US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low


That term was already used before ever being implemented. You've been shown this. So other than being a "con tool," what reason is there for you to continue lying and claim they made that term up because you think they didn't create any jobs? The term came before any jobs were created or saved. Are you even capable of understanding how that in itself exposes your lie?

Thing is, if you have no integrity, you do not care if you are shown to be a liar, and to not have seen what he was provided with. And, of course, oldstyle has no integrity of any kind. None. He is simply a lying paid con tool, or troll for short. Poor little minded clown.

I've read some of "oldstyle" posts. Of those, every one was 100% accurate. Of yours I have read, you whine and call childish names but little, if anything of value. Seen that on other threads too.

Welcome to the board, Markle. I think you'll find that Rshermr is one of our more "entertaining" posters! He once told me that not only was he an economics major in college but that he was so well versed in the subject that his college had him helping to teach the subject as an undergrad! Amazingly however he thought I was referring to a brick and mortar college when I referenced The Chicago School of Economics. His kind of stupid is a rare thing! Enjoy abusing him...I know I do!

He is amusing and it was obvious he/she knows less than nothing about economics. I guess the ploy was to intimidate others by falsely claiming to be knowledgeable about the topic.

I don't think anyone has ever been "intimidated" by Rshermr's "knowledge"! He's just one more internet poser...pretending to be something that he's not and when he's called on it? Prepare yourself for a slew of personal attacks. It's his stock response.

Again, kpersonal attacks like this post from you? Are you capable of rational discussion?? Just wondering.
Under Bush, millions of jobs moved to China with over 42,000 factories closed with the country losing all that revenue and paying out billions in unemployment. Then there were the deficit creating Bush tax cuts costing trillions in revenue. Then the two wars on credit cards. Then over 40,000 maimed in Iraq costing trillions into the future.
And that was just a little of what Bush and the GOP left Obama.
Republicans may constantly call Obama a messiah, but he doesn't have god powers. He's just a man doing the best he can but with an entire political party trying to make the country fail so they can say he failed.

Yea, go ahead, say that isn't true with a straight face.

It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Waaaa!!! The Feds can't raise interest rates! Waaaaaa! So why don't we go back to losing 700,000 jobs a month all while President Bush/Cruz/Kasich/McCain/Romney tell us the fundamentals of our economy are strong?
Thing is, if you have no integrity, you do not care if you are shown to be a liar, and to not have seen what he was provided with. And, of course, oldstyle has no integrity of any kind. None. He is simply a lying paid con tool, or troll for short. Poor little minded clown.

I've read some of "oldstyle" posts. Of those, every one was 100% accurate. Of yours I have read, you whine and call childish names but little, if anything of value. Seen that on other threads too.

Welcome to the board, Markle. I think you'll find that Rshermr is one of our more "entertaining" posters! He once told me that not only was he an economics major in college but that he was so well versed in the subject that his college had him helping to teach the subject as an undergrad! Amazingly however he thought I was referring to a brick and mortar college when I referenced The Chicago School of Economics. His kind of stupid is a rare thing! Enjoy abusing him...I know I do!

He is amusing and it was obvious he/she knows less than nothing about economics. I guess the ploy was to intimidate others by falsely claiming to be knowledgeable about the topic.

I don't think anyone has ever been "intimidated" by Rshermr's "knowledge"! He's just one more internet poser...pretending to be something that he's not and when he's called on it? Prepare yourself for a slew of personal attacks. It's his stock response.

Again, kpersonal attacks like this post from you? Are you capable of rational discussion?? Just wondering.
Guys like Oldstyle argue one way when a Republican is in the White House and hold Democratic Presidents to a completely different standard. They nit pick the Democrat and let the Republicans tank the economy and still want to re elect them. Ever hear Republicans talk about "real" unemployment or the long term unemployed when Bush was president? Fuck no. They called all those people lazy slackers who have only themselves to blame. Today they blame Obama. In other words they are just cherry picking and using the unemployed as political footballs, because we all know Republicans don't have a plan to help those people.

Just remember they wanted to elect McCain and carry on with Bushanomics. They never once admitted Bush sucked. But now look at how Republicans treat not only the Bush name but any Republican who wants to be president. What did Cruz get last night 10% of the vote? So it isn't just us liberals who hate the Republicans. Every Republican that votes for Trump hates them too. In other words no one wants a Republican to be president. No one.
Obama Is One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time. Here’s Why

Wait. One of the Greatest? you ask, your thumb emoticon poised to turn up or down on me. The guy haters love to hate with their very best hate game? Like 20-Dollar Bill great? Like Mount Rushmore great?

Yep. (We just won’t build Mount Rushmores anymore.) In so many ways, Obama was better than we imagined, better than the body politic deserved, and far, far better than his enemies will ever concede, but the great thing about being great is that the verdict of enemies doesn’t matter.
In fact, and I say this as a Bill Clinton fan, I now feel certain that, in the coming decades, Obama’s star will rise higher than Clinton’s, and he’ll replace Bill in the public mind as the Greatest Democrat since FDR.
It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Waaaa!!! The Feds can't raise interest rates! Waaaaaa! So why don't we go back to losing 700,000 jobs a month all while President Bush/Cruz/Kasich/McCain/Romney tell us the fundamentals of our economy are strong?

You seem to take the Fed's ability to set interest rates lightly, Sealy. Perhaps you should think about what our options are if we slip into another recession? The normal solution for that is for the Fed to lower interest rates. We can't do that however because interest rates are almost at zero now. That's a dangerous situation and is why the Fed keeps rumbling about possible raises to the interest rate only to back off because the economy is so shaky.

The fundamentals of our economy ARE strong! If they weren't then the lack of leadership by President Obama for much of the last six years would have been extremely damaging.
Under Bush, millions of jobs moved to China with over 42,000 factories closed with the country losing all that revenue and paying out billions in unemployment. Then there were the deficit creating Bush tax cuts costing trillions in revenue. Then the two wars on credit cards. Then over 40,000 maimed in Iraq costing trillions into the future.
And that was just a little of what Bush and the GOP left Obama.
Republicans may constantly call Obama a messiah, but he doesn't have god powers. He's just a man doing the best he can but with an entire political party trying to make the country fail so they can say he failed.

Yea, go ahead, say that isn't true with a straight face.

