Us incomes drop the most in 20 years

by Jim Hoft
March 1, 2013

Thanks Barack.

US income plunged 3.6 percent in January – its biggest drop in 20 years.

The Chicago Tribune reported:

U.S. consumer spending rose in January as Americans spent more on services, with savings providing a cushion after income recorded its biggest drop in 20 years.

Income tumbled 3.6 percent, the largest drop since January 1993.
Part of the decline was payback for a 2.6 percent surge in December as businesses, anxious about higher taxes, rushed to pay dividends and bonuses before the new year.

A portion of the drop in January also reflected the tax hikes. The income at the disposal of households after inflation and taxes plunged a 4.0 percent in January after advancing 2.7 percent in December.

The Commerce Department said on Friday consumer spending increased 0.2 percent in January after a revised 0.1 percent rise the prior month. Spending had previously been estimated to have increased 0.2 percent in December.

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The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

Are you oblivious to the historical trends and the underlining economic reasons for declining household incomes even as the income of the top 10% have been soaring during the same period?

And you, among others, believe it is on government to equal it out... which is not the case...

Again.. how many more unskilled or obsolete skilled people are there in the workforce? Are CEO's who run a successful company as common? Do the CEO's (who are in demand) not able to negotiate their compensation accordingly? Do you think there is power in negotiation when you are 1 of 10million unskilled adults?? Do you think you deserve more when you remain unskilled and do nothing to advance yourself?
The recession happened on Bush's watch and because of the myth that is trickle down. 2.3 million jobs left this country for China from 2000 to 2003 alone. Nice try, Dave. You may want to just face the truth at some point.

Shut it, you just got owned, know when to give up.
What did you nutballs think was going to happen after two and a half decades of wild-eyed debt fueled economic craziness?

It tickles me that Halfwit America, the nutball element, are directly responsible for electing a wet-behind-the-ears bumbler like Obama. No question about my vote in 2008; I'd have voted for the real, actual devil before another filthy god damned neocon buttsucker like Junebug Bush.

Had Halfwit America simply acknowledged what was obvious in 2004, that the degenerate scum elected by the Supreme Court in 2000 was not up to the job, there would not be a President Obama today.

Halfwit America is now reaping the bitter harvest of their personal degeneracy.

And no one on earth is enjoying this more than me. Except maybe your Lord and Master, President Barack Obama. God's revenge on Halfwit America.
What did you nutballs think was going to happen after two and a half decades of wild-eyed debt fueled economic craziness?

It tickles me that Halfwit America, the nutball element, are directly responsible for electing a wet-behind-the-ears bumbler like Obama. No question about my vote in 2008; I'd have voted for the real, actual devil before another filthy god damned neocon buttsucker like Junebug Bush.

Had Halfwit America simply acknowledged what was obvious in 2004, that the degenerate scum elected by the Supreme Court in 2000 was not up to the job, there would not be a President Obama today.

Halfwit America is now reaping the bitter harvest of their personal degeneracy.

And no one on earth is enjoying this more than me. Except maybe your Lord and Master, President Barack Obama. God's revenge on Halfwit America.

Two words: Irrational exuberance!
What did you nutballs think was going to happen after two and a half decades of wild-eyed debt fueled economic craziness?

It tickles me that Halfwit America, the nutball element, are directly responsible for electing a wet-behind-the-ears bumbler like Obama. No :eusa_drool:question about my vote in 2008; I'd have voted for the real, actual devil before another filthy god damned neocon buttsucker like Junebug Bush.

Had Halfwit America simply acknowledged what was obvious in 2004, that the degenerate scum elected by the Supreme Court in 2000 was not up to the job, there would not be a President Obama today.

Halfwit America is now reaping the bitter harvest of their personal degeneracy.

And no one on earth is enjoying this more than me. Except maybe your Lord and Master, President Barack Obama. God's revenge on Halfwit America.

Two words: Irrational exuberance!

You bet.

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