US Government Stopped Tucker Carlson From Interviewing Putin.

People would want to know the reasoning? That's a first amendment violation if any ever were and the government up front admitting they were doing that?

I guess his claims about NSA don't amount to anything then?
Probably don't amount to anything, but I don't actually know what his NSA claims are. I have met them at fairly high GS level and not their biggest fan, though like other alphabet agencies they have no lingering problem with me. I just hold grudges with ease.
The big steal, Dominion Voting machines and other things.
He never claimed Dominion voting machines did anything. You obviously do not listen to or follow Tucker. He has always criticized the Trump team people that pushed that, because he saw no evidence of it. Fake injected mail in ballots were the cause of the cheat, not the electronic counting of them.
He never claimed Dominion voting machines did anything. You obviously do not listen to or follow Tucker. He has always criticized the Trump team people that pushed that, because he saw no evidence of it. Fake injected mail in ballots were the cause of the cheat, not the electronic counting of them.
There was no cheat, at least not one that would change and country or state.
The 1st. amendment has to come with conditions that make it optional.
I would say the conditions stop well after interviewing a head of state
So true! But why do Americans still afford him more attention than any other talking head?
Great question. But the quality of the reporter/interviewer has no bearing on their rights.
The rule of law doesn't carry any weight in these sort of matters. The government does!
Sure it does. National security isn’t at stake if the interview takes place.
This nation is lost. Not only do we have an administrative state that does what they want, we have a large chunk of Americans who thinks it's great--and cheers them on.
This nation is lost. Not only do we have an administrative state that does what they want, we have a large chunk of Americans who thinks it's great--and cheers them on.
Well it's really the ongoing spread of American Marxism. They have already taken over the legacy media, schools and the Democrat Party. They are the power behind Transgender normalization as well. Biden is their figurehead. He doesn't have to really do anything but look the part,
The 1st. amendment has to come with conditions that make it optional.

So true! But why do Americans still afford him more attention than any other talking head?

The rule of law doesn't carry any weight in these sort of matters. The government does!
Boy, you don't know nothin' 'bout this here, so STFU you Canuck motherfucker!
Fox News would have never allowed it. They are solid establishment.

Tucker is so dangerous now on the war effort because he doesn't have any establishment to obey.

I didn't read all that but I hope I've stuck to the point of it?
So the establishment that lies us into wars where good boys die is "safe"? :cuckoo:
lol amazing; we live in a banana republic now, There are no 'rights', and no 'Constitution', just partisan judges ruling by fiat. Get a clue. Those ships have sailed.
Some years back Oliver Stone interviewed Putin, like 6 or 8 hours over several days.

Putin's answers to Stone's questions showed Putin to be more intelligent and well-informed than any typical individual in the Washington Swamp Government.

Putin is a chess player while the typical federal employee is playing checkers, a pity our government is run by idiots.

This has to be breaking news and also extremely important news for the developing antiwar movement in America.
There can be no legitimate reason why Putin's side of the story should be censored.

Tucker would have interviewed Hitler to get his side of the story if he could have.

"You got the trains running on time, my fuhrer. Well done!"

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