US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

So if stimulative spending is "the answer", Rshermr...then kindly explain why Barack Obama racking up more debt than any President in history hasn't produced a booming economy? According to you...the economy should be on a tear right now! Yet for some reason it's grinding along.

According to you...both Kennedy and Clinton don't have the faintest idea about fiscal policy because both advocated for tax cuts to stimulate the economy? They didn't call for more government spending. Why is that?
Under Bush, millions of jobs moved to China with over 42,000 factories closed with the country losing all that revenue and paying out billions in unemployment. Then there were the deficit creating Bush tax cuts costing trillions in revenue. Then the two wars on credit cards. Then over 40,000 maimed in Iraq costing trillions into the future.
And that was just a little of what Bush and the GOP left Obama.
Republicans may constantly call Obama a messiah, but he doesn't have god powers. He's just a man doing the best he can but with an entire political party trying to make the country fail so they can say he failed.

Yea, go ahead, say that isn't true with a straight face.

It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!

This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
Under Bush, millions of jobs moved to China with over 42,000 factories closed with the country losing all that revenue and paying out billions in unemployment. Then there were the deficit creating Bush tax cuts costing trillions in revenue. Then the two wars on credit cards. Then over 40,000 maimed in Iraq costing trillions into the future.
And that was just a little of what Bush and the GOP left Obama.
Republicans may constantly call Obama a messiah, but he doesn't have god powers. He's just a man doing the best he can but with an entire political party trying to make the country fail so they can say he failed.

Yea, go ahead, say that isn't true with a straight face.

It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!

This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Under Bush, millions of jobs moved to China with over 42,000 factories closed with the country losing all that revenue and paying out billions in unemployment. Then there were the deficit creating Bush tax cuts costing trillions in revenue. Then the two wars on credit cards. Then over 40,000 maimed in Iraq costing trillions into the future.
And that was just a little of what Bush and the GOP left Obama.
Republicans may constantly call Obama a messiah, but he doesn't have god powers. He's just a man doing the best he can but with an entire political party trying to make the country fail so they can say he failed.

Yea, go ahead, say that isn't true with a straight face.

It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Oh, my.


14 million jobs gained in this recovery and you're actually dumbed-down enough to call it a "jobless" recovery.

You really do expose just how ignorant you are by posting such nonsensical rightwing talking points.
It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!

This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.
It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Oh, my.


14 million jobs gained in this recovery and you're actually dumbed-down enough to call it a "jobless" recovery.

You really do expose just how ignorant you are by posting such nonsensical rightwing talking points.

How many have been lost during that time and what kind of jobs are they? What do they pay? You do know that part-time work counts the same as full-time. Keep those blinders on.....
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!

This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

Really? t
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!

This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

Change my position? Hardly. The cost of housing is ungodly high, they are packaging food in smaller quantities while only slightly raising the prices. The only break we have gotten is in gas prices. There is a huge crash coming and the powers that be know it. We are driving off a cliff and you are sitting in the back whistling....totally clueless.
Welcome to the board, Markle. I think you'll find that Rshermr is one of our more "entertaining" posters! He once told me that not only was he an economics major in college but that he was so well versed in the subject that his college had him helping to teach the subject as an undergrad! Amazingly however he thought I was referring to a brick and mortar college when I referenced The Chicago School of Economics. His kind of stupid is a rare thing! Enjoy abusing him...I know I do!

He is amusing and it was obvious he/she knows less than nothing about economics. I guess the ploy was to intimidate others by falsely claiming to be knowledgeable about the topic.

I don't think anyone has ever been "intimidated" by Rshermr's "knowledge"! He's just one more internet poser...pretending to be something that he's not and when he's called on it? Prepare yourself for a slew of personal attacks. It's his stock response.

He is definitely clueless....just another water carrier for the Barrypuppet.

And another......personal attack. Incapable of discussion??

Rshermr, you asked about the 8 things we could do that would return this country to greatness and I already posted it once to you but you conveniently ignored it. Every single one is doable but only if we develop a spine and wake up.