It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Under Bush, millions of jobs moved to China with over 42,000 factories closed with the country losing all that revenue and paying out billions in unemployment. Then there were the deficit creating Bush tax cuts costing trillions in revenue. Then the two wars on credit cards. Then over 40,000 maimed in Iraq costing trillions into the future.
And that was just a little of what Bush and the GOP left Obama.
Republicans may constantly call Obama a messiah, but he doesn't have god powers. He's just a man doing the best he can but with an entire political party trying to make the country fail so they can say he failed.

Yea, go ahead, say that isn't true with a straight face.

It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.

Who, me boy, owns congress?? Who, me boy, has stopped every bill on the economy that the current president has put forward? What bill has the repub congress put forward, me boy. Let me know what they have done EXCEPT block any effort this pres
Show me another Administration that used "jobs created or saved" as a measure of their economic policies! Until Obama...the measure was simply "jobs created". Why? Because that number was something you could accurately count. It wasn't a number that you INVENTED! The numbers that they came up with using "jobs created or saved" were whatever they wanted them to be because there was absolutely no method to verify them. They absolutely used that number BECAUSE they knew they hadn't created jobs despite spending an ungodly amount of money! I'm a "con tool"? You've fallen for a con job!

That term was already used before ever being implemented. You've been shown this. So other than being a "con tool," what reason is there for you to continue lying and claim they made that term up because you think they didn't create any jobs? The term came before any jobs were created or saved. Are you even capable of understanding how that in itself exposes your lie?

Thing is, if you have no integrity, you do not care if you are shown to be a liar, and to not have seen what he was provided with. And, of course, oldstyle has no integrity of any kind. None. He is simply a lying paid con tool, or troll for short. Poor little minded clown.

I've read some of "oldstyle" posts. Of those, every one was 100% accurate. Of yours I have read, you whine and call childish names but little, if anything of value. Seen that on other threads too.

Welcome to the board, Markle. I think you'll find that Rshermr is one of our more "entertaining" posters! He once told me that not only was he an economics major in college but that he was so well versed in the subject that his college had him helping to teach the subject as an undergrad! Amazingly however he thought I was referring to a brick and mortar college when I referenced The Chicago School of Economics. His kind of stupid is a rare thing! Enjoy abusing him...I know I do!

I have the moron so flustered and confused that he can't even muster a reply to me. about kicking someone's ass?
In fact, and I say this as a Bill Clinton fan, I now feel certain that, in the coming decades, Obama’s star will rise higher than Clinton’s, and he’ll replace Bill in the public mind as the Greatest Democrat since FDR.

Obama faced the worst economy since FDR. Another great republican recession. And heading to a true depression at record speed. It was a true aggregate demand based recession, getting worse weekly. Losing over 600,000 jobs per MONTH. PER MONTH.
So, you had two options. The republican version was do nothing except lower taxes.
Or the option of nearly all economists, use STIMULUS. FAST.
And so there was a vote for a stimulus bill. Dems and repubs, and all impartial economists, said we were going toward a depression if we did not get a major stimulus package. And FAST. So, in their normal way, they lined up to vote, all wanting the bill to pass, all willing to vote for it, "if necessary". Because, you see, no repub wanted to admit he had voted for it. So, the package passed WITHOUT A SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE.
Since then, of course, every republican talking point, every republican voice, has in lock step said that the package did nothing. That, after every republican INSISTING on a major part of the bill being tax decreases. Which economic sources stated would hurt the bill. And it did. The stimulus, thanks to republican input, was too weak to get the job done in a reasonable time frame.
So, republicans, having control of the congress after the death of Kennedy, have REFUSED TO PASS A SINGLE BILL PUT FORWARD TO HELP THE ECONOMY SINCE. EVERY SINGLE ONE. And while doing so, with their foot on the throat of every american worker, they continue to stop progress. Which, in many people's opinion, is un-American.
So, we here every conservative tool, especially the paid ones, saying the stimulus did nothing. Which is, of course, simply partisan bullshit. One should not listen to political pretenders or politicians on anything, because they lie as a matter of course. So, what does a group of experts tasked with scoring such things say?

Did the stimulus work?

Certainly not according to Republicans, who regularly blast President Obama’s “failed” economic policies on the campaign trail. GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has called the $787 billion package of temporary tax cuts and spending hikes “the largest one-time careless expenditure of government money in American history.”

But on Wednesday, under questioning from skeptical Republicans, the director of the nonpartisan (and widely respected) Congressional Budget Office was emphatic about the value of the 2009 stimulus. And, he said, the vast majority of economists agree.

Elmendorf’s testimony came in response to questions from Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), a member of the tea party caucus. Huelskamp asserted that the stimulus was a failure because it did not keep the jobless rate below 8 percent, as the Obama administration predicted.

“Where did Washington mess up?” Huelskamp demanded. “Because you’re saying most economists think it should’ve worked. It didn’t.”

Most economists not only think it should have worked; they think it did work, Elmendorf replied. CBO’s own analysis found that the package added as many as 3.3 million jobs to the economy during the second quarter of 2010, and may have prevented the nation from lapsing back into recession.
Congressional Budget Office defends stimulus

So, there you are. Politicians, and their conservative tool mindless helpers, have hurt, badly, the middle class. They have, in their normal way, made sure that the wealthy came out well. Bankers and corporatists and very wealthy are doing better than before the great republican recession of 2008. Provably.

Obama Is One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time. Here’s Why

Wait. One of the Greatest? you ask, your thumb emoticon poised to turn up or down on me. The guy haters love to hate with their very best hate game? Like 20-Dollar Bill great? Like Mount Rushmore great?

Yep. (We just won’t build Mount Rushmores anymore.) In so many ways, Obama was better than we imagined, better than the body politic deserved, and far, far better than his enemies will ever concede, but the great thing about being great is that the verdict of enemies doesn’t matter.

Better than we imagined? Really, Sealy?

Let's see...he did give us ObamaCare...a piece of legislation that was so flawed that it's proponents had to lie to the American people to get it passed and even the people who wrote it admit that it needs to be overhauled or it can't survive!

He did give us the Obama Stimulus...something that turned into a liberal pork fest that created so few jobs that they had to invent a new economic statistic to hide how bad it was!

