US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

And I never claimed anyone could single handedly stop anything...what I pointed out was that it was George W. Bush who warned Frank that the way we were conducting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had the potential to be dangerous for our economy and it was Frank who denied that was the case. So who was right?
That was in 2003, and at that time Frank was correct.
After that Bush appointed HIS man to head Fannie and Freddie in 2004 and the lending INCREASED!!!! Bush owns the housing crash.

Frank was no more correct in 2003 than he was in any year following 2003. You simply can't bring yourself to admit that the guy you on the left love to characterize as the village idiot...George W. Bush was completely correct when he warned about the dangers that the policies at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac posed to our financial system...and Barney Frank was completely wrong!
And I never claimed anyone could single handedly stop anything...what I pointed out was that it was George W. Bush who warned Frank that the way we were conducting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had the potential to be dangerous for our economy and it was Frank who denied that was the case. So who was right?
That was in 2003, and at that time Frank was correct.
After that Bush appointed HIS man to head Fannie and Freddie in 2004 and the lending INCREASED!!!! Bush owns the housing crash.
"Thanks to our policies, home ownership is at an all time high!" ~ George W. Bush, 2004 RNC acceptance speech

The things that were going on at Fannie and Freddie were what Bush was referring to...not the BIPARTISAN effort to get more Americans into home ownership!
And the "things that were going on at Fannie and Freddie," along with Fed policies, along with insufficient oversight of "Fannie and Freddie" ... caused the housing markets to collapse. Which in turn, took out the credit markets. Which in turn, cratered the entire economy.

Do you see now why everyone laughs at you for blaming Democrats when you yourself just unwittingly blamed Republicans?
Your insanity worsens. :ack-1:

We need somewhere in the neighborhood of 150,000 jobs to be added each month to keep up with population growth.

Since March, 2010, when the job markets began recovering, we've added 14 million jobs ... or 192,000 jobs per month on average.

You know, what you idiotically call a "small number" of jobs in a "jobless" recovery.


So we've had an average net gain of a little over 40,000 jobs per month in a country the size of America with millions out of work and you label that as a recovery full of jobs? Really, Faun?

So, oldstyle, did you stop studying math in 1st grade? Because there have been 80 months since the stimulus began. That would mean that only 3.2 million jobs have been added. That would be, me boy, under 25% of the actual number of jobs that have been added. Really, Oldstyle?
Do you EVER stop lying. You have NO integrity.

If you don't like the to Faun...those are the numbers that he quoted. I simply pointed out that they weren't indicative of an economic recovery rife with jobs!

To put it in terms that even George Costanza might understand...if there are 30,000 cities and towns in the US and you're only creating 40,000 jobs over what you need to keep up with population growth that means you're creating 1.25 jobs per town across the nation. If you're a tiny town in Iowa that might be HUGE...if you're New York City, Chicago or's a joke!
So, you should be embarased by now. Pinqy, in his calm way, has made you look like what you are. You are really getting obnoxious. Try as you will, you are a lying con tool, and everyone is seeing what your game is. Dipshit.

Why are you so desperate to accuse me of being a liar, Rshermr? Oh, that's's because I exposed you as a total bullshit artist who lies through their teeth constantly! What's pathetic is you don't even have the intelligence to know you've been exposed.

You're a poser, Rshermr. One of those sad internet people who's lives and accomplishments are so nondescript that you feel like you need to embellish who you are with lies like how you taught college level economics as an undergrad! People like yourself ALWAYS out themselves because they tell bigger and bigger lies and can't keep track of the ones they've already told!
Because you are a liar. You just tried to insinuate that Republicans weren't in control of the White House, House, and Senate all at the same time during the Bush years.

When you lie like you do, you should actually expect to be called a liar.

And as always, if the truth and facts were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Are you claiming that the Democrats didn't also support that legislation? Really, Ed?

What's amusing is how you on the left have declared the economic meltdown a Republican Democrats hadn't ever stepped foot in Washington until 2009! I'm sorry but Democrats were just as much to blame for what happened as Republicans.
They were not "just as much to blame." This would be you lying again. Rshermr has nailed your character. For them to be "just as much to blame" would mean there is nothing gained by winning, and therefore controlling, the House and the Senate. Which of course, is beyond ludicrous.

Republicans controlled the White House. Republicans controlled the Congress.

Morons like you blame Democrats. :cuckoo:
And I never claimed anyone could single handedly stop anything...what I pointed out was that it was George W. Bush who warned Frank that the way we were conducting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had the potential to be dangerous for our economy and it was Frank who denied that was the case. So who was right?
That was in 2003, and at that time Frank was correct.
After that Bush appointed HIS man to head Fannie and Freddie in 2004 and the lending INCREASED!!!! Bush owns the housing crash.

