US Government Stopped Tucker Carlson From Interviewing Putin.

Some years back Oliver Stone interviewed Putin, like 6 or 8 hours over several days.

Putin's answers to Stone's questions showed Putin to be more intelligent and well-informed than any typical individual in the Washington Swamp Government.

Putin is a chess player while the typical federal employee is playing checkers, a pity our government is run by idiots.
That’s why we don’t want Trump kissing his ass.
Telling Americans that US Government isn't the "Good guy" is like telling a child who still believes in Santa that there is no Santa Claus.
No matter how much evidence you give them, they still believe in the fantasy.
No matter how many countries the US invades, starves with sanctions, how many coups they initiate, leaders they kill, genocides they arm, countries they illegally occupy, apartheid States they fund, and war crimes they commit US citizens deep down believe US Government means well.
Telling Americans that US Government isn't the "Good guy" is like telling a child who still believes in Santa that there is no Santa Claus.
No matter how much evidence you give them, they still believe in the fantasy.
No matter how many countries the US invades, starves with sanctions, how many coups they initiate, leaders they kill, genocides they arm, countries they illegally occupy, apartheid States they fund, and war crimes they commit US citizens deep down believe US Government means well.
It’s not a matter of anyone being perfect, that’s absurd. Life is often a matter of the least objectionable choice. In 2024 that’s Biden over Trump, IMO.
Tucker is not a journalist. He's a propagandist of the worst sort. He's a Putin quisling.

Media career

Carlson began his career in journalism as a fact-checker for Policy Review, a national conservative journal then published by The Heritage Foundation and later acquired by the Hoover Institution.

Media career

Carlson began his career in journalism as a fact-checker for Policy Review, a national conservative journal then published by The Heritage Foundation and later acquired by the Hoover Institution.
That was a long time ago.

Tucker devolved into a Putin lickspittle more recently.

He knows what the rubes want to hear. He's cashing in bigly on your credulity.

He reminds me of Father Coughlin.
Putin had been counting on Trump pulling a Munich, but had to go to Plan B when his patsy lost.
Plan 'Biden'?

Bonehead Biden.jpg

Your boy doesn't intimidate Putin.

Trump did.
Screw Putin and Tucker. Putin has the bully pulpit of national leadership, with the ability to call a press conference and speak at any time, and it will be covered. Tucker is naval lint.
Screw Biden and Zelenskyy.
Tucker devolved into a Putin lickspittle more recently.
I will try to explain it to you in simple terms that even an American school graduate can understand
  • Those who are in favor of Putin in the modern world are for Good.
  • And those who are for Biden are for Evil.
-That's the way it is. It's a shame, but what can you do? Germans are also sorry, that their older generation signed up for Hitler, lost the war and became the object of hatred of the whole world. Even Goebbels didn't help. Nor will American propaganda help Evil.
Tucker is not a journalist.

Tucker Carlson tops Reuters Institute list of most prominent American journalists​


Tucker Carlson is the most famous journalist in the US according to a survey which asked Americans to name five journalists they pay attention to.

Carlson was one of five Fox personalities to appear on the list of the ten most-mentioned names.

He beat out Rachel Maddow of MSNBC to the top spot, who in turn pipped former Trump loyalist Sean Hannity of Fox for second.

For the Reuters Digital News Report 2022 Yougov surveyed 2,036 Americans in late January and early February 2022.

Tucker Carlson tops Reuters Institute list of most prominent American journalists
Screw Biden and Zelenskyy.
You go ahead and enjoy Joe, if that't your bag. Careful though, I suspect Zelenskyy would probably beat tha shidowdahya for the attempt.
I think you're wrong. That would be a sure fire audience draw......Guaranteed.

Since when do journalists need to be restricted as to what they say?
Journalists are restricted in a banana republic and that is what we live in today.
I'd stomp all over that midget.
Damn, boy! Find a promoter. Lets get a cage match. Just an announcer, no referee, to time limit. And since that's your bag, the winner gets to fk the loser! :auiqs.jpg:

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