US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

Really? t
The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

Change my position? Hardly. The cost of housing is ungodly high, they are packaging food in smaller quantities while only slightly raising the prices. The only break we have gotten is in gas prices. There is a huge crash coming and the powers that be know it. We are driving off a cliff and you are sitting in the back whistling....totally clueless.

You know, there are problems with this economy. You see it as gov, I see it as money in politics. I could care less if the us is incorporated. Hell, that is not news. Has been true for years. And is true of most countries. But you warning about an upcoming cliff has been being given by conspiracy theorists and conservatives for years. Has not happened. Just like your rantings about inflation, and about QE, me boy, are nuts. You are listening to people feeding you bullshit. Most know better than to eat it.
Inflation for christ sake, is only of issue if the prices resulting are greater than your current earnings. Simple, me boy. You see, we are not (at least most of us) living on 1913 earnings. Get a grip. Reality is somewhere else, not where you are currently living.

I was totally stunned by your post and not in a good way. Before the Fed Act, inflation was no existent so you don't have the slightest fucking clue....see the link attached below after I get done smacking you around. So you think it doesn't matter that Washington D.C is the corporate headquarters for USA.INC and all it's thousands upon thousands of subsidiaries? You have no fucking clue about the ramifications of that because you don't know who owns said corporation....and guess what, it's not we, the people. The Act of 1871 tossed the organic constitution and replaces it with a corporate constitution charter and it was not intednded to benefit the Republic. It was created to only benefit USA.INC that operates only within it's corporate charter and operates entirely outside the original (organic) Constitution.

Instead of unalienable rights, we were granted "privileges" like the right to travel that requires a license, marriage, requires a pull a bass out of a lake requires a license......see the pattern? A corporation can't pass laws, it can only pass acts, statutes and codes. It also took us away from Common law and put us under admiralty law using legalese then in 1966, we went under the UCC. USA.INC is a for profit venture that is currently owned by the International Monetary Fund that is nothing but a subsidiary of the Fed bank, BIS and World Bank. It was taken into recievership to provide the 19 essential services of "gubermint" while making a profit. The fact that our "gubermint" is actually a corporate entity should not only piss you off but open your eyes to the thievery that has been done to all of us. I doubt that it will make any difference to seem to have embraced the debt slavery system.

Inflation – Before and After the Federal Reserve by Tim Iacono

Well, me boy, perhaps you should look your chart. It has been over 45 years since my last econ class. And economic history classes do not spend a lot of time on the gold standard, which you seem to love. It is a favorite of the Libertarian crowd. Are you a libertarian? Maybe that explains you lack of rationality.
During the years before the us got rid of the gold standard, there was less inflation than since. Though on average, when there was inflation, it was higher than today.
Now, if you would look at the graphs on your link, you would see something odd, me boy. It was years of DEFLATION. Which meant, me boy, that GDP decreased. Your money was worth more, but it bought LESS. The other things you see is that there was great volatility. Inflation, deflation year after year. Huge recessions and recoveries. Not something anyone, except an idiot, would like. It did, however, concentrate wealth in a few people's hands. Made the very rich very rich. And the push toward libertarian economics, or if you prefer, Laissez Faire economics created some of the richest and monopoly oriented corporations and corporatists EVER, It was the build up to the great repression of 1929. The only thing worse than high inflation is deflation. Which is why no nation today is under the gold standard.
Your web site, also, is a laugh. I mean, really, using a source like 24HGold.COM proves you to be an idiot. You may want to try an impartial site some time, in order to have a chance at being taken seriously.

Did I say that a gold back currency was necessary? What I am saying is that a central bank that attaches interest to every note created from nothing is a perpetual debt machine...which it is. If you will notice that the "volatility" was created by agent provocateurs of the international bankers that intentionally caused bank panics by using their wealth to manipulate the market place. Monopolies like the ones the Morgans, Harrimans, Rockefellers, Carnegies and a few others set up were given "seed money by the House of Rothschild and working between each other, they made sweet deals that competitors were not given. If you have a pal that needs to ship oil and you own the railroad, you give him a sweetheart deal while charging full freight to his competitors. Same thing with Carnegie steel......pretty soon you are able to buy out your competitors because you can sell your product cheaper because your costs are cheaper...simple economics.