Frank was no more correct in 2003 than he was in any year following 2003. You simply can't bring yourself to admit that the guy you on the left love to characterize as the village idiot...George W. Bush was completely correct when he warned about the dangers that the policies at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac posed to our financial system...and Barney Frank was completely wrong!
Again... since you wouldn't answer the first 3 times I've asked ....

Name the bill the Republican-led Congress passed in response to Bush's warning......
The link Oldstyle gave to that Fox Business video provides excellent proof how Fox lies to their audience and literally dumbs them down.

In this case, we see Oldstyle mindlessly referring to a video Fox purports they aired on May 5th, 2011. But in reality, it aired in November, 6th, 2009.

Oldstyle, being the ever diligent idiot he is, doesn't even bother to review the very evidence he provides as proof to establish his insane claims.

In the immortal words of Cankles..."What difference does it really make?" You declared that I was pulling the idea of a jobless recovery out of my ass and I provided several examples of pundits discussing why we were in fact HAVING a jobless of which is Paul Krugman. So is Krugman "insane" when he speaks of a jobless recovery? Duh?
You provided no evidence the recovery was a "jobless" recovery.

The video with Krugman came just a few months into the recovery. It provides no evidence when looking back over the last 73 months to total.

Then you posted a video from 2009, 5 months before the job recovery even began.


You're fucking insane.


What's "insane" is for someone to look at 2009 and 2010 and maintain that there WASN'T a jobless recovery!

So, at least you are not proveably lying this time. Just wrong:

1. The great republican recession of 2008 was the largest recession since the great republican depression of 1929. And, me boy, no economist expected that it would replace all the jobs lost to the great republican recession in one or two years.
2. The recovery went for some time. And the efforts of the obama team replaced all the jobs lost to the great republican recession. Took a couple of years, because repubs demanded that no jobs bill would be passed.
3. So, since over 13 million jobs were created or saved by the obama team, it was in NO WAY a jobless recovery.

So, the question is, why do you keep claiming the recovery was jobless. Other than that you parrot your con heroes. Because, as I have proven by posting CBO statements that you are wrong, me boy. That you keep it up is normal, since you are a lying con tool.

What exactly did the Obama team do that created jobs, Rshermr? Tell me the economic plan that they used to grow the economy and create jobs! The truth is...time after time...they pushed an agenda that hurt job creation and it was things like fracking (which Obama and you progressives fought to stop!) that created good paying jobs for Americans.
you know, me poor ignorant con tool You have been to told over and over again. It was called stimulus. Same basic plan that your hero, R. Reagan used.
Remember, me boy. The second major recession, after the first major republican depression of 1929. When the unemployment rate went from 4% to over 25%, as the Republican president did not spend stimulatively. Which is, of course, what you always suggest. Then, Reagan created the Second great republican recession, of 1982, when he cut taxes greatly and provided NO stimulative spending until he and his economic team realized they had the greatest recession since the first republican great depression of 1929.
Then, Reagan:
1. Raised taxes 11 times.
2. Spent more than all the presidents before him combined.
3. Tripled the national debt.
4. Increased the size of the government greatly massively.
5. Made the economy work again, by decreasing unemployment.

So, oldstyle, me poor ignorant con tool, that is what you do when you have a recession, like the THIRD GREAT REPUBLICAN RECESSION of 2008. Now, you, as a con tool, would suggest cutting taxes as the solution. And, me boy, republicans did require tax cuts as part or the stimulus that was done under Obama. And, per the economic experts that scored that stimulus, the tax cuts did very little. But those same experts tell us that the stimulus itself saved our economy me boy. As one would expect.
Now you, as a dishwasher and con tool, do not understand, and prefer to post conservative dogma. So, you will NEVER understand. My condolences, me boy.
You provided no evidence the recovery was a "jobless" recovery.

The video with Krugman came just a few months into the recovery. It provides no evidence when looking back over the last 73 months to total.

Then you posted a video from 2009, 5 months before the job recovery even began.


You're fucking insane.


What's "insane" is for someone to look at 2009 and 2010 and maintain that there WASN'T a jobless recovery!
There was no job recovery in 2009. No one is claiming there was. The Great Recession had just ended only a few months before that Fox video aired. The recovery began in March, 2010. But three months later in June, the overall numbers dropped due to the government laying ¼ million temp census workers. Meanwhile, the private sector continued growing.

Over the last 73 months, there hasn't been one single month the private sector (14.4 million jobs added) lost jobs and the only months we lost jobs overall (14.0 million jobs added) was due to collecting census data.

That's what you moronically call a "jobless" recovery.

