Us incomes drop the most in 20 years

Because heaven forbid someone else is ever successful or gaining while you are not!!! Even when nearly half the population pays no federal income tax and the 'evil rich' are now paying even more...

Well, the problem with this is that they told the American workers the wealth would "trickle down". How else would you get the American people to go along with that little con game? Know what happened? It didn't trickle down. It stayed at the top. Americans are working harder, longer hours for less and less - and have been for at least a decade. The American people bought the lie and now are onto the "job creators".

Uh huh.. and your problem is that it is not equaling out and you want to ensure government makes it do so.. simply put, you want government to pick winners and losers... sorry charlie, not their job

Trickle down does not mean everyone succeeds... it does mean that money actually spent by those 'evil rich' does help the economy.. unlike more government confiscation and redistribution that puts a drain on the economy
CEO and executive pay is 1/10th of 1% of the economy. Government, on the other hand, is more than 50% of the economy. Which, do you suppose, is more likely to the cause?

CEO's are now paid up to 400x that of their front line workers. THAT is the problem. The myth of trickle down in all its glory...

That is a claim with no visible means of support. Where is the proof that CEO pay is causing wages to decline?
CEO and executive pay is 1/10th of 1% of the economy. Government, on the other hand, is more than 50% of the economy. Which, do you suppose, is more likely to the cause?

CEO's are now paid up to 400x that of their front line workers. THAT is the problem. The myth of trickle down in all its glory...

Another example of your jealousy and your stance against freedom (which comes with positives and negatives).. government does not exist, and should not exist, to help equalize outcome
That is a claim with no visible means of support. Where is the proof that CEO pay is causing wages to decline?

Simple, the more you pay the CEO, the less available for raises for all the underlings. It isnt' envy, it's this thing called MATH. Morons.

Dude, the info about CEO and wage inequality isn't hard to find.
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CEO and executive pay hasn't dropped. Why have only the wage slaves lost income? WHY???
Love how no RW'ers will ever touch that question.

I'll gladly touch it.

Your claim is flatly wrong.

The top one percent received an income tax hike, so their income DID drop.

How quickly you have forgotten Obama's "you didn't build that" tax hike on the one percenters went through.
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That is a claim with no visible means of support. Where is the proof that CEO pay is causing wages to decline?

Simple, the more you pay the CEO, the less available for raises for all the underlings. It isnt' envy, it's this thing called MATH. Morons.

Dude, the info about CEO and wage inequality isn't hard to find.

As I already pointed out, CEO pay amounts to 1/10th of 1% of corporate revenue. If you distributed all of it to the workers, they wouldn't even notice the difference in their paychecks.

The problem will libturds is that they can't even do simple math. Everything they believe is idiotic.
I'll gladly touch it.

You claim is flatly wrong.

The top one percent received an income tax hike, so their income DID drop.

How quickly you have forgotten Obama's "you didn't build that" tax hike on the one percenters went through.

You mean the tax cuts that were already scheduled to expire, and that should have expired sooner -and would have if the Republicans had not held the debt ceiling talks hostage? Are you guys seriously amnesiacs or are you willfully ignoring recent history?
As I already pointed out, CEO pay amounts to 1/10th of 1% of corporate revenue. If you distributed all of it to the workers, they wouldn't even notice the difference in their paychecks.

The problem will libturds is that they can't even do simple math. Everything they believe is idiotic.

What a steaming pile of horse shit. You cannot be this ignorant.
Here are the tax hikes which went into effect in January for the rich people Mr. Peepers hates so much:

The top marginal tax rate increased from 35 percent to 39.6 percent for taxable incomes over $450,000 ($400,000 for single filers).

A phaseout of personal exemptions for adjusted gross income (AGI) over $300,000 ($250,000 for single filers).

A phase down of itemized deductions for AGI over $300,000 ($250,000 for single filers).

Taxes on business investment: The expiration of full expensing—the immediate deduction of capital purchases by businesses.

Another investment tax increase: 3.8 percent surtax on investment income for taxpayers with taxable income exceeding $250,000 ($200,000 for singles).