#1 Top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve and publicly name the 12 families that are the shareholders. Then we nationalize it, tell the banking oligarchs that the debt belongs to USA.INC which is being dissolved and not the debt of the people. Then we confiscate the ill-gotten wealth and put it into a trust AFTER dissolving USA.INC. We repatriate the golden that was confiscated and stolen from the people due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933. We will follow the paper trail and I suspect that the nation's gold is sitting in a vault in the Bank Of London. We then audit the IMF, the Bank For International Settlements and the World Bank and write off any and all debt this thieves have stolen from the third world countries.

#2 We then open up ALL Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and the hidden holdings of USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries. What you would find is that they are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars in assets not just in U.S holdings but overseas corporations as well that pays them a hefty dividend every year. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more wealth in a year than the entire GDP of the private sector. That money is also put into a trust and that is what will finance the nineteen essential services that the IMF contracted for when USA.INC was taken into receivership when it went bankrupt AGAIN in 1950.

#3 Then we nullify all the unfair "fair trade agreements" that has allowed a flood of cheap goods into this country made by what is basically slave labor and we place tariffs on it like we did before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This would eliminate the need for any taxation whatsoever and Allodial rights to property could be restored to the people....which means they own it property tax whatsoever.

#4 There are over 6,000 patents for everything from zero point energy to a better way of creating GOOD food that has been suppressed under the guise of "National Security". We release them and allow a TRUE free market to run with them which would create MILLIONS of jobs without harming the environment at all.

#5 We bring every soldier back that has been working overseas protecting the interests of the multinational corporations and use them to secure our southern border. Only those that came here legally and signed the guest book should benefit from the changes...not those that came over here, flopped and sucked off of the public teat.

#6 We use our influence to bring about these changes in every other country that is under the thumb of the banking oligarchs and return the wealth and resources that were stolen from them by the IMF and Bank For International Settlements back to the people from which it was stolen. It would be a domino effect. Once we expose the thievery of the IMF, BIS and World Bank, we put that money into a world trust to rebuild the infrastructure of these third world counties.

#7 We put every globalist on trial for their crimes against humanity and confiscate their wealth. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers come immediately to mind, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrice, Prince Phillip, etc, etc. Everyone that sits on the Committee of 300. It's a very tiny group of powerful elites that have foisted this debt slavery system upon humanity at the expense of 100's of millions of lives and it's way past time that they paid for their crimes. It would be Nuremburg on steroids.

#8 We restore the Republic which means a return to Common Law which is the law of the land instead of admiralty law and the UCC which is the law of the sea with all it's acts, statutes and codes. Re-train the administrators that were acting on behalf of the bank under the guise of being a judge that was raising revenue for the corporation.... into administering Common law.

#9 Hire peace officers instead of police that have been nothing but glorified mall cops and enforcers of acts, statutes and codes that produced revenue while producing no real victim of violations of said acts, statutes and codes.

#10 Make the people the trustee of their corporate fiction that was created the day they were born with the birth certificate that was written on bond paper and monetized. This bond has gained value over the life of the corporate fiction and instead use it to fund the retirement of the real man or woman of the land...thus eliminating the need for any kind of social security tax on both the employee and the employer freeing the employer to pay more since he/she will not have to figure that cost into what he/she decides to pay you. Only under real time hardship cases like disability would the funds from this bond be released if it's not at the age of the age of 60? Heck, we might even be able to lower it to 55.

#11. Legalize has a 1000 and 1 uses from being a bio-fuel to curing many forms of cancer.

We have been abused, we have been raped, pillaged and plundered by a debt slavery system that rivals that of Rome before the birth of Christ and we don't even realize it.

BTW, there are millions of people that know the things I do...especially in Europe....America? Not so much but there are some. The tipping point is about to be reached and the point of no return is approaching unless people wake up as to what is being done to them. We ARE the change...we are the solution. These bought and paid for lackeys in D.C that is the corporate headquarters of USA.INC have no's all theater. KNOWLEDGE is power and trust me, they do not want you to know what I have posted here. If you want change, you are not going to get it as long as the for profit corporate entity exists in D.C ...etch that in stone.
What the fuck is this "USA.INC" entity that you keep blabbering about in several threads?

Is it a new cartoon or video game, or what? Or are you just a very mentally disturbed person?

What does your psychiatrist tell you?
He is amusing and it was obvious he/she knows less than nothing about economics. I guess the ploy was to intimidate others by falsely claiming to be knowledgeable about the topic.

