US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

When did I ever claim that the GOP attempted to pass legislation to address Bush's concerns? Republicans in Congress did as little as the Democrats did!
My goodness, you're fucking rightarded.

Who ever said you claimed the GOP passed GSE reform??

I was trying to get you to admit they didn't pass GSE reform, despite Bush's warnings.

Seems you finally admitted that. Thanks. Who know why I had to ask 5 time to get you to admit it though. :dunno:
And yes...I exposed you as a poser YEARS ago...did you think that my opinion of you would change since? You're still here claiming to be something that you quite obviously ARE NOT!

Opinion? Yes, me boy, thanks for admitting that it is your opinion. Lies and your stated opinion. Now that shows a total lack of substance. If all you have to bring forward is opinion, then you have nothing to post about. My opinion is that you are a dipshit. That does not make you a liar. What makes you a liar is that you made up something untrue that was easy to prove was untrue. You know, me boy, that old Chicago School statement of yours, posted a hundred times by now, is a proven lie on your part.
Again, I do not lie ever. I know that is frustrating for you. But making things up shows a total lack of integrity on your part.

You can SAY that you never lie as many times as you want, Rshermr but it won't change the fact that you've exhibited none of the knowledge about economics that one would expect from an economics major! Not knowing what The Chicago School was...was your George Costanza moment. You tried to pretend that you are something you're obviously not...and when someone who had only basic knowledge of the subject asked you a question that ever Econ major on the planet should have been able to answer completely whiffed on it!

Uh, I am confused. ou stated that I did not know what the chicago school was. Which is, of course, another lie on your part. What proves it, me boy, is that you have no post you can point to. None at all. If you had asked about the Chicago school, you would find it by searching for it. It is, however, NOT THERE. There is only one reason for that, as we all o. It is that you never asked about it, never posted about it at the time you said you did. Never.
So, what does that say. It says you are either brain dead and/or that you are a liar.
It is really simple. Show me when you ever asked me about the Chicago School prior to the time you were saying that I did not understand your question.
Oldstyle, you are really nuts. Apparently you believe that arguing that I did not know what the Chicago School was, which would mean, if it were true, that I do not have an economics degree. But if I do not, then you should be making the bet. But you will not, because you know you will get crushed, and have to pay me big time.
You are such a little, little man. Or is it boy?
the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
Noe that is complete desperation when you have to go back 40 years to avoid blaming Bush for the Bush Housing Crash!!!

As with most things in's a progression of legislation that creates the biggest problems. My point was that for you on the left to claim that Bush and the GOP are solely responsible for the economic melt down that occurred ignores things that Democratic Presidents like Carter and Clinton signed into law on THEIR watch! That isn't "desperation"...that's "reality"!
the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
Noe that is complete desperation when you have to go back 40 years to avoid blaming Bush for the Bush Housing Crash!!!

As with most things in's a progression of legislation that creates the biggest problems. My point was that for you on the left to claim that Bush and the GOP are solely responsible for the economic melt down that occurred ignores things that Democratic Presidents like Carter and Clinton signed into law on THEIR watch! That isn't "desperation"...that's "reality"!
You would think that blaming Carter and a 40 year old law would be a clue to you of how ridiculous you look. But since all you care about is blaming Democrats, I guess you don't care about looking ridiculous.
And yes...I exposed you as a poser YEARS ago...did you think that my opinion of you would change since? You're still here claiming to be something that you quite obviously ARE NOT!

Opinion? Yes, me boy, thanks for admitting that it is your opinion. Lies and your stated opinion. Now that shows a total lack of substance. If all you have to bring forward is opinion, then you have nothing to post about. My opinion is that you are a dipshit. That does not make you a liar. What makes you a liar is that you made up something untrue that was easy to prove was untrue. You know, me boy, that old Chicago School statement of yours, posted a hundred times by now, is a proven lie on your part.
Again, I do not lie ever. I know that is frustrating for you. But making things up shows a total lack of integrity on your part.

