US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

It's ok, oldstyle. We understand that you are so insecure that you have to find someone to pat you on your back. Too bad it is always you.
So again, you post nothing about economics. Just more personal insults and accusations. Do you get yet why you are wasting people's time.
Let me give you a clue. No one cares, except you, about my college education from over 45 years ago. No one, me boy. You made accusations, I answered them, offered you a chance to prove your point, you ran away like a little girl. Now, me boy, all you are doing is trying to kill a thread because you are incapable of making rational points.
What's with the multiple posts, Rshermr? You back on the Oxy's again?

I don't take you up on your "bet" because I know my chances of seeing money from a loser like yourself is right up there with getting hit by lightning in a snowstorm.

Why is it every time one of you internet posers gets caught lying you ALWAYS respond by offering some huge amount of money to anyone who can "prove" that you're a liar? You yourself proved that when you didn't have a clue what I meant when I asked you about The Chicago School.

You caught no one lying, my lying con tool, except yourself. And you did not pursue the bet because you fully know, beyond doubt, that you will loose the bet. You said I lied about having an econ degree. If you think the $10K is too rich for your blood, name the amount. And please, me boy, the bet goes in escrow, in a way we can agree to. Held, in other words, by a neutral partner, who pays the winner. If you thought that I would make a bet with you any other way, you are simply proving your ignorance.
So, what you are saying is, you want to attack my word without proof, and then you do not have the nerve to take me up on the bet. You never ever do, of course. Because, of all the things you have tried say I lied to you about, you NEVER have any conviction. Just a big mouth and an empty mind.

I, and I suspect others, recognize your type. You ARE SO UPSET at being shown to be a liar, over and over and over, by me that you want the the worst way to get one on me. And you fully believe that I lie due to transference. You think everyone lies like you lie. Sorry, me boy. I know you do not understand the value of integrity, and you have none. It is VERY important to me. And, I believe, most others.

Here is the thing, me boy. As big an ass hole I think you are, I would never lie about you. As big a liar I believe you are, even you can feel safe that I would not not lie about you. As lacking in class and as lacking in integrity, even you I would never lie about. Under no circumstances would I make over a hundred unsupported and unsupportable claims about you. So, there you are. Most people would feel ashamed, oldstyle, which is why I suspect that you are a sociopath.

You lie every time you call me a "dishwasher" idiot! You started that nonsense when I pointed out how full of crap you are with your claim of being an Economics major! Like calling me THAT is going to make me cut you some slack for being the board's George Costanza! You whine about "personal attacks" while you use personal attacks in the majority of your posts.

There you are. Dealing with your personal insecurities again. Stop wasting peoples time, would you, dipshit. You are not bothering me. I learned a long time ago that when people say stupid things about you, you should first consider the source. I have. The source is petty, inane, inconsequential, vapid, trivial, insipid, banal and small. You make arguments that are meaningless, senseless, incoherent, trivial, inane, and hollow. All of which, me boy,is my considered opinion.
What's with the multiple posts, Rshermr? You back on the Oxy's again?

I don't take you up on your "bet" because I know my chances of seeing money from a loser like yourself is right up there with getting hit by lightning in a snowstorm.

Why is it every time one of you internet posers gets caught lying you ALWAYS respond by offering some huge amount of money to anyone who can "prove" that you're a liar? You yourself proved that when you didn't have a clue what I meant when I asked you about The Chicago School.

You caught no one lying, my lying con tool, except yourself. And you did not pursue the bet because you fully know, beyond doubt, that you will loose the bet. You said I lied about having an econ degree. If you think the $10K is too rich for your blood, name the amount. And please, me boy, the bet goes in escrow, in a way we can agree to. Held, in other words, by a neutral partner, who pays the winner. If you thought that I would make a bet with you any other way, you are simply proving your ignorance.
So, what you are saying is, you want to attack my word without proof, and then you do not have the nerve to take me up on the bet. You never ever do, of course. Because, of all the things you have tried say I lied to you about, you NEVER have any conviction. Just a big mouth and an empty mind.

