US Group Demands Action against Deadly Rock-Throwing


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
The look on the faces shows this is no game. Malice and death is the aim of using rocks as weapons. They are dangerous and do kill.

US Group Demands Action against Deadly Rock-Throwing

The Zionist Organization of America in Israel is urging the US consulate in Jerusalem – the de facto embassy for local Palestinian Arabs – to demand a change in PA policy and zero tolerance for rock-throwing incidents.
American Citizen Attacked on Way to Funeral
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Rock-throwing by Palestinian Arabs in Mount of Olives neighborhood has increased dramatically.

Last month, American citizen Tova Richler and her family were attacked by rock-throwing Arabs on their way to the Mount of Olives Cemetery to attend her father’s funeral.

The Zionist Organization of America’s Israel director, Jeff Daube, sent a letter to Jerusalem Consul General Michael Ratney, with copies to the U.S. State Department, which Ratney represents. Daube cited an article about Richler, which described her inability to attend her own father’s funeral due to the shock of the attack. He also referred to other recent stoning attacks on American citizens that resulted in serious injury, while reminding the consul that the situation has deteriorated over many years. He sent copies to a dozen leaders in the U.S. and Israel who are especially concerned with the growing threat to the cemetery and its eastern Jerusalem environs.
Rock-Throwing Arabs Hit American Student

The violence, although intense in the Mount of Olives area, is not limited to the eastern section of the city. Only yesterday, near the Meah Shearim neighborhood, a car was attacked by rocks and glass bottles.

On Tuesday evening, an American teenage student was hit in the face by a rock-throwing Arab in the Old City during Jerusalem Day celebrations. According to Israel National News, Ahuva Schwartz, a Jerusalem resident, said: “It started raining rocks and glass.” On Wednesday, a police officer was injured.

In his letter, Daube cited an article about Richler, which described her inability to attend her own father’s funeral due to the shock of the attack. He also referred to other recent stoning attacks on American citizens that resulted in serious injury, while reminding the consul that the situation has deteriorated over many years.
US Consulate Can Influence PA Policy
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A car near Jerusalem’s Meah Shearim neighborhood hit by rock-throwing Arabs.

Having previously raised the problem in several meetings and letter correspondence, including with Ratney’s predecessor Consul General Daniel Rubinstein — without any known steps thus far having been taken by any U.S. official to mitigate the disgraceful status quo — Daube suggested that it was time for Ratney to enter the conversation.

As the de facto U.S. embassy for the Palestinians, the Consulate has the right and access to demand from the Palestinian Authority that it change harmful policies; for example, the dogmatic religious bigotry that is rife in its own schools and mosques.

As in past communications, the letter requested unqualified condemnation from the Consul General for the stoning attacks and that he elicit condemnations (spoken in Arabic) combined with preventive action from the relevant Arab parties. Such parties would include local Arab leaders.
Rock-Throwing Aims to Kill Jews

Daube’s letter additionally asked that the Mount of Olives area attacks, whose aim is to injure and/or kill Jews, be included in the 2014 iteration of two State Department annual reports, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and Country Reports on Terrorism. Daube spotlighted the omission he discovered in the 2013 terrorism report, which did however contain “extensive and disproportional” references to the price tag attacks on Arab property. Daube declared the latter warranted unequivocal condemnation, but not any more so than Arab attacks on Jewish lives.

“It’s a no-brainer that mourners and pilgrims of all nationalities should not have to worry about terror and intimidation, or be confronted with desecrated gravestones and deliberately strewn garbage when they visit Judaism’s holiest cemetery,” Daube told United with Israel. “That consulate officials have not ever contacted and supported at least the American victims nor voiced concern to them nor expressed outrage, let alone condemnation, is very disappointing. Hopefully the recent attacks on Ms. Richler…will catalyze an adequate response to the habitual civil and human rights abuses directed at Jews in this and other parts of eastern Jerusalem.”........................
The look on the faces shows this is no game. Malice and death is the aim of using rocks as weapons. They are dangerous and do kill.

US Group Demands Action against Deadly Rock-Throwing

The Zionist Organization of America in Israel is urging the US consulate in Jerusalem – the de facto embassy for local Palestinian Arabs – to demand a change in PA policy and zero tolerance for rock-throwing incidents.
American Citizen Attacked on Way to Funeral
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Rock-throwing by Palestinian Arabs in Mount of Olives neighborhood has increased dramatically.

Last month, American citizen Tova Richler and her family were attacked by rock-throwing Arabs on their way to the Mount of Olives Cemetery to attend her father’s funeral.