You're every bit the con tool Rshermr figured out you are.

Just because we added a small number of jobs each month instead of losing them doesn't mean that it wasn't a jobless recovery, Faun! It was. The Private Sector has indeed grown but it has done so not because of the economic policies of Barack Obama but DESPITE the economic policies of a President who struggles mightily when it comes to economics in general.

And Rshermr hasn't figured out anything in so long it's laughable! He's the guy who uses the internet to pretend he's something he isn't...educated! He's the George Costanza of the US Message Board!

george costanza architect - - Yahoo Search Results

And there he goes, lapsing into personal attacks. Normal for the poor ignorant boy.
And, me boy, it has ot been a small number of jobs. Try dividing 14 million by 72. Oh, I forgot. You never got to division.

I simply pointed out how utterly full of shit you are when you claim to have a degree in economics! YOU on the other hand accuse me of being a dishwasher. You also accuse me of being "paid" by some nebulous deep pocketed conservative cabal! So which is I a lowly dishwasher...or am I a paid shill...sent here to antagonize liberals? Oh, that's're just making up this shit as you go. Kind of like your supposedly teaching economics at the college level as an undergrad!

And, me boy, you did not take me up on the offer to place a bet on my non-degree. We can make you all the money you probably make in several years washing dishes. But you do not take me up on it. What we all get to see instead is a constant effort to throw out insults, and then you cry like a little girl when you get one back.
Funny thing is, most people have way too much integrity to understand you. It has taken me several years.
I love how you progressives want to pretend that the GOP had the power to stop Barry, Harry and Nancy that first year. It's simply untrue. They couldn't stop would they have been able to stop the Obama Stimulus?
And yet the Right claim that minority congressman Barney Frank was singlehandedly able to stop Bush and the GOP controlled House and Senate from reforming the GSEs!

LOL...when did the GOP control the White House, House and Senate? Barney Frank was the chairman of his committee because DEMOCRATS controlled his branch of the legislature! What part of that concept don't you grasp?

So, me boy, instead of throwing inane insults, why don't you try to answer faun's question. What would you do, me boy, if you were in charge.
Your insanity worsens. :ack-1:

We need somewhere in the neighborhood of 150,000 jobs to be added each month to keep up with population growth.

Since March, 2010, when the job markets began recovering, we've added 14 million jobs ... or 192,000 jobs per month on average.

You know, what you idiotically call a "small number" of jobs in a "jobless" recovery.


So we've had an average net gain of a little over 40,000 jobs per month in a country the size of America with millions out of work and you label that as a recovery full of jobs? Really, Faun?

So, oldstyle, did you stop studying math in 1st grade? Because there have been 80 months since the stimulus began. That would mean that only 3.2 million jobs have been added. That would be, me boy, under 25% of the actual number of jobs that have been added. Really, Oldstyle?
Do you EVER stop lying. You have NO integrity.

If you don't like the to Faun...those are the numbers that he quoted. I simply pointed out that they weren't indicative of an economic recovery rife with jobs!

To put it in terms that even George Costanza might understand...if there are 30,000 cities and towns in the US and you're only creating 40,000 jobs over what you need to keep up with population growth that means you're creating 1.25 jobs per town across the nation. If you're a tiny town in Iowa that might be HUGE...if you're New York City, Chicago or's a joke!
So, you should be embarased by now. Pinqy, in his calm way, has made you look like what you are. You are really getting obnoxious. Try as you will, you are a lying con tool, and everyone is seeing what your game is. Dipshit.

Why are you so desperate to accuse me of being a liar, Rshermr? Oh, that's's because I exposed you as a total bullshit artist who lies through their teeth constantly! What's pathetic is you don't even have the intelligence to know you've been exposed.

You're a poser, Rshermr. One of those sad internet people who's lives and accomplishments are so nondescript that you feel like you need to embellish who you are with lies like how you taught college level economics as an undergrad! People like yourself ALWAYS out themselves because they tell bigger and bigger lies and can't keep track of the ones they've already told!

I never, ever lie, me boy. Never. I accuse you of lies for the same reason everyone accuses you of lies. Because you obviously lie over and over and over. And I never, ever compare myself to someone else. Especially not you, me boy. You set WAY to low of a bar.
Are you claiming that the Democrats didn't also support that legislation? Really, Ed?

What's amusing is how you on the left have declared the economic meltdown a Republican Democrats hadn't ever stepped foot in Washington until 2009! I'm sorry but Democrats were just as much to blame for what happened as Republicans.