Fast & Furious? Benghazi? That joke of a nuke deal with Iran? The JV team? Putin and Russian aggression? Syria?

Then there is his domestic agenda. Using the IRS against political enemies? The most "transparent" Administration ever? Racial tensions at the highest levels since the 60's? Political partisanship worse now than at any time since the Civil War?
It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
It isn't true. All that nonsense are the excuses that Barack Obama's supporters have come up with to explain his failures as President. This is the man who appointed Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of General be his "Jobs Czar" when it was General Electric that was one of the biggest exporters of jobs to China! That's how clueless Barry is...and how brainwashed you are for not seeing it. This is the man who's Presidency began with huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. What did he give us with all that power? ObamaCare...the Obama Stimulus...AND A WHOLE LOT OF EXCUSES!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.

Who, me boy, owns congress?? Who, me boy, has stopped every bill on the economy that the current president has put forward? What bill has the repub congress put forward, me boy. Let me know what they have done EXCEPT block any effort this pres

That term was already used before ever being implemented. You've been shown this. So other than being a "con tool," what reason is there for you to continue lying and claim they made that term up because you think they didn't create any jobs? The term came before any jobs were created or saved. Are you even capable of understanding how that in itself exposes your lie?

Thing is, if you have no integrity, you do not care if you are shown to be a liar, and to not have seen what he was provided with. And, of course, oldstyle has no integrity of any kind. None. He is simply a lying paid con tool, or troll for short. Poor little minded clown.

I've read some of "oldstyle" posts. Of those, every one was 100% accurate. Of yours I have read, you whine and call childish names but little, if anything of value. Seen that on other threads too.

Welcome to the board, Markle. I think you'll find that Rshermr is one of our more "entertaining" posters! He once told me that not only was he an economics major in college but that he was so well versed in the subject that his college had him helping to teach the subject as an undergrad! Amazingly however he thought I was referring to a brick and mortar college when I referenced The Chicago School of Economics. His kind of stupid is a rare thing! Enjoy abusing him...I know I do!

I have the moron so flustered and confused that he can't even muster a reply to me. about kicking someone's ass?
In fact, and I say this as a Bill Clinton fan, I now feel certain that, in the coming decades, Obama’s star will rise higher than Clinton’s, and he’ll replace Bill in the public mind as the Greatest Democrat since FDR.

Obama faced the worst economy since FDR. Another great republican recession. And heading to a true depression at record speed. It was a true aggregate demand based recession, getting worse weekly. Losing over 600,000 jobs per MONTH. PER MONTH.
So, you had two options. The republican version was do nothing except lower taxes.
Or the option of nearly all economists, use STIMULUS. FAST.
And so there was a vote for a stimulus bill. Dems and repubs, and all impartial economists, said we were going toward a depression if we did not get a major stimulus package. And FAST. So, in their normal way, they lined up to vote, all wanting the bill to pass, all willing to vote for it, "if necessary". Because, you see, no repub wanted to admit he had voted for it. So, the package passed WITHOUT A SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE.
Since then, of course, every republican talking point, every republican voice, has in lock step said that the package did nothing. That, after every republican INSISTING on a major part of the bill being tax decreases. Which economic sources stated would hurt the bill. And it did. The stimulus, thanks to republican input, was too weak to get the job done in a reasonable time frame.
So, republicans, having control of the congress after the death of Kennedy, have REFUSED TO PASS A SINGLE BILL PUT FORWARD TO HELP THE ECONOMY SINCE. EVERY SINGLE ONE. And while doing so, with their foot on the throat of every american worker, they continue to stop progress. Which, in many people's opinion, is un-American.
So, we here every conservative tool, especially the paid ones, saying the stimulus did nothing. Which is, of course, simply partisan bullshit. One should not listen to political pretenders or politicians on anything, because they lie as a matter of course. So, what does a group of experts tasked with scoring such things say?

Did the stimulus work?

Certainly not according to Republicans, who regularly blast President Obama’s “failed” economic policies on the campaign trail. GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has called the $787 billion package of temporary tax cuts and spending hikes “the largest one-time careless expenditure of government money in American history.”

But on Wednesday, under questioning from skeptical Republicans, the director of the nonpartisan (and widely respected) Congressional Budget Office was emphatic about the value of the 2009 stimulus. And, he said, the vast majority of economists agree.

Elmendorf’s testimony came in response to questions from Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), a member of the tea party caucus. Huelskamp asserted that the stimulus was a failure because it did not keep the jobless rate below 8 percent, as the Obama administration predicted.

“Where did Washington mess up?” Huelskamp demanded. “Because you’re saying most economists think it should’ve worked. It didn’t.”

Most economists not only think it should have worked; they think it did work, Elmendorf replied. CBO’s own analysis found that the package added as many as 3.3 million jobs to the economy during the second quarter of 2010, and may have prevented the nation from lapsing back into recession.
Congressional Budget Office defends stimulus

So, there you are. Politicians, and their conservative tool mindless helpers, have hurt, badly, the middle class. They have, in their normal way, made sure that the wealthy came out well. Bankers and corporatists and very wealthy are doing better than before the great republican recession of 2008. Provably.

"In a survey conducted by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 80 percent of economic experts agreed that, because of the stimulus, the U.S. unemployment rate was lower at the end of 2010 than it would have been otherwise."

Gee, you spent billions in stimulus and what do you have to show for it? That economists agree the unemployment rate would have been higher if you hadn't? Think about that, you drooling idiot! Talk about using statistics to convey something that is absolutely meaningless! How much higher? A half a point? You're so fucking gullible that you buy the bullshit this Administration has been shoveling!

What's laughable is that 20% of the economists out there believed that the unemployment rate would have been lower if you hadn't spent anything!
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Waaaa!!! The Feds can't raise interest rates! Waaaaaa! So why don't we go back to losing 700,000 jobs a month all while President Bush/Cruz/Kasich/McCain/Romney tell us the fundamentals of our economy are strong?

You seem to take the Fed's ability to set interest rates lightly, Sealy. Perhaps you should think about what our options are if we slip into another recession? The normal solution for that is for the Fed to lower interest rates. We can't do that however because interest rates are almost at zero now. That's a dangerous situation and is why the Fed keeps rumbling about possible raises to the interest rate only to back off because the economy is so shaky.