The game Monopoly is based on what happened during the late 1800's and early 1900's. JP Morgan is the caricature on the cards...the short, fat fuck with the mustache and top hat. The free market system was made a joke of by a POS Rothschild banker to try and bring USA.INC back under his control. I can't EVEN believe that you don't have the slightest clue on what caused the Great Depression because it mirrors what Amschel Rothschild did when he took over England's economy during the war between England and France in the early 1800's and his sons and grandsons knew the lesson. Do a little research about how his informant made it through the lines a full 24 hours before the others to let Amschel Rothschild know that Boneparte had been defeated....enlighten yourself. The Market Crash happened because a margin call was made that required everyone that had borrowed cheap money in order to get into the stock market as that was a stipulation of the loan. The run on the banks caused the market to crash and the banking oligarchs that had already pulled out of the market when it was at it's highest collected and then when it crashed, they swooped in and bought majority shares in corporations that they coveted for pennies on the dollar and unaffiliated banks where they guaranteed to pay half of the deposits that were lost in exchange for was a huge swindle but not as big as the one 4 years later. That is all for your history lesson last thing, the Fed Act of 1913 was put in place to prevent the very thing that they caused....a bank crash by contracting the money supply.
Last edited:
This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
Video: Roundtable: Jobless Recovery?
Sorry guys but I've got to go again...need to push more old ladies off cliffs! A conservative's work is never done!

Good thing I'm making so much money posting on this site!

(god, but you're a bunch of idiots!)
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.

You're right...I AM still saying the same shit I was during the Bush Administration! I'm still saying the Federal Government is rife with waste and mismanagement and needs to be downsized. I'm still saying that forty years of giving people entitlements hasn't won the "war on poverty" but it has created a whole class of people who think they have the right to be supported by society.
The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.
The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.

You're right...I AM still saying the same shit I was during the Bush Administration! I'm still saying the Federal Government is rife with waste and mismanagement and needs to be downsized. I'm still saying that forty years of giving people entitlements hasn't won the "war on poverty" but it has created a whole class of people who think they have the right to be supported by society.
Clinton and the GOP turned welfare over to the States. My governor, scumbag Rick Snyder, changed welfare so you don't get it for life. 5 years is the max. I agree with that. So, problem solved. No ones on welfare for life.

What state do you live in and who's your governor?
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.

You're right...I AM still saying the same shit I was during the Bush Administration! I'm still saying the Federal Government is rife with waste and mismanagement and needs to be downsized. I'm still saying that forty years of giving people entitlements hasn't won the "war on poverty" but it has created a whole class of people who think they have the right to be supported by society.
Clinton and the GOP turned welfare over to the States. My governor, scumbag Rick Snyder, changed welfare so you don't get it for life. 5 years is the max. I agree with that. So, problem solved. No ones on welfare for life.

What state do you live in and who's your governor?

Florida and Rick Scott. The problem is hardly "solved" when you've got groups like "Occupy Wall Street" demanding a "living wage" which translated means having the government subsidize your pay if you work at an entry level job. Americans 100 years ago would have understood that low skill jobs bring low pay and would have gotten more skills to get more pay. Now you've got an entire class of people who feel they should be able to afford to raise a family of four working at McDonald's.
NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.
NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.

You're right...I AM still saying the same shit I was during the Bush Administration! I'm still saying the Federal Government is rife with waste and mismanagement and needs to be downsized. I'm still saying that forty years of giving people entitlements hasn't won the "war on poverty" but it has created a whole class of people who think they have the right to be supported by society.
Clinton and the GOP turned welfare over to the States. My governor, scumbag Rick Snyder, changed welfare so you don't get it for life. 5 years is the max. I agree with that. So, problem solved. No ones on welfare for life.

What state do you live in and who's your governor?

Florida and Rick Scott. The problem is hardly "solved" when you've got groups like "Occupy Wall Street" demanding a "living wage" which translated means having the government subsidize your pay if you work at an entry level job. Americans 100 years ago would have understood that low skill jobs bring low pay and would have gotten more skills to get more pay. Now you've got an entire class of people who feel they should be able to afford to raise a family of four working at McDonald's.
Why Michigan can't fill its 76,000 job openings

This is just as true today as it was back then. There are jobs available but the citizens of Michigan can't fill them because they don't have the skills/education.
NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.
NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.

You're right...I AM still saying the same shit I was during the Bush Administration! I'm still saying the Federal Government is rife with waste and mismanagement and needs to be downsized. I'm still saying that forty years of giving people entitlements hasn't won the "war on poverty" but it has created a whole class of people who think they have the right to be supported by society.
Clinton and the GOP turned welfare over to the States. My governor, scumbag Rick Snyder, changed welfare so you don't get it for life. 5 years is the max. I agree with that. So, problem solved. No ones on welfare for life.