I don't think anyone has ever been "intimidated" by Rshermr's "knowledge"! He's just one more internet poser...pretending to be something that he's not and when he's called on it? Prepare yourself for a slew of personal attacks. It's his stock response.

He is definitely clueless....just another water carrier for the Barrypuppet.

And another......personal attack. Incapable of discussion??

Rshermr, you asked about the 8 things we could do that would return this country to greatness and I already posted it once to you but you conveniently ignored it. Every single one is doable but only if we develop a spine and wake up.

#1 Top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve and publicly name the 12 families that are the shareholders. Then we nationalize it, tell the banking oligarchs that the debt belongs to USA.INC which is being dissolved and not the debt of the people. Then we confiscate the ill-gotten wealth and put it into a trust AFTER dissolving USA.INC. We repatriate the golden that was confiscated and stolen from the people due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933. We will follow the paper trail and I suspect that the nation's gold is sitting in a vault in the Bank Of London. We then audit the IMF, the Bank For International Settlements and the World Bank and write off any and all debt this thieves have stolen from the third world countries.

#2 We then open up ALL Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and the hidden holdings of USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries. What you would find is that they are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars in assets not just in U.S holdings but overseas corporations as well that pays them a hefty dividend every year. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more wealth in a year than the entire GDP of the private sector. That money is also put into a trust and that is what will finance the nineteen essential services that the IMF contracted for when USA.INC was taken into receivership when it went bankrupt AGAIN in 1950.

#3 Then we nullify all the unfair "fair trade agreements" that has allowed a flood of cheap goods into this country made by what is basically slave labor and we place tariffs on it like we did before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This would eliminate the need for any taxation whatsoever and Allodial rights to property could be restored to the people....which means they own it property tax whatsoever.

#4 There are over 6,000 patents for everything from zero point energy to a better way of creating GOOD food that has been suppressed under the guise of "National Security". We release them and allow a TRUE free market to run with them which would create MILLIONS of jobs without harming the environment at all.

#5 We bring every soldier back that has been working overseas protecting the interests of the multinational corporations and use them to secure our southern border. Only those that came here legally and signed the guest book should benefit from the changes...not those that came over here, flopped and sucked off of the public teat.

#6 We use our influence to bring about these changes in every other country that is under the thumb of the banking oligarchs and return the wealth and resources that were stolen from them by the IMF and Bank For International Settlements back to the people from which it was stolen. It would be a domino effect. Once we expose the thievery of the IMF, BIS and World Bank, we put that money into a world trust to rebuild the infrastructure of these third world counties.

#7 We put every globalist on trial for their crimes against humanity and confiscate their wealth. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers come immediately to mind, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrice, Prince Phillip, etc, etc. Everyone that sits on the Committee of 300. It's a very tiny group of powerful elites that have foisted this debt slavery system upon humanity at the expense of 100's of millions of lives and it's way past time that they paid for their crimes. It would be Nuremburg on steroids.

#8 We restore the Republic which means a return to Common Law which is the law of the land instead of admiralty law and the UCC which is the law of the sea with all it's acts, statutes and codes. Re-train the administrators that were acting on behalf of the bank under the guise of being a judge that was raising revenue for the corporation.... into administering Common law.

#9 Hire peace officers instead of police that have been nothing but glorified mall cops and enforcers of acts, statutes and codes that produced revenue while producing no real victim of violations of said acts, statutes and codes.

#10 Make the people the trustee of their corporate fiction that was created the day they were born with the birth certificate that was written on bond paper and monetized. This bond has gained value over the life of the corporate fiction and instead use it to fund the retirement of the real man or woman of the land...thus eliminating the need for any kind of social security tax on both the employee and the employer freeing the employer to pay more since he/she will not have to figure that cost into what he/she decides to pay you. Only under real time hardship cases like disability would the funds from this bond be released if it's not at the age of the age of 60? Heck, we might even be able to lower it to 55.

#11. Legalize has a 1000 and 1 uses from being a bio-fuel to curing many forms of cancer.

We have been abused, we have been raped, pillaged and plundered by a debt slavery system that rivals that of Rome before the birth of Christ and we don't even realize it.