The fundamentals of our economy ARE strong! If they weren't then the lack of leadership by President Obama for much of the last six years would have been extremely damaging.

Again, you have no proof. No links. Do you expect that we would take what you say on your word?
Interest rates have done little. They normally do little even if they are high. What would work, of course, according to economists, would have been more stimulus. But repubs voted against every bill put forward for stimulus, including obviously needed infrastructure investment. Because, simply, repubs and folks like you do not want the economy to get better under a dem president. That, me boy, is un-american in most people's mind.
We have had three major downturns in our history, and numerous small corrections. The three were:
1. The great republican depression of 1929. When unemployment went from about 4% to over 25% while our great republican president sat while doing NOTHING. Nothing good happened until stimulus bills after Hoover was out of office (though he finally came to his senses just before he left office, and pushed forward a stimulus bill).
2. The Second Republican Downturn during Reagan's admin, resulting from a great tax decrease and massive gov layoffs to pay for the tax decrease. That downturn got better when the economic team raised taxes to pay for gov spending (stimulus).
3. The Great Republican Recession of 2008. What we have today.
So, interest rate were already historically low. Tax rates were very low, not lower since the 1950's. You have one, and the best, option available. And you water it down with massive tax cuts and then refuse to do anything the current pres wants. Then, having your foot on the neck of everyone but the very rich, you attack any solution that would work.
Obama Is One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time. Here’s Why

Wait. One of the Greatest? you ask, your thumb emoticon poised to turn up or down on me. The guy haters love to hate with their very best hate game? Like 20-Dollar Bill great? Like Mount Rushmore great?

Yep. (We just won’t build Mount Rushmores anymore.) In so many ways, Obama was better than we imagined, better than the body politic deserved, and far, far better than his enemies will ever concede, but the great thing about being great is that the verdict of enemies doesn’t matter.

Better than we imagined? Really, Sealy?

Let's see...he did give us ObamaCare...a piece of legislation that was so flawed that it's proponents had to lie to the American people to get it passed and even the people who wrote it admit that it needs to be overhauled or it can't survive!

He did give us the Obama Stimulus...something that turned into a liberal pork fest that created so few jobs that they had to invent a new economic statistic to hide how bad it was!

Fast & Furious? Benghazi? That joke of a nuke deal with Iran? The JV team? Putin and Russian aggression? Syria?

Then there is his domestic agenda. Using the IRS against political enemies? The most "transparent" Administration ever? Racial tensions at the highest levels since the 60's? Political partisanship worse now than at any time since the Civil War?

Wow. Who would expect a list of conservative talking points from Oldstyle. What a surprise. And with no links of any kind. Another totally useless hit job.
What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Waaaa!!! The Feds can't raise interest rates! Waaaaaa! So why don't we go back to losing 700,000 jobs a month all while President Bush/Cruz/Kasich/McCain/Romney tell us the fundamentals of our economy are strong?

You seem to take the Fed's ability to set interest rates lightly, Sealy. Perhaps you should think about what our options are if we slip into another recession? The normal solution for that is for the Fed to lower interest rates. We can't do that however because interest rates are almost at zero now. That's a dangerous situation and is why the Fed keeps rumbling about possible raises to the interest rate only to back off because the economy is so shaky.

The fundamentals of our economy ARE strong! If they weren't then the lack of leadership by President Obama for much of the last six years would have been extremely damaging.

Again, you have no proof. No links. Do you expect that we would take what you say on your word?
Interest rates have done little. They normally do little even if they are high. What would work, of course, according to economists, would have been more stimulus. But repubs voted against every bill put forward for stimulus, including obviously needed infrastructure investment. Because, simply, repubs and folks like you do not want the economy to get better under a dem president. That, me boy, is un-american in most people's mind.
We have had three major downturns in our history, and numerous small corrections. The three were:
1. The great republican depression of 1929. When unemployment went from about 4% to over 25% while our great republican president sat while doing NOTHING. Nothing good happened until stimulus bills after Hoover was out of office (though he finally came to his senses just before he left office, and pushed forward a stimulus bill).
2. The Second Republican Downturn during Reagan's admin, resulting from a great tax decrease and massive gov layoffs to pay for the tax decrease. That downturn got better when the economic team raised taxes to pay for gov spending (stimulus).
3. The Great Republican Recession of 2008. What we have today.
So, interest rate were already historically low. Tax rates were very low, not lower since the 1950's. You have one, and the best, option available. And you water it down with massive tax cuts and then refuse to do anything the current pres wants. Then, having your foot on the neck of everyone but the very rich, you attack any solution that would work.

Obama couldn't get Democrats to vote for his second attempt at stimulus! Why? Because none of them wanted to vote for another fiasco like the first stimulus when they were up for reelection! Or have you forgotten the whole "shovel ready jobs" thing?
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.

Who, me boy, owns congress?? Who, me boy, has stopped every bill on the economy that the current president has put forward? What bill has the repub congress put forward, me boy. Let me know what they have done EXCEPT block any effort this pres
Thing is, if you have no integrity, you do not care if you are shown to be a liar, and to not have seen what he was provided with. And, of course, oldstyle has no integrity of any kind. None. He is simply a lying paid con tool, or troll for short. Poor little minded clown.

I've read some of "oldstyle" posts. Of those, every one was 100% accurate. Of yours I have read, you whine and call childish names but little, if anything of value. Seen that on other threads too.

Welcome to the board, Markle. I think you'll find that Rshermr is one of our more "entertaining" posters! He once told me that not only was he an economics major in college but that he was so well versed in the subject that his college had him helping to teach the subject as an undergrad! Amazingly however he thought I was referring to a brick and mortar college when I referenced The Chicago School of Economics. His kind of stupid is a rare thing! Enjoy abusing him...I know I do!

I have the moron so flustered and confused that he can't even muster a reply to me. about kicking someone's ass?
In fact, and I say this as a Bill Clinton fan, I now feel certain that, in the coming decades, Obama’s star will rise higher than Clinton’s, and he’ll replace Bill in the public mind as the Greatest Democrat since FDR.