I, and I suspect others, recognize your type. You ARE SO UPSET at being shown to be a liar, over and over and over, by me that you want the the worst way to get one on me. And you fully believe that I lie due to transference. You think everyone lies like you lie. Sorry, me boy. I know you do not understand the value of integrity, and you have none. It is VERY important to me. And, I believe, most others.

Here is the thing, me boy. As big an ass hole I think you are, I would never lie about you. As big a liar I believe you are, even you can feel safe that I would not not lie about you. As lacking in class and as lacking in integrity, even you I would never lie about. Under no circumstances would I make over a hundred unsupported and unsupportable claims about you. So, there you are. Most people would feel ashamed, oldstyle, which is why I suspect that you are a sociopath.

You lie every time you call me a "dishwasher" idiot! You started that nonsense when I pointed out how full of crap you are with your claim of being an Economics major! Like calling me THAT is going to make me cut you some slack for being the board's George Costanza! You whine about "personal attacks" while you use personal attacks in the majority of your posts.

There you are. Dealing with your personal insecurities again. Stop wasting peoples time, would you, dipshit. You are not bothering me. I learned a long time ago that when people say stupid things about you, you should first consider the source. I have. The source is petty, inane, inconsequential, vapid, trivial, insipid, banal and small. You make arguments that are meaningless, senseless, incoherent, trivial, inane, and hollow. All of which, me boy,is my considered opinion.

Just between you and me, Georgie? Your opinion is worth about as much as your pretend degree.

The person that comes across as insecure is you, Rshermr. I'm not here claiming to be something I'm not. That's you!
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Even your insults don't make sense...

First you accuse me of being a "dishwasher"...

Then you claim that I'm paid to post here?

So what exactly am I...a dishwasher with great writing skills? Yeah, that's pretty common! Duh?
What's with the multiple posts, Rshermr? You back on the Oxy's again?

I don't take you up on your "bet" because I know my chances of seeing money from a loser like yourself is right up there with getting hit by lightning in a snowstorm.

Why is it every time one of you internet posers gets caught lying you ALWAYS respond by offering some huge amount of money to anyone who can "prove" that you're a liar? You yourself proved that when you didn't have a clue what I meant when I asked you about The Chicago School.
What's with the multiple posts, Rshermr? You back on the Oxy's again?

I don't take you up on your "bet" because I know my chances of seeing money from a loser like yourself is right up there with getting hit by lightning in a snowstorm.

Why is it every time one of you internet posers gets caught lying you ALWAYS respond by offering some huge amount of money to anyone who can "prove" that you're a liar? You yourself proved that when you didn't have a clue what I meant when I asked you about The Chicago School.

You caught no one lying, my lying con tool, except yourself. And you did not pursue the bet because you fully know, beyond doubt, that you will loose the bet. You said I lied about having an econ degree. If you think the $10K is too rich for your blood, name the amount. And please, me boy, the bet goes in escrow, in a way we can agree to. Held, in other words, by a neutral partner, who pays the winner. If you thought that I would make a bet with you any other way, you are simply proving your ignorance.
So, what you are saying is, you want to attack my word without proof, and then you do not have the nerve to take me up on the bet. You never ever do, of course. Because, of all the things you have tried say I lied to you about, you NEVER have any conviction. Just a big mouth and an empty mind.

I, and I suspect others, recognize your type. You ARE SO UPSET at being shown to be a liar, over and over and over, by me that you want in the worst way to get one on me. And you fully believe that I lie due to transference. You think everyone lies like you lie. Sorry, me boy. I know you do not understand the value of integrity, and you have none. It is VERY important to me. And, I believe, most others.

Here is the thing, me boy. As big an ass hole I think you are, I would never lie about you. As big a liar I believe you are, even you can feel safe that I would not not lie about you. As lacking in class and as lacking in integrity, even you I would never lie about. Under no circumstances would I make over a hundred unsupported and unsupportable claims about you. So, there you are. Most people would feel ashamed, oldstyle, which is why I suspect that you are a sociopath.

