US Government Stopped Tucker Carlson From Interviewing Putin.

This has to be breaking news and also extremely important news for the developing antiwar movement in America.
There can be no legitimate reason why Putin's side of the story should be censored.


Reich Wing Propaganda. You are a liar. It never happened.
I think it is time for Tucker Carlson to drop the facade and just apply for Russian citizenship.
I think it is time for Tucker Carlson to drop the facade and just apply for Russian citizenship.
Journalists are restricted in a banana republic and that is what we live in today.
After Carlson left Fox and was getting his own venue, someone on CNN or MSNBC , don't remember which, asked who was going to restrict Tucker now.

That was telling.
After Carlson left Fox and was getting his own venue, someone on CNN or MSNBC , don't remember which, asked who was going to restrict Tucker now.

That was telling.
Yes, Tucker Carlson unleashed
It was something like 'who is going to censor his comments'.
Tucker may practice real journalism and reveal what is actually happening in our nation today. That should scare the hell out of those who actually run our nation.
Of course your wonderful liberal media always practices good journalism and would never push a lie or propaganda.

Reich Wing website that caters to Reich Wing Conspiracies.

This has to be breaking news and also extremely important news for the developing antiwar movement in America.
There can be no legitimate reason why Putin's side of the story should be censored.


Good. He should have been arrested and held without bail on espionage charges.
So you fully support the US government preventing a journalist from interviewing someone. You must really hate the First Amendment.
The big question is why are they so afraid of it ??? We have seen time and time again, the censoring of conservative voices as if a movement to overthrow such voices are in constant play by government entities...

You know, if the Democrat's become a people so far removed from what this country stood for, and for which made it so great over the year's (barring all the growing pains involved), then of course all the things we are witnessing had to come into play.

Now just think about the extremism that has become so prevalent in the Democrat party, and then apply it to the very moves and actions that they are orchestrating in light of that extremism, and it's an easy read from that point forward.
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I dumped Tuck, years ago, as he does not support anything I support and indeed does support Russia and trump and a host of other things bad for this country. He can say anything in his podcast true or outright lie. Did you ever find that link to a credible source saying somebody would not let him interview Putin, or is it just Tuck saying it?
He doesn't support anything you support eh ? Tell us what exactly do you support that Tucker came into conflict with ??
I think it is time for Tucker Carlson to drop the facade and just apply for Russian citizenship.
You leftist would love for all conservatives or Republicans to do just that, but how can you justify your position coming from within the Democrat party that stands for nothing but chaos and anarchy anymore ?
He doesn't support anything you support eh ? Tell us what exactly do you support that Tucker came into conflict with ??
Russia and trump and the 2020 election are good examples.
Russia and trump and the 2020 election are good examples.
Ok, if you don't mind, then list the policies individually, and your disagreement with them. You don't have to use many examples, just give us ten that you disagreed with, and why ? Thanks
Ok, if you don't mind, then list the policies individually, and your disagreement with them. You don't have to use many examples, just give us ten that you disagreed with, and why ? Thanks
Nope. Not worth my time. Also, there is not even any corroboration the government had anything to do with him not interviewing Putin, and we would have seen the official communication, if Tucker's passport suspended, keeping him from going to Russia, interviewing in person and posting on his blog.

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