You can SAY that you never lie as many times as you want, Rshermr but it won't change the fact that you've exhibited none of the knowledge about economics that one would expect from an economics major! Not knowing what The Chicago School was...was your George Costanza moment. You tried to pretend that you are something you're obviously not...and when someone who had only basic knowledge of the subject asked you a question that ever Econ major on the planet should have been able to answer completely whiffed on it!
But oldstyle, me boy, you must feel just terrible. Being caught lying, especially about something so simple as telling everyone you said to me something about the Chicago School Of Economics, and then to have it proven to be a lie. And then to have to go on, saying the same thing, when anyone who followed the posts, know you are a lier.
But no, it is just sop for you, oldstyle. Lie, get caught, lie again, get caught. Imagine now boring it must be for the rest of the people who post on this board to be honest, and to discus the topics.

Lie, get caught, lie again, get caught...that pretty much sums up you on this board, Rshermr! We both know you didn't have a clue what The Chicago School was back then and we both know you'd LOVE a do over on that lie. It's what happens to people like you who embellish their lives...sooner or later you get caught. With you it didn't take long because you're SO fucking clueless when it comes to economics.
the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
Noe that is complete desperation when you have to go back 40 years to avoid blaming Bush for the Bush Housing Crash!!!

As with most things in's a progression of legislation that creates the biggest problems. My point was that for you on the left to claim that Bush and the GOP are solely responsible for the economic melt down that occurred ignores things that Democratic Presidents like Carter and Clinton signed into law on THEIR watch! That isn't "desperation"...that's "reality"!
You would think that blaming Carter and a 40 year old law would be a clue to you of how ridiculous you look. But since all you care about is blaming Democrats, I guess you don't care about looking ridiculous.

If I'd only blamed you and Rshermr ONLY blame Bush then yes I WOULD look ridiculous! I didn't do that though...did I? I showed how a progression of legislation passed by both Democrats and Republicans brought us to the point where a real estate bubble and crash did severe damage to US financial institutions!

What's "ridiculous" is to only blame one President who happened to be in office when the crash took place...a President who DID caution others that there was a problem looming!
the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
Noe that is complete desperation when you have to go back 40 years to avoid blaming Bush for the Bush Housing Crash!!!

As with most things in's a progression of legislation that creates the biggest problems. My point was that for you on the left to claim that Bush and the GOP are solely responsible for the economic melt down that occurred ignores things that Democratic Presidents like Carter and Clinton signed into law on THEIR watch! That isn't "desperation"...that's "reality"!
You would think that blaming Carter and a 40 year old law would be a clue to you of how ridiculous you look. But since all you care about is blaming Democrats, I guess you don't care about looking ridiculous.

If I'd only blamed you and Rshermr ONLY blame Bush then yes I WOULD look ridiculous! I didn't do that though...did I? I showed how a progression of legislation passed by both Democrats and Republicans brought us to the point where a real estate bubble and crash did severe damage to US financial institutions!

What's "ridiculous" is to only blame one President who happened to be in office when the crash took place...a President who DID caution others that there was a problem looming!
And yet, ridiculous is what you are by blaming Carter since neither he, nor the CRA he signed into law, caused the collapse. And I'm not blaming Bush alone. I'm also blaming Republicans since they were in control of the Congress and refused to pass GSE reform.
And yes...I exposed you as a poser YEARS ago...did you think that my opinion of you would change since? You're still here claiming to be something that you quite obviously ARE NOT!

Opinion? Yes, me boy, thanks for admitting that it is your opinion. Lies and your stated opinion. Now that shows a total lack of substance. If all you have to bring forward is opinion, then you have nothing to post about. My opinion is that you are a dipshit. That does not make you a liar. What makes you a liar is that you made up something untrue that was easy to prove was untrue. You know, me boy, that old Chicago School statement of yours, posted a hundred times by now, is a proven lie on your part.
Again, I do not lie ever. I know that is frustrating for you. But making things up shows a total lack of integrity on your part.

