kill them yourself? You simply haven't got a clue, do you. You people want to force women to give birth, so what happens afterward? Get something cogent together, please.

Tell pigpence and abbot and the rest of the morons that they are going to have to commit to a lot of floor-walking, diaper-changing, potty-trainingt and all the rest of it up until age 18. We won't even talk about college. Do you think that a slave woman is going to do this all for you?
Better for the human being that was born (somehow) to wind up being adopted instead of being chopped up and parceled out to medical suppliers to be sold off by the piece.

If you had a single ounce of humanity in you I'm sure you'd see the point but it doesn't seem you do.
You are a ghoul.
Every time I ask forced-birthers to say what they are going to do with all of these infants, they never respond. Now they will force birth on crime victims in other countries. Same question. How will the forced birthers care for the resulting infants? How will they care for and compensate the women?

It's time for forced-birthers to assume responsibility and put up something instead of running away.

So, one is not allowed to be opposed to the murder of human beings, unless one is willing to take further responsibility for the lives and care of those who might have been murdered?

It is you and your folks who pretend that this all has to do with "murder," so what is your plan to take responsibility for the resulting infants both here and overseas? Shall they just be thrown into the ocean? Fed to crocodiles? What?
Once the slut has been punished the job is done and the conservative moves on to pick on Gays or the poor or minorities. So many to chide and so little time.

What a coincidence. I was going to characterize YOUR attitude as, "It doesn't matter if the slut was raped, just kill the baby, and she'll be fine."
None of you has ever, ever answered my question coherently. Raise them yourself? Orphanages? Kill them yourself? You simply haven't got a clue, do you. You people want to force women to give birth, so what happens afterward? Get something cogent together, please.

Tell pigpence and abbot and the rest of the morons that they are going to have to commit to a lot of floor-walking, diaper-changing, potty-trainingt and all the rest of it up until age 18. We won't even talk about college. Do you think that a slave woman is going to do this all for you?
Better for the human being that was born (somehow) to wind up being adopted instead of being chopped up and parceled out to medical suppliers to be sold off by the piece.

If you had a single ounce of humanity in you I'm sure you'd see the point but it doesn't seem you do.
You are a ghoul.
There are few humans I consider truly EVIL, but Hysteria is about there. Maybe she doesn't really understand what she's saying.

"Forced birthers." Pretty damn amazing.

This is the left's price for recreational sex/fornication outside of marriage -- 60 American million children turned into hamburger.
None of you has ever, ever answered my question coherently. Raise them yourself? Orphanages? Kill them yourself? You simply haven't got a clue, do you. You people want to force women to give birth, so what happens afterward? Get something cogent together, please.

Tell pigpence and abbot and the rest of the morons that they are going to have to commit to a lot of floor-walking, diaper-changing, potty-trainingt and all the rest of it up until age 18. We won't even talk about college. Do you think that a slave woman is going to do this all for you?
Better for the human being that was born (somehow) to wind up being adopted instead of being chopped up and parceled out to medical suppliers to be sold off by the piece.

If you had a single ounce of humanity in you I'm sure you'd see the point but it doesn't seem you do.
You are a ghoul.
None of you has ever, ever answered my question coherently. Raise them yourself? Orphanages? Kill them yourself? You simply haven't got a clue, do you. You people want to force women to give birth, so what happens afterward? Get something cogent together, please.

Tell pigpence and abbot and the rest of the morons that they are going to have to commit to a lot of floor-walking, diaper-changing, potty-trainingt and all the rest of it up until age 18. We won't even talk about college. Do you think that a slave woman is going to do this all for you?
Better for the human being that was born (somehow) to wind up being adopted instead of being chopped up and parceled out to medical suppliers to be sold off by the piece.

If you had a single ounce of humanity in you I'm sure you'd see the point but it doesn't seem you do.
You are a ghoul.

And you are damned sick excuse for a "human being." You assholes can't even distinguish between a zygote, a fetus, and an infant. Your fairy tales make no sense.

And how about some compensation for the enslaved woman? Lost wages, pain and suffering, exposure to unnecessary risk, perhaps?
None of you has ever, ever answered my question coherently. Raise them yourself? Orphanages? Kill them yourself? You simply haven't got a clue, do you. You people want to force women to give birth, so what happens afterward? Get something cogent together, please.

Tell pigpence and abbot and the rest of the morons that they are going to have to commit to a lot of floor-walking, diaper-changing, potty-trainingt and all the rest of it up until age 18. We won't even talk about college. Do you think that a slave woman is going to do this all for you?
Better for the human being that was born (somehow) to wind up being adopted instead of being chopped up and parceled out to medical suppliers to be sold off by the piece.

If you had a single ounce of humanity in you I'm sure you'd see the point but it doesn't seem you do.
You are a ghoul.
There are few humans I consider truly EVIL, but Hysteria is about there. Maybe she doesn't really understand what she's saying.

"Forced birthers." Pretty damn amazing.

This is the left's price for recreational sex/fornication outside of marriage -- 60 American million children turned into hamburger.

You talk like you are one of those people who have experienced more sex at closing time with a stranger than an American in a relationship, including marriage. You were a virgin on your wedding night, I presume? I presume that you have desired fatherhood every time you have had sex in your life, including in your marriage?
You talk like you are one of those people who have experienced more sex at closing time with a stranger than an American in a relationship, including marriage. You were a virgin on your wedding night, I presume? I presume that you have desired fatherhood every time you have had sex in your life, including in your marriage?
You act like abortion is not legal in every single state in the union. That's what makes you so fucking ridiculous!
You are simply bizarre!
You talk like you are one of those people who have experienced more sex at closing time with a stranger than an American in a relationship, including marriage. You were a virgin on your wedding night, I presume? I presume that you have desired fatherhood every time you have had sex in your life, including in your marriage?
You act like abortion is not legal in every single state in the union. That's what makes you so fucking ridiculous!
You are simply bizarre!
She's a mentally ill death cultist. Most of us just ignore her.

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