Oh, and by the way, you did not ask about the Chicago School. Here, me boy, is the post:
So, oldstyle, now desperate, says:

"Find me ANY school of economics that advocates raising taxes in a weak economy and lowering them in a strong one,"
That is Post 398. December of 2012. Thread: How is Austerity Doing in Europe

You asked about any school of economics that advocates...... No mention, me boy, of the Chicago School of Economics. And, me boy, your post was in DECEMBER OF 2012. OVER THREE YEARS AGO. You know that because you have tried this lie over 100 times. You know you did not ask about the Chicago School of Economics. And, me boy, you were talking about a school of economic that ADVOCATES. In my educational schooling, we referred to what you call a school of economics as an economic theory. And, me poor ignorant tool, neither schools, nor economic theories advocate for anything. That is still the proper name.
So, here again is proof that you are a liar. If you had said Chicago School of Economics, I would have recognized that you were talking about an economic theory. You did not. You lied about that as you so often do. At least a hundred times over the past 3 years. And to make the point further, you changed what you said, and what I said, to fit your plan to attack me. Really, do you even know what integrity is?
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What's with the multiple posts, Rshermr? You back on the Oxy's again?

I don't take you up on your "bet" because I know my chances of seeing money from a loser like yourself is right up there with getting hit by lightning in a snowstorm.

Why is it every time one of you internet posers gets caught lying you ALWAYS respond by offering some huge amount of money to anyone who can "prove" that you're a liar? You yourself proved that when you didn't have a clue what I meant when I asked you about The Chicago School.

You caught no one lying, my lying con tool, except yourself. And you did not pursue the bet because you fully know, beyond doubt, that you will loose the bet. You said I lied about having an econ degree. If you think the $10K is too rich for your blood, name the amount. And please, me boy, the bet goes in escrow, in a way we can agree to. Held, in other words, by a neutral partner, who pays the winner. If you thought that I would make a bet with you any other way, you are simply proving your ignorance.
So, what you are saying is, you want to attack my word without proof, and then you do not have the nerve to take me up on the bet. You never ever do, of course. Because, of all the things you have tried say I lied to you about, you NEVER have any conviction. Just a big mouth and an empty mind.

I, and I suspect others, recognize your type. You ARE SO UPSET at being shown to be a liar, over and over and over, by me that you want the the worst way to get one on me. And you fully believe that I lie due to transference. You think everyone lies like you lie. Sorry, me boy. I know you do not understand the value of integrity, and you have none. It is VERY important to me. And, I believe, most others.

Here is the thing, me boy. As big an ass hole I think you are, I would never lie about you. As big a liar I believe you are, even you can feel safe that I would not not lie about you. As lacking in class and as lacking in integrity, even you I would never lie about. Under no circumstances would I make over a hundred unsupported and unsupportable claims about you. So, there you are. Most people would feel ashamed, oldstyle, which is why I suspect that you are a sociopath.

You lie every time you call me a "dishwasher" idiot! You started that nonsense when I pointed out how full of crap you are with your claim of being an Economics major! Like calling me THAT is going to make me cut you some slack for being the board's George Costanza! You whine about "personal attacks" while you use personal attacks in the majority of your posts.

There you are. Dealing with your personal insecurities again. Stop wasting peoples time, would you, dipshit. You are not bothering me. I learned a long time ago that when people say stupid things about you, you should first consider the source. I have. The source is petty, inane, inconsequential, vapid, trivial, insipid, banal and small. You make arguments that are meaningless, senseless, incoherent, trivial, inane, and hollow. All of which, me boy,is my considered opinion.

Just between you and me, Georgie? Your opinion is worth about as much as your pretend degree.

The person that comes across as insecure is you, Rshermr. I'm not here claiming to be something I'm not. That's you!
That would be your opinion. And you know how much I value your opinion.
Still incapable of economic discussion, I see.
In fact, and I say this as a Bill Clinton fan, I now feel certain that, in the coming decades, Obama’s star will rise higher than Clinton’s, and he’ll replace Bill in the public mind as the Greatest Democrat since FDR.

Obama Is One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time. Here’s Why

Wait. One of the Greatest? you ask, your thumb emoticon poised to turn up or down on me. The guy haters love to hate with their very best hate game? Like 20-Dollar Bill great? Like Mount Rushmore great?