Obama faced the worst economy since FDR. Another great republican recession. And heading to a true depression at record speed. It was a true aggregate demand based recession, getting worse weekly. Losing over 600,000 jobs per MONTH. PER MONTH.
So, you had two options. The republican version was do nothing except lower taxes.
Or the option of nearly all economists, use STIMULUS. FAST.
And so there was a vote for a stimulus bill. Dems and repubs, and all impartial economists, said we were going toward a depression if we did not get a major stimulus package. And FAST. So, in their normal way, they lined up to vote, all wanting the bill to pass, all willing to vote for it, "if necessary". Because, you see, no repub wanted to admit he had voted for it. So, the package passed WITHOUT A SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE.
Since then, of course, every republican talking point, every republican voice, has in lock step said that the package did nothing. That, after every republican INSISTING on a major part of the bill being tax decreases. Which economic sources stated would hurt the bill. And it did. The stimulus, thanks to republican input, was too weak to get the job done in a reasonable time frame.
So, republicans, having control of the congress after the death of Kennedy, have REFUSED TO PASS A SINGLE BILL PUT FORWARD TO HELP THE ECONOMY SINCE. EVERY SINGLE ONE. And while doing so, with their foot on the throat of every american worker, they continue to stop progress. Which, in many people's opinion, is un-American.
So, we here every conservative tool, especially the paid ones, saying the stimulus did nothing. Which is, of course, simply partisan bullshit. One should not listen to political pretenders or politicians on anything, because they lie as a matter of course. So, what does a group of experts tasked with scoring such things say?

Did the stimulus work?

Certainly not according to Republicans, who regularly blast President Obama’s “failed” economic policies on the campaign trail. GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has called the $787 billion package of temporary tax cuts and spending hikes “the largest one-time careless expenditure of government money in American history.”

But on Wednesday, under questioning from skeptical Republicans, the director of the nonpartisan (and widely respected) Congressional Budget Office was emphatic about the value of the 2009 stimulus. And, he said, the vast majority of economists agree.

Elmendorf’s testimony came in response to questions from Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), a member of the tea party caucus. Huelskamp asserted that the stimulus was a failure because it did not keep the jobless rate below 8 percent, as the Obama administration predicted.

“Where did Washington mess up?” Huelskamp demanded. “Because you’re saying most economists think it should’ve worked. It didn’t.”

Most economists not only think it should have worked; they think it did work, Elmendorf replied. CBO’s own analysis found that the package added as many as 3.3 million jobs to the economy during the second quarter of 2010, and may have prevented the nation from lapsing back into recession.
Congressional Budget Office defends stimulus

So, there you are. Politicians, and their conservative tool mindless helpers, have hurt, badly, the middle class. They have, in their normal way, made sure that the wealthy came out well. Bankers and corporatists and very wealthy are doing better than before the great republican recession of 2008. Provably.

"In a survey conducted by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 80 percent of economic experts agreed that, because of the stimulus, the U.S. unemployment rate was lower at the end of 2010 than it would have been otherwise."

Gee, you spent billions in stimulus and what do you have to show for it? That economists agree the unemployment rate would have been higher if you hadn't? Think about that, you drooling idiot! Talk about using statistics to convey something that is absolutely meaningless! How much higher? A half a point? You're so fucking gullible that you buy the bullshit this Administration has been shoveling!

What's laughable is that 20% of the economists out there believed that the unemployment rate would have been lower if you hadn't spent anything!

Perhaps if you would read the report by clicking on the link, you would find that that it was also said that:
Most economists not only think it should have worked; they think it did work, Elmendorf replied. CBO’s own analysis found that the package added as many as 3.3 million jobs to the economy during the second quarter of 2010, and may have prevented the nation from lapsing back into recession.
So, apparently you believe that the CBO is part of the presidents administration. It is independent. It is well respected by repubs and dems and economists. Really, you do so hate any source of information that is impartial and not part of the conservative nut case web sites.
And, nice try but an obvious lie about the number of economists who thought there was no help from the stimulus. It was 80% of the economist who thought the bill worked to help the economy. It was NOT 20% OF ECONOMIST OUT THERE THAT BELIEVED THAT THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE WOULD HAVE BEEN LOWER IF YOU HADN'T SPENT ANYTHING. Really,, me boy, misquoting is tacky. Shows you lack integrity. Here is what the director ACTUALLY said: "Only 4 percent disagreed or strongly disagreed,” CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf told the House Budget Committee. “That,” he added, “is a distinct minority.”"
So, sorry for the attack. But not that I did attack your post, but that you felt it necessary to lie about what the article I link said. Very, very tacky. And so much like a paid con tool.
ry to
Obama Is One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time. Here’s Why

Wait. One of the Greatest? you ask, your thumb emoticon poised to turn up or down on me. The guy haters love to hate with their very best hate game? Like 20-Dollar Bill great? Like Mount Rushmore great?

Yep. (We just won’t build Mount Rushmores anymore.) In so many ways, Obama was better than we imagined, better than the body politic deserved, and far, far better than his enemies will ever concede, but the great thing about being great is that the verdict of enemies doesn’t matter.

Better than we imagined? Really, Sealy?

Let's see...he did give us ObamaCare...a piece of legislation that was so flawed that it's proponents had to lie to the American people to get it passed and even the people who wrote it admit that it needs to be overhauled or it can't survive!

He did give us the Obama Stimulus...something that turned into a liberal pork fest that created so few jobs that they had to invent a new economic statistic to hide how bad it was!

Fast & Furious? Benghazi? That joke of a nuke deal with Iran? The JV team? Putin and Russian aggression? Syria?

Then there is his domestic agenda. Using the IRS against political enemies? The most "transparent" Administration ever? Racial tensions at the highest levels since the 60's? Political partisanship worse now than at any time since the Civil War?
A. Obamacare was corrupted by the insurance giants. Single payer didn't get a seat at the table. That's right, social security for everyone! Would you like that? Well that's why we have Obamacare, because you don't want what would have worked.
B. His stimulus worked. We're out of the recession, right? A stimulus is supposed to help us while we are getting out of a recession, which Obama got us out of.
C. Every president has a fast and furious and Bush had 100 bengazi's. Get over yourselves. Obama has been money. Did you forget he got Osama?
D. I guess if you nit pick you could say every president was horrible.

Now let me see your list of why Bush was the worst. Lets see if you can be fair and balanced.

A. Lied us into war
B. Lost war
C. Cause Global Recession
D. Was anti science
E. Got hit big time on 9-11

Imagine if Obama was half the failure Bush was.
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Look at what Bush and the GOP left us and look at where we are now and you call that failure? You must be delusional. What else could it be?

