US Halted Transfer of Hellfire Missiles To Israel

Good first step, now stop shipping any more weaponry to everybody.

I have been asked to expound and explain.
I shall make it real clear.

Cut everybody off. No more arms to anybody anywhere.

Too much misery in the world courtesy of malignant turds with US weaponry.

I'm going to play devil's advocate here: What happens when Russia and China take over the planet when we don't fund our proxy wars against them? They will take advantage of that and we will suffer as a result of it. What loss of dignity, freedom, and comfort would the average American pig sacrifice? An Iphone, a job, 1 meal per day?

I don't really disagree with you, but there is a heavy price to be paid for non-interference.
Hellfire in the Holy Land ?

ACtually we transferred quite a few to them a few years agio , they should still be stockpiled I would think ....

1,000 AGM-114K3 HELLFIRE II Missiles
200 AGM-114L3 HELLFIRE II Longbow Missiles.
500 AGM-114M3 HELLFIRE II Missiles.

Israel Stocking up on Missiles, Munitions: $1.33B

You do realize that in just this latest conflict with Israel, hamas has lobbed well over 3000 rockets at them, right, as of Aug. 6th? I've not heard the latest numbers.
Well, they got sold a bill of goods by whoever supplied them as they must not have much in the way of guidance systems, because unless somebody kept it a secret, they didn't hit shit with them. Unlike the highly sophisticated weapons of slaughter sold by the US which kill the hell out of everybody close to the intended target.

And? Would you be willing to just allow the city next door to you slam you with rocket attacks, day in and out, even though they had bad aim?
Would you be willing to allow your neighbor to lob rocks over your fence day in and day out, even though they seldom hit you? Would you be able to just go about your business as though they weren't attempting to harm you and sometimes succeed? If you had a child would you be able to let them alone for one second in your yard, knowing they might succeed in hitting them?
Actually, if you will look at the breaking news story coming out a few hours ago - second news link posted, TheOldSchool, you will note that the Obama administration confirmed on Thursday reports that it had, in an unusual move, proactively stepped in to hold up arms shipments to Israel for further review as the current conflict in the Gaza strip continues.

Now as I read this, it states, that they had stepped in to hold up arms shipments to Israel for further review.... would that not mean all arms shipments? What say you? I am just learning of this news now. Why would they do this? Feel free to share your thoughts about this latest news. Thank you.

The disparity in casualties maybe? All the dead civilians? The doubt that anyone over there ever intends for there to be any kind of peace perhaps?

When your investing in a moneypit, I thinks it's pretty logical to review what you're doing. You disagree?

Maybe they should have thought about these things before trying to lob bombs into civilian populations and kill Israeli citizens?

Personally, I hope Israel beats the crap out of the terrorist nation. I don't want that disease spreading any more than it already has.
Apparently, The Obama wants Israel to use 2000lb gravity bombs rather that precision munitions.
I don't agree with much of Obama does, and this just seems like a stunt to me, he is totally in the pocket of the Jew(ie. they are still giving 30 billion to Israel over this decade).

But we should stop selling weapons to these baby killers and boycott this jewish supremacist, chauvinist, aggressor state until it ceases to exist.

At the very least, stay out of this region all together and stop tying our foreign policy to Israel, it gives us no advantage geo-politically and creates animosity with the Muslim world threatening our national security.
Israel is one of the key locations to the entire middle east.
Israel is the most advance state in the entire middle east.
Israel-US relation comes for many mutual benefits unlike the upraising Arab states.
Israel is not the aggressor and never been.

On the other hand, you have yourself and few bunch of racists thinking WE here in Israel have no right to exist, well, good luck with the ISIS affairs faggot.
Support for the fascist apartheid state of Israel causes the U.S. far more problems in the Middle East than any benefit we receive in return. . :cool:
Israel is one of the key locations to the entire middle east.
Israel is the most advance state in the entire middle east.
Israel-US relation comes for many mutual benefits unlike the upraising Arab states.
Israel is not the aggressor and never been.

On the other hand, you have yourself and few bunch of racists thinking WE here in Israel have no right to exist, well, good luck with the ISIS affairs faggot.

How is it a key location? How does our alliance with Israel and their location help us militarily?

Advanced? In what way? You mean in how they have gay pride parades and universal healthcare? So what? How does this help the United States politically or militarily?

What mutual benefits? Like OPEC, the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, the popularization of radical islamism and anti-americanism in the muslim world due to american support for jews?

Israel started this war by ethnically cleansing the Palestinians from their lands in 1948, and continues today with the west bank occupation and the gaza blockade.

As for ISIS, Israel supports them. In case you didn't know, Israel organizes attacks with the islamists in Syria against the secular regime of Assad, and is on record supporting ISIS in Iraq because it destabilizes their muslim neighbors. Netanyahoo, the jewish psychopath, doesn't mind if innocent shias, christians, or moderate sunnis are killed as long as it benefits Israel.

The only bulwark against Zionist Jewry and Sunni Wahabbi terrorism are forces of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, and Hezbollah.
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The US should stop all weapons shipments to Israel; freeze all Israeli assets in US banks; outlaw AIPAC within the continental United States; and submit a resolution to the UNSC telling Israel they got 90 days to get the fuck out of the OPT, or they will be removed by our precision-guided munitions.
The US should stop all weapons shipments to Israel; freeze all Israeli assets in US banks; outlaw AIPAC within the continental United States; and submit a resolution to the UNSC telling Israel they got 90 days to get the fuck out of the OPT, or they will be removed by our precision-guided munitions.

Huh... so a public advocacy promoting the enemy of the United States?

I would have absolutely no problem at all signing an order to immediately sends this person to a dog-house at Gitmo.

Understand, that there is NO RIGHT to promote the murder of innocent people and Islam exists for no other purpose than to murder innocent people. (For the slower kids: that means that there is no potential right to promote Islamic terrorism.)

But hey, such is the nature of evil.

But I wound't worry about any of this, as obama will be removed from office by New years Day.
Understand, that there is NO RIGHT to promote the murder of innocent people
Then why do you support Israel?

Because that is what they do! They kill innocent people. They kill a lot of innocent people.

Don't talk to me about being an enemy of the US, I bet you side with Israel on the USS Liberty incident?
Again its NOT halted or canceled - Just delayed.
Both sides officials said its nothing unusual.
Good first step, now stop shipping any more weaponry to everybody.

I have been asked to expound and explain.
I shall make it real clear.

Cut everybody off. No more arms to anybody anywhere.

Too much misery in the world courtesy of malignant turds with US weaponry.

I have to admit that there is a part of me that agrees with this and a bigger part of me agrees with this poster's signature line very much.
Regardless of my last post, I do find the subject of this thread disturbing. Our King has found ways to circumvent the constitution so many times with his 'policies' it frankly makes me shudder with apprehension. So much so that I fear that even this statement will not come to pass:

But I wound't worry about any of this, as obama will be removed from office by New years Day.

I truly fear that our fearless King may find a way to NOT be removed from office in 2016 or ever. I pray to G-d that I am wrong.

There was a line in the movie "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson that stuck out to me then, and more and more does now. "Why should I trade one tyrant 3,000 miles away for 3,000 tyrants one mile away?"
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