Yep. (We just won’t build Mount Rushmores anymore.) In so many ways, Obama was better than we imagined, better than the body politic deserved, and far, far better than his enemies will ever concede, but the great thing about being great is that the verdict of enemies doesn’t matter.

Better than we imagined? Really, Sealy?

Let's see...he did give us ObamaCare...a piece of legislation that was so flawed that it's proponents had to lie to the American people to get it passed and even the people who wrote it admit that it needs to be overhauled or it can't survive!

He did give us the Obama Stimulus...something that turned into a liberal pork fest that created so few jobs that they had to invent a new economic statistic to hide how bad it was!

Fast & Furious? Benghazi? That joke of a nuke deal with Iran? The JV team? Putin and Russian aggression? Syria?

Then there is his domestic agenda. Using the IRS against political enemies? The most "transparent" Administration ever? Racial tensions at the highest levels since the 60's? Political partisanship worse now than at any time since the Civil War?
A. Obamacare was corrupted by the insurance giants. Single payer didn't get a seat at the table. That's right, social security for everyone! Would you like that? Well that's why we have Obamacare, because you don't want what would have worked.
B. His stimulus worked. We're out of the recession, right? A stimulus is supposed to help us while we are getting out of a recession, which Obama got us out of.
C. Every president has a fast and furious and Bush had 100 bengazi's. Get over yourselves. Obama has been money. Did you forget he got Osama?
D. I guess if you nit pick you could say every president was horrible.

Now let me see your list of why Bush was the worst. Lets see if you can be fair and balanced.

A. Lied us into war
B. Lost war
C. Cause Global Recession
D. Was anti science
E. Got hit big time on 9-11

Imagine if Obama was half the failure Bush was.

Where in the world do you find all that Progressive Kool-Aid?

What's with the multiple posts, Rshermr? You back on the Oxy's again?

I don't take you up on your "bet" because I know my chances of seeing money from a loser like yourself is right up there with getting hit by lightning in a snowstorm.

Why is it every time one of you internet posers gets caught lying you ALWAYS respond by offering some huge amount of money to anyone who can "prove" that you're a liar? You yourself proved that when you didn't have a clue what I meant when I asked you about The Chicago School.
What's with the multiple posts, Rshermr? You back on the Oxy's again?

I don't take you up on your "bet" because I know my chances of seeing money from a loser like yourself is right up there with getting hit by lightning in a snowstorm.

Why is it every time one of you internet posers gets caught lying you ALWAYS respond by offering some huge amount of money to anyone who can "prove" that you're a liar? You yourself proved that when you didn't have a clue what I meant when I asked you about The Chicago School.

You caught no one lying, my lying con tool, except yourself. And you did not pursue the bet because you fully know, beyond doubt, that you will loose the bet. You said I lied about having an econ degree. If you think the $10K is too rich for your blood, name the amount. And please, me boy, the bet goes in escrow, in a way we can agree to. Held, in other words, by a neutral partner, who pays the winner. If you thought that I would make a bet with you any other way, you are simply proving your ignorance.
So, what you are saying is, you want to attack my word without proof, and then you do not have the nerve to take me up on the bet. You never ever do, of course. Because, of all the things you have tried say I lied to you about, you NEVER have any conviction. Just a big mouth and an empty mind.

I, and I suspect others, recognize your type. You ARE SO UPSET at being shown to be a liar, over and over and over, by me that you want in the worst way to get one on me. And you fully believe that I lie due to transference. You think everyone lies like you lie. Sorry, me boy. I know you do not understand the value of integrity, and you have none. It is VERY important to me. And, I believe, most others.

Here is the thing, me boy. As big an ass hole I think you are, I would never lie about you. As big a liar I believe you are, even you can feel safe that I would not not lie about you. As lacking in class and as lacking in integrity, even you I would never lie about. Under no circumstances would I make over a hundred unsupported and unsupportable claims about you. So, there you are. Most people would feel ashamed, oldstyle, which is why I suspect that you are a sociopath.

