US Government Stopped Tucker Carlson From Interviewing Putin.

The 1st. amendment has to come with conditions that make it optional.

So true! But why do Americans still afford him more attention than any other talking head?

The rule of law doesn't carry any weight in these sort of matters. The government does!
Of course your wonderful liberal media always practices good journalism and would never push a lie or propaganda.

So you fully support the US government preventing a journalist from interviewing someone. You must really hate the First Amendment.
I have not seen the official post from the US Government, and Tuck cannot be trusted. You got something to show me, not a video?
I think you're wrong. That would be a sure fire audience draw......Guaranteed.

Since when do journalists need to be restricted as to what they say?
Since the gawd made little green apples numbnuts. They get fired if they don't.

Back to the ice cream cone club with you Dell.
You’ve never seen any Tucker Carlson interview/show?
I dumped Tuck, years ago, as he does not support anything I support and indeed does support Russia and trump and a host of other things bad for this country. He can say anything in his podcast true or outright lie. Did you ever find that link to a credible source saying somebody would not let him interview Putin, or is it just Tuck saying it?
Since the gawd made little green apples numbnuts. They get fired if they don't.

Back to the ice cream cone club with you Dell.
So much for the free press, 'eh?

What's the flavor du jour, Donald?

I have not seen the official post from the US Government, and Tuck cannot be trusted. You got something to show me, not a video?
What would happen if the US Gov't published a statement that they were not permitting a journalist to do an interview?

Tucker can't be trusted?

Why would Tucker lie?

You honestly think the US government wouldn’t do everything possible to prevent such an interview?
Why would he lie if he knows the truth? Eh, habit from his old job, before he got fired?
In normal times he should be. He needed to claim that what he said on behalf of Fox News was not to be taken seriously.

But he's still for some reason commanding more attention than any other media talking head.

We'll have to put your 1st. amendment to the test, even though it's optional and comes with conditions.
Tucker opines on what he feels are important issues and questions the MSM-Democrat-Government proclamations. This Democrat regime, run by Marxists, can't have anyone doing that. To them, the 1st amendment is a road block.
What would happen if the US Gov't published a statement that they were not permitting a journalist to do an interview?

Tucker can't be trusted?

People would want to know, the reasoning. Has Tuck's passport been suspended or revoked? Is something preventing him for going to Russia, doing his interview and uploading to the World Wide Web from there, too?
The big steal, Dominion Voting machines and other things.
Tucker didn't lie he had guests on that were involved with researching the machines and the election. He was asking questions about the reliability of the whole voting process that many people questioned such as the sudden influx of thousands of Biden votes at the last minute, why some States changed their voting laws without their State legislatures approving it, the security of drop boxes, the mass mailing of ballots, etc. As far as I know that is what good journalists do.
People would want to know, the reasoning. Has Tuck's passport been suspended or revoked? Is something preventing him for going to Russia, doing his interview and uploading to the World Wide Web from there, too?
I support Carlson but, I am with you on this. A quick internet search shows scads of stories about what Tucker claimed but, no real evidence of the Government doing anything to actually stop him. It's like a lot of claims made about Trump, lots of 'smoke' but no real fire. Just a bunch of questionable internet links from questionable search engines.
People would want to know, the reasoning. Has Tuck's passport been suspended or revoked? Is something preventing him for going to Russia, doing his interview and uploading to the World Wide Web from there, too?
All good points White! Maybe we'll find out?

It won't be from me though. He's lint to me, even though he's the star in America still.
People would want to know, the reasoning. Has Tuck's passport been suspended or revoked? Is something preventing him for going to Russia, doing his interview and uploading to the World Wide Web from there, too?
People would want to know the reasoning? That's a first amendment violation if any ever were and the government up front admitting they were doing that?

I guess his claims about NSA don't amount to anything then?

This has to be breaking news and also extremely important news for the developing antiwar movement in America.
There can be no legitimate reason why Putin's side of the story should be censored.

Got independent verification? Tucker was fired in disgrace for his lies.

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