Another payroll tax hike: 0.9 percent increase in the Hospital Insurance portion of the payroll tax for incomes over $250,000 ($200,000 for single filers).

Elimination of the corporate income tax deduction for expenses related to the Medicare Part D subsidy.

Limitation of the corporate income tax deduction for compensation that health insurance companies pay to their executives.

2013 Tax Rate Changes | Income Tax Changes in 2013
I'll gladly touch it.

You claim is flatly wrong.

The top one percent received an income tax hike, so their income DID drop.

How quickly you have forgotten Obama's "you didn't build that" tax hike on the one percenters went through.

You mean the tax cuts that were already scheduled to expire, and that should have expired sooner -and would have if the Republicans had not held the debt ceiling talks hostage? Are you guys seriously amnesiacs or are you willfully ignoring recent history?

You claimed, "CEO and executive pay hasn't dropped."

Their income taxes went up. Therefore, you lied, full stop.

See other tax hikes which were NOT part of the expiration in my previous post.
CEO and executive pay is 1/10th of 1% of the economy. Government, on the other hand, is more than 50% of the economy. Which, do you suppose, is more likely to the cause?

CEO's are now paid up to 400x that of their front line workers. THAT is the problem. The myth of trickle down in all its glory...

That is a claim with no visible means of support. Where is the proof that CEO pay is causing wages to decline?

A wage earner got paid and budgeted on what the paycheck was. Taxes went up. The wage earner looked at the resulting paycheck and saw that it was less than he was getting before. The CEO salary has nothing to do with this person's salary.
CEO's are now paid up to 400x that of their front line workers. THAT is the problem. The myth of trickle down in all its glory...

That is a claim with no visible means of support. Where is the proof that CEO pay is causing wages to decline?

A wage earner got paid and budgeted on what the paycheck was. Taxes went up. The wage earner looked at the resulting paycheck and saw that it was less than he was getting before. The CEO salary has nothing to do with this person's salary.

And Brother, the tax hikes have just began. Wait till BarryCare kicks in.....

You ain't seen nothin yet!
You claimed, "CEO and executive pay hasn't dropped."

Their income taxes went up. Therefore, you lied, full stop.

See other tax hikes which were NOT part of the expiration in my previous post.

Holy shit, you righties are total ignoramouses. There is no point *double face palm*. Anyway, lunch break is over. Glad I work for a Japanese company that pays its executives @ 75x that of the rest of us.
You claimed, "CEO and executive pay hasn't dropped."

Their income taxes went up. Therefore, you lied, full stop.

See other tax hikes which were NOT part of the expiration in my previous post.

Holy shit, you righties are total ignoramouses. There is no point *double face palm*. Anyway, lunch break is over. Glad I work for a Japanese company that pays its executives @ 75x that of the rest of us.

Another one of Barry's "Useful Idiots"
That is a claim with no visible means of support. Where is the proof that CEO pay is causing wages to decline?

Simple, the more you pay the CEO, the less available for raises for all the underlings. It isnt' envy, it's this thing called MATH. Morons.

Dude, the info about CEO and wage inequality isn't hard to find.

CEO pay and the top 1%: How executive compensation and financial-sector pay have fueled income inequality | Economic Policy Institute
CEO pay dwarfs employee pay, AFL-CIO highlights - Apr. 19, 2011

There is a finite amount of money to be earned?? Funny.. That is not the case... so if a CEO makes 10MIL and the company makes a 15% profit bringing in say 10BIL.. it is bad for the $10/hr workers?? Even if they are not doing anything more than stuffing boxes and have not improved their skills and have not improved their productivity, they are OWED MORE?? Even when they can be replaced by any Joe Schmoe on the street?? Sorry... that type of expectation does not fly.. unskilled labor is still unskilled labor and will continue to be paid as such, even if a CEO negotiates more pay because his or her skills are rare and in demand
You claimed, "CEO and executive pay hasn't dropped."

Their income taxes went up. Therefore, you lied, full stop.

See other tax hikes which were NOT part of the expiration in my previous post.