Oh, and by the way, you did not ask about the Chicago School. Here, me boy, is the post:
So, oldstyle, now desperate, says:

"Find me ANY school of economics that advocates raising taxes in a weak economy and lowering them in a strong one,"
That is Post 398. December of 2012. Thread: How is Austerity Doing in Europe

You asked about any school of economics that advocates...... No mention, me boy, of the Chicago School of Economics. And, me boy, your post was in DECEMBER OF 2012. OVER THREE YEARS AGO. You know that because you have tried this lie over 100 times. You know you did not ask about the Chicago School of Economics. And, me boy, you were talking about a school of economic that ADVOCATES. In my educational schooling, we referred to what you call a school of economics as an economic theory. And, me poor ignorant tool, neither schools, nor economic theories advocate for anything. That is still the proper name.
So, here again is proof that you are a liar. If you had said Chicago School of Economics, I would have recognized that you were talking about an economic theory. You did not. You lied about that as you so often do. At least a hundred times over the past 3 years. And to make the point further, you changed what you said, and what I said, to fit your plan to attack me. Really, do you even know what integrity is?

The Chicago school of economics is a neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the work of the faculty at the University of Chicago, some of whom have constructed and popularized its principles.

Every profession has it's own's how you can spot a poser from someone who is authentic. When REAL economists discuss the Chicago School or the Austrian School or the Neoclassical School or the Stockholm School...other REAL economists know exactly what it is they are referring to! When I referred to the Chicago School you (because you're a poser!) thought I was referring to the University of Chicago itself and not the school of economic thought that takes it's name from that University! Funny how I knew that simply from taking two 100 level Econ classes...but you who supposedly have a degree in the subject...didn't have a clue!
And yes...I exposed you as a poser YEARS ago...did you think that my opinion of you would change since? You're still here claiming to be something that you quite obviously ARE NOT!
George W. Bush was completely correct when he warned about the dangers that the policies at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac posed to our financial system...
... for the 5th time...

Name the bill the Republican-led Congress passed in response to Bush's warning......

A bill number and year will suffice.
And yes...I exposed you as a poser YEARS ago...did you think that my opinion of you would change since? You're still here claiming to be something that you quite obviously ARE NOT!
What's with the multiple posts, Rshermr? You back on the Oxy's again?

I don't take you up on your "bet" because I know my chances of seeing money from a loser like yourself is right up there with getting hit by lightning in a snowstorm.

Why is it every time one of you internet posers gets caught lying you ALWAYS respond by offering some huge amount of money to anyone who can "prove" that you're a liar? You yourself proved that when you didn't have a clue what I meant when I asked you about The Chicago School.
What's with the multiple posts, Rshermr? You back on the Oxy's again?

I don't take you up on your "bet" because I know my chances of seeing money from a loser like yourself is right up there with getting hit by lightning in a snowstorm.

Why is it every time one of you internet posers gets caught lying you ALWAYS respond by offering some huge amount of money to anyone who can "prove" that you're a liar? You yourself proved that when you didn't have a clue what I meant when I asked you about The Chicago School.

You caught no one lying, my lying con tool, except yourself. And you did not pursue the bet because you fully know, beyond doubt, that you will loose the bet. You said I lied about having an econ degree. If you think the $10K is too rich for your blood, name the amount. And please, me boy, the bet goes in escrow, in a way we can agree to. Held, in other words, by a neutral partner, who pays the winner. If you thought that I would make a bet with you any other way, you are simply proving your ignorance.
So, what you are saying is, you want to attack my word without proof, and then you do not have the nerve to take me up on the bet. You never ever do, of course. Because, of all the things you have tried say I lied to you about, you NEVER have any conviction. Just a big mouth and an empty mind.

I, and I suspect others, recognize your type. You ARE SO UPSET at being shown to be a liar, over and over and over, by me that you want in the worst way to get one on me. And you fully believe that I lie due to transference. You think everyone lies like you lie. Sorry, me boy. I know you do not understand the value of integrity, and you have none. It is VERY important to me. And, I believe, most others.

Here is the thing, me boy. As big an ass hole I think you are, I would never lie about you. As big a liar I believe you are, even you can feel safe that I would not not lie about you. As lacking in class and as lacking in integrity, even you I would never lie about. Under no circumstances would I make over a hundred unsupported and unsupportable claims about you. So, there you are. Most people would feel ashamed, oldstyle, which is why I suspect that you are a sociopath.

