US Foreign Aid by Country 2020. The omnibus appropriations provisions is different than the covid bill!!

It's really this simple people...

If sending this money over seas was beneficial to America, democrats would oppose it.
This is a legitimate question that is not meant as an attack or a slight in any way.
Why muddy the waters by oversimplifying this issue in terms of “Democrats bad” so if their caucus supports something it’s “bad“ and if they don’t, it’s “good”?
I think we are well past the time (the Cold War) where the justifications for sending billions of dollars around the globe makes as much geo-political sense as it used to. But by making this a partisan issue, you push the discussion away from the policy and into simple name calling. You wonder why our Legislative branch is so broken, they are just trying to give their electorates (us) what they want. And we can’t stay focused for more than two minutes on much of anything other than that’s what they give us...and we vote for them, because “our gal/guy” isn’t like the rest of those so-and-so‘s!
Maybe the problem isn’t the people we pick to represent us but it’s really our own shortcomings being mirrored back on us.
Democrats have become the CCP in the USA. Everything they do is meant to hurt America. Name one thing democrats do that help America? Why do our schools and cities suck so bad? It is done on purpose by our enemies... the CCP and their democrat counterparts.
Just like the pallets of cash Iran got from democrats, most of this aid money will go to fund terrorist groups aligned against the US and its allies.

It's decidedly not the same thing.
It's funding terrorist. John Kerry said as much. Democrats wouldn't do any of this if it was beneficial to America.

It wasn't our money to begin with, didn't add to the deficit and you won't pay taxes because of it.

But, Trump did make it so the money we gave back was now for nothing.
Democrats say the bomb belonged to the terrorist, give it back to them... now because of trump we gave the terrorist their bomb back for nothing... derp..

Democrats fund terrorist and use any excuse they can. If the Iran deal was helpful to America, Democrats would oppose it.

Iran now got their money and is free to build as many nuclear bombs they want. Congratulations. Why would anyone let them off the hook?
Just like the pallets of cash Iran got from democrats, most of this aid money will go to fund terrorist groups aligned against the US and its allies.

It's decidedly not the same thing.
It's funding terrorist. John Kerry said as much. Democrats wouldn't do any of this if it was beneficial to America.

It wasn't our money to begin with, didn't add to the deficit and you won't pay taxes because of it.

But, Trump did make it so the money we gave back was now for nothing.
Democrats say the bomb belonged to the terrorist, give it back to them... now because of trump we gave the terrorist their bomb back for nothing... derp..

Democrats fund terrorist and use any excuse they can. If the Iran deal was helpful to America, Democrats would oppose it.

Iran now got their money and is free to build as many nuclear bombs they want. Congratulations. Why would anyone let them off the hook?
Like they weren't already. All Democrats tried to do was speed up Irans nukes so they would nuke israel and kill all the Jews that Democrats blame all the worlds problems on.
Is it just me or does Israel kind of stick out on that list? All of the other countries are desperate and poor. Israel has universal healthcare and some of the best opportunity for citizens in the world. What's the deal?
Israel sticks out because it is the only country friendly to the US, so naturally democrats oppose helping them.
If 200 countries are unfriendly to Israel but one country IS friendly towards Israel, is there something wrong with those 200 countries or something wrong with the one who supports them? Take your time with this one.
If 200 countries are unfriendly to Israel but one country IS friendly towards Israel, is there something wrong with those 200 countries or something wrong with the one who supports them? Take your time with this one.

Maybe we're all just a bunch of meanie heads that are jealous of God's favorite people.
Is it just me or does Israel kind of stick out on that list? All of the other countries are desperate and poor. Israel has universal healthcare and some of the best opportunity for citizens in the world. What's the deal?
Israel sticks out because it is the only country friendly to the US, so naturally democrats oppose helping them.
If 200 countries are unfriendly to Israel but one country IS friendly towards Israel, is there something wrong with those 200 countries or something wrong with the one who supports them? Take your time with this one.
The same 200 countries have the same issues with America.

one of the main reasons Israel is hated by commies around the world is because they are friendly to the USA.