What is really, really amusing is how con tools like yourself can NEVER,EVER take responsibility. The great republican recession of 1929 was somebody's fault, but not the republicans, according you you, me boy. From 4 percent to 25 percent unemployment in 4 years.
Not did they take credit for reagans recession of 1982. Second worst recession since the great depression with 10.8 percent unemployment, me boy. And you blame everyone else, of course, because you completely lack integrity.
Nor, me boy, did you take credit for W'w great recession of 2008. The THIRD WORST RECESSION AFTER THE PREVIOUS RECESSIONS OF '29 AND '82; ALL, ME BOY UNDER REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS. You blame everyone else, because you have NO INTEGRITY.
Economic meltdowns happen over time. They can be turned around. But if all you have in your plans are tax cuts and lowering interest rates, you are, as you always have been, doomed.

By the way, me boy, when are you going to answer Faun's completely reasonable request, and tell us what your plan would be?? Never, me boy? Is that your answer?????????
And I never claimed anyone could single handedly stop anything...what I pointed out was that it was George W. Bush who warned Frank that the way we were conducting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had the potential to be dangerous for our economy and it was Frank who denied that was the case. So who was right?
That was in 2003, and at that time Frank was correct.
After that Bush appointed HIS man to head Fannie and Freddie in 2004 and the lending INCREASED!!!! Bush owns the housing crash.

Frank was no more correct in 2003 than he was in any year following 2003. You simply can't bring yourself to admit that the guy you on the left love to characterize as the village idiot...George W. Bush was completely correct when he warned about the dangers that the policies at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac posed to our financial system...and Barney Frank was completely wrong!

No, me boy, you were and are completely wrong. Washing dishes just does not help you understand, me boy.
And I never claimed anyone could single handedly stop anything...what I pointed out was that it was George W. Bush who warned Frank that the way we were conducting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had the potential to be dangerous for our economy and it was Frank who denied that was the case. So who was right?
That was in 2003, and at that time Frank was correct.
After that Bush appointed HIS man to head Fannie and Freddie in 2004 and the lending INCREASED!!!! Bush owns the housing crash.

What is always certain is that:
1. Oldstyle will always immediately blame democrats for what happens under republican leadership.
2. Oldstyle does not have any idea of what to suggest to correct the great republican recessions that have occured.
3. Oldstyle will simply revert to personal attacks and lies, because he has no ability to make an economic argument.
Funny thing is he aims his criticism at democrats, always. But never at republicans, like, oh, say GREENSPAN. Or W.

Are you claiming that the Democrats didn't also support that legislation? Really, Ed?

What's amusing is how you on the left have declared the economic meltdown a Republican Democrats hadn't ever stepped foot in Washington until 2009! I'm sorry but Democrats were just as much to blame for what happened as Republicans.

So, we should blame democrats for what happens during a republican administration. And we should blame democrats for what happens during a democratic administration. Sure, me boy. Do you really expect anyone to buy that argument???? Dipshit. Are you here to simply waste everyone's time?
Of course you are.
And I never claimed anyone could single handedly stop anything...what I pointed out was that it was George W. Bush who warned Frank that the way we were conducting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had the potential to be dangerous for our economy and it was Frank who denied that was the case. So who was right?
That was in 2003, and at that time Frank was correct.
After that Bush appointed HIS man to head Fannie and Freddie in 2004 and the lending INCREASED!!!! Bush owns the housing crash.

Frank was no more correct in 2003 than he was in any year following 2003. You simply can't bring yourself to admit that the guy you on the left love to characterize as the village idiot...George W. Bush was completely correct when he warned about the dangers that the policies at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac posed to our financial system...and Barney Frank was completely wrong!
Again... since you wouldn't answer the first 3 times I've asked ....

Name the bill the Republican-led Congress passed in response to Bush's warning......

Well, Faun, I think we can safely say that oldstyle has given up, and by doing so, admitted that republicans really did not care if the middle class was destroyed by the great republican 2008 recession. As long as they, and their wealthy benefactors, continued to get their pockets lined.
I love how you progressives want to pretend that the GOP had the power to stop Barry, Harry and Nancy that first year. It's simply untrue. They couldn't stop would they have been able to stop the Obama Stimulus?
And yet the Right claim that minority congressman Barney Frank was singlehandedly able to stop Bush and the GOP controlled House and Senate from reforming the GSEs!

LOL...when did the GOP control the White House, House and Senate? Barney Frank was the chairman of his committee because DEMOCRATS controlled his branch of the legislature! What part of that concept don't you grasp?

So, me boy, instead of throwing inane insults, why don't you try to answer faun's question. What would you do, me boy, if you were in charge.
So we've had an average net gain of a little over 40,000 jobs per month in a country the size of America with millions out of work and you label that as a recovery full of jobs? Really, Faun?