You can SAY that you never lie as many times as you want, Rshermr but it won't change the fact that you've exhibited none of the knowledge about economics that one would expect from an economics major! Not knowing what The Chicago School was...was your George Costanza moment. You tried to pretend that you are something you're obviously not...and when someone who had only basic knowledge of the subject asked you a question that ever Econ major on the planet should have been able to answer completely whiffed on it!
But oldstyle, me boy, you must feel just terrible. Being caught lying, especially about something so simple as telling everyone you said to me something about the Chicago School Of Economics, and then to have it proven to be a lie. And then to have to go on, saying the same thing, when anyone who followed the posts, know you are a lier.
But no, it is just sop for you, oldstyle. Lie, get caught, lie again, get caught. Imagine now boring it must be for the rest of the people who post on this board to be honest, and to discus the topics.

Lie, get caught, lie again, get caught...that pretty much sums up you on this board, Rshermr! We both know you didn't have a clue what The Chicago School was back then and we both know you'd LOVE a do over on that lie. It's what happens to people like you who embellish their lives...sooner or later you get caught. With you it didn't take long because you're SO fucking clueless when it comes to economics.

I know, oldstyle, you are so upset that I do not lie. You say I did not know what you were talking about when you say you said Chicago Schol, but then I proved that you did not Say Chicago School. Which would mean, to a rational person, that you wee LYING. Again. Sorry, you are, me boy, daught lying again.
the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
Noe that is complete desperation when you have to go back 40 years to avoid blaming Bush for the Bush Housing Crash!!!

As with most things in's a progression of legislation that creates the biggest problems. My point was that for you on the left to claim that Bush and the GOP are solely responsible for the economic melt down that occurred ignores things that Democratic Presidents like Carter and Clinton signed into law on THEIR watch! That isn't "desperation"...that's "reality"!
You would think that blaming Carter and a 40 year old law would be a clue to you of how ridiculous you look. But since all you care about is blaming Democrats, I guess you don't care about looking ridiculous.

If I'd only blamed you and Rshermr ONLY blame Bush then yes I WOULD look ridiculous! I didn't do that though...did I? I showed how a progression of legislation passed by both Democrats and Republicans brought us to the point where a real estate bubble and crash did severe damage to US financial institutions!

What's "ridiculous" is to only blame one President who happened to be in office when the crash took place...a President who DID caution others that there was a problem looming!

Oh. Just happened to be. For eight years. And did nothing while the economy cratered. But it was not his fault???? Nice try, me boy, but you are supposed to be a history major. That does not give you a right to modify history.
the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
Noe that is complete desperation when you have to go back 40 years to avoid blaming Bush for the Bush Housing Crash!!!

As with most things in's a progression of legislation that creates the biggest problems. My point was that for you on the left to claim that Bush and the GOP are solely responsible for the economic melt down that occurred ignores things that Democratic Presidents like Carter and Clinton signed into law on THEIR watch! That isn't "desperation"...that's "reality"!
You would think that blaming Carter and a 40 year old law would be a clue to you of how ridiculous you look. But since all you care about is blaming Democrats, I guess you don't care about looking ridiculous.

If I'd only blamed you and Rshermr ONLY blame Bush then yes I WOULD look ridiculous! I didn't do that though...did I? I showed how a progression of legislation passed by both Democrats and Republicans brought us to the point where a real estate bubble and crash did severe damage to US financial institutions!

What's "ridiculous" is to only blame one President who happened to be in office when the crash took place...a President who DID caution others that there was a problem looming!

Oh. Just happened to be. For eight years. And did nothing while the economy cratered. But it was not his fault???? Nice try, me boy, but you are supposed to be a history major. That does not give you a right to modify history.

Bush is the President who gave us TARP which is the one policy that actually DID prevent the economy from "cratering". You'd grasp that concept if you really DID know anything about economics or what took place during that economic meltdown! Bush is also the only President who warned that what we were doing with housing, Fannie Mai and Freddie Mac was dangerous for our financial institutions. You didn't hear that from Carter, Reagan, HW Bush or Clinton.
And yes...I exposed you as a poser YEARS ago...did you think that my opinion of you would change since? You're still here claiming to be something that you quite obviously ARE NOT!

Opinion? Yes, me boy, thanks for admitting that it is your opinion. Lies and your stated opinion. Now that shows a total lack of substance. If all you have to bring forward is opinion, then you have nothing to post about. My opinion is that you are a dipshit. That does not make you a liar. What makes you a liar is that you made up something untrue that was easy to prove was untrue. You know, me boy, that old Chicago School statement of yours, posted a hundred times by now, is a proven lie on your part.
Again, I do not lie ever. I know that is frustrating for you. But making things up shows a total lack of integrity on your part.