The Zionist Organization of America’s Israel director, Jeff Daube, sent a letter to Jerusalem Consul General Michael Ratney, with copies to the U.S. State Department, which Ratney represents. Daube cited an article about Richler, which described her inability to attend her own father’s funeral due to the shock of the attack. He also referred to other recent stoning attacks on American citizens that resulted in serious injury, while reminding the consul that the situation has deteriorated over many years. He sent copies to a dozen leaders in the U.S. and Israel who are especially concerned with the growing threat to the cemetery and its eastern Jerusalem environs.
Rock-Throwing Arabs Hit American Student

The violence, although intense in the Mount of Olives area, is not limited to the eastern section of the city. Only yesterday, near the Meah Shearim neighborhood, a car was attacked by rocks and glass bottles.

On Tuesday evening, an American teenage student was hit in the face by a rock-throwing Arab in the Old City during Jerusalem Day celebrations. According to Israel National News, Ahuva Schwartz, a Jerusalem resident, said: “It started raining rocks and glass.” On Wednesday, a police officer was injured.

In his letter, Daube cited an article about Richler, which described her inability to attend her own father’s funeral due to the shock of the attack. He also referred to other recent stoning attacks on American citizens that resulted in serious injury, while reminding the consul that the situation has deteriorated over many years.
US Consulate Can Influence PA Policy
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A car near Jerusalem’s Meah Shearim neighborhood hit by rock-throwing Arabs.

Having previously raised the problem in several meetings and letter correspondence, including with Ratney’s predecessor Consul General Daniel Rubinstein — without any known steps thus far having been taken by any U.S. official to mitigate the disgraceful status quo — Daube suggested that it was time for Ratney to enter the conversation.

As the de facto U.S. embassy for the Palestinians, the Consulate has the right and access to demand from the Palestinian Authority that it change harmful policies; for example, the dogmatic religious bigotry that is rife in its own schools and mosques.

As in past communications, the letter requested unqualified condemnation from the Consul General for the stoning attacks and that he elicit condemnations (spoken in Arabic) combined with preventive action from the relevant Arab parties. Such parties would include local Arab leaders.
Rock-Throwing Aims to Kill Jews

Daube’s letter additionally asked that the Mount of Olives area attacks, whose aim is to injure and/or kill Jews, be included in the 2014 iteration of two State Department annual reports, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and Country Reports on Terrorism. Daube spotlighted the omission he discovered in the 2013 terrorism report, which did however contain “extensive and disproportional” references to the price tag attacks on Arab property. Daube declared the latter warranted unequivocal condemnation, but not any more so than Arab attacks on Jewish lives.

“It’s a no-brainer that mourners and pilgrims of all nationalities should not have to worry about terror and intimidation, or be confronted with desecrated gravestones and deliberately strewn garbage when they visit Judaism’s holiest cemetery,” Daube told United with Israel. “That consulate officials have not ever contacted and supported at least the American victims nor voiced concern to them nor expressed outrage, let alone condemnation, is very disappointing. Hopefully the recent attacks on Ms. Richler…will catalyze an adequate response to the habitual civil and human rights abuses directed at Jews in this and other parts of eastern Jerusalem.”........................

Can you imagine anything like this going on here, Aris? The police would round up each and everyone they caught, and these rock throwers would be spending time in either reform school or a prison. Rocks can kill, especially the huge ones that are thrown by those people shown in your picture.
The look on the faces shows this is no game. Malice and death is the aim of using rocks as weapons. They are dangerous and do kill.

US Group Demands Action against Deadly Rock-Throwing

The Zionist Organization of America in Israel is urging the US consulate in Jerusalem – the de facto embassy for local Palestinian Arabs – to demand a change in PA policy and zero tolerance for rock-throwing incidents.
American Citizen Attacked on Way to Funeral
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Rock-throwing by Palestinian Arabs in Mount of Olives neighborhood has increased dramatically.

Last month, American citizen Tova Richler and her family were attacked by rock-throwing Arabs on their way to the Mount of Olives Cemetery to attend her father’s funeral.

The Zionist Organization of America’s Israel director, Jeff Daube, sent a letter to Jerusalem Consul General Michael Ratney, with copies to the U.S. State Department, which Ratney represents. Daube cited an article about Richler, which described her inability to attend her own father’s funeral due to the shock of the attack. He also referred to other recent stoning attacks on American citizens that resulted in serious injury, while reminding the consul that the situation has deteriorated over many years. He sent copies to a dozen leaders in the U.S. and Israel who are especially concerned with the growing threat to the cemetery and its eastern Jerusalem environs.
Rock-Throwing Arabs Hit American Student

The violence, although intense in the Mount of Olives area, is not limited to the eastern section of the city. Only yesterday, near the Meah Shearim neighborhood, a car was attacked by rocks and glass bottles.