So, oldstyle, did you stop studying math in 1st grade? Because there have been 80 months since the stimulus began. That would mean that only 3.2 million jobs have been added. That would be, me boy, under 25% of the actual number of jobs that have been added. Really, Oldstyle?
Do you EVER stop lying. You have NO integrity.

If you don't like the to Faun...those are the numbers that he quoted. I simply pointed out that they weren't indicative of an economic recovery rife with jobs!

To put it in terms that even George Costanza might understand...if there are 30,000 cities and towns in the US and you're only creating 40,000 jobs over what you need to keep up with population growth that means you're creating 1.25 jobs per town across the nation. If you're a tiny town in Iowa that might be HUGE...if you're New York City, Chicago or's a joke!
So, you should be embarased by now. Pinqy, in his calm way, has made you look like what you are. You are really getting obnoxious. Try as you will, you are a lying con tool, and everyone is seeing what your game is. Dipshit.

Why are you so desperate to accuse me of being a liar, Rshermr? Oh, that's's because I exposed you as a total bullshit artist who lies through their teeth constantly! What's pathetic is you don't even have the intelligence to know you've been exposed.

You're a poser, Rshermr. One of those sad internet people who's lives and accomplishments are so nondescript that you feel like you need to embellish who you are with lies like how you taught college level economics as an undergrad! People like yourself ALWAYS out themselves because they tell bigger and bigger lies and can't keep track of the ones they've already told!

I never, ever lie, me boy. Never. I accuse you of lies for the same reason everyone accuses you of lies. Because you obviously lie over and over and over. And I never, ever compare myself to someone else. Especially not you, me boy. You set WAY to low of a bar.

You "never, ever lie"? You claimed to have taught economics at the college level as an undergraduate! That's the biggest bunch of bullshit I've heard since George Costanza claimed to be an architect. You don't know things that entry level Econ students would know but you come on here and claim to have a degree in the subject? It's laughable!
What's with the multiple posts, Rshermr? You back on the Oxy's again?

I don't take you up on your "bet" because I know my chances of seeing money from a loser like yourself is right up there with getting hit by lightning in a snowstorm.

Why is it every time one of you internet posers gets caught lying you ALWAYS respond by offering some huge amount of money to anyone who can "prove" that you're a liar? You yourself proved that when you didn't have a clue what I meant when I asked you about The Chicago School.
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I love how you progressives want to pretend that the GOP had the power to stop Barry, Harry and Nancy that first year. It's simply untrue. They couldn't stop would they have been able to stop the Obama Stimulus?
And yet the Right claim that minority congressman Barney Frank was singlehandedly able to stop Bush and the GOP controlled House and Senate from reforming the GSEs!

LOL...when did the GOP control the White House, House and Senate? Barney Frank was the chairman of his committee because DEMOCRATS controlled his branch of the legislature! What part of that concept don't you grasp?

So, me boy, instead of throwing inane insults, why don't you try to answer faun's question. What would you do, me boy, if you were in charge.
So, oldstyle, did you stop studying math in 1st grade? Because there have been 80 months since the stimulus began. That would mean that only 3.2 million jobs have been added. That would be, me boy, under 25% of the actual number of jobs that have been added. Really, Oldstyle?
Do you EVER stop lying. You have NO integrity.

If you don't like the to Faun...those are the numbers that he quoted. I simply pointed out that they weren't indicative of an economic recovery rife with jobs!

To put it in terms that even George Costanza might understand...if there are 30,000 cities and towns in the US and you're only creating 40,000 jobs over what you need to keep up with population growth that means you're creating 1.25 jobs per town across the nation. If you're a tiny town in Iowa that might be HUGE...if you're New York City, Chicago or's a joke!
So, you should be embarased by now. Pinqy, in his calm way, has made you look like what you are. You are really getting obnoxious. Try as you will, you are a lying con tool, and everyone is seeing what your game is. Dipshit.

Why are you so desperate to accuse me of being a liar, Rshermr? Oh, that's's because I exposed you as a total bullshit artist who lies through their teeth constantly! What's pathetic is you don't even have the intelligence to know you've been exposed.

You're a poser, Rshermr. One of those sad internet people who's lives and accomplishments are so nondescript that you feel like you need to embellish who you are with lies like how you taught college level economics as an undergrad! People like yourself ALWAYS out themselves because they tell bigger and bigger lies and can't keep track of the ones they've already told!

I never, ever lie, me boy. Never. I accuse you of lies for the same reason everyone accuses you of lies. Because you obviously lie over and over and over. And I never, ever compare myself to someone else. Especially not you, me boy. You set WAY to low of a bar.