You can SAY that you never lie as many times as you want, Rshermr but it won't change the fact that you've exhibited none of the knowledge about economics that one would expect from an economics major! Not knowing what The Chicago School was...was your George Costanza moment. You tried to pretend that you are something you're obviously not...and when someone who had only basic knowledge of the subject asked you a question that ever Econ major on the planet should have been able to answer completely whiffed on it!
But oldstyle, me boy, you must feel just terrible. Being caught lying, especially about something so simple as telling everyone you said to me something about the Chicago School Of Economics, and then to have it proven to be a lie. And then to have to go on, saying the same thing, when anyone who followed the posts, know you are a lier.
But no, it is just sop for you, oldstyle. Lie, get caught, lie again, get caught. Imagine now boring it must be for the rest of the people who post on this board to be honest, and to discus the topics.

Lie, get caught, lie again, get caught...that pretty much sums up you on this board, Rshermr! We both know you didn't have a clue what The Chicago School was back then and we both know you'd LOVE a do over on that lie. It's what happens to people like you who embellish their lives...sooner or later you get caught. With you it didn't take long because you're SO fucking clueless when it comes to economics.

I know, oldstyle, you are so upset that I do not lie. You say I did not know what you were talking about when you say you said Chicago Schol, but then I proved that you did not Say Chicago School. Which would mean, to a rational person, that you wee LYING. Again. Sorry, you are, me boy, daught lying again.

I'm not upset that you lie...I'm amused by how pathetic you are that you feel the NEED to lie!

Fox Business??? Really. Just a minute, I'l go get a link to some lame left wing web site, me boy. Ever try an impartial site.
2011, looking at recovery in 2010 and earlier. Did you think that says anything about the recovery overall.
Really, your agenda is showing.
The link Oldstyle gave to that Fox Business video provides excellent proof how Fox lies to their audience and literally dumbs them down.

In this case, we see Oldstyle mindlessly referring to a video Fox purports they aired on May 5th, 2011. But in reality, it aired in November, 6th, 2009.

Oldstyle, being the ever diligent idiot he is, doesn't even bother to review the very evidence he provides as proof to establish his insane claims.

Fox Business??? Really. Just a minute, I'l go get a link to some lame left wing web site, me boy. Ever try an impartial site.
2011, looking at recovery in 2010 and earlier. Did you think that says anything about the recovery overall.
Really, your agenda is showing.
The link Oldstyle gave to that Fox Business video provides excellent proof how Fox lies to their audience and literally dumbs them down.

In this case, we see Oldstyle mindlessly referring to a video Fox purports they aired on May 5th, 2011. But in reality, it aired in November, 6th, 2009.

Oldstyle, being the ever diligent idiot he is, doesn't even bother to review the very evidence he provides as proof to establish his insane claims.

oldstyle is a paid con troll. He gets his points from his bat shit crazy con web sites, and nutcase con bosses, and posts the "information" as though it is true. He knows many will want to believe him because they too are cons. And that is what cons get their beliefs from. They believe what they are told as long as they WANT to believe it. The rest, he assumes, will not bother disputing his dogma. But when challenged over and over, he will revert to personal attacks. Just the wy it is.

You mean just as you are using a personal attack here? Just asking.

Fox Business??? Really. Just a minute, I'l go get a link to some lame left wing web site, me boy. Ever try an impartial site.
2011, looking at recovery in 2010 and earlier. Did you think that says anything about the recovery overall.
Really, your agenda is showing.
The link Oldstyle gave to that Fox Business video provides excellent proof how Fox lies to their audience and literally dumbs them down.

In this case, we see Oldstyle mindlessly referring to a video Fox purports they aired on May 5th, 2011. But in reality, it aired in November, 6th, 2009.

Oldstyle, being the ever diligent idiot he is, doesn't even bother to review the very evidence he provides as proof to establish his insane claims.