If Israel worked against America like the 200 commie countries, democrats would sing their praises.
Notice how hard democrats try to fund Americas enemies then come here to defend it.. except Israel... America's 1 friend.
If 200 countries are unfriendly to Israel but one country IS friendly towards Israel, is there something wrong with those 200 countries or something wrong with the one who supports them? Take your time with this one.

Maybe we're all just a bunch of meanie heads that are jealous of God's favorite people.
If Israel worked against America like all the other CCP dominated countries, Chinacrats would send them pallets of cash and sing their praises.
If Israel worked against America like all the other CCP dominated countries, Chinacrats would send them pallets of cash and sing their praises.

Do you think Israel would still be nice to us if we weren't sending them billions of dollars every year?
Nope because they would all be dead... and they know it. They remain loyal allies which is why the CCP and their allies attack them.
Is it just me or does Israel kind of stick out on that list? All of the other countries are desperate and poor. Israel has universal healthcare and some of the best opportunity for citizens in the world. What's the deal?

From what I've read the deal is that most of the money given to Israel is for them to act as a middleman for our government to prop up our own defense industries. The money is used by Israel to purchase US made military arms. At least that is what I've seen written for years upon years.
Nope because they would all be dead... and they know it. They remain loyal allies which is why the CCP and their allies attack them.

You really think they'd all be dead without our annual tribute?
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From what I've read the deal is that most of the money given to Israel is for them to act as a middleman for our government to prop up our own defense industries. The money is used by Israel to purchase US made military arms. At least that is what I've seen written for years upon years.

Ultimately is still translates to billions in taxes to a nation that doesn't need our help.
Is it just me or does Israel kind of stick out on that list? All of the other countries are desperate and poor. Israel has universal healthcare and some of the best opportunity for citizens in the world. What's the deal?

From what I've read the deal is that most of the money given to Israel is for them to act as a middleman for our government to prop up our own defense industries. The money is used by Israel to purchase US made military arms. At least that is what I've seen written for years upon years.
Democrats think all that aid money to pakistan goes to gender studies. What a bunch of gullible fools.
It's really this simple people...

If sending this money over seas was beneficial to America, democrats would oppose it.
This is a legitimate question that is not meant as an attack or a slight in any way.
Why muddy the waters by oversimplifying this issue in terms of “Democrats bad” so if their caucus supports something it’s “bad“ and if they don’t, it’s “good”?
I think we are well past the time (the Cold War) where the justifications for sending billions of dollars around the globe makes as much geo-political sense as it used to. But by making this a partisan issue, you push the discussion away from the policy and into simple name calling. You wonder why our Legislative branch is so broken, they are just trying to give their electorates (us) what they want. And we can’t stay focused for more than two minutes on much of anything other than that’s what they give us...and we vote for them, because “our gal/guy” isn’t like the rest of those so-and-so‘s!
Maybe the problem isn’t the people we pick to represent us but it’s really our own shortcomings being mirrored back on us.
Democrats have become the CCP in the USA. Everything they do is meant to hurt America. Name one thing democrats do that help America? Why do our schools and cities suck so bad? It is done on purpose by our enemies... the CCP and their democrat counterparts.
As I’ve grown older one of the simple truths I’ve learned is that there is almost no groups that can be described as all doing something or having one unified motivation. I would no more describe Republicans as all greedy, self-interested, close-the-door-behind me bastards as I would describe all Democrats as evil and motivated by tearing down our democratic institutions. Are there members of each group that match that description? Unfortunately we all know the answer to that is “yes”. But to make a blanket statement, like you are doing, seems confused and unfair at best.
You seem like you have an ability to think and analyze, let me encourage you to use those traits when making your points. That is unless you are just playing “let’s try to upset people online”. If that’s your game, apologies for the interruption.
Is it just me or does Israel kind of stick out on that list? All of the other countries are desperate and poor. Israel has universal healthcare and some of the best opportunity for citizens in the world. What's the deal?
I agree.
The US (Obama) has a deal to send Israel 3.8B/year for 10 years.
Israel uses that 3.8B to pay US companies to supply equipment and prototypes to improve.
If Israel did not take that money, Israel would probably be able to create technology that would rake in 10B/year.
I'm not being sarcastic; I think Israel should stop taking the money.

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