You "never, ever lie"? You claimed to have taught economics at the college level as an undergraduate! That's the biggest bunch of bullshit I've heard since George Costanza claimed to be an architect. You don't know things that entry level Econ students would know but you come on here and claim to have a degree in the subject? It's laughable!
You, me boy, are indeed laughable. I did not say I taurht economics as an instructor, of course, as you know. I said I helped an economics professor, followed his class schedule and taught part of the week, part of the class, as a student helper. As you know. Now, as you also know, I explained, maybe at this point THREE YEARS AGO. that I was not alone, and that the reason that graduate students were not part of the program was because the school did not have a masters program in economics. Which, as you should be able to figure out, makes it hard for the professor to use grad students.
This is why you are so well known as a liar, me boy. Because you take something and then CHANGE it into something different. As I said, dipshit, I do not lie, EVER.
And, as I said many times before, when you can not make economic arguments (which you never, ever do) you revert to personal attacks. By the way, dipshit, posting con talking points is not an economic argument. Posting modified history is not an economic argument.
It is amusing, me boy, that you think helping teach a basic economics class to non econ majors seems to be such a big deal to you. You must have a very unimpressive life. What I thought funniest, though, was when you asked for the name of the instructor I worked with, the name and location of the college, and said if would provide that, you would let the attacks die. Funny,, isn't it, that four years later, you are still attacking. No proof, no real reason, based on your lies as normal.
Then, of course, there was the time that you claimed to have called my college, gotten the registrar on the phone, and was told that I had to be lying. But you could not provide the name of the registrar, because you called no one. Really, oldstyle, you are a really low level guy. Too bad you do not have something you could be proud of. I mean, if you think that helping teach econ for non majors is a big deal, really pity you.

I am three months from being 70. People who know me know me to be completely honest. But if I were to lie, and if I wanted to impress some one, it would NOT be to say either that I had a ba in econ, nor that I helped an econ professor teach a class. Jesus, you must be unhappy with your little life.
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What's with the multiple posts, Rshermr? You back on the Oxy's again?

I don't take you up on your "bet" because I know my chances of seeing money from a loser like yourself is right up there with getting hit by lightning in a snowstorm.

Why is it every time one of you internet posers gets caught lying you ALWAYS respond by offering some huge amount of money to anyone who can "prove" that you're a liar? You yourself proved that when you didn't have a clue what I meant when I asked you about The Chicago School.

You caught no one lying, my lying con tool, except yourself. And you did not pursue the bet because you fully know, beyond doubt, that you will loose the bet. You said I lied about having an econ degree. If you think the $10K is too rich for your blood, name the amount. And please, me boy, the bet goes in escrow, in a way we can agree to. Held, in other words, by a neutral partner, who pays the winner. If you thought that I would make a bet with you any other way, you are simply proving your ignorance.
So, what you are saying is, you want to attack my word without proof, and then you do not have the nerve to take me up on the bet. You never ever do, of course. Because, of all the things you have tried say I lied to you about, you NEVER have any conviction. Just a big mouth and an empty mind.

I, and I suspect others, recognize your type. You ARE SO UPSET at being shown to be a liar, over and over and over, by me that you want in the worst way to get one on me. And you fully believe that I lie due to transference. You think everyone lies like you lie. Sorry, me boy. I know you do not understand the value of integrity, and you have none. It is VERY important to me. And, I believe, most others.

Here is the thing, me boy. As big an ass hole I think you are, I would never lie about you. As big a liar I believe you are, even you can feel safe that I would not not lie about you. As lacking in class and as lacking in integrity, even you I would never lie about. Under no circumstances would I make over a hundred unsupported and unsupportable claims about you. So, there you are. Most people would feel ashamed, oldstyle, which is why I suspect that you are a sociopath.
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I love how you progressives want to pretend that the GOP had the power to stop Barry, Harry and Nancy that first year. It's simply untrue. They couldn't stop would they have been able to stop the Obama Stimulus?
And yet the Right claim that minority congressman Barney Frank was singlehandedly able to stop Bush and the GOP controlled House and Senate from reforming the GSEs!

LOL...when did the GOP control the White House, House and Senate? Barney Frank was the chairman of his committee because DEMOCRATS controlled his branch of the legislature! What part of that concept don't you grasp?

So, me boy, instead of throwing inane insults, why don't you try to answer faun's question. What would you do, me boy, if you were in charge.
If you don't like the to Faun...those are the numbers that he quoted. I simply pointed out that they weren't indicative of an economic recovery rife with jobs!