On Tuesday evening, an American teenage student was hit in the face by a rock-throwing Arab in the Old City during Jerusalem Day celebrations. According to Israel National News, Ahuva Schwartz, a Jerusalem resident, said: “It started raining rocks and glass.” On Wednesday, a police officer was injured.

In his letter, Daube cited an article about Richler, which described her inability to attend her own father’s funeral due to the shock of the attack. He also referred to other recent stoning attacks on American citizens that resulted in serious injury, while reminding the consul that the situation has deteriorated over many years.
US Consulate Can Influence PA Policy
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A car near Jerusalem’s Meah Shearim neighborhood hit by rock-throwing Arabs.

Having previously raised the problem in several meetings and letter correspondence, including with Ratney’s predecessor Consul General Daniel Rubinstein — without any known steps thus far having been taken by any U.S. official to mitigate the disgraceful status quo — Daube suggested that it was time for Ratney to enter the conversation.

As the de facto U.S. embassy for the Palestinians, the Consulate has the right and access to demand from the Palestinian Authority that it change harmful policies; for example, the dogmatic religious bigotry that is rife in its own schools and mosques.

As in past communications, the letter requested unqualified condemnation from the Consul General for the stoning attacks and that he elicit condemnations (spoken in Arabic) combined with preventive action from the relevant Arab parties. Such parties would include local Arab leaders.
Rock-Throwing Aims to Kill Jews

Daube’s letter additionally asked that the Mount of Olives area attacks, whose aim is to injure and/or kill Jews, be included in the 2014 iteration of two State Department annual reports, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and Country Reports on Terrorism. Daube spotlighted the omission he discovered in the 2013 terrorism report, which did however contain “extensive and disproportional” references to the price tag attacks on Arab property. Daube declared the latter warranted unequivocal condemnation, but not any more so than Arab attacks on Jewish lives.

“It’s a no-brainer that mourners and pilgrims of all nationalities should not have to worry about terror and intimidation, or be confronted with desecrated gravestones and deliberately strewn garbage when they visit Judaism’s holiest cemetery,” Daube told United with Israel. “That consulate officials have not ever contacted and supported at least the American victims nor voiced concern to them nor expressed outrage, let alone condemnation, is very disappointing. Hopefully the recent attacks on Ms. Richler…will catalyze an adequate response to the habitual civil and human rights abuses directed at Jews in this and other parts of eastern Jerusalem.”........................
I won't advocate shooting to kill but a good sniper could go after legs or knees. That would put a stop to those pebble tossers.
Lol, those stoopit arabs. Why don, t they scramble their jet fighters or use satellite assisted drones.

My goodness, what happened to all the weaponry that was supplied by Iran? What happened to all the weaponry that was smuggled through the tunnels? Do you think it is from toy rifles that those Palestinians are shooting bullets up into the air?
Can you imagine anything like this going on here, Aris? The police would round up each and everyone they caught, and these rock throwers would be spending time in either reform school or a prison. Rocks can kill, especially the huge ones that are thrown by those people shown in your picture.

Israel identifies and rounds them up and militants scream child abuse or war crimes for jailing "children". Kids that age know very well what they are doing. They act as adults, they must be treated as adults under the law.

PS Hamas funded the riots on the mount. Premeditated staged violence and Hamas is the producer, director, casting and props manager of this show.

Hamas Official Admits Funding Temple Mount Riots ?
Lol, those stoopit arabs. Why don, t they scramble their jet fighters or use satellite assisted drones.

Jordan, Egypt and Syria have all found out the hard way that Israel controls the skies.
Gaza and the PA have not planes, airport or drones and the cost is prohibitive for something that would easily be blown to pieces.
Hezbullah claimed a drone and also tried to hack into Israeli drones. neither was very effective. Bullets and rockets get more bang for the buck and are easy to fire.
[ame=]Everlast | The Stone In My Hand | Official Music Video | Rock Music Videos | - YouTube[/ame]

So you are endorsing stones as weapons to be used and lead to violence and death others?

Throw a rock, start a bloody revolution/civil war and watch hundreds of thousands die because of you.

You trying to incite violence and make it seem justified because you only had a stone?
Stones kill. They are used in executions by muslims. Stones can smash in a human skull. A small stone with a sling can be extremely deadly. But it is only a stone. What do you think early man used to hunt or wage war? Stones. If stones did not kill mankind would not now exist.