BTW, there are millions of people that know the things I do...especially in Europe....America? Not so much but there are some. The tipping point is about to be reached and the point of no return is approaching unless people wake up as to what is being done to them. We ARE the change...we are the solution. These bought and paid for lackeys in D.C that is the corporate headquarters of USA.INC have no's all theater. KNOWLEDGE is power and trust me, they do not want you to know what I have posted here. If you want change, you are not going to get it as long as the for profit corporate entity exists in D.C ...etch that in stone.
What the fuck is this "USA.INC" entity that you keep blabbering about in several threads?

Is it a new cartoon or video game, or what? Or are you just a very mentally disturbed person?

What does your psychiatrist tell you?

The government in D.C is actually a for profit corporation. All states are incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC....nearly every town, city and county are incorporated and a subsidiary of the state which are the subsidiaries of USA.INC. Al the alphabet agencies are incorporated even the Supreme Court is incorporated. You can find their listings on Dun and Bradstreet Why is this significant and why does it matter? That's your assignment.......

Here's a hint...all of these entities have to file a CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) which is required of all corporations.
I keep hearing need ~200K jobs/mo to keep up w/population growth. True? ~2mil*8yr=16mil. Just point that out.

Dale is correct on less ounce trick per/pkg same price or even up
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Oh, my.


14 million jobs gained in this recovery and you're actually dumbed-down enough to call it a "jobless" recovery.

You really do expose just how ignorant you are by posting such nonsensical rightwing talking points.

How many have been lost during that time and what kind of jobs are they? What do they pay? You do know that part-time work counts the same as full-time. Keep those blinders on.....
That depends Dale. What are you qualified to do? Every company in America is looking for good help. Programmers, sales, etc. If you are a dishwasher don't expect to make what I make.
I don't think anyone has ever been "intimidated" by Rshermr's "knowledge"! He's just one more internet poser...pretending to be something that he's not and when he's called on it? Prepare yourself for a slew of personal attacks. It's his stock response.

He is definitely clueless....just another water carrier for the Barrypuppet.

And another......personal attack. Incapable of discussion??

Rshermr, you asked about the 8 things we could do that would return this country to greatness and I already posted it once to you but you conveniently ignored it. Every single one is doable but only if we develop a spine and wake up.

#1 Top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve and publicly name the 12 families that are the shareholders. Then we nationalize it, tell the banking oligarchs that the debt belongs to USA.INC which is being dissolved and not the debt of the people. Then we confiscate the ill-gotten wealth and put it into a trust AFTER dissolving USA.INC. We repatriate the golden that was confiscated and stolen from the people due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933. We will follow the paper trail and I suspect that the nation's gold is sitting in a vault in the Bank Of London. We then audit the IMF, the Bank For International Settlements and the World Bank and write off any and all debt this thieves have stolen from the third world countries.

#2 We then open up ALL Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and the hidden holdings of USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries. What you would find is that they are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars in assets not just in U.S holdings but overseas corporations as well that pays them a hefty dividend every year. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more wealth in a year than the entire GDP of the private sector. That money is also put into a trust and that is what will finance the nineteen essential services that the IMF contracted for when USA.INC was taken into receivership when it went bankrupt AGAIN in 1950.

#3 Then we nullify all the unfair "fair trade agreements" that has allowed a flood of cheap goods into this country made by what is basically slave labor and we place tariffs on it like we did before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This would eliminate the need for any taxation whatsoever and Allodial rights to property could be restored to the people....which means they own it property tax whatsoever.

#4 There are over 6,000 patents for everything from zero point energy to a better way of creating GOOD food that has been suppressed under the guise of "National Security". We release them and allow a TRUE free market to run with them which would create MILLIONS of jobs without harming the environment at all.

#5 We bring every soldier back that has been working overseas protecting the interests of the multinational corporations and use them to secure our southern border. Only those that came here legally and signed the guest book should benefit from the changes...not those that came over here, flopped and sucked off of the public teat.

#6 We use our influence to bring about these changes in every other country that is under the thumb of the banking oligarchs and return the wealth and resources that were stolen from them by the IMF and Bank For International Settlements back to the people from which it was stolen. It would be a domino effect. Once we expose the thievery of the IMF, BIS and World Bank, we put that money into a world trust to rebuild the infrastructure of these third world counties.