Fox Business??? Really. Just a minute, I'l go get a link to some lame left wing web site, me boy. Ever try an impartial site.
2011, looking at recovery in 2010 and earlier. Did you think that says anything about the recovery overall.
Really, your agenda is showing.
The link Oldstyle gave to that Fox Business video provides excellent proof how Fox lies to their audience and literally dumbs them down.

In this case, we see Oldstyle mindlessly referring to a video Fox purports they aired on May 5th, 2011. But in reality, it aired in November, 6th, 2009.

Oldstyle, being the ever diligent idiot he is, doesn't even bother to review the very evidence he provides as proof to establish his insane claims.

oldstyle is a paid con troll. He gets his points from his bat shit crazy con web sites, and nutcase con bosses, and posts the "information" as though it is true. He knows many will want to believe him because they too are cons. And that is what cons get their beliefs from. They believe what they are told as long as they WANT to believe it. The rest, he assumes, will not bother disputing his dogma. But when challenged over and over, he will revert to personal attacks. Just the wy it is.

You mean just as you are using a personal attack here? Just asking.

Rshermr resorts to personal attacks here because invariably he gets caught up in the bullshit stories he tells how he taught college level economics classes as an undergrad...but didn't know what I was referring to when I asked him what economic school he was basing his theory on. When you catch him in a lie...he doesn't have enough sense to tuck tail...he'll attack you personally by accusing you of being a "dishwasher" or a "paid troll" or both which simply illustrates how clueless he really is. How many dishwashers do you know that are paid to post on politics?
It didn't matter if all the Republicans voted against Obama's original stimulus because he had the Democratic votes to push it through regardless...just as he did with ObamaCare!

The second stimulus that Barry asked for...he couldn't even sell to his fellow Democrats! That's how bad the first stimulus was at creating jobs.
What a fucking rightard you are. You have no shame at all, do ya?

It's a flat out lie to state Republicans could not have blocked passage of the ARRA just as it's a lie to pretend they were helpless to stop it just like they couldn't stop ObamaCare, which was passed with a filibuster-proof Senate.

To say Republicans COULD have stopped Obamacare is just plain foolish.

As you well know, Lame Duck President used bribery, payoffs and most likely blackmail along with rules changes to shove Obamacare up our...throats.
I love how you progressives want to pretend that the GOP had the power to stop Barry, Harry and Nancy that first year. It's simply untrue. They couldn't stop would they have been able to stop the Obama Stimulus?
And yet the Right claim that minority congressman Barney Frank was singlehandedly able to stop Bush and the GOP controlled House and Senate from reforming the GSEs!

LOL...when did the GOP control the White House, House and Senate? Barney Frank was the chairman of his committee because DEMOCRATS controlled his branch of the legislature! What part of that concept don't you grasp?
Through most of Bush's economic reign of terror. What planet were you on at the time?

It didn't matter if all the Republicans voted against Obama's original stimulus because he had the Democratic votes to push it through regardless...just as he did with ObamaCare!

The second stimulus that Barry asked for...he couldn't even sell to his fellow Democrats! That's how bad the first stimulus was at creating jobs.
What a fucking rightard you are. You have no shame at all, do ya?

It's a flat out lie to state Republicans could not have blocked passage of the ARRA just as it's a lie to pretend they were helpless to stop it just like they couldn't stop ObamaCare, which was passed with a filibuster-proof Senate.

To say Republicans COULD have stopped Obamacare is just plain foolish.

As you well know, Lame Duck President used bribery, payoffs and most likely blackmail along with rules changes to shove Obamacare up our...throats.
For the life of me, I'll never understand what the fuck is wrong with you rightards. I never said Republicans could have stopped Obamacare. Where do you come up with this shit? How does your brain translate what I wrote into what you wrote?
And I never claimed anyone could single handedly stop anything...what I pointed out was that it was George W. Bush who warned Frank that the way we were conducting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had the potential to be dangerous for our economy and it was Frank who denied that was the case. So who was right?
That was in 2003, and at that time Frank was correct.
After that Bush appointed HIS man to head Fannie and Freddie in 2004 and the lending INCREASED!!!! Bush owns the housing crash.
"Thanks to our policies, home ownership is at an all time high!" ~ George W. Bush, 2004 RNC acceptance speech

The things that were going on at Fannie and Freddie were what Bush was referring to...not the BIPARTISAN effort to get more Americans into home ownership!
And the "things that were going on at Fannie and Freddie," along with Fed policies, along with insufficient oversight of "Fannie and Freddie" ... caused the housing markets to collapse. Which in turn, took out the credit markets. Which in turn, cratered the entire economy.