Oh, and by the way, you did not ask about the Chicago School. Here, me boy, is the post:
So, oldstyle, now desperate, says:

"Find me ANY school of economics that advocates raising taxes in a weak economy and lowering them in a strong one,"
That is Post 398. December of 2012. Thread: How is Austerity Doing in Europe

You asked about any school of economics that advocates...... No mention, me boy, of the Chicago School of Economics. And, me boy, your post was in DECEMBER OF 2012. OVER THREE YEARS AGO. You know that because you have tried this lie over 100 times. You know you did not ask about the Chicago School of Economics. And, me boy, you were talking about a school of economic that ADVOCATES. In my educational schooling, we referred to what you call a school of economics as an economic theory. And, me poor ignorant tool, neither schools, nor economic theories advocate for anything. That is still the proper name.
So, here again is proof that you are a liar. If you had said Chicago School of Economics, I would have recognized that you were talking about an economic theory. You did not. You lied about that as you so often do. At least a hundred times over the past 3 years. And to make the point further, you changed what you said, and what I said, to fit your plan to attack me. Really, do you even know what integrity is?

The Chicago school of economics is a neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the work of the faculty at the University of Chicago, some of whom have constructed and popularized its principles.

Every profession has it's own's how you can spot a poser from someone who is authentic. When REAL economists discuss the Chicago School or the Austrian School or the Neoclassical School or the Stockholm School...other REAL economists know exactly what it is they are referring to! When I referred to the Chicago School you (because you're a poser!) thought I was referring to the University of Chicago itself and not the school of economic thought that takes it's name from that University! Funny how I knew that simply from taking two 100 level Econ classes...but you who supposedly have a degree in the subject...didn't have a clue!
Yes, it is, me boy. But the point is, you did not post a reference to the Chicago School of Economics. At all. That is a lie, me boy. It is YOU lying. Again. As you have over 100 times on the exact same subject with the exact same lies. Just as you are doing in this post. Just as anyone can see.
George W. Bush was completely correct when he warned about the dangers that the policies at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac posed to our financial system...
... for the 5th time...

Name the bill the Republican-led Congress passed in response to Bush's warning......

A bill number and year will suffice.

Oldstyle can not, obviously. He is incapable, for several reasons:
1. There was no bill put forward by republicans.
2. Therefor, he has been lying.
3. That is pretty much all that Oldstyle does. He loves to lie.
4. Oldstyle is incapable of conversation.
5. If he can bore people to the point that they will vacate a thread and the thread will end.
6. Oldstyle has nothing to add to any thread, except dogma. He is out of dogma. He wants to end the thread.
7. He has been called on several lies, and those lies have been proven.
8. Faun is asking an eminently reasonable question about what republican bill he could point to, which has an easy answer. Either Bill Number and date, or I Know of NO bill. Instead, as usual, Oldstyle ignores the question.
And yes...I exposed you as a poser YEARS ago...did you think that my opinion of you would change since? You're still here claiming to be something that you quite obviously ARE NOT!

I know it is frustrating to you that you can never prove I lied. But, you see, as I have told you for years, I NEVER LIE. So you make up the story about the Chicago School of Economics, and I prove that you are lying. I did not respond to a statement about the Chicago School. So, your lie is proven. If it were not a lie, you would have gone back and found the post, and told all when you said it. You can not because you did not. What that proves, again, is that you are a liar, again. And posing? I do not remember EVER posing. At 69 years of age, I do not even consider the idea except as humor.
And yes...I exposed you as a poser YEARS ago...did you think that my opinion of you would change since? You're still here claiming to be something that you quite obviously ARE NOT!

Opinion? Yes, me boy, thanks for admitting that it is your opinion. Lies and your stated opinion. Now that shows a total lack of substance. If all you have to bring forward is opinion, then you have nothing to post about. My opinion is that you are a dipshit. That does not make you a liar. What makes you a liar is that you made up something untrue that was easy to prove was untrue. You know, me boy, that old Chicago School statement of yours, posted a hundred times by now, is a proven lie on your part.
Again, I do not lie ever. I know that is frustrating for you. But making things up shows a total lack of integrity on your part.
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And yes...I exposed you as a poser YEARS ago...did you think that my opinion of you would change since? You're still here claiming to be something that you quite obviously ARE NOT!