#7 We put every globalist on trial for their crimes against humanity and confiscate their wealth. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers come immediately to mind, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrice, Prince Phillip, etc, etc. Everyone that sits on the Committee of 300. It's a very tiny group of powerful elites that have foisted this debt slavery system upon humanity at the expense of 100's of millions of lives and it's way past time that they paid for their crimes. It would be Nuremburg on steroids.

#8 We restore the Republic which means a return to Common Law which is the law of the land instead of admiralty law and the UCC which is the law of the sea with all it's acts, statutes and codes. Re-train the administrators that were acting on behalf of the bank under the guise of being a judge that was raising revenue for the corporation.... into administering Common law.

#9 Hire peace officers instead of police that have been nothing but glorified mall cops and enforcers of acts, statutes and codes that produced revenue while producing no real victim of violations of said acts, statutes and codes.

#10 Make the people the trustee of their corporate fiction that was created the day they were born with the birth certificate that was written on bond paper and monetized. This bond has gained value over the life of the corporate fiction and instead use it to fund the retirement of the real man or woman of the land...thus eliminating the need for any kind of social security tax on both the employee and the employer freeing the employer to pay more since he/she will not have to figure that cost into what he/she decides to pay you. Only under real time hardship cases like disability would the funds from this bond be released if it's not at the age of the age of 60? Heck, we might even be able to lower it to 55.

#11. Legalize has a 1000 and 1 uses from being a bio-fuel to curing many forms of cancer.

We have been abused, we have been raped, pillaged and plundered by a debt slavery system that rivals that of Rome before the birth of Christ and we don't even realize it.

BTW, there are millions of people that know the things I do...especially in Europe....America? Not so much but there are some. The tipping point is about to be reached and the point of no return is approaching unless people wake up as to what is being done to them. We ARE the change...we are the solution. These bought and paid for lackeys in D.C that is the corporate headquarters of USA.INC have no's all theater. KNOWLEDGE is power and trust me, they do not want you to know what I have posted here. If you want change, you are not going to get it as long as the for profit corporate entity exists in D.C ...etch that in stone.
What the fuck is this "USA.INC" entity that you keep blabbering about in several threads?

Is it a new cartoon or video game, or what? Or are you just a very mentally disturbed person?

What does your psychiatrist tell you?

The government in D.C is actually a for profit corporation. All states are incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC....nearly every town, city and county are incorporated and a subsidiary of the state which are the subsidiaries of USA.INC. Al the alphabet agencies are incorporated even the Supreme Court is incorporated. You can find their listings on Dun and Bradstreet Why is this significant and why does it matter? That's your assignment.......

Here's a hint...all of these entities have to file a CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) which is required of all corporations.
Who the fuck is Dunn Bradstreet?
What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Oh, my.


14 million jobs gained in this recovery and you're actually dumbed-down enough to call it a "jobless" recovery.

You really do expose just how ignorant you are by posting such nonsensical rightwing talking points.

How many have been lost during that time and what kind of jobs are they? What do they pay? You do know that part-time work counts the same as full-time. Keep those blinders on.....
That depends Dale. What are you qualified to do? Every company in America is looking for good help. Programmers, sales, etc. If you are a dishwasher don't expect to make what I make.

I make a very decent living but it's not all about see, I care about other people.
He is definitely clueless....just another water carrier for the Barrypuppet.

And another......personal attack. Incapable of discussion??

Rshermr, you asked about the 8 things we could do that would return this country to greatness and I already posted it once to you but you conveniently ignored it. Every single one is doable but only if we develop a spine and wake up.

#1 Top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve and publicly name the 12 families that are the shareholders. Then we nationalize it, tell the banking oligarchs that the debt belongs to USA.INC which is being dissolved and not the debt of the people. Then we confiscate the ill-gotten wealth and put it into a trust AFTER dissolving USA.INC. We repatriate the golden that was confiscated and stolen from the people due to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933. We will follow the paper trail and I suspect that the nation's gold is sitting in a vault in the Bank Of London. We then audit the IMF, the Bank For International Settlements and the World Bank and write off any and all debt this thieves have stolen from the third world countries.

#2 We then open up ALL Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and the hidden holdings of USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries. What you would find is that they are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars in assets not just in U.S holdings but overseas corporations as well that pays them a hefty dividend every year. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more wealth in a year than the entire GDP of the private sector. That money is also put into a trust and that is what will finance the nineteen essential services that the IMF contracted for when USA.INC was taken into receivership when it went bankrupt AGAIN in 1950.