Holy shit, you righties are total ignoramouses. There is no point *double face palm*. Anyway, lunch break is over. Glad I work for a Japanese company that pays its executives @ 75x that of the rest of us.

Several taxes have risen for the rich. Simple fact you now must run from.

You told yourself a lie and believed it. You should be smacking yourself. Very hard. :lol:
That is a claim with no visible means of support. Where is the proof that CEO pay is causing wages to decline?

Simple, the more you pay the CEO, the less available for raises for all the underlings. It isnt' envy, it's this thing called MATH. Morons.

Dude, the info about CEO and wage inequality isn't hard to find.

CEO pay and the top 1%: How executive compensation and financial-sector pay have fueled income inequality | Economic Policy Institute
CEO pay dwarfs employee pay, AFL-CIO highlights - Apr. 19, 2011

There is a finite amount of money to be earned?? Funny.. That is not the case... so if a CEO makes 10MIL and the company makes a 15% profit bringing in say 10BIL.. it is bad for the $10/hr workers?? Even if they are not doing anything more than stuffing boxes and have not improved their skills and have not improved their productivity, they are OWED MORE?? Even when they can be replaced by any Joe Schmoe on the street?? Sorry... that type of expectation does not fly.. unskilled labor is still unskilled labor and will continue to be paid as such, even if a CEO negotiates more pay because his or her skills are rare and in demand

You have to keep one thing in mind here with these communists: WE ARE ALL EQUAL COMRADE. Whether we be janitors or CEOs, the left believes that we should all reap the same from the corporate teat - TAKE from the rich and give to the poor.

This was Marxs' dream. This was the dream of Stalin and Mao. It made them filthy rich, and they murdered millions to get there, but we won't talk about that.....
by Jim Hoft
March 1, 2013

Thanks Barack.

US income plunged 3.6 percent in January – its biggest drop in 20 years.

The Chicago Tribune reported:

U.S. consumer spending rose in January as Americans spent more on services, with savings providing a cushion after income recorded its biggest drop in 20 years.

Income tumbled 3.6 percent, the largest drop since January 1993.
Part of the decline was payback for a 2.6 percent surge in December as businesses, anxious about higher taxes, rushed to pay dividends and bonuses before the new year.

A portion of the drop in January also reflected the tax hikes. The income at the disposal of households after inflation and taxes plunged a 4.0 percent in January after advancing 2.7 percent in December.

The Commerce Department said on Friday consumer spending increased 0.2 percent in January after a revised 0.1 percent rise the prior month. Spending had previously been estimated to have increased 0.2 percent in December.

Read more at:
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs moved to China. Republicans say things will improve if we just lower the minimum wage. It's called "Prosperity through Lower Wages". It's one of their cornerstone economic policies.

Report: U.S. has lost 2.4M jobs to China - The Hill

10 States Losing the Most Jobs to China | Fox Business

Republicans call for lowering, eliminating federal minimum wage

No matter how hard the right wing tries, they just can't blame their failures on Obama, but it doesn't stop them from trying.

If they had any worthwhile policies, they would have told us by now.
by Jim Hoft
March 1, 2013

Thanks Barack.

US income plunged 3.6 percent in January – its biggest drop in 20 years.

The Chicago Tribune reported:

U.S. consumer spending rose in January as Americans spent more on services, with savings providing a cushion after income recorded its biggest drop in 20 years.

Income tumbled 3.6 percent, the largest drop since January 1993.
Part of the decline was payback for a 2.6 percent surge in December as businesses, anxious about higher taxes, rushed to pay dividends and bonuses before the new year.

A portion of the drop in January also reflected the tax hikes. The income at the disposal of households after inflation and taxes plunged a 4.0 percent in January after advancing 2.7 percent in December.

The Commerce Department said on Friday consumer spending increased 0.2 percent in January after a revised 0.1 percent rise the prior month. Spending had previously been estimated to have increased 0.2 percent in December.

Read more at:
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

Are you oblivious to the historical trends and the underlining economic reasons for declining household incomes even as the income of the top 10% have been soaring during the same period?

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