Why won't the GOP invite Bush to their convention?

What's amusing, that you honestly believe that Obama's stewardship of the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression is a plus for Barry! Where we are now is a testament to the strength of the American economy not to Barack Obama's fiscal policies. Our economy has managed to come back DESPITE having a President who is utterly clueless about job creation, economics in general and hasn't had a plan to create jobs or grow the economy since Larry Summers left six years ago!
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.

Who, me boy, owns congress?? Who, me boy, has stopped every bill on the economy that the current president has put forward? What bill has the repub congress put forward, me boy. Let me know what they have done EXCEPT block any effort this pres
Thing is, if you have no integrity, you do not care if you are shown to be a liar, and to not have seen what he was provided with. And, of course, oldstyle has no integrity of any kind. None. He is simply a lying paid con tool, or troll for short. Poor little minded clown.

I've read some of "oldstyle" posts. Of those, every one was 100% accurate. Of yours I have read, you whine and call childish names but little, if anything of value. Seen that on other threads too.

Welcome to the board, Markle. I think you'll find that Rshermr is one of our more "entertaining" posters! He once told me that not only was he an economics major in college but that he was so well versed in the subject that his college had him helping to teach the subject as an undergrad! Amazingly however he thought I was referring to a brick and mortar college when I referenced The Chicago School of Economics. His kind of stupid is a rare thing! Enjoy abusing him...I know I do!

I have the moron so flustered and confused that he can't even muster a reply to me. about kicking someone's ass?
In fact, and I say this as a Bill Clinton fan, I now feel certain that, in the coming decades, Obama’s star will rise higher than Clinton’s, and he’ll replace Bill in the public mind as the Greatest Democrat since FDR.

Obama faced the worst economy since FDR. Another great republican recession. And heading to a true depression at record speed. It was a true aggregate demand based recession, getting worse weekly. Losing over 600,000 jobs per MONTH. PER MONTH.
So, you had two options. The republican version was do nothing except lower taxes.
Or the option of nearly all economists, use STIMULUS. FAST.
And so there was a vote for a stimulus bill. Dems and repubs, and all impartial economists, said we were going toward a depression if we did not get a major stimulus package. And FAST. So, in their normal way, they lined up to vote, all wanting the bill to pass, all willing to vote for it, "if necessary". Because, you see, no repub wanted to admit he had voted for it. So, the package passed WITHOUT A SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE.
Since then, of course, every republican talking point, every republican voice, has in lock step said that the package did nothing. That, after every republican INSISTING on a major part of the bill being tax decreases. Which economic sources stated would hurt the bill. And it did. The stimulus, thanks to republican input, was too weak to get the job done in a reasonable time frame.
So, republicans, having control of the congress after the death of Kennedy, have REFUSED TO PASS A SINGLE BILL PUT FORWARD TO HELP THE ECONOMY SINCE. EVERY SINGLE ONE. And while doing so, with their foot on the throat of every american worker, they continue to stop progress. Which, in many people's opinion, is un-American.
So, we here every conservative tool, especially the paid ones, saying the stimulus did nothing. Which is, of course, simply partisan bullshit. One should not listen to political pretenders or politicians on anything, because they lie as a matter of course. So, what does a group of experts tasked with scoring such things say?

Did the stimulus work?

Certainly not according to Republicans, who regularly blast President Obama’s “failed” economic policies on the campaign trail. GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has called the $787 billion package of temporary tax cuts and spending hikes “the largest one-time careless expenditure of government money in American history.”

But on Wednesday, under questioning from skeptical Republicans, the director of the nonpartisan (and widely respected) Congressional Budget Office was emphatic about the value of the 2009 stimulus. And, he said, the vast majority of economists agree.

Elmendorf’s testimony came in response to questions from Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.), a member of the tea party caucus. Huelskamp asserted that the stimulus was a failure because it did not keep the jobless rate below 8 percent, as the Obama administration predicted.

“Where did Washington mess up?” Huelskamp demanded. “Because you’re saying most economists think it should’ve worked. It didn’t.”

Most economists not only think it should have worked; they think it did work, Elmendorf replied. CBO’s own analysis found that the package added as many as 3.3 million jobs to the economy during the second quarter of 2010, and may have prevented the nation from lapsing back into recession.
Congressional Budget Office defends stimulus

So, there you are. Politicians, and their conservative tool mindless helpers, have hurt, badly, the middle class. They have, in their normal way, made sure that the wealthy came out well. Bankers and corporatists and very wealthy are doing better than before the great republican recession of 2008. Provably.

"In a survey conducted by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 80 percent of economic experts agreed that, because of the stimulus, the U.S. unemployment rate was lower at the end of 2010 than it would have been otherwise."

Gee, you spent billions in stimulus and what do you have to show for it? That economists agree the unemployment rate would have been higher if you hadn't? Think about that, you drooling idiot! Talk about using statistics to convey something that is absolutely meaningless! How much higher? A half a point? You're so fucking gullible that you buy the bullshit this Administration has been shoveling!

What's laughable is that 20% of the economists out there believed that the unemployment rate would have been lower if you hadn't spent anything!

Can you tell us what you expect to happen when stimulus money is spent?
We are out of the great Bush recession dummy

This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Waaaa!!! The Feds can't raise interest rates! Waaaaaa! So why don't we go back to losing 700,000 jobs a month all while President Bush/Cruz/Kasich/McCain/Romney tell us the fundamentals of our economy are strong?

You seem to take the Fed's ability to set interest rates lightly, Sealy. Perhaps you should think about what our options are if we slip into another recession? The normal solution for that is for the Fed to lower interest rates. We can't do that however because interest rates are almost at zero now. That's a dangerous situation and is why the Fed keeps rumbling about possible raises to the interest rate only to back off because the economy is so shaky.

The fundamentals of our economy ARE strong! If they weren't then the lack of leadership by President Obama for much of the last six years would have been extremely damaging.