Stones can be used in riots and as diversions. They are weapons.

If throwing object that are not intended to cause harm, maybe you should encourage the use of water balloons or small flour/powder sacks instead. What about a low velocity paintball gun or water nerf gun. Tagged, your out!

Hamas is not waging a beach party, they are waging war and putting a stone in a child's hand is giving them a weapon and turning them into little soldiers that to hamas are expendable. Fodder for the media mill.....and you are just shoveling more into it.
The enslaved Palestinian people should be admired by all freedom loving Americans for their continued resistance against the brutal zionist Israeli's and their IDF goon squads. .. :cool:
The enslaved Palestinian people should be admired by all freedom loving Americans for their continued resistance against the brutal zionist Israeli's and their IDF goon squads. .. :cool:
The Palestinian people must think stoning foreigners, tourists and worshippers is a normal greeting. Thats what packs of apes do. Go figure.

So you are endorsing stones as weapons to be used and lead to violence and death others?

Throw a rock, start a bloody revolution/civil war and watch hundreds of thousands die because of you.

You trying to incite violence and make it seem justified because you only had a stone?
Stones kill. They are used in executions by muslims. Stones can smash in a human skull. A small stone with a sling can be extremely deadly. But it is only a stone. What do you think early man used to hunt or wage war? Stones. If stones did not kill mankind would not now exist.

Stones can be used in riots and as diversions. They are weapons.

If throwing object that are not intended to cause harm, maybe you should encourage the use of water balloons or small flour/powder sacks instead. What about a low velocity paintball gun or water nerf gun. Tagged, your out!

Hamas is not waging a beach party, they are waging war and putting a stone in a child's hand is giving them a weapon and turning them into little soldiers that to hamas are expendable. Fodder for the media mill.....and you are just shoveling more into it.

Israel is constantly pounding the Palestinians with $$$billions$$$ in mooched, high tech weapons yet whine about a few stones.

What a bunch of candy asses.

So you are endorsing stones as weapons to be used and lead to violence and death others?

Throw a rock, start a bloody revolution/civil war and watch hundreds of thousands die because of you.

You trying to incite violence and make it seem justified because you only had a stone?
Stones kill. They are used in executions by muslims. Stones can smash in a human skull. A small stone with a sling can be extremely deadly. But it is only a stone. What do you think early man used to hunt or wage war? Stones. If stones did not kill mankind would not now exist.

Stones can be used in riots and as diversions. They are weapons.

If throwing object that are not intended to cause harm, maybe you should encourage the use of water balloons or small flour/powder sacks instead. What about a low velocity paintball gun or water nerf gun. Tagged, your out!

Hamas is not waging a beach party, they are waging war and putting a stone in a child's hand is giving them a weapon and turning them into little soldiers that to hamas are expendable. Fodder for the media mill.....and you are just shoveling more into it.

Israel is constantly pounding the Palestinians with $$$billions$$$ in mooched, high tech weapons yet whine about a few stones.

What a bunch of candy asses.

Are you going to volunteer yourself to stand out there and be pelted with stones to show what a candy ass the Israelis are? Show us all how harmless the stones are and how you sustain no injuries from the stones. How long do you think you can stand out there being hit?
So you are endorsing stones as weapons to be used and lead to violence and death others?

Throw a rock, start a bloody revolution/civil war and watch hundreds of thousands die because of you.

You trying to incite violence and make it seem justified because you only had a stone?
Stones kill. They are used in executions by muslims. Stones can smash in a human skull. A small stone with a sling can be extremely deadly. But it is only a stone. What do you think early man used to hunt or wage war? Stones. If stones did not kill mankind would not now exist.

Stones can be used in riots and as diversions. They are weapons.

If throwing object that are not intended to cause harm, maybe you should encourage the use of water balloons or small flour/powder sacks instead. What about a low velocity paintball gun or water nerf gun. Tagged, your out!

Hamas is not waging a beach party, they are waging war and putting a stone in a child's hand is giving them a weapon and turning them into little soldiers that to hamas are expendable. Fodder for the media mill.....and you are just shoveling more into it.

Israel is constantly pounding the Palestinians with $$$billions$$$ in mooched, high tech weapons yet whine about a few stones.

What a bunch of candy asses.

Are you going to volunteer yourself to stand out there and be pelted with stones to show what a candy ass the Israelis are? Show us all how harmless the stones are and how you sustain no injuries from the stones. How long do you think you can stand out there being hit?

Oh hell no. I Am not as stupid as they are.

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