What state do you live in and who's your governor?

Florida and Rick Scott. The problem is hardly "solved" when you've got groups like "Occupy Wall Street" demanding a "living wage" which translated means having the government subsidize your pay if you work at an entry level job. Americans 100 years ago would have understood that low skill jobs bring low pay and would have gotten more skills to get more pay. Now you've got an entire class of people who feel they should be able to afford to raise a family of four working at McDonald's.
What the fuck is wrong with young Michiganders? They need to start looking to see what jobs are available, then go to college and get an education in those fields so they can find work when they graduate.

As good jobs finally arrive, few Detroiters have the skills to fill them
This economy blows.....QE has debased the currency causing inflation and it has caused another giant bubble that is about to burst...everyone on the inside knows it and they have been preparing accordingly. The derivatives market is what will end up blowing things all to hell. Tick, tick, tick......just a matter of time before it implodes.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.

I would agree that even they could not be that stupid. Except for two words. Trump and Cruz.
Reg: "recovery" does not seem worth the massive$11T debt added. Jobs bare min to keep up w/population growth? Miserable GDP compared historically. Spin away but it ain't worth thd debt dumped on the kids of USA. shameful disgrace. I can't posf links and crunch numbers right now, thx to those who did.

Got it. So you would rather have the alternative, loosing 600 to 700 thousand jobs monthly, major depression, heading toward a 25% unemployment rate, no jobs. Perfect. GDP took a dump, as it always does during a major recession. But it long ago recovered. Take a look and think before you post. Debt has been going up anually for decades. What is important is debt to GDP. And that, if you should look at it, has been going down some over the past few years.
Here is the deal, me boy. You never see the national debt go down with high unemployment, but you always see it decrease as a percentage of gdp when unemployment is low. So, congress, specifically EVERY REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMAN, voted AGAINST bills that would have lowered unemployment faster.
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
Video: Roundtable: Jobless Recovery?

Well, oldstyle, me poor ignorant con tool, you say you believe the obama recovery has been jobless. Lets take a look at that statement. Cause it is a simple thing. It is either true, or a lie:

The unemployment rate at it's highest during the great republican recession:
October 2009 - 10%
Unemployment Rate this year:
The unemployment rate in January of 2016 was 4.9%
Unemployment Rates in the United States Since 1948

So, It is not true, it is a lie. Because, you see, 4.9 is less than half of 10.

Really, if you would stop lying, you would save us trouble proving you are a lying con tool,
Last edited:
Inflation is currently 0.85%. You really have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
Video: Roundtable: Jobless Recovery?
There is something seriously wrong with you. You're truly fucked in the head. To defend your idiocy that our recovery was a "jobless" recovery, you actually posted a video from July, 2010, only 4 months (5%) into the 73 month recovery.

Meanwhile 13 million jobs have been added since that video aired.

Posting a 6 year old video as though it's relevant now is as moronic as claiming last year's super bowl was a "scoreless" game because despite 34 points scored in the game, there was no score within the first 3 minutes (5%).
Last edited:
The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.
The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.

You're right...I AM still saying the same shit I was during the Bush Administration! I'm still saying the Federal Government is rife with waste and mismanagement and needs to be downsized. I'm still saying that forty years of giving people entitlements hasn't won the "war on poverty" but it has created a whole class of people who think they have the right to be supported by society.
There's been nearly a 40% decrease of federal workers.

Over the last 40 years....

Carter ...... 110,000
Reagan ...... 197,000
Bush41 ...... -66,000
Clinton .... -339,000
Bush43 ....... 33,000
Obama ....... -16,000

There were 2,851,000 federal employees in January, 1977. There are fewer today at 2,770,000.

That's a 3% decrease during the same period the civilian noninstitutional population increased 60% from 157,688,000 to 252,768,000.

Federal Employees
Civilian Noninstitutional Population

Federal workers, as a percentage of the civilian noninstitutional population...

1/1977: 1.8%
3/2016: 1.1%

That's a decrease of 39.3%.
Last edited:
There is something seriously wrong with you. You're truly fucked in the head. To defend your idiocy that our recovery was a "jobless" recovery, you actually posted a video from July, 2010, only 4 months (5%) into the 73 month recovery.

Meanwhile 13 million jobs have been added since that video aired.

Posting a 6 year old video as though it's relevant now is as moronic as claiming last year's super bowl was a "scoreless" game because despite 34 points scored in the game, there was no score within the first 3 minutes (5%).