Again, you have no proof. No links. Do you expect that we would take what you say on your word?
Interest rates have done little. They normally do little even if they are high. What would work, of course, according to economists, would have been more stimulus. But repubs voted against every bill put forward for stimulus, including obviously needed infrastructure investment. Because, simply, repubs and folks like you do not want the economy to get better under a dem president. That, me boy, is un-american in most people's mind.
We have had three major downturns in our history, and numerous small corrections. The three were:
1. The great republican depression of 1929. When unemployment went from about 4% to over 25% while our great republican president sat while doing NOTHING. Nothing good happened until stimulus bills after Hoover was out of office (though he finally came to his senses just before he left office, and pushed forward a stimulus bill).
2. The Second Republican Downturn during Reagan's admin, resulting from a great tax decrease and massive gov layoffs to pay for the tax decrease. That downturn got better when the economic team raised taxes to pay for gov spending (stimulus).
3. The Great Republican Recession of 2008. What we have today.
So, interest rate were already historically low. Tax rates were very low, not lower since the 1950's. You have one, and the best, option available. And you water it down with massive tax cuts and then refuse to do anything the current pres wants. Then, having your foot on the neck of everyone but the very rich, you attack any solution that would work.

Obama couldn't get Democrats to vote for his second attempt at stimulus! Why? Because none of them wanted to vote for another fiasco like the first stimulus when they were up for reelection! Or have you forgotten the whole "shovel ready jobs" thing?

Perhaps you just have comprehension problems. Here is the record on that vote:
"For the second time in two weeks, Senate Republicans voted in unison to block “jobs” legislation, which the Obama administration and Senate Democratic leaders have made central to their agenda.

The majority of Democrats then blocked a second "jobs" measure offered by Republicans.

The first measure, a piece of President Obama’s larger jobs package, failed in a 50-50 vote after two Democrats and Independent Sen. Joe Lieberman (Conn.) joined Senate Republicans in voting against moving to the measure.

What a difference being honest can make. Two democrats of the total group. See the difference, me boy? As long as repubs vote en mass against the bill, there was no chance. There are always a couple of dems from republican states who vote with the repubs. Because they want to be reelected. Because, you see, they are politicians. And like the repubs could care less about the working men and women of this country. LIKE YOU.
So in your post, you made two points. In both, you took actual quotes and changed what they waid. Lied, me boy. And really, so obviously. Odd thing is, in my mind, that you can lie, change the wording of quotations to fit you your want, and then pretend like you did nothing wrong. Normal people have integrity. They would feel ashamed if they did what you did. But not you.

Last edited:
Lemme guess.... you're of the ilk who believe ad hominem really is a substantive substitute for actual argument?

Anything but answer the question, right?

Since you failed there, maybe you can take a stab at ..... prove that most of the 12 million people added to the 'not in labor force' group since Obama's did so for reasons other than choice....

I answered that question.
Ahh, the ever popular declaration of answering when you didn't. :eusa_doh:

All you said was millions of 16 year olds turn 16. That doesn't answer the question. And a higher percentage of young (65-69) baby boomers are working than 16-17 year olds. More Baby Boomers are retiring than 16 year olds are going to work.

I sincerely doubt that.....with the shitty buying power of this fiat currency, more and more "baby boomers" are staying in the workforce because they can't count on what they have saved. I don't give a shit what your alleged stats show. I also know that on the rare occasion that I eat at a fast food joint, I can count on one hand with fingers to spare as to how many teenagers are working there. Life must be surreal with them rose colored glasses on...where might I buy a pair?
You can doubt them all you want ... my alleged stats come from the BLS...

Employment Level - 16-17 yrs.
Population Level - 16-17 yrs.
Employment Level - 65-69 yrs.
Population Level - 65-69 yrs.

And I hate to break the news to ya -- but your personal anecdotal evidence is no match for any one of the numerous studies which attribute as much as half of the decline in the labor force participation rate to retiring baby boomers.

Keep on believing that things are looking up and that the average Joe is just one more election cycle away from prosperity. I am in the real world, I see the real world. I was in Detroit, Michigan from January of 2013 to July of 2015 and I never saw a fucking thing get better for those people there. I came back to Dallas Texas and I see the cracks in the economy and friends of mine hoping to get even so much as part-time gig at Home Depot or Lowes and it's much worse than when I left in 2013. I am here in Florida where there is a HUGE divide between the haves and the have nots and if you are a "have" you are gonna pay through the nose and this system will drain you for every dime they is fucking insane....but morons like you act like we are sitting in high cotton. You must be doing one could have the optimistic attitude that you have concerning the condition of this country unless they were on some kind of drug....seriously.

Studies? Have these "professionals" go out into the real world instead of crunching numbers this corporate "gubermint" gives them in order to paint a rosy picture that doesn't fucking exist in the real world
Well of course.
Detroit ruined by manufacturing jobs moved overseas.
Texas is a cesspool run into the ground by Republicans for decades.
Texas ranks number one in a many categories of pollution and environmental degradation. For example, Texas is:
  • #1 in the Emission of Ozone Causing Air Pollution Chemicals
  • #1 in Toxic Chemical releases into the Air
  • #1 in use of Deep Well Injectors as method of Waste Disposal
  • #1 in counties listed in top 20 of Emitting Cancer Causing Chemicals
  • #1 in Total Number of Hazardous Waste Incinerators
  • #1 in Environmental Justice Title 6 complaints
  • #1 in production of Cancer causing Benzene & Vinyl Chloride
  • #1 Largest Sludge Dump in Country
Texas is Number 1

Florida is a Rick Scott disaster.
This became the "Obama Jobless Recovery" years ago, Sealy! We've been grinding along with less then 2% economic growth for years with the Fed unable to raise interest rates because the economy isn't strong enough. Barry OWNS that...not Bush.
Waaaa!!! The Feds can't raise interest rates! Waaaaaa! So why don't we go back to losing 700,000 jobs a month all while President Bush/Cruz/Kasich/McCain/Romney tell us the fundamentals of our economy are strong?

You seem to take the Fed's ability to set interest rates lightly, Sealy. Perhaps you should think about what our options are if we slip into another recession? The normal solution for that is for the Fed to lower interest rates. We can't do that however because interest rates are almost at zero now. That's a dangerous situation and is why the Fed keeps rumbling about possible raises to the interest rate only to back off because the economy is so shaky.

The fundamentals of our economy ARE strong! If they weren't then the lack of leadership by President Obama for much of the last six years would have been extremely damaging.