To put it in terms that even George Costanza might understand...if there are 30,000 cities and towns in the US and you're only creating 40,000 jobs over what you need to keep up with population growth that means you're creating 1.25 jobs per town across the nation. If you're a tiny town in Iowa that might be HUGE...if you're New York City, Chicago or's a joke!
So, you should be embarased by now. Pinqy, in his calm way, has made you look like what you are. You are really getting obnoxious. Try as you will, you are a lying con tool, and everyone is seeing what your game is. Dipshit.

Why are you so desperate to accuse me of being a liar, Rshermr? Oh, that's's because I exposed you as a total bullshit artist who lies through their teeth constantly! What's pathetic is you don't even have the intelligence to know you've been exposed.

You're a poser, Rshermr. One of those sad internet people who's lives and accomplishments are so nondescript that you feel like you need to embellish who you are with lies like how you taught college level economics as an undergrad! People like yourself ALWAYS out themselves because they tell bigger and bigger lies and can't keep track of the ones they've already told!

I never, ever lie, me boy. Never. I accuse you of lies for the same reason everyone accuses you of lies. Because you obviously lie over and over and over. And I never, ever compare myself to someone else. Especially not you, me boy. You set WAY to low of a bar.

You "never, ever lie"? You claimed to have taught economics at the college level as an undergraduate! That's the biggest bunch of bullshit I've heard since George Costanza claimed to be an architect. You don't know things that entry level Econ students would know but you come on here and claim to have a degree in the subject? It's laughable!
You, me boy, are indeed laughable. I did not say I taurht economics as an instructor, of course, as you know. I said I helped an economics professor, followed his class schedule and taught part of the week, part of the class, as a student helper. As you know. Now, as you also know, I explained, maybe at this point THREE YEARS AGO. that I was not alone, and that the reason that graduate students were not part of the program was because the school did not have a masters program in economics. Which, as you should be able to figure out, makes it hard for the professor to use grad students.
This is why you are so well known as a liar, me boy. Because you take something and then CHANGE it into something different. As I said, dipshit, I do not lie, EVER.
And, as I said many times before, when you can not make economic arguments (which you never, ever do) you revert to personal attacks. By the way, dipshit, posting con talking points is not an economic argument. Posting modified history is not an economic argument.
It is amusing, me boy, that you think helping teach a basic economics class to non econ majors seems to be such a big deal to you. You must have a very unimpressive life. What I thought funniest, though, was when you asked for the name of the instructor I worked with, the name and location of the college, and said if would provide that, you would let the attacks die. Funny,, isn't it, that four years later, you are still attacking. No proof, no real reason, based on your lies as normal.
Then, of course, there was the time that you claimed to have called my college, gotten the registrar on the phone, and was told that I had to be lying. But you could not provide the name of the registrar, because you called no one. Really, oldstyle, you are a really low level guy. Too bad you do not have something you could be proud of. I mean, if you think that helping teach econ for non majors is a big deal, really pity you.

I am three months from being 70. People who know me know me to be completely honest. But if I were to lie, and if I wanted to impress some one, it would NOT be to say either that I had a ba in econ, nor that I helped an econ professor teach a class. Jesus, you must be unhappy with your little life.

Yeah, you've got a BA in Economics...taught the subject at the college level...but didn't know what I was referring to when I mentioned The Chicago School? What's sad, that I'm a History major who took Macro and Micro Economics at the introductory level and yet I know more about the subject then you do! Why is that?

The only answer that makes any sense at all is that you're full of shit!

You want to "prove" that you're an Econ major who was so well versed you were chosen to help teach the subject to other undergrads? Why don't you start by posting something here about economics that someone with knowledge of the subject WOULD post!
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What's with the multiple posts, Rshermr? You back on the Oxy's again?

I don't take you up on your "bet" because I know my chances of seeing money from a loser like yourself is right up there with getting hit by lightning in a snowstorm.

Why is it every time one of you internet posers gets caught lying you ALWAYS respond by offering some huge amount of money to anyone who can "prove" that you're a liar? You yourself proved that when you didn't have a clue what I meant when I asked you about The Chicago School.

You caught no one lying, my lying con tool, except yourself. And you did not pursue the bet because you fully know, beyond doubt, that you will loose the bet. You said I lied about having an econ degree. If you think the $10K is too rich for your blood, name the amount. And please, me boy, the bet goes in escrow, in a way we can agree to. Held, in other words, by a neutral partner, who pays the winner. If you thought that I would make a bet with you any other way, you are simply proving your ignorance.
So, what you are saying is, you want to attack my word without proof, and then you do not have the nerve to take me up on the bet. You never ever do, of course. Because, of all the things you have tried say I lied to you about, you NEVER have any conviction. Just a big mouth and an empty mind.