I am willing to bet that within minutes he will be back calling the recovery jobless. Cause, of course, he is a congenital idiot.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
All you have to know is no one in his party is even going to get to run for president this year unless one of them runs 3rd party or as an independent. That's how wrong people like oldstyle are. Still saying the same shit they were saying during the bush administration. And not even Republican voters are buying it anymore. Kasich and Cruz are combined getting 20% of the votes in the primaries.

You're right...I AM still saying the same shit I was during the Bush Administration! I'm still saying the Federal Government is rife with waste and mismanagement and needs to be downsized. I'm still saying that forty years of giving people entitlements hasn't won the "war on poverty" but it has created a whole class of people who think they have the right to be supported by society.
There's been nearly a 40% decrease of federal workers.

Over the last 40 years....

Carter ...... 110,000
Reagan ...... 197,000
Bush41 ...... -66,000
Clinton .... -339,000
Bush43 ....... 33,000
Obama ....... -16,000

There were 2,851,000 federal employees in January, 1977. There are fewer today at 2,770,000.

That's a 3% decrease during the same period the civilian noninstitutional population increased 60% from 157,688,000 to 252,768,000.

Federal Employees
Civilian Noninstitutional Population

Federal workers, as a percentage of the civilian noninstitutional population...

1/1977: 1.8%
3/2016: 1.1%

That's a decrease of 39.3%.
So dem presidents down 240,000.
Repub presidents, up 160,000

How could that be. Reagan said he would greatly reduce the number of fed employees. Oldstyle has stated that dems increase the size of the fed government. Could not believe oldstyle AGAIN.
The dollar has lost 98 percent of it's value since the Fed Act of are the one that is fucking clueless. You know nothing about how this fiat currency works or fractional reserve banking. You live in a child like world that wears rose colored glasses because a leftard is in charge.
Great, now everyone gets to see how you change your position when it's exposed to light like cockroaches. Thanks!

You claimed QE has caused inflation.

I counter that idiotic claim by pointing out that in reality, inflation is currently less than one percent.

Being a retard with zero integrity, you're incapable of simply admitting you're wrong; so instead, you change the time frame of your claim from 2008 (when QE started) -- to 1913.

Your claim turned out to be so outrageous, you felt compelled to shift it by nearly a century.


And I thank you for that since, like Oldstyle, you expose your dishonesty AND ignorance to everyone perusing this thread.

That's a great service you provided for me and I just wanted to let you know it didn't go unappreciated.

NICE POST. You know, Faun, I understand oldstyle. He is a simple conservative paid tool. There are a number of them on this board. They simply post conservative dogma, and lie without compunction.
Now, D. Smith, on the other hand, seems to be a true conspiracy theory advocate. I gave his view a chance, checked the sources he named as making up his beliefs (most all considered nut cases by the rational world), and tried to counter his nut case conclusions. And to no avail. I applaud you for trying to reason with this troll. But I believe he is simply a waste of time.
Thanks, but I disagree with you about Oldstyle being a paid con tool.

There's no way anybody is paying that moron to post the stupid ass shit he's posting here. He's such an idiot, all he accomplishes is making conservatives look retarded. And while they don't need his help in that department, they're certainly not going to pay an imbecile like him to reinforce that stereotype.
Video: Roundtable: Jobless Recovery?

Well, oldstyle, me poor ignorant con tool, you say you believe the obama recovery has been jobless. Lets take a look at that statement. Cause it is a simple thing. It is either true, or a lie:

The unemployment rate at it's highest during the great republican recession:
October 2009 - 10%
Unemployment Rate this year:
The unemployment rate in January of 2016 was 4.9%
Unemployment Rates in the United States Since 1948

So, It is not true, it is a lie. Because, you see, 4.9 is less than half of 10.

Really, if you would stop lying, you would save us trouble proving you are a lying con tool,
That rightard is actually claiming because ABC aired a segment titled, "a jobless recovery," just a few months into the recovery -- that it still holds true today .... 6 years and 13 million jobs later.


That imbecile is seriously deranged.

Fox Business??? Really. Just a minute, I'l go get a link to some lame left wing web site, me boy. Ever try an impartial site.
2011, looking at recovery in 2010 and earlier. Did you think that says anything about the recovery overall.
Really, your agenda is showing.

Lmao Fox business slants right?????

What is the next tall story you are going to fib about, you don't listen or watch Fox sports because you think it is to conservative?

Retards on the left all of them...


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