Opinion? Yes, me boy, thanks for admitting that it is your opinion. Lies and your stated opinion. Now that shows a total lack of substance. If all you have to bring forward is opinion, then you have nothing to post about. My opinion is that you are a dipshit. That does not make you a liar. What makes you a liar is that you made up something untrue that was easy to prove was untrue. You know, me boy, that old Chicago School statement of yours, posted a hundred times by now, is a proven lie on your part.
Again, I do not lie ever. I know that is frustrating for you. But making things up shows a total lack of integrity on your part.

You can SAY that you never lie as many times as you want, Rshermr but it won't change the fact that you've exhibited none of the knowledge about economics that one would expect from an economics major! Not knowing what The Chicago School was...was your George Costanza moment. You tried to pretend that you are something you're obviously not...and when someone who had only basic knowledge of the subject asked you a question that ever Econ major on the planet should have been able to answer completely whiffed on it!
When did I ever claim that the GOP attempted to pass legislation to address Bush's concerns? Republicans in Congress did as little as the Democrats did!

That doesn't change the fact that the fiscal meltdown can be traced to several key pieces of of which was the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 which Jimmy Carter signed into being. Bill Clinton signed the Financial Services Modernization Act into being which did away with parts of the Glass-Steagall Act. This push to pressure lenders to give sub prime loans by the Federal Government gave us a situation where people who couldn't afford to rent an apartment were given loans to buy a house. It wasn't a GOP thing...or a Democrat thing...they were BOTH complicit in changing the way banks do business.
And yes...I exposed you as a poser YEARS ago...did you think that my opinion of you would change since? You're still here claiming to be something that you quite obviously ARE NOT!

Opinion? Yes, me boy, thanks for admitting that it is your opinion. Lies and your stated opinion. Now that shows a total lack of substance. If all you have to bring forward is opinion, then you have nothing to post about. My opinion is that you are a dipshit. That does not make you a liar. What makes you a liar is that you made up something untrue that was easy to prove was untrue. You know, me boy, that old Chicago School statement of yours, posted a hundred times by now, is a proven lie on your part.
Again, I do not lie ever. I know that is frustrating for you. But making things up shows a total lack of integrity on your part.

You can SAY that you never lie as many times as you want, Rshermr but it won't change the fact that you've exhibited none of the knowledge about economics that one would expect from an economics major! Not knowing what The Chicago School was...was your George Costanza moment. You tried to pretend that you are something you're obviously not...and when someone who had only basic knowledge of the subject asked you a question that ever Econ major on the planet should have been able to answer completely whiffed on it!
But oldstyle, me boy, you must feel just terrible. Being caught lying, especially about something so simple as telling everyone you said to me something about the Chicago School Of Economics, and then to have it proven to be a lie. And then to have to go on, saying the same thing, when anyone who followed the posts, know you are a lier.
But no, it is just sop for you, oldstyle. Lie, get caught, lie again, get caught. Imagine now boring it must be for the rest of the people who post on this board to be honest, and to discus the topics.
the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
Noe that is complete desperation when you have to go back 40 years to avoid blaming Bush for the Bush Housing Crash!!!

I am sure that being so honest, oldstyle can see that no administration is really capable of controlling it's own economy. So, there was Carter 40 years before, who did something with financial services. Different time, different conditions, but then it had to do with housing and finances, so there was no reason for oldstyle to do anything but blame a democratic president from 40 years before. Makes perfect sense to a con tool, though not to the rational thinking people. But then, come to think of it, no one believes oldstyle is a rational thinking person.
Now, since some awfull democrat did something wrong, in the tortured mind of oldstyle, there is no reason at all to expect future presidents (like Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, to have done anything to fix any problems since 1977. So, it is not BushII's problem, eh. Right. There must be some logic there, but only for people who want to blame the opposite party. Though Clinton did act poorly in cutting into the regulations of the financial institutions. But, to all of us with rational minds, the problem was that W and his team of economic misfits blew it.

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