I, and I suspect others, recognize your type. You ARE SO UPSET at being shown to be a liar, over and over and over, by me that you want in the worst way to get one on me. And you fully believe that I lie due to transference. You think everyone lies like you lie. Sorry, me boy. I know you do not understand the value of integrity, and you have none. It is VERY important to me. And, I believe, most others.

Here is the thing, me boy. As big an ass hole I think you are, I would never lie about you. As big a liar I believe you are, even you can feel safe that I would not not lie about you. As lacking in class and as lacking in integrity, even you I would never lie about. Under no circumstances would I make over a hundred unsupported and unsupportable claims about you. So, there you are. Most people would feel ashamed, oldstyle, which is why I suspect that you are a sociopath.

You lie every time you call me a "dishwasher" idiot! You started that nonsense when I pointed out how full of crap you are with your claim of being an Economics major! Like calling me THAT is going to make me cut you some slack for being the board's George Costanza! You whine about "personal attacks" while you use personal attacks in the majority of your posts.
And yet the Right claim that minority congressman Barney Frank was singlehandedly able to stop Bush and the GOP controlled House and Senate from reforming the GSEs!

LOL...when did the GOP control the White House, House and Senate? Barney Frank was the chairman of his committee because DEMOCRATS controlled his branch of the legislature! What part of that concept don't you grasp?

So, me boy, instead of throwing inane insults, why don't you try to answer faun's question. What would you do, me boy, if you were in charge.
So, you should be embarased by now. Pinqy, in his calm way, has made you look like what you are. You are really getting obnoxious. Try as you will, you are a lying con tool, and everyone is seeing what your game is. Dipshit.

Why are you so desperate to accuse me of being a liar, Rshermr? Oh, that's's because I exposed you as a total bullshit artist who lies through their teeth constantly! What's pathetic is you don't even have the intelligence to know you've been exposed.

You're a poser, Rshermr. One of those sad internet people who's lives and accomplishments are so nondescript that you feel like you need to embellish who you are with lies like how you taught college level economics as an undergrad! People like yourself ALWAYS out themselves because they tell bigger and bigger lies and can't keep track of the ones they've already told!

I never, ever lie, me boy. Never. I accuse you of lies for the same reason everyone accuses you of lies. Because you obviously lie over and over and over. And I never, ever compare myself to someone else. Especially not you, me boy. You set WAY to low of a bar.

You "never, ever lie"? You claimed to have taught economics at the college level as an undergraduate! That's the biggest bunch of bullshit I've heard since George Costanza claimed to be an architect. You don't know things that entry level Econ students would know but you come on here and claim to have a degree in the subject? It's laughable!
You, me boy, are indeed laughable. I did not say I taurht economics as an instructor, of course, as you know. I said I helped an economics professor, followed his class schedule and taught part of the week, part of the class, as a student helper. As you know. Now, as you also know, I explained, maybe at this point THREE YEARS AGO. that I was not alone, and that the reason that graduate students were not part of the program was because the school did not have a masters program in economics. Which, as you should be able to figure out, makes it hard for the professor to use grad students.
This is why you are so well known as a liar, me boy. Because you take something and then CHANGE it into something different. As I said, dipshit, I do not lie, EVER.
And, as I said many times before, when you can not make economic arguments (which you never, ever do) you revert to personal attacks. By the way, dipshit, posting con talking points is not an economic argument. Posting modified history is not an economic argument.
It is amusing, me boy, that you think helping teach a basic economics class to non econ majors seems to be such a big deal to you. You must have a very unimpressive life. What I thought funniest, though, was when you asked for the name of the instructor I worked with, the name and location of the college, and said if would provide that, you would let the attacks die. Funny,, isn't it, that four years later, you are still attacking. No proof, no real reason, based on your lies as normal.
Then, of course, there was the time that you claimed to have called my college, gotten the registrar on the phone, and was told that I had to be lying. But you could not provide the name of the registrar, because you called no one. Really, oldstyle, you are a really low level guy. Too bad you do not have something you could be proud of. I mean, if you think that helping teach econ for non majors is a big deal, really pity you.

I am three months from being 70. People who know me know me to be completely honest. But if I were to lie, and if I wanted to impress some one, it would NOT be to say either that I had a ba in econ, nor that I helped an econ professor teach a class. Jesus, you must be unhappy with your little life.

Yeah, you've got a BA in Economics...taught the subject at the college level...but didn't know what I was referring to when I mentioned The Chicago School? What's sad, that I'm a History major who took Macro and Micro Economics at the introductory level and yet I know more about the subject then you do! Why is that?

The only answer that makes any sense at all is that you're full of shit!

You want to "prove" that you're an Econ major who was so well versed you were chosen to help teach the subject to other undergrads? Why don't you start by posting something here about economics that someone with knowledge of the subject WOULD post!

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