#3 Then we nullify all the unfair "fair trade agreements" that has allowed a flood of cheap goods into this country made by what is basically slave labor and we place tariffs on it like we did before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This would eliminate the need for any taxation whatsoever and Allodial rights to property could be restored to the people....which means they own it property tax whatsoever.

#4 There are over 6,000 patents for everything from zero point energy to a better way of creating GOOD food that has been suppressed under the guise of "National Security". We release them and allow a TRUE free market to run with them which would create MILLIONS of jobs without harming the environment at all.

#5 We bring every soldier back that has been working overseas protecting the interests of the multinational corporations and use them to secure our southern border. Only those that came here legally and signed the guest book should benefit from the changes...not those that came over here, flopped and sucked off of the public teat.

#6 We use our influence to bring about these changes in every other country that is under the thumb of the banking oligarchs and return the wealth and resources that were stolen from them by the IMF and Bank For International Settlements back to the people from which it was stolen. It would be a domino effect. Once we expose the thievery of the IMF, BIS and World Bank, we put that money into a world trust to rebuild the infrastructure of these third world counties.

#7 We put every globalist on trial for their crimes against humanity and confiscate their wealth. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers come immediately to mind, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrice, Prince Phillip, etc, etc. Everyone that sits on the Committee of 300. It's a very tiny group of powerful elites that have foisted this debt slavery system upon humanity at the expense of 100's of millions of lives and it's way past time that they paid for their crimes. It would be Nuremburg on steroids.

#8 We restore the Republic which means a return to Common Law which is the law of the land instead of admiralty law and the UCC which is the law of the sea with all it's acts, statutes and codes. Re-train the administrators that were acting on behalf of the bank under the guise of being a judge that was raising revenue for the corporation.... into administering Common law.

#9 Hire peace officers instead of police that have been nothing but glorified mall cops and enforcers of acts, statutes and codes that produced revenue while producing no real victim of violations of said acts, statutes and codes.

#10 Make the people the trustee of their corporate fiction that was created the day they were born with the birth certificate that was written on bond paper and monetized. This bond has gained value over the life of the corporate fiction and instead use it to fund the retirement of the real man or woman of the land...thus eliminating the need for any kind of social security tax on both the employee and the employer freeing the employer to pay more since he/she will not have to figure that cost into what he/she decides to pay you. Only under real time hardship cases like disability would the funds from this bond be released if it's not at the age of the age of 60? Heck, we might even be able to lower it to 55.

#11. Legalize has a 1000 and 1 uses from being a bio-fuel to curing many forms of cancer.

We have been abused, we have been raped, pillaged and plundered by a debt slavery system that rivals that of Rome before the birth of Christ and we don't even realize it.

BTW, there are millions of people that know the things I do...especially in Europe....America? Not so much but there are some. The tipping point is about to be reached and the point of no return is approaching unless people wake up as to what is being done to them. We ARE the change...we are the solution. These bought and paid for lackeys in D.C that is the corporate headquarters of USA.INC have no's all theater. KNOWLEDGE is power and trust me, they do not want you to know what I have posted here. If you want change, you are not going to get it as long as the for profit corporate entity exists in D.C ...etch that in stone.
What the fuck is this "USA.INC" entity that you keep blabbering about in several threads?

Is it a new cartoon or video game, or what? Or are you just a very mentally disturbed person?

What does your psychiatrist tell you?

The government in D.C is actually a for profit corporation. All states are incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC....nearly every town, city and county are incorporated and a subsidiary of the state which are the subsidiaries of USA.INC. Al the alphabet agencies are incorporated even the Supreme Court is incorporated. You can find their listings on Dun and Bradstreet Why is this significant and why does it matter? That's your assignment.......

Here's a hint...all of these entities have to file a CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) which is required of all corporations.
Who the fuck is Dunn Bradstreet?

Dun and Bradstreet is a registry that allows you to look up corporations and their credit rating and other financial information.
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Oh, my.


14 million jobs gained in this recovery and you're actually dumbed-down enough to call it a "jobless" recovery.

You really do expose just how ignorant you are by posting such nonsensical rightwing talking points.