Again, you have no proof. No links. Do you expect that we would take what you say on your word?
Interest rates have done little. They normally do little even if they are high. What would work, of course, according to economists, would have been more stimulus. But repubs voted against every bill put forward for stimulus, including obviously needed infrastructure investment. Because, simply, repubs and folks like you do not want the economy to get better under a dem president. That, me boy, is un-american in most people's mind.
We have had three major downturns in our history, and numerous small corrections. The three were:
1. The great republican depression of 1929. When unemployment went from about 4% to over 25% while our great republican president sat while doing NOTHING. Nothing good happened until stimulus bills after Hoover was out of office (though he finally came to his senses just before he left office, and pushed forward a stimulus bill).
2. The Second Republican Downturn during Reagan's admin, resulting from a great tax decrease and massive gov layoffs to pay for the tax decrease. That downturn got better when the economic team raised taxes to pay for gov spending (stimulus).
3. The Great Republican Recession of 2008. What we have today.
So, interest rate were already historically low. Tax rates were very low, not lower since the 1950's. You have one, and the best, option available. And you water it down with massive tax cuts and then refuse to do anything the current pres wants. Then, having your foot on the neck of everyone but the very rich, you attack any solution that would work.

Obama couldn't get Democrats to vote for his second attempt at stimulus! Why? Because none of them wanted to vote for another fiasco like the first stimulus when they were up for reelection! Or have you forgotten the whole "shovel ready jobs" thing?

Perhaps you just have comprehension problems. Here is the record on that vote:
"For the second time in two weeks, Senate Republicans voted in unison to block “jobs” legislation, which the Obama administration and Senate Democratic leaders have made central to their agenda.

The majority of Democrats then blocked a second "jobs" measure offered by Republicans.

The first measure, a piece of President Obama’s larger jobs package, failed in a 50-50 vote after two Democrats and Independent Sen. Joe Lieberman (Conn.) joined Senate Republicans in voting against moving to the measure.

What a difference being honest can make. ThO democrats of the total group. See the difference, me boy? As long as repubs vote en mass against the bill, there was no chance. There are always a couple of dems from republican states who vote with the repubs. Because they want to be reelected. Because, you see, they are politicians. And like the repubs could care less about the working men and women of this country. LIKE YOU.

When I read "Republicans jobs package", I wonder what's the trick? What's the agenda?
You don't really think Republicans are going to help people get jobs? They're Republicans. They help people die, not get jobs.
Waaaa!!! The Feds can't raise interest rates! Waaaaaa! So why don't we go back to losing 700,000 jobs a month all while President Bush/Cruz/Kasich/McCain/Romney tell us the fundamentals of our economy are strong?

You seem to take the Fed's ability to set interest rates lightly, Sealy. Perhaps you should think about what our options are if we slip into another recession? The normal solution for that is for the Fed to lower interest rates. We can't do that however because interest rates are almost at zero now. That's a dangerous situation and is why the Fed keeps rumbling about possible raises to the interest rate only to back off because the economy is so shaky.

The fundamentals of our economy ARE strong! If they weren't then the lack of leadership by President Obama for much of the last six years would have been extremely damaging.

Again, you have no proof. No links. Do you expect that we would take what you say on your word?
Interest rates have done little. They normally do little even if they are high. What would work, of course, according to economists, would have been more stimulus. But repubs voted against every bill put forward for stimulus, including obviously needed infrastructure investment. Because, simply, repubs and folks like you do not want the economy to get better under a dem president. That, me boy, is un-american in most people's mind.
We have had three major downturns in our history, and numerous small corrections. The three were:
1. The great republican depression of 1929. When unemployment went from about 4% to over 25% while our great republican president sat while doing NOTHING. Nothing good happened until stimulus bills after Hoover was out of office (though he finally came to his senses just before he left office, and pushed forward a stimulus bill).
2. The Second Republican Downturn during Reagan's admin, resulting from a great tax decrease and massive gov layoffs to pay for the tax decrease. That downturn got better when the economic team raised taxes to pay for gov spending (stimulus).
3. The Great Republican Recession of 2008. What we have today.
So, interest rate were already historically low. Tax rates were very low, not lower since the 1950's. You have one, and the best, option available. And you water it down with massive tax cuts and then refuse to do anything the current pres wants. Then, having your foot on the neck of everyone but the very rich, you attack any solution that would work.

Obama couldn't get Democrats to vote for his second attempt at stimulus! Why? Because none of them wanted to vote for another fiasco like the first stimulus when they were up for reelection! Or have you forgotten the whole "shovel ready jobs" thing?

Perhaps you just have comprehension problems. Here is the record on that vote:
"For the second time in two weeks, Senate Republicans voted in unison to block “jobs” legislation, which the Obama administration and Senate Democratic leaders have made central to their agenda.

The majority of Democrats then blocked a second "jobs" measure offered by Republicans.

The first measure, a piece of President Obama’s larger jobs package, failed in a 50-50 vote after two Democrats and Independent Sen. Joe Lieberman (Conn.) joined Senate Republicans in voting against moving to the measure.

What a difference being honest can make. ThO democrats of the total group. See the difference, me boy? As long as repubs vote en mass against the bill, there was no chance. There are always a couple of dems from republican states who vote with the repubs. Because they want to be reelected. Because, you see, they are politicians. And like the repubs could care less about the working men and women of this country. LIKE YOU.

When I read "Republicans jobs package", I wonder what's the trick? What's the agenda?
You don't really think Republicans are going to help people get jobs? They're Republicans. They help people die, not get jobs.

Amazing, isn't it. But they do have other agendas. Like:
1. Ending labor unions.
2. blocking minimum wage legislation.
3. Making their wealthy benefactors happy and wealthy.
5. Destroying the US Auto Industry. (that failed)
6. Deregulating everything.
7. Blocking regulation of the financial industry. (That deserves it's own entry)
9. Destroying the middle class.

And many, many more.
Last time it was this low was 1973

Right, until the democrat President Jimmy Carter took over in 1974, whereas the Republican President was in office in '73.

Carter took over in 1974??

Holyfuckingshit! :ack-1:

Lemme guess ... you're a conservative ... am I right?
Poor guy is an idiot. Next he will post more bs and think he has won the respect of others with such a smart post. It is apparently too difficult for him to look it up, since he has no clue.

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