Do you see now why everyone laughs at you for blaming Democrats when you yourself just unwittingly blamed Republicans?

The EXCESSIVE oversight by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd was as you know, responsible for the mortgage/housing/financial collapse. At the time too, Barney Franks lover was on the board of directors of Fannie Mae. He got paid bonuses the more loans Fannie Mae purchased. It was also, at this time that Barney and Chris INCREASED the percentage of subprime loans they were FORCED TO BUY.
the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
Noe that is complete desperation when you have to go back 40 years to avoid blaming Bush for the Bush Housing Crash!!!

Here are some FACTS for you, much as I know they are offensive to you.

Democrats actions leading to Mortgage Collapse B.B.

From New York Times
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

From Bloomberg News
How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis

The Administration’s Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs, ie Fannie, Freddie etc.)
Just the Facts: The Administration's Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Democrats of Financial Crisis; Meltdown

The Wall Street Journal Barney’s Rubble
Barney's Rubble

Mashup of Maxine Waters & Barney Frank - Then Vs. Now
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street
Steve Kroft On Credit Default Swaps And Their Central Role In The Unfolding Economic Crisis
The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street

Bush Called For Reform 17 Times In 2008 ALONE, here dating back to 2001! Duplicate of Whitehouse.archives
It didn't matter if all the Republicans voted against Obama's original stimulus because he had the Democratic votes to push it through regardless...just as he did with ObamaCare!

The second stimulus that Barry asked for...he couldn't even sell to his fellow Democrats! That's how bad the first stimulus was at creating jobs.
What a fucking rightard you are. You have no shame at all, do ya?

It's a flat out lie to state Republicans could not have blocked passage of the ARRA just as it's a lie to pretend they were helpless to stop it just like they couldn't stop ObamaCare, which was passed with a filibuster-proof Senate.

To say Republicans COULD have stopped Obamacare is just plain foolish.

As you well know, Lame Duck President used bribery, payoffs and most likely blackmail along with rules changes to shove Obamacare up our...throats.
For the life of me, I'll never understand what the fuck is wrong with you rightards. I never said Republicans could have stopped Obamacare. Where do you come up with this shit? How does your brain translate what I wrote into what you wrote?

So you admit that the GOP couldn't stop ObamaCare...but you claim that they COULD stop the Obama Stimulus? Come on, Faun...just admit that stimulus was basically written behind closed doors by Harry and Nancy...and that the reason it was such a flop was that it turned into a liberal "pork fest" that rewarded liberal donors, liberal causes and the public sector employees that support Democrats. If you were an American Private Sector worker either laid off because of the recession or worried that you might be laid off...there was little in the Obama Stimulus that was going to help you.
It didn't matter if all the Republicans voted against Obama's original stimulus because he had the Democratic votes to push it through regardless...just as he did with ObamaCare!

The second stimulus that Barry asked for...he couldn't even sell to his fellow Democrats! That's how bad the first stimulus was at creating jobs.
What a fucking rightard you are. You have no shame at all, do ya?

It's a flat out lie to state Republicans could not have blocked passage of the ARRA just as it's a lie to pretend they were helpless to stop it just like they couldn't stop ObamaCare, which was passed with a filibuster-proof Senate.

To say Republicans COULD have stopped Obamacare is just plain foolish.

As you well know, Lame Duck President used bribery, payoffs and most likely blackmail along with rules changes to shove Obamacare up our...throats.
For the life of me, I'll never understand what the fuck is wrong with you rightards. I never said Republicans could have stopped Obamacare. Where do you come up with this shit? How does your brain translate what I wrote into what you wrote?

Are these not your words?

"It's a flat out lie to state Republicans could not have blocked passage of the ARRA just as it's a lie to pretend they were helpless to stop it just like they couldn't stop ObamaCare, which was passed with a filibuster-proof Senate."

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