How many have been lost during that time and what kind of jobs are they? What do they pay? You do know that part-time work counts the same as full-time. Keep those blinders on.....
That is the NET change in jobs, so lost jobs are already included.
As for part time vs full time:

It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!

This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!

This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.
There is a rate of inflation that is required to keep an economy working well. It is not 0% and it is not 50%. Now, we could ask right wing nut cases, or others with agendas and get all kinds of answers. But it is a fact that economists pretty much universally peg the target inflation rate at about 2%, to 2.5%. So, trying to scare the crap out of everyone that inflation is eating away at our wealth is stupid, or just an attempt to push an agenda.
That claim, by the way, completely ignores the increase in value based on interest rates on money. Assuming, of course, that neither the person nor the government put their money in their mattress.
Then there is the whole push by a large number of nut cases to go back to some standard to value currency. Like the gold standard. Which no country in the world wants to do. Because, you see, real history shows that in the days when the gold standard was in place we had very frequent and severe recessions. Booms and busts of epic proportion. But the fact is, a gold standard would make a lot of wealthy people much richer, and a lot of poor less so.
I wonder who is pushing the gold standard???
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Oh, my.


14 million jobs gained in this recovery and you're actually dumbed-down enough to call it a "jobless" recovery.

You really do expose just how ignorant you are by posting such nonsensical rightwing talking points.

How many have been lost during that time and what kind of jobs are they? What do they pay? You do know that part-time work counts the same as full-time. Keep those blinders on.....
Dayam. You imbeciles with your talking points are relentless. No matter how many times they're debunked, y'all keep repeating them. Part time jobs added during the recovery account for less than 2% of all the jobs gained...

Part time jobs (191,000)

2/2010: 27,627,000
3/2016: 27,818,000

Full time jobs (12,669,000)

2/2010: 110,778,000
3/2016: 123,447,000

99% of the 13 million jobs gained during the recovery were full time jobs. Oldstyle is an abject imbecile for describing the recovery a "jobless" recovery. :eusa_doh:

Oh, and the gains I posted are net gains.
I keep hearing need ~200K jobs/mo to keep up w/population growth. True? ~2mil*8yr=16mil. Just point that out.

Dale is correct on less ounce trick per/pkg same price or even up
You may keep hearing it, but no matter how much GOP hate radio repeats it, it still won't be true!

The real number is 116,779 per month to maintain our present 5% U-3 rate.

Jobs Calculator
What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!

This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

Really? t
What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!

This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

Change my position? Hardly. The cost of housing is ungodly high, they are packaging food in smaller quantities while only slightly raising the prices. The only break we have gotten is in gas prices. There is a huge crash coming and the powers that be know it. We are driving off a cliff and you are sitting in the back whistling....totally clueless.
Everyone here saw you change your position. Sure, you can deny you did, but that only increases the perception of just how fucking deranged you are.

You went from saying QE, which started in 2008 , caused inflation ... to ... the U.S. dollar has lost 98% of its value since 1913. That's an epic position change. But hey, if ya need to move the goalposts because your argument doesn't hold water, oh well.

Last edited:
It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!

This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.

Conveniently for you, there are few records of inflation rates before 2013. However, as of 2013, rates were over 10%. They were over 9% until about 1920, and then under 6% every decade thereafter. The average inflation rate since 2013 was under 3.2%, and averaged under 2.5% since 1990. So, no, inflation has not been hurt by the change from the gold standard. Quite the opposite. And, in deference to you insults, that has absolutely NOTHING to do with dem or rep presidents. Perhaps we should be particularly angry at the fed for keeping inflation low and eliminating a large number of recessions.
What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!

This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

Really? t
What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!

This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

Change my position? Hardly. The cost of housing is ungodly high, they are packaging food in smaller quantities while only slightly raising the prices. The only break we have gotten is in gas prices. There is a huge crash coming and the powers that be know it. We are driving off a cliff and you are sitting in the back whistling....totally clueless.

Uh, the inflation rate has been low for years. Under 2.5% per year since 1990. Right where economists want it to be to ensure economic growth of the economy. That specific costs are going up fast is generally a problem of monopoly (general or regional) and population growth.
But inflation??? Sorry, that is simply a stupid argument.
And saying QE had any influenced is equally a stupid and mindless argument. The inflation rate during those and later years proves that beyond question. Anyone pointing at QE as a big deal just pointed at themselves as idiots.

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